Read Jericho Johnson: The Gauntlet of Time Page 11

  Man, chapter 10 already? I am really cranking these babies out. I'm so glad it's just the people who really know that I'm awesome left to hear this story because I feel like I can really let my hair down so to speak.

  Chloe ended up sleeping the rest of the night and half of the next day. She might've slept longer had not Louise, my maid and love of my life, not shown up and begin vacuuming the hallway, thus rousing the slumbering Russian monster.

  Louise was the best maid ever. Just FYI. She's been with me through the first month of my coming into money and throwing wild parties, to Evonne showing up and somehow letting me know that such parties weren't cool when I housed a time-traveling device in my basement, through my need to somehow discharge a black-powder firearm at least once a day indoors- Louise was always there. I like to think of her as a cooler version of Mrs. Hudson, the old lady that took care of Sherlock Holmes and put up with all his mess.

  Actually thought about finding her when she was a teen in the early 70s before and marrying her but figured that if I stole her heart back then she might not be the awesome maid she is today.

  So young Louise was off limits in my eyes.

  Chloe wasn't in a very good mood upon waking and finding herself in different clothes. My first inclination of her rising was when the elevator door opened and she burst through all fire and brimstone.

  "Where are my clothes?"

  "Easy there, pilgrim," I said, turning away from the flatscreen I was playing Xbox on, "Next time I lose consciousness you can return the favor and put actual clean clothes on me. Happy now? And don't take this the wrong way, but why're you up?"

  Chloe shook her head, pinching the bridge of her nose a index finger and thumb while the other hand went to rest on her hip. I was beginning to think I'd never knew this chic. She was so uptight. Guess your father's life in the balance'll take a toll on you. "Some black woman was cleaning your carpet, or something..."

  "Say one more word about my ebony princess Louise, and you can kiss any thought of me helping you goodbye," I told her.

  Chloe must not have appreciated my comment because she just shrugged it off and aimed her crazy lazer-beamed gaze at the nearest wall.

  “Why aren’t you working on the glove?” She asked sharply.

  “And what makes you think that I’m spending my oh-so precious time trying to fix your ticket home?”

  Chloe just stared at me. The look on her face wasn’t that hard to read. It clearly said, “Really?”

  Shrugging, I turned back to my Xbox, “Anyway, it’s not broken at any rate,” I told her, meleeing the helheim out of an unsuspecting bogey on the screen. “Did you see that?” I laughed, “I rock at this game for real. Wanna’ try?”

  When I didn’t hear her answer I shrugged again, “Can’t pause in the middle of an online match and not get killed. Give me, oh…” I checked the kills. Yeah. My team was going to win for sure. “About six more kills. Then we’ll talk about your glove.”

  Miraculously, the enemy team somehow started making a comeback and the kill points got extremely close. Evonne came in with a tray of lunch just as I sniped the last kill. “Click click boom, chumps.” I yelled, standing and throwing down the controller like a football player, “Next time you’re in awesomeville, look me up. Oh, that’s right- you lost!”

  “A most gratifying win, Master Johnson.” Mitch droned behind me.

  “Think so?” I said then stretched. “Off.” After the screen has powered down I turned around to examine our lunch. “What you got, Mitch?”

  “Coney Islands, sir,” said my awesome butler, removing the lid of the platter as steam rose from the glistening cheese-covered hot dogs.

  “Sweet. But not down here.” I swept past Chloe, patting her shoulder, “C’mon, little miss Russia. We’ll take our lunch on the pavilion, Mitch, and have Louise make some hot tea, would you.”

  Not knowing what else to do, Chloe followed me up to the elevator and climbed in behind me with Mitch behind her. “Goodbye, Jericho Johnson,” the apparently female voice chimed in.

  “Same to you, sweetheart,” I said as the door closed.

  Like I’ve mentioned before, my mansion is freaking amazing. Only problem is I’m either never there to enjoy it or am too busy in my basement getting ready to leave again. So when I say that there were actually rooms that I’d never been inside, I mean it for real.

  Unlike the mysterious rest of the house, the pavilion was one of the places I’d been. Residing on the third floor and overlooking my fountain bound and glorious back yard, it was my second favorite part of my crib. Once we had seated on the slabs of solid marble benches I swept my hand about the stone white pavilion, “Whatcha’ think?”

  Chloe hadn’t said much since the basement and following suit, she merely shrugged, her face extremely hard to read. The meal was a quiet one, to be sure. What with Chloe poking at her coney with a fork--I know, right? Who eats coney islands with a fork--? and me eating mine like it was my last meal on earth, it was over soon.

  “What’re you thinking about?” I asked her as Evonne cleared our dishes and Leslie came out with our hot tea. “I hope you like Chai tea, Chloe. I’m afraid that’s all I allow them to keep in stock.” I told her as the love of my life placed the tray on the stone table.

  “With that be all, Mr. Johnson?” She asked in her adorable old black woman voice. Really, she was just a treasure.

  “That’ll be all, fair maiden,” I told her, extending a hand. “Go now, my dear. Clean my atrocious abode.”

  Grunting she said, “MmHmm. That’s about right, talking about yo’ house, Mr. Johnson.” Then she left.

  “So,” I said, sipping at my tea. “You were about to tell me what you were thinking.”

  “My father.” She said quietly, “And the fact that you don’t seem to be the least bit worried about fulfilling your promise.”

  I held up a hand. “Stop right there. One, I have a team on Halo three that needs their Master Chief. And two, I have to eat sometime. Lighten up, chic. You’re the one that slept half the day.”

  Since she didn’t say anything I kept going, “Furthermore I was up all night thinking of a plan to get you home and I got to say, I believe the term easier said than done is in order here.”

  Evonne came out then with both of the gauntlets of time. Standing, I took both of them and sat beside Chloe. “Here’s the thing, somehow it doesn’t work for anyone but yours truly.” I told her, patting my glove. “Tried it on Mitch and even on Leslie, which, might I add, was horrifyingly absurd of me so don’t you go forgetting all that I put in risk to help you. Neither of my employees were able to complete a successful jump so by using the simple and useful process of elimination--"

  Chloe stood quickly, cutting me off and walked to the balcony, her arms crossed tightly as she examined my ten acre back yard.

  I shot a questioning glance at Evonne who returned the glance with a shrug and slight shake of his head. I tell you, me and Evonne can almost read each other’s minds at times. Here’s a little fragment of our mental conversation at that particular time.

  Me: What’s eating her?

  Evonne: Not sure. Perhaps the notion that her father didn’t tell her everything she needed to know to successfully pull off this mission and now she’s about as distraught as she can be with worry that he might actually die and it would be her fault. Not to mention the fact that your devilishly good looks might have her a bit shaken as well.

  What? You think I made that all up? And here I thought I’d already weeded out all the non-believers…

  “Look, Chloe, I know this isn’t exactly going according to plan for you but can I at least tell you my idea?”

  Without turning around she lifted a Russian shoulder. I stood and walked over to the balcony and stood beside her with my hands in the pockets of my suit pants. I’m a bit of freak when it comes to clothes. I figured since I actually was a billionaire I might as well dress like one. The suit I happened to be sporting that d
ay was an Alexander Amosu and cost me a little over one-hundred grand. Just FYI.

  “Alright, here’s the deal,” I started, “Since the glove isn’t working for you, Evonne and I will take you back home. Once we’re there switching gloves will be a cinch, and my butler and I can be on our merry way.”

  Chloe had started shaking her head halfway through my verbal bout of brilliance but at least let me finish before speaking, “I told you, the second glove can’t transport other people.”

  Oh. I’d forgotten that little piece of info. And if you’re thinking I’d forgotten because I don’t listen to other people when they speak because of my extremely self-centered lifestyle…

  You’re actually right. So kudos, whoever-you-are. You’re catching on fast.

  Since Evonne had only accompanied me twice at that time, it wasn’t hard for me to alter my plan and tell Chloe that of course we kids would be fine if the old man stayed home just this once.

  I got to say, though, that not having my awesome bodyguard/butler with me turned out to suck really, really bad.

  Man, I am just full of awesome ideas. But, you know what they say about awesome ideas, right?

  Yeah, me neither. Let’s just get on with this thing, shall we

  Chapter 11