Read Jenny In Space: Chasing The Killer Comet Page 4

Chapter 4

  The Faint Hope

  Deep in space, hurtling at 180,000 kilometers per hour raced a massive chunk of frozen debris. A piece of a frozen planet, destroyed in a gigantic cosmic collision many parsecs away. A bit of space shrapnel hurtling through space, unimpeded for millions of years.

  It was a comet, consisting of solid matter ranging in size from specks of dust to huge boulders, trapped within its frozen core. It tumbled through space, looking like it was moving in slow motion because of its slow rotation, when a sleekly styled object, dwarfed in size by the enormous comet, pulled up alongside it.

  It was an intergalactic space vessel with a solitary occupant named Born.

  "I don't like the look of the path of that chunk of space debris, Obos. Can you plot its course?" he asked of his onboard computer. Seconds later the computer replied.

  "It is on a collision course with our destination."

  "How much time do we have to make our collection before impact?" he asked.

  Approximately 199 hours and 22 minutes before impact," the computer instantly replied.

  "I had better inform home base command with the news. Please transmit the data Obos," instructed the small frail creature.

  Born was employed by a water company on his home planet of Soilanglobe. Water had been scarce there for two thousand years, and the Soilans had to venture to far off planets in order to supplement their limited supply of the essential natural resource. The loss of their closest and best water supply planet was bad news for the Soilans. The next closest H2O based planet was an additional two light years distant.

  "That leaves us with sufficient time to collect our cargo and get clear of the area before impact, doesn't it Obos?" Born asked, looking for some reassurance.

  "We will have completed our collection and be safely clear of the area well before impact, barring any complications," the computer responded.

  The Soilan vessel was designed to carry many acre-feet of water, and yet be fast and economical to operate. This particular ship, called "The Traveler" was manufactured fifty years before, and The Clear Water Co. was the second owner of the vessel.

  Obos was a standard issue computer, designed to control every function on an interstellar ship. It was able to process data and instantly calculate courses of action towards any situation. As a computer, it could think rationally and calmly in all situations, and offer the best solution based on a vast library of stored information.

  The Soilan space vessel quickly covered the distance, and Obos announced their arrival at Earth.

  "Good, select a suitable fresh water collection site. Then we can get away from the area as quickly as possible. It makes me nervous, knowing that huge comet is heading where I'm going to be," Born said.

  Born's job was to take care of mechanical malfunctions on board. Repairs were often necessary on the old weary 'Traveler.'

  Obos selected a small lake in a remote area. A life form scan showed only three jackrabbits and an assortment of birds in the immediate vicinity.