Read Jenny In Space: Chasing The Killer Comet Page 19

Chapter 16

  Triumphant Return

  Jenny watched the final descent of the comet. A steady and heavy flow of steam trailed off behind the bright blazing ball of flame as it streaked towards Earth. The speed at which the comet was going to hit the Earth was now more apparent to Jenny.

  Obos slowed the Traveler, which allowed the comet to pull away from them. The area was free of cloud, and the flaming comet streaked towards the expanse of blue water.

  The fireball struck the ocean and created a momentary crater in the water as the water instantly evaporated upon contact with the comet. The force of the collision pushed the water outwards from the point of impact, deep down to the ocean floor. The comet vaporized from the might of the crash. A huge jet of steam and particles rose from the explosion, and a surge of water spread out in every direction from the center of the blast.

  "Whoa!" Jenny exclaimed at the awesome sight. "I hope everyone gets evacuated in time. I'd like to go home now please, Obos. And by the way, good job on that comet," she praised.

  "Thank you, Jenny Thompson. Your wish is my command," Obos replied.

  The Traveler turned and accelerated towards North America. The Atlantic Ocean, or the Earth for that matter, did not seem so large while inside the Traveler, because it could cover immense distances in a short period of time. At the altitudes it flew, the planet looked like a big ball, an amazing, life-giving globe of water and earth.

  It wasn't long before they were hovering over the field close to Jenny's home. Jenny couldn't believe that she was home. She had thought she may never see it again, but there it was, just as peaceful and beautiful as when she had left. They touched down, and Jenny waited impatiently for the door of the Traveler to open.

  "Promise you won't go anywhere until I come back for you, okay Born?" Jenny asked.

  "I promise," Born replied.

  "I'll be back soon," Jenny said.

  Born nodded, and opened the door of the space ship for Jenny. She bolted out the door and down the stairs, landing in the tall grass of her beautiful little piece of the Earth.

  Everything looked so wonderful, the green trees blowing in the gentle breeze, the glorious blue sky, and their own star, the sun, beat down, and felt hot on Jenny's upturned face. She felt invigorated, and grateful to be alive. The sky glittered and sparkled as she ran home. There was a beautiful kaleidoscope of colors created by the comet, now streaking harmlessly past the Earth.

  All of the old familiar sights looked fresh, new, and magnificent to her now. The sound of birds was music to Jenny's ears, and she looked up to see a pair of swallows, dipping and soaring through the air. Grasshoppers jumped out of the way as she came barreling through, and bees were collecting pollen from the wildflowers growing in the meadows.

  All of these sights and sounds gave Jenny the feeling of elation, and she wished she were wearing the anti-gravity suit so she could really jump for joy. She could see her house in the distance and wondered who would be home. Home...she was home, what a beautiful feeling. Jenny ran across the yard, up the front steps, and burst through the front door.

  "Anybody home?" she yelled.

  "Jenny? Is that you?" Relli came running from the kitchen, gave Jenny a big bear hug, and burst into a cascade of happy tears. Jenny's father and brother heard the commotion and came running from different areas of the house. Martin came in and gave Jenny a big hug while he picked her up and spun her around.

  "Jenny, you should see the news! The defense department thinks they blasted the comet clear away from Earth!" her brother announced.

  "Ha! All they did was break the comet into pieces, and made our job harder, but let them believe what they want to believe. I'm just glad to be home, and relieved that everyone is safe."

  "We all know who the real hero is. Welcome home Jen," Martin said, and he hugged his beloved sister again. Jenny's father just stood in the doorway and watched the festivities with a proud beaming smile on his face. Jenny noticed him standing there and walked over to him.

  "Well Dad, we did it," she said.

  "You sure did sweetheart, come here." And he hugged her tight.

  Relli watched, with her hands clenched under her chin, and tears streaming down her flushed, joyful face, while Martin literally vibrated with excitement.

  "There should be a ticker-tape parade in your honor," proclaimed Relli.

  "Yeah, and a national holiday. Jenny Thompson day," Martin said.

  "And, the Medal of Honor," added her father.

  "They should create a special honor, just for Jenny," Martin suggested.

  However, they all knew the only accolades Jenny would receive, would be the ones she was receiving right now, from her own family, and that was just fine by Jenny. She was satisfied her family was safe, and she had been fortunate enough to be able to turn a desperate situation into a happy ending.

  In the recreation room, the news on T.V. caught Jenny's attention.

  "How's the evacuation going?" Jenny asked, as she walked into the rec room to listen to the television.

  "It seems to be going well, but there are millions of people to evacuate, and only a short period of time to do it," Jenny's father explained. The news program was showing lines of traffic streaming out of coastal towns.

  "When will the tidal wave hit?" Jenny asked.

  "In a few hours," replied her father. "There may be a few lives lost," he said, and he noticed a sad concerned look come across his daughter's face.

  "But don't worry, Jen. You did the best you could. Without you, we wouldn't be standing here having this conversation right now, and if we hadn't of broken the comet apart, that last piece would never have reached the Earth," he tried to comfort her.

  "Yeah, ya done good, Jen. You saved billions of lives. You saved our planet," Martin said, as he put his arm around his sister.

  "How's Born doing?" Jenny's father asked. "I'd like to see him, and thank him personally, and on behalf of the entire planet."

  "Oh, he's okay. He's a little concerned about the damage the comet caused to the Traveler. I promised him a hot bath and a glass of cool water but he doesn't want to have to meet any new people. You know how he is."

  "I'm sure we can arrange something. I wish we could help him with the repairs on his ship, but I think his technology is way beyond our expertise," her father said.

  "I'd like to make him a big home cooked meal. What does he eat anyway?" Relli asked.

  "Good question. I don't even know if he does eat regular food. We've been drinking protein drinks, and surviving on space rations for the last few days. They are very sustaining but not very tasty. But I can tell you one thing for sure, I'm starved," Jenny proclaimed.

  "Well, come into the kitchen young lady, and I'll make you what ever your heart desires," declared Relli.

  "How about a hero sandwich? That sounds appropriate right now," Martin suggested. They all followed Relli into the kitchen, and continued their reunion celebration.

  While Jenny ate, she described all of the amazing things she had seen, and the experiences she had while out in space. Her family sat in wide-eyed wonder as they listened intently to the descriptions of things no other human had ever seen before. Mr. Thompson took notes as Jenny spoke. Later on, while Jenny was helping clean up the dishes, she found a moment to talk to Relli in private.

  "Your visions sure turned out to be right on the money, Relli. I'll never doubt you again."

  "Oh yes you will," Relli said.

  Jenny looked up from drying a glass. "Just what do you mean by that."

  "I just know that your duties throughout the stars are not yet completed. I see more great deeds in store for you. I see the name 'Jenny of Earth' emblazoned across the cosmos, and held in the highest esteem. There are amazing adventures in store for you, and you will accomplish things far beyond your imagination. Just remember, you were chosen for these tasks because of your qualities," Relli reminded her.

  "Wow, you were right, I don't believe you," Jenny said, and Relli l
aughed. "I can't imagine anything more bizarre happening to me than what I just went through, and to be honest with you, I don't even want to think about it. I just want to enjoy the moment right now," Jenny said, drying her hands on a tea towel. "I wish Born were here."

  "Why don't you go and get him?" Relli suggested.

  "Okay, but everyone needs to stay out of sight until he gets comfortable. Can you tell Dad and Martin? I'll take him directly upstairs to the main bathroom when we come back. He's excited to have the first warm bath of his life," Jenny said with a chuckle.

  Relli smiled. "I'll tell them."

  "I'll be back soon!" Jenny said, as she ran out the front door, and lightly bounced down the porch stairs.


  Obos immediately picked her up on its sensors. "Jenny is on the way."

  "It's about time," Born said. He was really looking forward to a decadent warm bath, and he had some pleasing news he wanted to share with Jenny.

  She ran through the fields, constantly glancing up at the beautiful shimmering lights created by the comet and its fallout. She found it hard to believe, she had just been up there wrestling with a comet. She ran up the spaceship's stairs, and burst into the Traveler panting.

  "I'm sorry to take so long, Born. Are you ready for the nice warm bath I promised you? " Jenny asked, as she walked into the Traveler.

  Born was suppressing a smile. "I'm all set for it, but before we go, I've got some good news to mention."

  "What is it?"

  "I've been in touch with Soilanglobe, and you know how I was so worried about the damage to the ship?" Born asked.

  "Yeah, how could I forget."

  "Well, because we saved my planet's best source of water, I am considered a hero, and all is forgiven! They have recognized that saving Earth will conserve time for my planet by not having to travel another two light years out of our way in order to reach the next closest water rich planet. And, the government has generously offered to pay for all of the repairs on the ship!" Born said, sounding very excited.

  "See I told you." Jenny couldn't resist an, I told you so.

  "And, that's not all," he continued. "I told them this would never have happened if it wasn't for your insistence, so they have invited you to return with me to Soilanglobe, so they may honor you for your bravery, and your part in accomplishing the endeavor."

  Jenny beamed. "They are actually inviting a stranger from another planet to come and visit them? Wow, I'm honored."

  "Yes. It certainly doesn't happen very often. But that just shows the importance of what we achieved," Born said, sounding very pleased with their accomplishment.

  "They figure you have already seen and experienced so much of me and our technology, to shut you out now, just wouldn't make sense. What do think about that?"

  "I think its incredible news!" Jenny said. "What a great opportunity! To actually visit another planet!" Jenny's was distracted by the recollection of Relli's prophesy of a second longer trip.

  "Do you think you'll be able to get permission to go?" Born asked. Knowing full well, if there was a will, there would be a way of Jenny convincing her father to let her go.

  "I sure hope so. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me, and I don't want to miss out on it," Jenny said.

  There was a brief silence, before Born blurted out in animated exuberance, "We're heroes, Jenny!"

  "And we're heroes at my house, too. Can you please come over? I promise no one will bother you while you're there. They'll stay out of sight unless you want to meet them."

  "Yes, I'm ready for anything. I'm on top of the Earth!" Born said.

  "You mean, you're on top of the world," Jenny corrected. "Let's go, fellow hero! Hey, can I wear one of the gravity suits, just for some extra fun for today?" Jenny asked.

  "I guess you deserve a reward," Born answered, "But, only if you promise to return it," he joked, and Jenny giggled.

  "I wish you could come too, Obos," Jenny said.

  "Thank you for the sentiment Jenny Thompson, but unless your house is as big as this field, then it is quite impossible," replied Obos.

  "Yeah, I know, but the only reason we succeeded was because of you," Jenny said.

  "May I remind you, Jenny, I am machinery and circuitry, built and used by biologic beings."

  "We're both machines of different sorts, but you can't fool me, Obos...I know inside that mass of machinery you're an old softie. And you do have a personality and feelings and opinions, I've heard and experienced them," Jenny made her case.

  "I have no reply to that data," Obos replied.

  "Don't worry, Obos, your secret is safe with me," Jenny said, while Born just shook his head at the whole conversation.

  "Is it okay if I wear the one I'm used to?" Jenny asked, referring to the sweatsuit styled gravity displacement suit.

  Born looked distastefully at the multi colored and tasseled style of gravity suit, and reluctantly agreed. "Yes, I suppose you have earned it."

  They put their suits on and stepped out into the warm, evening air. Jenny and Born powered up their suits, dialed them to the proper setting, did a small test jump, and leaped from the top stair directly to the ground.

  "I love this suit," Jenny declared. "Come on Born, follow me. We'll play follow the leader."

  "What, is that?" Born asked unenthusiastically.

  "You have to do everything I do, okay?"

  Born rolled his eyes and trudged after her.

  Jenny took the long way home. She wanted to re-experience the exhilaration of total control over the forces of gravity. They ran freely, with effortless strides, and leaped across the grassy fields.

  It was a beautiful evening. The setting sun illuminated the remnants of the killer comet and the sky was ablaze with colors. There were tons of small particles and debris still burning up in the upper atmosphere. They were beginning to show up as thousands of shooting stars as darkness began to creep across the land. Jenny loved it. She was on top of the world, her world, which was safe from the comet, streaking harmlessly by.

  Jenny felt proud, and satisfied, and grateful to be alive. She ran towards a pile of boulders that lay in the corner of one of the open meadows. She leaped to the top in one bound, planted her foot on the top boulder, then adjusted her gravity displacement suit to make her lighter, and pushed off the rock as hard as she could. She sailed through the air, and landed on the ground halfway into the next field. She was getting rather good at this. Born on the other hand, was having trouble keeping up.

  "Come on, slow poke, can't you keep up?" Jenny jokingly challenged.

  "No, you're too fast," admitted an out of breath Born.

  "We're almost home, follow me," and off she went.

  Jenny spied a line of high poplar trees, separating the next field from the one they were currently in. When she got close enough, she leaped clear over the top of them, squealing with delight as she soared through the air, and landed gracefully on the other side. Jenny stopped to watch Born do the same, but instead of seeing him fly over the treetops, he came running through one of the spaces between the trees.

  "Hey! You were supposed to jump over top of them!" she shouted, as he came running towards her.

  "If I had attempted that stunt, I would have ended up hanging from one of the tree branches," Born admitted.

  Jenny laughed at the picture created in her mind. "We'd better get home. It's getting dark," she said, as she looked up at the incredible scene of flashes of light streaking across the early night sky.