Read Jessica's Dream Page 2

circles and walked along the moors and hillsides of Britain, feeling right at home.

  When she came back, she was full of light.

  "I am strong because I have lived so many lives and learned so much," she told her mother. "I am not just me, I am all that I have ever been!"

  She knew it was hard to explain, but her mother knew right away what she was talking about.

  "We are two of a kind," her mother smiled. "Souls searching for our own purpose. I hope you have found yours, my daughter."

  It was many years later that Jessica was finished with school and out in the world, on her own. She had her own apartment in the city but came home to visit her mother as often as she could. She had grown up so fast.

  "Did you ever get over wanting to be a boy?" asked her mother on one of her home visits.

  "Of course!" Jessica laughed. "And you helped me realize my own strength."

  She snuggled up to her mother on the couch and watched the snow outside the window. The winter had been a long one, and the snow was piled deep on both sides of the driveway.

  Her mother had a stone angel at the doorway, and its arms were crossed in front of it, like it was cold. Jessica loved that angel as it reminded her of her own journey through life.

  "It isn't really cold," she thought. "Inside it is burning with fire."

  She felt like that herself. She had such a passion for discovering the world around her, inside and out. She took long walks in the woods whenever she could, and connected to nature through trees and rocks and wild creatures. It made her feel like nothing could hurt her, that she was protected.

  "I am a child of the universe," she thought. "I don't know what my life will be like as I get older, but I know that it will be interesting."

  She lay back in the old hammock at the back of her mother's property. It was covered in snow, but it was soft like a fleece blanket.

  The snow was like a big cushion and she rocked softly in her own dream world. When she got back inside, she had some tea with her mother, then it was time to go. She was a very independent woman now, but she still missed her mom.

  They gave each other a big hug, and then she was on her way back to the city. She took the train and gazed out the window at the landscape whirling by. Where would she be in a few years? She had no idea. Would she get married and have kids? Maybe. Jessica did not have any boyfriend at that moment, and she didn't really care. She felt that whatever happened would look after itself.

  One day, she was busy at work when she felt the urge to call home. She had never called her mother from work before, but she had learned to go with her instinct.

  "Hello, mom?" she said on the phone.

  "Jessica!" her mother gasped. "I am so glad you called."

  "Why? What's the mattter?" she asked, a little frightened.

  "Oh, Jessica, you won't believe what has happened."

  "Mom? Are you all right?"

  She had never heard her mother sound like this. She sounded out of breath. Had she fallen down or was sick?

  Her mother laughed a deep, rich laugh, that put all the worries out of Jessica's head. "Oh, nothing like that!" she said, "I have met someone. A wonderful man. We are going to get married."

  Jessica could not believe her ears. She had no idea her mom was even seeing anyone. She congratulated her but was also very protective.

  "Who is this man, mom? Are you sure?"

  Her mother laughed again. "So it is you protecting me, this time?" she said. "Don't worry. I am old enough to take care of myself!"

  Jessica took the train home as soon as she could. She met the man of her mother's dreams and heartily approved. They were going to make a fine couple. She was glad that her mother had finally met someone after all these years. Her first husband was long gone, and Jessica had never even met her real father. He was more fiction than reality. But this guy was very real, and she was delighted for her mother. But also a little sad.

  "Will you still have room in your life for me?" she asked.

  Her mom gave her a big hug, and the new man hugged her too.

  "You are always in my heart," her mom assured her.

  Jessica watched the love between the two of them grow and grow. She went with them for walks along the beach and was glad to see the love blossom like a flower. They went everywhere together. Jessica was even a little jealous.

  She wondered if she would ever meet the man of her dreams. If it happened to her mother, maybe it would happen to her too.

  Jessica remembered the window in Scotland that had the stained glass girl with the star in her forehead. She felt so connected now to that vision. It gave her strength. She was on her own now, more than ever, and she needed a dream to follow.

  She felt a bit adrift, like a log floating on the ocean, following the waves and coming into shore with the tide.

  But she remembered what her mother had taught her when she was very young. She was strong. She had a destiny and she was here to follow it every step of the way.

  "I am strong," she smiled to the sky. "I am perfect just as I am. I trust the universe to guide me wherever I need to go."

  She began going outside at night and watching the moon and stars. She loved the sky because it connected her with things so much bigger than her little worries. She was a part of it all.

  One night as she gazed at the full moon, she heard a fluttering of leaves in the wind. She turned around quickly but could see nothing.

  Then she saw something move out of the corner of her eye.

  It stepped forward into the full moonlight. She could see that it was a man, strong and tall, coming forward out of the shadows.

  "Hello," he said. "Don't be frightened. I won't harm you."

  Jessica pulled herself up to her full height. "I am not afraid," she said, trying not to let the man see her tremble.

  He came closer. In his hand he was holding something that looked like a stick. Jessica hoped he would not hit her with it. She was about to run.

  But the man held the sceptre up to the moon and it shone like jewels. The gold gleamed and the rubies sparkled. The piece appeared magical, like something out of another realm. Jessica gasped.

  "What are you?" she asked, scared now at this strange phenomenon. "What do you want? Why are you here?"

  The words tumbled out of her in a torrent. She barely knew what to say, but she was overwhelmed with awe.

  He brought the sceptre down and placed it gently in her hand.

  "This, my dear Jessica, is for you," he said.

  She gripped the sceptre tightly, and in her hand it seemed to dazzle even more. It caught the light and glowed like nothing she had ever seen on this earth.

  She knew and yet she did not know what this was all about. Something deep inside her stirred. She smiled and looked up at the moon.

  "I have been waiting all my life for this," she said softly.

  Her hand let go of the sceptre and it transformed into a thousand jewels at her feet. The man scooped them up and threw them into the air. They vanished into the sky and mingled with the stars.

  She took his hand. Together they walked back to the house, their eyes aglow with a new kind of Light. He sat beside her in the kitchen and they poured a cup of tea. She saw in his eyes the infinity of the stars. This was a love that would never end. This was a love sent from the universe itself.

  Jessica wrapped herself up in love and never forgot that magical night. She had found her kingdom, she had found her king, and she had found her destiny.

  The End

  Read more at: A Girl Called Trinity, and Rebekah and the Silver Moon.

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