Read Jessie Stern and the Time Shifters Page 8

The hallways of the hotel are filled with colorful signs that have smiling faces telling everyone about all there is to do on the station. As we were walking to the hotel registration desk Daniel stopped at one of the signs that said “Live a Fantasy” It described a new interactive game that could read your thoughts and put some of your own experiences in the game to make it seem even more real. Dad went over to Daniel and put a hand on his shoulder. “Stay away from that one partner; it messes with your head.”

  We registered and hurried to our rooms. Dad had some work to do but told us we could go the visitor’s center and take the shuttle for a closer look at the geysers. As we rushed off dad called out all the usual parental warnings about staying out of trouble.

  Daniel brought along Sniffer- a robot that looked like a tiny dog. Before we left he programmed Sniffer to know everything in the space station. Plus Daniel had a hand unit that was suppose to control Sniffer. But when he put Sniffer on the floor and let him loose the little robot had a mind of his own. He zipped past some barricades and into a wall. Rolling back, he shook like a dog that just had a bath. Then the little robot darted along the wall and around the corner and under some barricades marked library storage. We stepped through the barricades and started to chase Sniffer. We knew we shouldn’t have, but it was one of those times you’re caught in the moment and just can’t stop. We tore after Sniffer as he sped down the hall into a secluded room.

  We stopped at the doorway, panting. The room was lit dimly with streaks of artificial light flickering through the tinted pains of glass that ran along the ceiling. Through the faint light we could see the room was nothing more than a long hall with boxes piled to the ceiling. Sniffer slowed down as he went along the hall. As we reached him Daniel bent down to pick Sniffer up saying in a frustrated tone, “I guess I still have a few bugs to work out with you.” Before his hands could reach the robot, Sniffer bolted again, heading in the direction of a group of boxes labeled “Games”. The robot kept going until finally he ran into a stack of boxes hard enough to make one of them fall knocking the lid off.

  As the lid fell the stacks of boxes around us quivered and faded. Out of the box that fell grew a battlefield. Screams, blazes of light, and the harsh clanging of handheld weapons, unfolded under a blood red sky. Soldiers were everywhere and dressed in everything from combat gear like you see in the old war movies to mesh iron of medieval times.

  I heard a voice behind us yell “Get down” and then felt a pull from behind dragging us into a ditch.

  “New to the fight I take it.” The guy speaking was the same person who had ordered us to get down. He was a battle scared soldier, maybe 50, but he seemed so timeless it was hard to tell for sure. There were winkles not just from age but, stress, worry, and sorrow. There was a kindness in eyes as he looked at us, even if he was looking at us warily.

  “What planet are you from?” he asked yelling to be heard over the din of the battle.

  “Earth,” we said together meekly.

  “Earth?!- I didn’t know Earth was involved yet,” he said as he loaded charges in his laser rifle.

  “Well, welcome to the battle all the same. It will take all we have to defeat the 1928”

  I guess he could tell by the look on our face we had no idea what he was talking about. “The mercenary Time Shifters, the ones that use the essence to destroy” he said in a frustrated sigh.

  Then it hit me. Aunt Molly had also said there were 1928 mercenaries from the Time Shifter race, that they had something she called the essence. Before I really had a chance to think about that….

  A giant dragon flew overhead breathing fire bolts into the on coming troops. Even though the fire was not aimed at us, I ducked.

  ‘Don’t worry,” said the soldier, “he’s one of ours.”

  I watched a little amazed, a little petrified, as the people ran to escape the deadly flame of the dragon. When the breath of fire was gone it soared upwards disappearing into the cloud of smoke that was beginning to cover the field.

  A metal ball flew into the hole that was protecting us. Red numbers were blinking- counting down to what was probably going to be zero then BANG! Daniel picked it up examining it like it was some new electronics toy.

  “What safety level is this hologram set on?” he asked.

  This time it was the soldiers turn to look confused, “What’s a safety level? And what’s a hologram?”

  Daniel and I locked eyes. We each knew what the other was thinking. If there were no safety levels anything in this hologram could actually kill us. Some holograms were set up like that to appeal to the adrenaline junkies.

  He hurled the ball out and up where it exploded, raining down bits of metal. The light form the explosion revealed another threat; a swarm of arrows heading for us. The first group zinged over our head but another group followed them and they would not miss. I spotted a shield that looked like it was from Roman times lying near us. I remember how soldiers carry shields along the side and over their head as they marched. Kind of like an early tank. I scrambled to get it and then held it over us. The arrows pelted down like hail on a metal roof.

  The soldier seemed a little more impressed with us now, “Hey, you kids are naturals.”

  “Where are all of these people from? I’ve never seen so many types of warriors in one hologram,” Daniel was barley able to make his voice heard above the roar of the battle.

  “Everywhere,” the soldier said making a grand gesture with his arms knock off flecks of dirt as his hands brushed the side of the ditch. “From every kind of planet in the galaxy and from every stage of development. We all have one thing in common; we have to stop the 9128. “

  His eyes darted from Daniel to a disc that was coming straight towards us. It shot out red and green lasers that incinerated anything they touched. He took aim with his rifle and fired. It spiraled down coughing out multicolored sparks before it hit the ground.

  He turned to us scratching his chin as if he was thinking deep thoughts then said,

  “They didn’t brief you guys too good did they.”

  He settled down in the mud and started to explain like he was describing a difficult math problem. “The thing to remember about the 9128 is your not dealing with any dumb two bit thugs. If you try to pin them down they never come quietly.” He ran his hand across the battle field as if to say “See what I mean.”

  “So listen to this,” he said tapping his head, “and you better listen good.” He leaned in close to us and continued. “You gotta use your smarts.” He then leaned back like he had just revealed a great secret. “Yup, it’s the smarts that will save.” He picked up his weapon and gave it a pat, “Of course a good laser rifle helps too.”

  He scanned the horizon. The battle was winding down as some troops were retreating, others were chasing them off or attending to the wounded. The soldier turned his attention back to us. He wasn’t really looking at us, his eyes stayed on the battle field, but we knew he was talking to us.

  “Since you’re new to this let me tell you. Not all battles are like this. They aren’t all fought with guns and swords and bombs. Most battles are quite ones, fought with subterfuge and fortitude and strength of the mind.” He turned ad looked directly at us. “Strength of the mind is the most important, always remember that.”

  A horn sounded a tuneless blast indicating the battle was over. As the blast died out the soldier focused in on us. “The Tweeners know. If you ever get a message from the tweeners listen to them. They come to us in our dreams – they tell us things in our dreams.”

  “What are the Tweeners?” We asked the question together.

  He opened his mouth but before his words could form the soldier and the battle suddenly disappear in wave of bright light.

  “Sir, Madam, the center is closed.” An android caretaker was standing in the doorway. He had turned on the light and interrupted the hologram. He looked human but had the silver skin of an android.

  As he walked over to us
you could hear the grinding of gears. Every now and then he would come to a dead stop, and then start up again. He had the jerky movements of a poorly operated puppet.

  “Madam, Sir the center is closed.”

  He was obviously malfunctioning, which was probably a good thing; otherwise he may have reported us for being in a restricted area.

  “I do know how it is when you get caught up in research,” he went on, “Time just flies by. Yes indeed, it flies by. However the center is closed, but you can always return tomorrow.”

  As he approached us Sniffer caught his eye. “Is this device designed to assist you with research?”

  “Well,” Daniel hesitated but the android didn’t wait for an answer.

  “And it took you right to where the information was for your research,” he said as he looked at the holograph displayer and scattered materials on the ground.

  “Did you build this device, sir?”

  “Yes,” Daniel replied.

  The android picked up Sniffer and began to examine him. “Very clever sir, very clever indeed. I would have never been able to create such a device.”

  He walked over to us and handing Sniffer to Daniel he said again, “However the center is closed, but you can come again tomorrow.”

  While he led us out of the he seemed to go into tour guide mode.

  “Triton is the coldest measured object in the solar system.”

  He pointed to a wall covered with information about the geysers, but his systems must have been telling him he was pointing at Neptune. He was definitely malfunctioning.

  “Wind speeds on Neptune can reach 2000 kilometers an hour. Its mantle or surface is made up of partially melted water, ammonia, and methane ices.”

  “Neptune was discovered in 1846; the first planet to be discovered by mathematical calculations.”- (Read More About It #8)

  He finally led us out, thanked us for coming, and invited us back tomorrow- again.

  We still had time to catch the last transport to the geysers but as we headed towards the loading area an observation popped into my head and then it popped out of my mouth.

  “Did you notice that hologram didn’t have a catalog number?” I asked.


  I was kind of expecting that reaction but I didn’t let it go.

  “It’s just weird usually everything has number, even games.”


  I could tell he was unimpressed so I just dropped it. But I started thinking – was it a game. It wasn’t set up like a game. Games always had introductions and copyright restrictions. This one didn’t- this one was – different.

  I decided I needed to think about that – but later. We had to hurry so we could make to the transports in time.

  We barley made it but we were able to catch the last shuttle to the geysers. They were awesome!

  It would have been a perfect day if it hadn’t been for the whole soldiers warning about the Time Shifters and talk about the Tweeners. It seems all I get anymore are warnings. And I can’t get this one out of my head.

  7th Entry

  Last night I dreamt of Neptune, the giant gas planet and its moons. With everything that happened during the day I imagined I wouldn’t be able to sleep. But I was out as soon as my head hit the pillow.

  In my dream I am on the surface of Triton. Somewhere in my mind I know that I can’t truly be on the surface, but the dream me thinks it’s perfectly normal. I am watching the giant blue ball of Neptune when I think I hear voices- soft faint voices as if they are carried in a wind. I strain to hear them. As the voices become clearer I can faintly see the creatures that are speaking to me despite the fact they are far away on Neptune. When I try harder to see them they fade, but when I close my eyes and I can see them clearly. They are dolphin like creatures swimming in seas of liquefied gases below clouds of blue methane. I feel they were not real beings, but mental creatures taking shape to experience new things, explore, learn, - and share their knowledge with me. They repeat the same words over and over:

  The unknown waits to be discovered. It will to lead you to who you are and what you need to do.

  The greatest wisdom is seeing through the outer shell of things- always look deeper.

  Continual awareness is the greatest teacher.

  Be expert in learning.

  The voices become clear and then fade again. The images fade with the voices.

  The dream ended abruptly.

  When I opened my eyes, I was in our hotel room. Dad was shaking me awake and shaking the dream away. He was telling us it was time to get going.

  As we packed my cousin told me, “I had the weirdest dream.”

  Usually getting up and starting the day chases away the dreams of the night, but not this time. This time the dream of the dolphins and the voices just grew clearer.

  As we walked to the station café for breakfast Daniel began to tell me about his dream. Before he could finish I told him I had the exact same dream.

  8th Entry

  “All launches have been delayed for the next 2 Earth hours due to technical difficulties”, the voice crackled over the loud speaker.

  Dad muttered something under his breath in irritation over the delay and called Jake on his phone. As he did Daniel leaned in next to me and whispered, “This will give us a chance to go back to the library.”


  He didn’t answer me but instead turned to my dad. “Uncle Rick we found a library in the station, can we go check it out since we’re stuck here a while?”

  Dad nodded his head and waved us off but then called us back with a sharp “Hey!”

  “The ship leaves in two hours, I want you back here in an hour and a half. I don’t want to have to go looking for you two.”

  Daniel nodded in agreement and dragged me off, so I asked once again.


  “The dream,” he said

  “From last night?”

  He shot me wordless look that said “Of course.”

  “How will the library help us with that?”

  “Don’t you think it’s strange,” he said as he dragged me along. “We go into a hologram where some guy tells us to listen to our dreams and then we both have the same dream.”

  “He was just a hologram. “ I said planting myself to stop Daniel from dragging me. “The dream was just a coincidence. We probably had it because we saw the hologram.”

  Well it won’t hurt to check it out”, he said tugging on my arm but I stayed planted. He dropped my arm taking a deep sigh then said, “Look at it this way, it’s better than waiting for two hours in the lobby of the spaceport. Besides,” he pressed on looking around to make sure no one was close, “the holo could be a message. Aunt Molly said we would be getting messages.”

  Daniel was right, it could be a message.

  I didn’t want it to be a message.

  I closed my eyes.

  I wished that when I opened them I would be in a normal universe, on a normal scientific expedition. Not a universe where we were chased by things that could kill us and where we were suppose to stop Time Shifters. I didn’t want to be a hero.

  I opened my eyes.

  Unfortunately, the world hadn’t changed. We were still in a world of Time Shifters. And Daniel was still pleading to me with his eyes to go with him to get a possible message.

  I knew Daniel was right. It probably was some kind of important communication and we had to find out what the holo had to say. I shrugged in agreement and followed him.

  Once we were back at the library we found the malfunctioning android. He told us several times how happy he was to see us and he took us back to the holo from yesterday.

  He pulled it out examined it and proclaimed “Oh my! This is not cataloged.” He turned it over in his hands, “No not cataloged at all.”

  “I told you they were always cataloged,” I said under my breath.

  ‘No you said usually cataloged,” he muttere
d back. I think he just didn’t want to admit I was right.

  The android turned to us and said, “I will need to accompany you to find out what this is. Do you mind?”

  We really didn’t want him but we didn’t have time to argue. So we quickly agreed. As an afterthought we asked him to tell us when it was time to leave so we could make it back to the ship on time. Thinking back asking a malfunctioning android to be our time keeper was not the best idea we ever had.

  The holo opened but the battle was gone. In its place was a celebration full of fireworks and people dancing in a field.

  A ring of torches lit a circle where groups of fighters were engaged in friendly battle. Daniel loves to do mock sword play and went there first thing. I followed mostly because I figured it was best we stay together, with the safety levels being off and all. The android followed me all the time staying unusually silent.

  As we watched the sword fight the same soldier we saw before came up to us.

  “Didn’t think you would make it,” he said weaving his way through the crowd to us.

  “But then not even newbie’s like you wouldn’t miss the solstice reading of the names. They will be coming up at dawn.” He snatched our arms us and led us to the arena where people were fighting, “Until then enjoy the festival.”

  In the ring two guys were going at it. One of the fighters twisted the sword out of the other’s hand then pointed his sword at his opponent’s unprotected chest. The crowd cheered and applauded then gave out cries of, “Who’s next for a “frey”?”

  “Let these two meet some challengers,” the soldier whooped as he shoved us into the ring. “They’re new but they’re very good.”

  The crowd cheered once again and swords were thrust in our hands. I was relieved to see that the swords weren’t sharp, but they were heavy and would really hurt if they hit you.

  “We will meet the new challengers!” Two guys stepped forward, they looked about our age and I think they were twins.

  We stood looking at each other, then nodded – I guess to say were all ready, but I really wasn’t. Some one called out, “BEGIN!”

  There was thumping and whomping and whacking of swords. I was just trying to stay clear but Daniel was actually doing OK. I guess all that fake sword play was paying off for him.

  The guy I was fighting was actually pretty nice. I think he was holding back and was even trying to give me advice.

  “Move your sword to deflect mine” – clang followed by a whop as he hit me in the ribs.

  “Move the sword every time to block the blow, girl warrior!” he chuckled, then clang again and whop again.

  My ribs hurt, but I was too embarrassed to stop. The fight continued.

  “Strike or thrust when you see an opening!” he bellowed but I never saw one. At least it seemed to be getting a little easier to fend off his blows.

  We were circling around as we fought. When Daniel was beside us I saw him twist the sword out of his opponents hand just like the other fighter had done.

  “Well done!” cried his challenger. My eyes turned to them and the guy I was fighting eyes followed mine. While we were watching them an idea came to me. I remembered reading how important surprise is in combat. So I took my opportunity swung my blade at him while he wasn’t looking. It must have caught him off guard because even though he was able to lift his sword in time to deflect mine, he must not have had a firm grip. His weapon went flying out of his hand and made a thump as it hit the ground. Like the fighters before us and my cousin I held my sword up, pointing it at his chest.

  He lifted up his arm and howled out “Trickery!” the crowed fell silent. I was sure I had done something wrong. Not a good thing in a holo without safety guards off.

  He yelled out again, “Trickery,” but then let out a thunderous laugh. “I LIKE that!” he declared as he shoved aside my sword then grabbed my hand shaking it so hard he almost knocked me down. He continued laughing and the crowed joined in. The guys thanked us for the great fray and led us out of the ring, there arms around our shoulders like we were old friends. Another two entered as we left.

  This time it was jousters that entered the ring. Two men stood on opposite ends of the fields while metal mounted horses raced to each other. The shiny metal knights lowered their lance striking as they reached the center of the field. One of the knights burst into small pieces; the fragments flying out like a flock of glistening butterflies. The pieces sang like wind chimes as they took to the air then reformed again at the end of the field.

  They ran towards each other again. Someone say they were going for best two out of three. I watched them, mesmerized, but Daniel had gone over to speak the winner of the first contest to see how it was done.

  At the end of the contest Daniel came back excited and talking about how it was all made with electronic magnets. I think Daniel wanted to continue to watch or maybe even fight again but I was very hungry, comfortably tired and uncomfortably sore. We went to a nearby stand that had colorful streamers flowing down from a blue canopy. We decided on turkey legs (or at least it looked like a turkey leg ). The android said he didn’t need to eat – ever –and continued just to follow us. It was only holo food, which means it was probably just some processed protein, but it was strangely satisfying and tasty.

  We sat cross-legged on the grass, watching the freys, the fireworks, and the dancing, and then (I’m not sure why) we started talking about our dream.

  “Do you think it was the tweeners?” Daniel asked. I wasn’t sure. I mean it was just yesterday I started believing in the Time Shifters. He could tell I was thinking but he wasn’t going to wait.

  “Well,” he prodded.

  I was thinking about what to say. After all the Time Shifters were real and so much had happened in such a short time, our aunts cautions that there were factions on both side, some to help us and some to stop us - our dreams - then the holo we were in now.

  “I’m waiting,” he said impatiently, just like he did when he first asked about the Time Shifters.

  I shrugged.

  He seemed thrilled. Even if all I was saying was maybe it could be.

  “Sooo you think there could be Tweeners?”

  I shrugged


  I shrugged again.

  Our soldier friend plopped down next to us munching on a sandwich that must have had about ten layers cheese with purple, orange, and green meat. (YUK!).

  “It’s time,” he said after a large gulp.


  The rowdy crowd grew quiet. The music turned soft and only a few faint conversations floated in the air. Then everything turned completely still.

  The stars looked bright in the desert sky but faded as the sun rose over a rocky mountain. The cold air turned warm when its rays crossed the reddish stone. As the sun climbed higher in the sky the shadow of words and names began to take shape on an obelisk opposite the mountain.

  Suddenly….unexpectedly… the names of our parents appeared.

  “The Tweeners,” the soldier said to the question we were both thinking. The ones caught between the past the present and the future. They speak to us in our dreams. They don’t tell us exactly what to do. But they tell us all we need to know to succeed.”

  “How did they become tweeners?” I asked. Our parents were dead – that’s what we were always told. How could they be caught anywhere?

  Most Tweeners are people the Time Shifters tried to assassinate. They were, however, extraordinary people and they had knowledge that saved them. The Tweeners winked at death – and instead became trapped in time. They’re trapped between the ages, but can communicate to anyone at any time.

  “Do you have a record of what happened to these people?” Daniel’s voice was soft and broken. I thing he was trying to hide the shock and sorrow, but he was doing a poor job. The soldier nodded and pulled out a large silver spinning top.

  He set it on a marble pedestal and spun it. Colors shot out from all ar
ound as the top made a whirling noise.

  “Say the names of the people you want to know about,” the soldier instructed.

  In a voice so soft it was almost like a prayer Daniel said our parents’ names. I put my hand on his. He puts up a brave front, but I know how hard losing both his parents hit him.

  As soon as the words left his lips figures began to form. It looked like a dig Peru - the last dig for our parents were on. Figures moved across the pedestal. Both Daniel and I looked at each other when we saw our parents. As the figures became sharper a narration started describing what the hologram was playing out….

  “It was an ordinary dig. But the 9128 knew the device was there. THE device, the only one that could stop them. So they sent him -the best assassin among them. He would pretend to be simply another assistant. A quite assistant, who just came to work on time every day, did his job and then went home. No one really noticed him, and that was why the 9128 liked to use him for their spy. They wanted someone who wouldn’t be noticed. When the scientists discovered the device he gathered with the others, blending in, giving his thoughts on what it might be. It was a beautiful piece. Above a slab of a delicately carved wood were dolphins swimming in the figure used to represent infinity. The dolphins seemed suspended by a magnet ingrained in the wood. Like the others he marveled at the site but, of course he never really reveled what it actually was- a device that could rob the 9128 of their powers. A device that even with all of their might they could not destroy. So instead revealing the devices true nature, he did his duty and reported his findings to the 9128. When they told him that the scientist must be “removed” he knew what that meant and he did his duty.

  Time Shifting was a preferable way to “remove” people. It didn’t really feel like killing to him – just like altering time. So one evening he waited until all the other assistance had left. He went into their tent and pointed the time shifting beam at them. He would always say he was sorry after they were gone, even though he knew it was too late for them to hear or care. When he was done he left the tent quickly and quietly and then did what he did best. He left the camp unnoticed, and remained unnoticed by all until his next assignment.”

  The top began to slow and as it did the colored lights faded. The voice slowed too, growing deeper with each sluggish spin. “Beware the 9128. What they do they do without hate, they do without malice. What make them so vile is they act without compassion. They act with out love.” The top fell on its side, silent, and we too were silent too for what seemed an eternal minute.

  “It is time sir and madam. Madam and sir,” The androids words made me jump. He had barley spoken since we arrived. The android turned to soldier and said, “You have been very kind. So much information! But many other things to do now. Madam Sir, Sir Madam you said to make sure you did not miss your appointment.”

  The android put his hands to the side of his head and ordered, “End session.”

  The festival and memorial faded but the soldiers voice carried into the library, “Remember what I told you before. Ya gotta listen to the tweeners- trust what they say.”

  As we started to leave we were met by a librarian, a real live one this time.

  “There you are!” At first we felt he was talking to us but instead he just walked past us and up to the android. “What have you got there?’’

  “A game sir, but it seems more like a history and it has not been cataloged sir.”

  He took the hologram from the android. A strange look came across his face then he looked quickly at us.

  “Were you kids using this?” He didn’t wait for an answer and turned to the android. “The reason it wasn’t cataloged is because it’s a NEW game – one of those new reality things. It’s a model not even on the market yet.” He looked to us as if to be sure we had heard him. “Since it’s new it’s not cataloged.” He repeated.

  “So you realize nothing in this was real – right – not a history or anything?” He came right over to us and grabbed our arms. “Don’t tell anyone what you saw here. Do you understand? There would be ---consequences.” I think he could tell he was freaking us out a little because took a step back and gave a big smile. “You know we want a big build up before the game is released. We wouldn’t want to ruin that. You understand.” I think we both felt he was lying.

  We nodded but we didn’t really understand. If it was just a game why was he so upset about us seeing it?

  On our way back to the landing platform we didn’t speak, but we were both thinking about what we had seen. Real or not it – message or not-the holo had brought up sad memories. My dad was right. If it was one of the new reality games it did mess with your head.

  We were both, I’m sure, thinking about our parents, how they died, and how the necklace they gave us looked like the device we just saw, but as I said, we weren’t talking. You know how it is, you know what the other person is thinking but you don’t say it because it hurts. When we were almost to the platform Daniel finally asked me, “Do you ever think about them?” by them I knew he meant the parents we had both lost.

  I was still for a while and then said “No.” but that wasn’t the truth; I thought about them everyday. Losing someone is like frost in springtime or an empty place on a crowded shelf. I shuddered as I thought about them and lied about doing it. That was probably what gave me away.

  “Liar” he said shoving me. It wasn’t the type of shove to cause a fight. It was actually the type that makes you feel better.

  “It would be awesome if our parents were Tweeners,” there was hope in Daniel’s voice.

  I had to admit although the whole journey thing is still scary for me, the idea that mom could be a Tweener, could still be with me in some way, was awesome. The thought that she is, somehow, still showing me how to find deeper meaning in things made me feel warm and happy

  Oh, and bye the way---we were late. Like I said asking a malfunctioning android to keep time—not the best idea. But all dad did was look at his watch, give us scowl and then motioned us inside the ship.

  9th Entry

  Jake said we had one more stop to make. On Pluto we would pick up a hologram and wait for our chance to launch to the safety area and make the jump to QT.

  With QT timing is critical so everyone waits on Pluto or one of the other large objects in the Kuibner Belt for their turn to leave the solar system.


  Daniel and I decided to stick together for certain this time. We were just going to stay on the ship but fate had other plans for us. The battery on Daniels computer went out. I didn’t think it was a big deal, but he kept saying you never know when we would need it so we went out to hunt for the battery.

  Pluto was supposed to just be a place to wait for launch but I guess they forgot there are still a lot of people that remember when it was a planet. Now it’s a favorite destination in the Kuibner Belt. Because so many people visit Pluto their building a whole new station; that means everything is “under construction” including any stores that might sell computer batteries. Lucky for Daniel Jake is friends with the guy that runs the bone yard.

  The bone yard is the place all machines go to die. It’s surrounded by a thick sheet aluminum fence with doors of all sizes locked by small simple bolts. Inside the fence is a garden of twisted metal and rusted hulls from once magnificent ships. The metal garden has the fragrance of old oil and burning tires. Daniel’s combing through the scrap as I’m writing this.

  I’m hearing a strange sound now. Is that a normal sound for here? It started out as a moan, but now has turned into the growl of an angry wolf. No, I don’t think it is a normal sound for here at all!

  10th Entry – Pluto has a Metal Tarantula

  After all that happened we tried to be cautious, but I guess even if you’re watching bad things can happen.

  We turned towards the sound and saw the monster. Eight steely limbs came from a round center. It looked like a tarantula and it was heading towards us – fast.

  “Where’s it coming from?” I almost swallowed the words. Daniel pointed. There on a mountain of metal was Mr. Alser and with him was a man that looked like the assassin sent after our parents. He was controlling one of the large electronic magnets strewn through out the yard. He must have done something to it make it form the spider. I don’t know much about electronic magnets, but I know they generally don’t make charging tarantulas.

  We ran – again; ran like we did from the bees and like I did from the mammoth. But this time I think Daniel had in mind to fight. We rushed to another electronic magnet that was holding some debris. I guess Daniel must have learned something about electronic magnets from the metal jousters because he released the bulky metal pieces and they came crashing down on vats of acid scattered about the ground. The vats broke open oozing a noxious liquid that spread across the path of the spider. The thing tried to cross the lethal pool the acid made, but as it did its legs gave way. There was another groan and it stumbled. We started sprinting again for the gate. Behind us we heard another growl as the spider reformed from new metal scraps on the ground. It was still after us, but at least the acid bath Daniel gave it bought us some time.

  We ran to the gate, or should I say ran into the gate. Someone had locked it. A simple little bolt lock like you have on a backyard gate. The fact that I was going to die because of a simple bolt lock seemed almost funny to me; I guess that’s how scared I was.

  The metal tarantula crept closer. Close enough we could see its eyes were red lights that shimmered and its fangs were made of deadly gas vials. Real tarantulas are not very poisonous but this one could defiantly kill.

  Daniel began poking through the metal trash around us. I was going to tell him that now was not a good time to be looking for stuff for his computer but the look he shot me told me he had something else in mind.

  “I need copper wire!” he hollered still picking through the scrap around us. But before I could respond he bellowed, “Never mind – got it!”

  The creature drew closer its legs tapping on the ground as it moved. As it raised its front legs threateningly Daniel began wrapping the cooper cable around a rod and attaching it to the batteries from the flashlight he brought to look for the computer part. He was making a small electronic magnet! (Read More About It #9)

  He slipped the rod through a crack and with a “click” the bolt gave way. We were free! With a “slam” of the gate the metal spider was contained behind us.

  We made it back to the ship, more or less safe and sound. We decided it would be best not to tell dad what happened. I did thank Daniel for getting us away from the spider. The conversation went something like this:

  “That was very ingenious what you did with the magnets,” I said

  “So you’re saying I’m a genius?” he said.

  I pushed him (a fun push) and he laughed. It was a good release for all the tension. It felt good to laugh for a change.

  That was it, nothing much after that. I guess there really isn’t anything you can say about being chased by a huge metal spider.


  We had eluded the Time Shifters twice since we left Earth. They hadn’t tried to turn us to dust which is, of course on the plus side. I guess my Aunt Molly is right. The necklace does protect us from the small time fields. I think Daniel has figured that out too. But being chased by killer creatures isn’t much better. I wonder what’s going to happen next.

  11th Entry

  It wasn’t long before we got clearance for the launch. We’re finally on our way to Shilona, and when we reach the safety zone and engage the QT will be on our way. It will be the first time I’ve ever left our solar system!

  The Shilonans were one of the first life forms we ran into in the Universe. Their solar system survived the galactic turmoil of their galaxy blending with into ours, but now the Shilonan sun was dying and taking their world with it. Shilonan myth told about their sun growing old and large, turning their planet to dust as it expanded outwards. Now it seemed the time had come for that to happen.

  In their myth, the leader of the world, the one who held the sacred scrolls of their society’s past and future, would remain on their planet, but would be rescued by out worlders.

  The Shilonan Sun is very similar to ours. I remember reading a graphic description about the fate of our Sun in one of dad’s books. It told how day will come that will be the very last day on Earth. The sun will swell to an enormous size and turn the sky to fire. The oceans will boil away and the mountains will melt.

  Eerie! I’m glad I won’t be around to see that. But for the Shilonans the desperate time had come.

  Granted, the Shilonans had progressed to space travel, they still held to their old ways. They are, however, a practical people and not wanting to leave the rescue to chance, they contracted the Goddard to go and retrieve the Priestess. Since their star is a lot like our sun the two planets decided, “in the interest of mutual cooperation and sharing of information between our worlds” to let Earth study the death of their star. They contracted my dad to record what was happening. It will be kind of bizarre, I think, to actually see the beginnings of how our Sun will one day, in 5-7 billion years kill our planet. It’s strange that the thing that gave the Earth life for so long will also bring her death and then become a dead thing itself, a black dwarf without life or warmth. (Read More About It #10).


  Jake is calling us over now as he slides the holo disc into the viewer saying, “Let’s see what the folks paying the bills have to say.” So I’ll be putting down my pen soon.

  She’s appearing now in an island of white light - the Revered and Honored Priestess of Shilona; the one who holds so much power by holding the scrolls. The image is becoming clearer and I can’t believe it – she’s the same priestess from my dreams!

  Chapter 6 -12th Entry – The Priestess and the Time Shifters