Read Jigsaw Jill Page 4

Jane had kept her old apartment even though she was living with her new man. I asked all the people at the courthouse about the new girlfriend the A.D.A. had. I found out that she had not told him or anyone else that we had been engaged. She was just playing me. I waited till I knew that the Lawyer was going to be out of town on a case, and then I sent a package to her old place. I had kept a copy of the keys she had given me when we were engaged. When she arrived to get the delivered box, she of course open the door to check on how the place was doing. I let her get in and when she went toward the bedroom, I stepped out of the closet and hit her on the head.

  When Jane woke she found out that I had moved her to the A.D.A.'s apartment. She was tied to the four corners of their bed. I had duct taped her mouth to prevent her screaming. When I walked into the room, she looked at me with fear on her face. She struggled against the bonds on her limbs, but I have become very good at tying women up. I unrolled the knifes that I had taken from Joyce's apartment and Jane went wild upon seeing them.

  Officer Jill Thompson:

  Sometimes a case will come in that upsets even the toughest detective. I didn't get to go to the actual crime site, but the pictures were enough to send me to the bathroom the first time I saw them. No one laughed when I returned. The woman was killed just like the plastic surgeon, but there was more blood than you could believe. The victim had been flayed alive to get that much bleeding. The medical examiner had determined that the surgeon had been smothered with a pillow and was dead before being cut to ribbons. This latest was still alive when he began cutting on her. This was done by someone with so much hate against this woman, that it was almost unimaginable.

  Jigsaw Jill:

  I woke up at two in the morning. How I had even slept with the visions of that horrific scene in my mind, I don't know. But now I had to get to the office and put down on paper what was rambling in my brain. I backed the Porsche out of the garage and swung by Ihop on Sunset and got some coffee and donuts to go. Yes, cops eat donuts. There was no one in the squad room and I rolled a new murder board out of the closet and put it beside my desk. I pulled all the murders that might have been done by a single male over the last six months and started going through them. When

  eight o'clock rolled by the guys started coming in. As each enter the room they looked at me, but I didn't even notice them. They just sat back an watched as I would pull something out of the stack of files and put it on the board. I would then go thru more files and suddenly pull another sheet out and add to the board. As the narrative built with the display, the guys started putting their heads together and began muttering to each other. The most senior detective suddenly jerked his gray head back and opened a filing cabinet and took out a single sheet and placed it on the board. That was the first time I noticed them sitting around my desk. I looked at the piece of paper and saw that it was mine and Charlie's shooting. I slapped myself in the head and said "How did I miss that, I guess I was just to close to realize the connection." The Lt. spoke to me. "Jill when you get ready I would like a full report."

  When I got ready. I still wasn't sure what I had. My inner mind was running the show and my outer self was trying to catch up. I said, "I have to talk to Charlie."

  Teddy Brooks:

  Mother died and I will have to put off the last one till I bury her. She wanted to be with her parents back in Illinois and that will take me a week to accomplish. I am not in a rush to finish. I don't know what I will do when my goal is completed.

  Jigsaw Jill:

  Mona Williams - Duct tape and tied to bed, smothered. Married

  Dr. Joyce Carson -Smothered , face slashed. Widow not remarried.

  Eva Smith - Raped, smothered. Escort

  Jane Watson - Duct tape and tied to bed, face slashed. Engaged to A.D.A. John Parsons

  My "GUT" told me that these were done by the same person. With Jane Watson being the one with the most connection to the murderer. He had smothered all the others, but he made sure that Jane had, what we call "Psychological Horror", before she died. The slow death of cutting her face to pieces was the cruelest form of torture and he had followed though with it without remorse. We must look deeper into her life. Who was she before she was the girlfriend of John Parsons. I turned to the others and asked out loud, where did she use to live?