Read Joan of the Sword Hand Page 48



  Above, in the dusky light of the upper hall, Conrad and Joan stoodholding each other's hands. It was the first time they had been alonetogether since the day on which they had walked along the sand-dunes ofRugen.

  Since then they seemed to have grown inexplicably closer together. ToJoan, Conrad now seemed much more her own--the man who loved her, whomshe loved--than he had been on the Island. To watch day by day for hispassing in martial attire brought back the knight of the tournamentwhose white plume she had seen storm through the lists on the day when,a slim secretary, she had stood with beating heart and shining eyesbehind the chair of Leopold von Dessauer, Ambassador of Plassenburg.

  For almost five minutes they stood thus without speech; then Joan drewaway her hands.

  "You forget," she said smiling, "that was forbidden in the bond."

  "My lady," he said, "was not the bond for Isle Rugen alone? Here we arecomrades in the strife. We must save our fatherland. I have laid asidemy priesthood. If I live, I shall appeal to the Holy Father to loose mewholly from my vows."

  Smilingly she put his eager argument by.

  "It was of another vow I spoke. I am not the Holy Father, and for this Iwill not give you absolution. We are comrades, it is true--that and nomore! To-morrow I ride to Kernsberg, where I will muster every man,call down the shepherds from the hills, and be back with you by the Allabefore the Muscovite can attack you. I, Joan of the Sword Hand, promiseit!"

  She stamped her foot, half in earnest and half in mockery of thesonorous name by which she was known.

  "I would rather you were Joan of the Grange at Isle Rugen, and I yourjerkined servitor, cleaving the wood that you might bake the bread."

  "Conrad," said Joan, shaking her head wistfully, "such thoughts are notwise for you and me to harbour. I may indeed be no duchess and you noprince, but we must stand to our dignities now when the enemy threatensand the people need us. Afterwards, an it like us, we may step downtogether. But, indeed, I need not to argue, for I think better of you,my comrade, than to suppose you would ever imagine anything else."

  "Joan," said Conrad very gravely, "do not fear for me. I have turnedonce for all from a career I never chose. Death alone shall turn me backthis time."

  "I know it," she answered; "I never doubted it. But what shall we dowith this poor lovesick bride of ours?"

  And she told him of her interview that morning with his sister. Conradlaughed gently, yet with sympathy; Margaret had always been his "littlegirl," and her very petulances were dear to him.

  "It had been well if she would have consented to remain here," he said;"and yet I do not know. She is not built for rough weather, ourGretchen. We are near the enemy, and many things may happen. Oursoldiers are mostly levies in Courtland, and the land has been long atpeace. The burghers and country folk are willing enough, but--well,perhaps she will be better with you."

  "She swears she will not go without her husband," said Joan. "Yet heought to remain with you. I do not need him; Werner will be enough."

  "Leave me Von Orseln, and do you take the young man," said Conrad;"then Margaret will go with you willingly and gladly."

  "But she will want to return--that is, if Maurice comes, too."

  "Isle Rugen?" suggested Conrad, smilingly. "Send your ten men who knowthe road. If they could carry off Joan of the Sword Hand, they shouldhave no difficulty with little Margaret of Courtland."

  Joan clapped her hands with pleasure and relief, all unconscious thatimmediately behind her Margaret had entered softly and now stoodarrested by the sound of her own name.

  "Oh, they will have no trouble, will they not?" she said in her ownheart, and smiled. "Isle Rugen? Thank you, my very dear brother andsister. You would get rid of me, separate me from Maurice while he isfighting for your precious princedoms. What is a country in comparisonwith a husband? I would not care a doit which country I belonged to, solong as I had Maurice with me!"

  A moment or two Conrad and Joan discussed the details of the capture,while more softly than before Margaret retired to the door. She wouldhave slipped out altogether but that something happened just then whichfroze her to the spot.

  A trumpet blew without--once, twice, and thrice, in short and stirringblasts. Hardly had the echoes died away when she heard her brother say,"Adieu, best-beloved! It is the signal that tells me that Prince Ivan iswithin a day's march of Courtland. I bid you goodbye, and if--if weshould never meet again, do not forget that I loved you--loved you asnone else could love!"

  He held out his hand. Joan stood rooted to the spot, her lips moving,but no words coming forth. Then Margaret heard a hoarse cry break fromher who had contemned love.

  "I cannot let you go thus!" she cried. "I cannot keep the vow! It is toohard for me! Conrad!--I am but a weak woman after all!"

  And in a moment the Princess Margaret saw Joan the cold, Joan of theSword Hand, Joan Duchess of Kernsberg and Hohenstein, in the arms of herbrother.

  Whereupon, not being of set purpose an eavesdropper, Margaret went outand shut the door softly. The lovers had neither heard her come nor go.And the wife of Maurice von Lynar was smiling very sweetly as she went,but in her eyes lurked mischief.

  Conrad descended the stair from the apartments of the Duchess Joan,divided between the certainty that his lips had tasted the unutterablejoy and the fear lest his soul had sinned the unpardonable sin.

  A moment Joan steadied herself by the window, with her hand to herbreast as if to still the flying pulses of her heart. She took a stepforward that she might look once more upon him ere he went. But,changing her purpose in the very act, she turned about and found herselfface to face with the Princess Margaret, who was still smiling subtly.

  "You have granted my request?" she said softly.

  Joan commanded herself with difficulty.

  "What request?" she asked, for she indeed had forgotten.

  "That Maurice and I should first go with you to Kernsberg and afterwardsto Plassenburg."

  "Let me think--let me think--give me time!" said Joan, sinking into achair and looking straight before her. The world was suddenly filledwith whirling vapour and her brain turned with it.

  "I am in the midst of troubles. I know not what to do!" she murmured.

  "Ah, it was quieter at Isle Rugen, was it not?" suggested Margaret, whohad not forgiven the project of kidnapping her and carrying her off fromher husband.

  But Joan was thinking too deeply to answer or even to notice any taunt.

  "I cannot go," she murmured, thinking aloud. "I cannot ride to Kernsbergand leave him in the front of danger!"

  "A woman's place is at home!" said Margaret in a low tone, maliciouslyquoting Joan's words.

  "He must not fight this battle alone. Perhaps I shall never see himagain!"

  "A man must not be hampered by affection in the hour of danger!"

  At this point Joan looked down upon Margaret as she might have done at apuppy that worried a stick to attract her attention.

  "Do you know," she said, "that Prince Ivan and his Muscovites are withina day's march of Courtland, and that Prince Conrad has already goneforth to meet them?"

  "What!" cried Margaret, "within a day's march of the city? I must go andfind my husband."

  "Wait!" said Joan. "I see my way. Your husband shall come hither."

  She went to the door and clapped her hands. An attendant appeared, oneof the faithful Kernsberg ten to whom so much had been committed uponthe Isle Rugen.

  "Send hither instantly Werner von Orseln, Alt Pikker, and the Count vonLoeen!"

  She waited with the latch of the door in her hand till she heard theirfootsteps upon the stair. They entered together and saluted. Margaretmoved instinctively nearer to her husband. Indeed, only the feeling thatthe moment was a critical one kept her from running at once to him. Asfor Maurice, he had not yet grown ashamed of his wife's openmanifestations of affection.

  "Gentlemen," said Joan, "the enemy is at the gate of
the city. We shallneed every man. Who will ride to Kernsberg and bring back succour?"

  "Alt Pikker will go!" said Maurice instantly; "he is in charge of thelevies!"

  "The Count von Loeen is young. He will ride fastest!" said the chiefcaptain.

  "Werner von Orseln, of course!" said Alt Pikker, "he is in chiefcommand."

  "What? You do not wish to go?" said Joan a little haughtily, lookingfrom one to the other of them. It was Werner von Orseln who answered.

  "Your Highness," he said respectfully, "if the enemy be so near, and abattle imminent, the man is no soldier who would willingly be absent.But we are your servants. Choose you one to go; or, if it seem good toyou, more than one. Bid us go, and on our heads it shall be to escortyou safely to Kernsberg and bring back reinforcements."

  The Princess came closer to Joan and slipped a hand into hers. The wittywrinkle at the corner of Werner von Orseln's mouth twitched.

  "Von Lynar shall go!" said Joan.

  Whereat Maurice held down his head, Margaret clapped her hands, and theother two stood stolidly awaiting instructions, as became theirposition.

  "At what hour shall I depart, my lady?" said Maurice.

  "Now! So soon as you can get the horses ready?"

  "But your Grace must have time to make her preparations!"

  "I am not going to Kernsberg. I stay here!" said Joan, stating a fact.

  Werner von Orseln was just going out of the door, jubilantly confidingto Alt Pikker that as soon as he saw the Princess put her hand in theirlady's he knew they were safe. At the sound of Joan's words he wasstartled into crying out loudly, "What?" At the same time he faced aboutwith the frown on his face which he wore when he corrected anirregularity in the ranks.

  "I am not going to Kernsberg. I bide here!" Joan repeated calmly. "Haveyou anything to say to that, Chief Captain von Orseln?"

  "But, my lady----"

  "There are no buts in the matter. Go to your quarters and see that thearms and armour are all in good case!"

  "Madam, the arms and armour are always in good case," said Werner, withdignity; "but go to Kernsberg you must. The enemy is near to the city,and your Highness might fall into their hands."

  "You have heard what I have said!" Joan tapped the oaken floor with herfoot.

  "But, madam, let me beseech you----"

  Joan turned from her chief captain impatiently and walked towards thedoor of her private apartments. Werner followed his mistress, with hishands a little outstretched and a look of eager entreaty on his face.

  "My lady," he said, "thirty years I was the faithful servant of yourfather--ten I have served you. By the memory of those years, if ever Ihave served you faithfully--"

  "My father taught you but little, if after thirty years you have notlearned to obey. Go to your post!"

  Werner von Orseln drew himself up and saluted. Then he wheeled about andclanked out without adding a word more.

  "Faith," he confided to Alt Pikker, "the wench is her father all overagain. If I had gone a step further, I swear she would have beat me withthe flat of my own sword. I saw her eye full on the hilt of it."

  "Faith, I too, wished that I had been better helmeted!" chuckled AltPikker.

  "Well," said Werner, like one who makes the best of ill fortune, "wemust keep the closer to her, you and I, that in the stress of battle shecome not to a mischief. Yet I confess that I am not deeply sorry. Ibegan to fear that Isle Rugen had sapped our lass's spirit. To my mind,she seemed somewhat over content to abide there."

  "Ah," nodded Alt Pikker, "that is because, after all, our Joan is awoman. No one can know the secret of a woman's heart."

  "And those who think they know most, know the least!" concurred the muchexperienced Werner.

  * * * * *

  For a moment, after the door closed upon the men, Joan and Margaretstood in silence regarding each other.

  "I must go and make me ready," said Margaret, speaking like one who isthinking deeply. Joan stood still, conscious that something was about tohappen, uncertain what it might be.

  "I shall see you before I depart," Margaret was saying, with her hand onthe latch.

  Suddenly she dropped the handle of the door and ran impulsively to Joan,clasping her about the neck.

  "_I know!_" she said, looking up into her face.

  With a great leap the blood flew to Joan's neck and brow, then as slowlyfaded away, leaving her paler than before.

  "What do you know?" she faltered; and she feared, yet desired, to hear.

  "That you love him!" said Margaret very low. "I came in--I could nothelp it--I did not know--when Conrad was bidding you goodbye. Joan, I amso glad--so glad! Now you will understand; now you will not think mefoolish any more!"

  "Margaret, I am shamed for ever--it is sin!" whispered Joan, with herarms about her friend.

  "It is love!" said the wife of Maurice von Lynar, with glowing eyes andpride in her voice.

  "I hope I shall die in battle----"


  "I a wife, and love a priest--the brother of the man who is my husband!I pray God that He will take my life to atone for the sin of loving him.Yet He knows that I could neither help it nor yet hinder."

  "Joan, you will yet be happy."

  The Duchess shook her head.

  "It were best for us both that I should die--that is what I pray for."

  "May Heaven avert this thing--you know not what you say. And yet,"Margaret continued in a more meditative tone, "I am not sure. If he werethere with you, death itself would not be so hard; at all events, itwere better than living without each other."

  And the two women went into the attiring-room with arms still lockedabout each other's waists. And as often as their eyes encountered theylingered a little, as if tasting the sweet new knowledge which they hadin common. Then those of Joan of the Sword Hand were averted and sheblushed.