Read Jawbreakers, Bubble Gum and Stick Candy Page 3


  Jawbreakers, Bubble Gum and Stick Candy

  The Lighthouse Legend of Hemlock Bay

  Many years ago, in the days of pirates, there was a battle that took place in Hemlock Bay. The legend is told that the battle happened on a Friday the thirteenth in 1623. During the battle, the pirate ship was damaged and sank to the bottom of the bay. The unmarked graves on the shore of Hemlock Bay are said to be those of the pirates. It is told that the lighthouse lit up the bay that night and now, every Friday the thirteenth it lights up the bay in search of the lost ship and its crew. The legend has it that on this day, the sunken pirate ship rises up out of the bay and sails again with its crew of ghost pirates in search of the ship that caused it to sink. Today, the lighthouse is nothing but a stone ruin that sits upon the rocky coast of Hemlock Bay. The sunken pirate ship remains at the bottom of the bay; a wreckage of times long ago. Is it but a legend or is it true? Turn the pages and read the story. See what you believe!

  Slim was a tall lanky man about six feet two inches tall. His long arms dangled by his side. His shirt sleeves were always pulled up above his wrists and his coat sleeves buckled at his elbows. Slim's long legs reached way out in front of him. With his pant legs up to his knees, his huge feet slapped down hard on the ground as he walked. He was not only slick in his ways but he was clever as well. When he put his mind to it, he could talk his way out of anything and ease out of any kind of trouble; he was a very fine talker. He was a happy go lucky, easy going fellow and he carried on without a care in the world. Yes, Slim was quite a fellow and everyone liked him. Whenever he walked down the street, he would tip his hat to the ladies and shake hands with the gentlemen.

  One day when Slim was headed to the docks to watch the ships sail, he stopped in front of the bakery window and ran a comb through his wavy, dark hair. He looked at himself in the bakery window and fancied himself as quite a catch. He was startled when he heard a loud bark and felt something tugging on his pants leg. He looked down and saw his old traveling buddy, Hard-times, his dog.

  Hard-times was Slim's best friend. They had been through a lot together. He was just a pup when Slim found him crawling out of a grass sack after someone had thrown him into the lake. That's how Slim came up with his name, Hard-times. Slim has had his close calls too and Hard- times has been there to pull him out of some tight spots. When Slim’s fishing boat overturned, Hard-times helped him get to shore. Believe me, Hard-times has had his fair share of difficult times since he hooked up with Slim. Living with Slim was an everyday adventure. The young pup never knew what to expect from day to day. But, they sure had a lot of fun together! Slim loved Hard-times and Hard- times loved him just as much. The two of them together were really something.

  One day, Slim and Hard-times were hanging around the pier watching the ships sail when Slim got an idea; he wanted to take a cruise. He carefully looked around and slowly inched his way closer and closer to one of the docked ships. When no one was looking, he and Hard-times jumped in the lifeboat and hid so no one could see them by covering themselves with the canvas. The lifeboat smelled like fresh sea water. Slim loved the smell of the salty sea.

  A short time later, Slim heard one of the sailors yell, "All aboard!”

  He laughed quietly to himself as Hard-times laid and looked at him with his head on his paws. The ship was alive with sailors as they scurried to set sail. Slim and Hard-times peeped out from under the canvas and looked over the edge of the lifeboat.

  "Hoist the anchor. We're ready to sail," the captain told one of the sailors.

  "Aye-aye sir," the sailor replied.

  There was a loud noise and a great tug as the ship pulled anchor and sailed away from the dock. The two stowaways eased down in the lifeboat and tried to remain quiet in the darkness.

  "Ruff, ruff," barked Hard-times.

  Quickly, Slim took his hand and covered Hard-times’ mouth.

  "Shhh," he whispered. "Do you want to get us thrown off the ship?"

  Hard-times just whined and wagged his tail. The waves splashed hard against the ship as it rocked back and forth and up and down. The ship rocked so much they both got seasick. Slowly, Slim pulled himself up, peeped over the side of the lifeboat and looked out at the open sea. He watched the white-capped waters as the waves splashed against the ship, rocking it back and forth and up and down.

  "Ruff, ruff," barked Hard-times as he pulled on Slim's shirt tail.

  Slim reached down and picked up Hard-times. They both hung their heads over the edge of the lifeboat; they were sicker than dogs which was easy for Hard-times. As the ship sailed on, Slim hung his head and moaned while Hard-times whined. Gradually, the sky turned dark as the wind howled and the waters became angry.

  "It's a storm, Captain!" yelled one of the sailors.

  "Batten down the hatches! Hold on tight!" screamed the captain. "We're going through a storm!"

  The ship fought the wind and waves as it battled its way through the storm. The giant waves hit hard against the ship. The mighty wind blew and tossed the ship from one wave to another; the crew held on for their lives. As the storm raged, Slim and Hard-times tumbled back and forth in the bottom of the lifeboat. Unexpectedly, the lifeboat broke loose from the ship and fell into the angry sea. Tossed about by the waves and driven out to the open sea, Slim and Hard-times held on tight. Finally, the storm passed and the lifeboat floated calmly on the water. Slim reached up and threw the canvas back so he could look around. The ship was gone! It was nowhere in sight. All he could see was water that stretched for miles.

  Days passed as they floated further and further out to sea. Hungry and thirsty, Slim had all but given up hope. Fog rolled in and night fell once more. They slowly floated through the fog. Without warning, Hard-times started barking. Slim rose up quickly to see what it was; he saw nothing.

  "Ruff, ruff," barked Hard-times again as he scratched at the bottom of the boat.

  "What is it?" asked Slim as he looked again. "What do you see, boy?"

  Finally, Slim saw it to. It was a dim light flashing through the fog.

  "A-hoy!" yelled Slim.

  But, all was quiet.

  "A-hoy!" he yelled again.

  The light got brighter when a voice from the fog cried "A-hoy mate!"

  "Over here!" yelled Slim as Hard-times barked louder and louder. "Over here!" he yelled as he waved his arms back and forth in the air.

  The voice from the fog cried, "Grab hold of the rope and I will pull you in."

  The rope sailed through the air. Slim grabbed it and held on as tight as he could and Hard-times held on to Slim's pants leg. Slowly, the lifeboat moved closer and closer to the light. Slim looked and suddenly saw a large black mast in front of him. He looked again, rubbed his eyes and then swallowed hard as the bright light shone on top of the huge torn mast and a Jolly Roger flag.

  "A-hoy," Slim said with a cracking voice.

  As they pulled up beside the ship, all was quiet. Carefully and shakily, Slim and Hard-times climbed aboard the ship and looked around; they saw no one. The ship was covered with moss. As it floated on the water, it cracked, snapped and popped.

  "A-hoy!" yelled Slim.

  But, there was no answer. As he stood upon the deck of the ship, he heard the night wind ripping through the torn mast above. The boards under his feet creaked as his knees knocked. Flash went the light through the night without warning, lighting up the pirate ship. Suddenly, Slim heard the dragging of a chain and a thump. He quickly looked to his right and then his left as his long legs trembled uncontrollably. Hard-times ran and hid behind Slim. Thump, thump, thump, flash went the light and clang went the chain.

  "A…a…a-hoy," stuttered Slim.

  The chain and thumping stopped. The light flashed once more.

  "A-hoy mate," cried a voice out of the darkness.

  Slim shook in his shoes and Hard-times ran and hid behind a
barrel. Slim saw a tall shadow standing before him. The moonlight hit the metal of a big sword that was raised under Slim's chin.

  "I say, mates, shall we make the blooming sea dog walk the plank?"

  Hard-times ran out from behind the barrel, barked and growled at the shadow. The shadow turned and glared at Hard-times. Hard-times yelped and ran back behind the barrel, quivering. Slim was frozen in his tracks; he couldn't move. As sweat ran from his forehead, his eyes surveyed the ship. Ghosts popped up from everywhere.

  "Does he walk the plank mates?" the voice asked again.

  The ghosts moved in closer. Slim didn’t know what to do. I've got to do something, he thought to himself. Think Slim; think, you dummy.

  "I say sea dog, what do you have to say for yourself?" roared the voice.

  Slim gulped really big. He looked around, wiped the sweat from his brow, jumped high in the air, landed on his two big feet and slapped his knee with his hand.
