Read Jenny In Space: Chasing The Killer Comet Page 2

Chapter 2

  The Dreams and Visions of Madame Caidoz

  "This is your room. My room is right across the hall, so if you need anything, just let me know."

  "Thanks, Jenny. Now, let's get me organized."

  Sunlight streamed through the window, and gleamed off the polished hard wood floor. Relli looked around the room, and sighed with contentment. She easily hefted the heavy suitcase on to the bed. "Too many books," Relli said as she unzipped it.

  "Relli?" Jenny said somewhat sheepishly.


  "I've got a confession to make."


  "Yes. We kind of snooped into your suitcase earlier. That's what took us so long to come back downstairs. I'm sorry. It was an invasion of your privacy. It'll never happen again, I promise. You're just such an interesting person, and we were really curious. Sorry."

  Relli remained emotionless for a moment, and then beamed a reassuring smile.

  "That's okay, don't worry about it. I guess I do appear to be pretty mysterious, but really, I'm not. I'm just like anyone else."

  "Anyone else who can see into the future that is," Jenny added.

  "Yes, well, I guess I am a little different in that regard, but otherwise, I'm just a normal, everyday person. Nothing mysterious at all," Relli said, as she opened the suitcase, revealing a bizarre collection of objects.

  "I wanted you to see some of these items anyway." And she removed tarot cards, strange looking medallions with impressions of the Zodiac, pieces of material emblazoned with the cosmos, star maps and charts aplenty, the crystal ball and most reverently, the strange black notebook with the handwritten foreign language. She set the notebook aside from the other objects.

  "Is that a crystal ball?" Jenny asked.

  "Yes, it is," Relli said seriously.

  "Do you use it for fortune telling?"

  "No, it's just for decoration. It's all for show. It impresses my clients," Relli admitted, cracking a smile.

  Jenny giggled. "Are you truly able to see into the future?"

  "I am truthfully blessed with the gift. Few are able to see the future, although, we all have a touch of the ability."

  "Even me?"

  "Even you, my dear child. "

  "What do you mean, 'the gift'?" Jenny queried.

  "Well, let me use comparisons to explain. We're all able to do simple math, but there have only been a few people throughout history with the capability of Albert Einstein. We can all draw with different levels of talent, but there are only a handful of us with the artistic skill of a Michelangelo. It's similar with clairvoyance, but more elusive, because math and drawing are physical things, while my talent, is regarded as a spiritual gift. Clairvoyance is not a day-to-day necessity, but in some people, like myself, it is so strong, it comes to the forefront, and will not be denied or shut out. Do you believe in fate and destiny?"

  "I do in a way, but my Dad doesn't. He says no one's future is set or certain, and everything depends on chance and circumstance, but he admits it's impossible to prove. It is kind of hard to believe certain things are destined to happen, when your father's a scientist."

  "Yes, science, and the notion of pre-ordained happenings do not go hand in hand, but, if you are someone who has the ability to take a glimpse into the future, it is a much easier concept to grasp," Relli said.

  "For my entire life, I have felt as though I was destined for something, but try as I might, even with some vague clues, I couldn't figure out what. Well, now I have. It's you, Jenny."

  "Me? Why me?" Jenny asked, intrigued.

  "As soon as I saw the ad your father put in the newspaper, I knew I was drawn to this area for a reason. When I saw you yesterday, I knew instantly, and with great relief, your life and mine would intertwine in some way. I don't know why or how, but I feel I was guided here to aid you," Relli answered.

  Jenny felt a little uneasy with the direction the conversation was taking, so she tried to change the subject. "What about the book? Is that for show too?" She pointed to the black notebook. "Martin thought it was a book of black magic spells, and you may be a witch," she said lightheartedly.

  Relli's expression turned serious, and Jenny's smile evaporated. "No, I'm not a witch, and this is not a book of spells, but I'm glad you mentioned it, because I feel it has great importance in the direction our lives will take, although, I don't know in what way," Relli said, as she picked it up and opened it.

  "All of the handwriting inside the book is mine, but I have no idea what it all means. I have recorded words in a language I don't understand, from dreams and a trance-like state I enter into while meditating."

  "Wow!" was all Jenny could muster up in response.

  "The dreams started when I was about your age, and have continued to this day. Did you look through the book at all?" Relli asked

  "Yes," Jenny admitted. "I saw some English words that sounded like a prediction for the future. Almost like a spiritual reference, to a time of great need, and a savior coming when all seems lost, or something like that. Do you just see the words of this strange language, or hear them?" she asked, fascinated by the idea.

  "In my dream, I see a young girl, amongst a group of sick and undernourished people. The girl's face is unclear, but I had always assumed it was me, because I can feel what she is experiencing. There are thousands of these poor creatures, crawling towards the girl, in a huge, dry, hot sandy desert, that seems to be underground. There is no sun, but there is light. Men, women, and children, are moaning and crying for water. I experience a strange connection to these piteous people, and, I also sense I am a part of the desperate mob. The young girl feels helpless and lost. She wants to help them, but doesn't know how. She's scared, so she runs, but her feet feel like lead weights in the deep sand, and she can't move. The thirsty mob of people continue to gain on her, and she is getting more and more tired as she tries to get away. And, just as they are about to engulf her, she suddenly feels as light as a feather, and bounds away in long effortless strides. The girl feels revitalized and brave, and now she calls on the wretched group to follow her. She sees an oasis ahead, and leads them to it. They drink a life-giving liquid that glows with a blue radiance and it invigorates them.

  "The group treat the child like a hero, and show her their holy book, and they read a passage from it. They speak in a foreign tongue, but oddly, there are particular phrases I am able to understand. I have had the dream so often; I have been able to memorize the symbols I see. This notebook is a re-construction of that segment," Relli said.

  Jenny's eyes were wide with wonder. "Wow! What do you think it all means?"

  "When I was young, I thought I would be whisked away to a far off world, and become a hero. As the years passed, I put it down to a young person's dream of adventure, born from the active imagination of a young girl, and a mundane life. I have come to realize though, the images are not fading with time. They are in fact increasing in intensity, and, they are being mixed with other odd feelings, mainly the pull to come here, which I didn't understand until I saw you. It isn't me in those dreams Jenny; it's you, although I do feel a connection through you to these people, and a strange personal bond with these poor wretched creatures. Don't ask me how or why, but you have been chosen to achieve great deeds, heroic acts of great significance. I was sent here to help guide you on this path," Relli paused for a moment, and studied Jenny's bewildered face.

  Relli continued, "This dream is something requiring consideration in the future, but, there are other strange things happening as well; an event requiring immediate attention, and is of vital importance for the entire human race, and the planet as a whole. Something ominous is coming, and again, you will play a pivotal role in the outcome," Relli confided.

  Jenny just sat there in shock for a moment. How could all of this be true; was Relli nuts? She must be to have conjured up a story like this.

  "This is hard to believe. Are you sure about this? Maybe your vision is wrong, it's got to be wrong, or else
you're looking for another person, because, I'm certainly not that person, and no offense, but are you sure any of it is for real? It sounds kind of unbelievable," Jenny protested.

  "I admit, it does sound unbelievable, but I know this feeling. It's a part of who I am. Something menacing is coming, I can feel it in my bones," Relli said solemnly. "My interpretations of the dreams are the only information I have to offer. The dying group of people represent a race of beings on the brink of extinction, until a savior shows up from a far away place and saves them, through bravery, compassion, and supernatural powers," Relli described.

  "Supernatural powers? See? That eliminates me right away. It sounds like a super hero, from a comic book or something."

  "Yes, but not your stereotypical muscle-bound superhero, but a diminutive individual, small in stature, but brave and strong of moral fiber. This unsuspecting person is thrust into the desperate situation after a chance meeting. The events have yet to unfold, but unfold they will."

  "You said yesterday, you predict worlds of adventure for me. What did you mean?" Jenny inquired.

  "This is just a hunch on my part, but I have come to trust my instinct when it comes to my gift, and I believe you are destined for greatness, Jenny," Relli answered.

  "But not greatness in the sense we understand it, far beyond that, beyond our little place in the cosmos. The enormity of your endeavors will not be on a local scale, or even a global degree, but will span the galaxy," Relli said. She looked at the shocked look of disbelief on Jenny's face, and realized she had revealed too much too soon.

  Jenny shifted nervously on the bed. "This is all kind of creepy. You're freakin' me out."

  "I'm sorry, dear," Relli said. She reached over and gently tucked a wayward lock of blond hair behind Jenny's ear, and tenderly stroked her cheek. Relli realized, in her exuberance at finally discovering her life's calling, she had exposed Jenny to more information than she was capable of handling at one time.

  "Don't worry, dear girl, whatever is coming was meant to be. Just follow your heart, and all will be fine. Now, help me put my things away, and then we'll go grocery shopping, if you are still willing. I promise, I'll keep my big mouth shut," Relli said.

  Jenny smiled, "Yes, I still want to come," she said somewhat absently.

  "Relli?" Jenny asked as she hung up some of Relli's clothes.

  "Yes, dear?"

  "Do you think maybe you were destined to come and be our housekeeper, just because we needed somebody to help us out until Martin and me are finished growing up and stuff? Maybe, you picked up on a pleading message from my mom for someone to come and help us."

  Relli reprimanded herself silently for overwhelming Jenny, and realized she needed to back off.

  "You're probably right, dear. I am probably reading more into this than there really is. I am likely responding to the attraction of a family in need, and my desire to help until you are grown up and independent." But she knew deep in her heart, bigger and more important matters were about to be revealed, and Jenny would be the main player in whatever they were. Relli recognized Jenny was destined for great deeds, although Relli, to her frustration could not yet see what those deeds would be.