Read Jewel: A Chapter in Her Life Page 2



  The mother was still laughing and struggling in the irresistibleembrace when both became aware that a third person was regarding them inopen-mouthed astonishment.

  "'Zekiel, let me _go_!" commanded the scandalized woman, and pushedherself free from her tormentor, who forthwith returned rathersheepishly to his buckles.

  The young man with trim-pointed beard and mirthful eyes, who stoodin the driveway, had just dismounted from a shining buggy. Doubt andastonishment were apparently holding him dumb.

  The housekeeper, smoothing her disarranged locks and much flushed offace, returned his gaze, rising from her chair.

  "I couldn't believe it was you, Mrs. Forbes!" declared the newcomer."Fanshaw isn't--" He looked around vaguely.

  "No, he isn't, Dr. Ballard," returned Mrs. Forbes shortly. "He forgot torub down Essex Maid one evening when she came in hot, and that finishedhim with Mr. Evringham."

  The young doctor's lips twitched beneath his mustache as he looked at'Zekiel, polishing away for dear life.

  "You seem to have some one else here--some friend," he remarkedtentatively.

  "Friend!" echoed the housekeeper with exasperation, feeling to see justhow much Zeke had rumpled her immaculate collar. "We looked like friendswhen you came up, didn't we!"

  "Like intimate friends," murmured the doctor, still looking curiously atthe big fair-haired fellow, who was crimson to his temples.

  "I don't know how long we shall continue friends if he ever grabs meagain like that just after I've put on a clean collar. He's got beyondthe place where I can correct him. I ought to have done it oftener whenI had the chance. This is my boy 'Zekiel, Dr. Ballard," with a proudglance in the direction of the youth, who looked up and nodded, thencontinued his labors. "Mr. Evringham has engaged him on trial. He's beenwith horses a couple of years, and I guess he'll make out all right."

  "Glad to know you, 'Zekiel," returned the doctor. "Your mother has beena good friend of mine half my life, and I've often heard her speak ofyou. Look out for my horse, will you? I shall be here half an hour orso."

  When the doctor had moved off toward the house Mrs. Forbes nodded at herson knowingly.

  "Might's well walk Hector into the barn and uncheck him, Zeke," shesaid. "They'll keep him more'n a half an hour. That young man, 'ZekielForbes,--that young man's my _hope_." Mrs. Forbes spoke impressively andshook her forefinger to emphasize her words.

  "What you hoping about him?" asked 'Zekiel, laying down the harness andproceeding to lead the gray horse up the incline into the barn.

  "Shouldn't wonder a mite if he was our deliverer," went on Mrs. Forbes."I saw it in Mrs. Evringham's eye that he suited her, the first nightthat she met him here at dinner. I like him first-rate, and I don't meanhim any harm; but he's one of these young doctors with plenty of moneyat his back, bound to have a fashionable practice and succeed. His faceis in his favor, and I guess he knows as much as any of 'em, and hecan afford the luxury of a wife brought up the way Eloise Evringham hasbeen. That's right, Zeke. Unfasten the check-rein, though the doctordon't use a mean one, I must say. I only hope there's a purgatory forthe folks that use too short check-reins on their horses. I hope they'llhave to wear 'em themselves for a thousand years, and have to standwaiting at folks' doors frothing at the mouth, and the back of theirnecks half breaking when the weather's down to zero and up to a hundred.That's what I hope!"

  'Zekiel grinned. "You want 'em to try the cold place and the hot onetoo, do you?"

  "Yes I do, and to stay in the one that hurts the most. The man that usesa decent check-rein on his horse," continued Mrs. Forbes, dropping intoa philosophizing tone, "is apt to be as decent to his wife. The doctorwould be a great catch for that girl, and I _think_," dropping hervoice, "her mother'd be liable to live with 'em."

  "You're keeping that dark from the doctor, I s'pose?" remarked 'Zekiel.

  "H'm. You needn't think I go chattering around that house the way I doout here. I've got a great talent, if I do say it, for minding my ownbusiness."

  "Good enough," drawled 'Zekiel. "I heard tell once of a firm that made agreat fortune just doing that one thing."

  "Don't you be sassy now. I've always waited on Mr. Evringham while heate his meals, and that's the time he'd often speak out to me aboutthings if he felt in the humor, so that in all these years 't isn't anywonder if I've come to feel that his business is mine too."

  "Just so," returned 'Zekiel, with a twinkle in his eye.

  "It's been as plain as your nose that the interlopers don't like to haveme there. Not that they have anything special against me, but they'dlike to have someone younger and stylisher to hand them their plates.I'll never forget one night when they'd been here about a week, and Ithink Mr. Evringham had begun to suspect they were fixtures,--I'd feltit from the first,--Mrs. Evringham said, 'Why father, does Mrs. Forbesalways wait on your table? I had supposed she was temporarily taking theplace of your butler or your waitress.'"

  The housekeeper's effort to imitate the airy manner she rememberedcaused her son to chuckle as he gathered up the shining harness.

  "You should have seen the look Mr. Evringham gave her. Just as if hedidn't see her at all. 'Yes,' he answered, 'I hope Mrs. Forbes will waiton my table as long as I have one.' And I will if I have my health,"added the speaker, bridling with renewed pleasure at the memory of thattriumphant moment. "They think I'm a machine without any feelings oropinions, and that I've been wound up to suit Mr. Evringham and runhis establishment, and that I'm no more to be considered than the bigWestminster clock on the stairs. Mrs. Evringham did try once to get intomy employer's rooms and look after his clothes." Mrs. Forbes shook herhead and tightened her lips at some recollection.

  "She bucked up against the machine, did she?" inquired Zeke.

  The housekeeper glanced around to see if any one might be approaching.

  "I saw her go in there, and I followed her," she continued almost in awhisper. "She sort of started, but spoke up in her cool way, 'I wish tolook over father's clothes and see if anything needs attention.''Thank you, Mrs. Evringham, but everything is in order,' I said, veryrespectful. 'Well, leave it for me next time, Mrs. Forbes,' she says.'I shall take care of him while I am here.' 'Thank you,' says I, 'buthe wouldn't want your visit interfered with by that kind of work.' Shelooked at me sort of suspicious and haughty. 'I prefer to do it,' sheanswers, trying to look holes in me with her big eyes. 'Then will youask him, please,' said I very polite, 'before I give you the keys,because we've got into habits here. I've taken care of Mr. Evringham'sclothes for fifteen years.' She looked kind of set back. 'Is it solong?' she asks. 'Well, I will see about it.' But I guess the right timefor seeing about it never came," added the housekeeper knowingly.

  "You're still doing business at the old stand, eh?" rejoined Zeke."Well, I'm glad you like your job. It's my opinion that the governor'sharder--"

  "Ahem, ahem!" Mrs. Forbes cleared her throat with desperate loudnessand tugged at her son's shirt sleeve with an energy which caused him towheel.

  Coming up the sunny driveway was a tall man with short, scrupulouslybrushed iron-gray hair, and sweeping mustache. The lines under his eyeswere heavy, his glance was cold. His presence was dignified, commanding,repellent.

  The housekeeper and coachman both stood at attention, the lattermechanically pulling down his rolled-up sleeves.

  "So you're moving out here, Mrs. Forbes," was the remark with which thenewcomer announced himself.

  "Yes, Mr. Evringham. The man has been here to put in the electric bellyou ordered. I shall be as quick to call as if I was still in the house,sir, and I thank you--'Zekiel and I both do--for consenting to my makingit home-like for him. Perhaps you'd come up and see the rooms, sir?"

  "Not just now. Some other time. I hope 'Zekiel is going to prove himselfworth all this trouble."

  The new coachman's countenance seemed frozen into a stolidity which didnot alter.

  "I'm sure he'll try," replied hi
s mother, "and Fanshaw's livery fits himto such a turn that it would have been flying in the face of Providencenot to try him. Did you give orders to be met at this train, sir?" Mrs.Forbes looked anxiously toward the set face of her heir.

  "No--I came out unexpectedly. I have received news that is ratherperplexing."

  The housekeeper had not studied her employer's moods for years withoutunderstanding when she could be of use.

  "I will come to the house right off," was her prompt response. "It's apity you didn't know the bell was in, sir."

  "No, stay where you are. I see Dr. Ballard is here. We might beinterrupted. You can go, 'Zekiel."

  The young fellow needed no second invitation, but turned and mounted thestairway that led to the chambers above.

  Mr. Evringham took from his pocket a bunch of papers, and selecting aletter handed it to Mrs. Forbes, motioning her to the battered chair,which was still in evidence. He seated himself on the stool Zeke hadvacated, while his housekeeper opened and read the following letter:--

  CHICAGO, April 28, 19--.

  DEAR FATHER,--The old story of the Prodigal Son has always plentyof originality for the Prodigal. I have returned, and thank Heavensincerely I do not need to ask you for anything. My blessed girl Juliahas supported herself and little Jewel these years while I've beenfeeding on husks. I don't see now how I was willing to be so revoltinglycruel and cowardly as to leave her in the lurch, but she has madefriends and they have stood by her, and now I've been back sinceSeptember, doing all in my power to make up what I can to her and Jewel,as we call little Julia. They were treasures to return to such as Ideserved to have lost forever; but Julia treats me as if I'd been whiteto her right all along. I've lately secured a position that I hope tokeep. My wife has been dressmaking, and this is something in the drygoods line that I got through her. The firm want us to go to Europeto do some buying. They will pay the expenses of both; but that leavesJewel. I've heard that Lawrence's wife and daughter are living with you.I wondered if you'd let us bring Jewel as far as New York and drop herwith you for the six weeks that we shall be gone. If we had a littlemore ahead we'd take the child with us. She is eight years old andwouldn't be any trouble, but cash is scarce, and although we could boardher here with some friend, I'd like to have her become acquainted withher grandfather, and I thought as Madge and Eloise were with you, theywould look after her if Mrs. Forbes is no longer there. This has allcome about very suddenly, and we sail next Wednesday on the Scythia, soI'll be much obliged if you will wire me. I shall be glad to shake yourhand again.

  Your repentant son,


  Mrs. Forbes looked up from the letter to find her employer's eyes uponher. Her lips were set in a tight line.

  "Well?" he asked.

  "I'd like to ask first, sir, what you think of it?"

  "It strikes me as very cool. Harry knows my habits."

  The housekeeper loosened the reins of her indignation.

  "The idea of your having a child here to clatter up and down the stairsat the very time you want to take a nap!" she burst forth. "You've hadenough to bear already."

  "A deal of company in the house as it is, eh?" he rejoined. It was thefirst reference he had ever made to his permanent guests.

  "It's what I was thinking, sir."

  "You're not for it, then, Mrs. Forbes?"

  "So far as taking care of the child goes, I should do my duty. I don'tthink Mrs. Evringham or her daughter would wish to be bothered; but Iknow very little about children, except that your house is no place forthem to be racing in. One young one brings others. You would be annoyed,sir. Some folks can always ask favors." The housekeeper's cheeks wereflushed with the strength of her repugnance, and her bias relieved Mr.Evringham's indecision.

  "I agree with you," he returned, rising. "Tell 'Zekiel to saddle theMaid. After dinner I will let him take a telegram to the office."

  He returned to the house without further words, and Mrs. Forbes calledto her son in a voice that had a wrathful quaver.

  "What you got your back up about?" inquired Zeke softly, after a carefullook to see that his august master had departed.

  "Never you mind. Mr. Evringham wants you should saddle his horse andbring her round. I want he should see you can do it lively."

  "Ain't she a beaut'!" exclaimed Zeke as he led out the mare. "She'dought to be shown, she had."

  "Shown! Better not expose your ignorance where Mr. Evringham can hearyou. That mare's taken two blue ribbons already."

  "Showed they knew their business," returned Zeke imperturbably. "Is'pose the old gent don't care any more for her than he does for hislife."

  "I guess he loves her the best of anything in this world."

  "Love! The governor love anything or anybody! That's good," remarkedthe young fellow, while Essex Maid watched his movements about her withgentle, curious eyes.

  "I do believe she misses Fanshaw and notices the difference," remarkedMrs. Forbes.

  "Glad to, too. Ain't you, my beauty? She's going to be stuck on mebefore we get through. She don't want any Britishers fooling aroundher."

  "You've certainly made her look fine, Zeke. I know Mr. Evringham will bepleased. She just shines from her pretty little ears to her hoofs. Takeher around and then come back. I want to talk to you."

  "If I don't come back," returned the boy, "you'll know the governor'slooked at me a little too hard and I've been struck so."

  "Don't be any foolisher than you can help," returned Mrs. Forbes, "andhurry."

  On 'Zekiel's return to the barn he saw that his mother's face wasportentous. "Lawrence was at least handsome like his father," she beganwithout preamble, looking over Zeke's shoulder, "but Harry was as homelyas he was no account. I should think that man had enough of his sons'belongings hanging on him already. What do you think, 'Zekiel Forbes?Mr. Evringham's youngest son Harry has turned up again!"

  "I should think it was the old Harry by your tone," rejoined Zekeequably.

  "He and his wife, poor as church mice, are getting their expenses paidto Europe on business, and they have the nerve--yes, the cheek--to askMr. Evringham to let them leave their young one, a girl eight years old,with him while they're gone."

  "I hope it's a real courageous youngster," remarked Zeke.

  "A child! A wild Western dressmaker's young one in Mr. Evringham'selegant house!"

  "Is the old Harry a dressmaker?" asked Zeke mildly.

  "No, his wife is. His Julia! They've named this girl for her, and Isuppose they called her Jule, and then twisted it around to Jewel.Jewel!"

  "When is she coming?" asked Zeke, seeing that he was expected to saysomething.

  "Coming? She isn't coming," cried his mother irefully. "Not while Mr.Evringham has his wits. They haven't a particle of right to ask him.Harry has worried him to distraction already. The child would be sure totorment him."

  "He'd devour her the second day, then," returned Zeke calmly. "It wouldbe soon over."