Read Jodi Ann Page 7


  Jodi wore a look of surprise that quickly turned to suspicion, Reichmann looked drained, his hair was untidy, he had forgotten to put on his suit jacket and he had removed his tie. He ran his hand across his head in an attempt to freshen up but it was obvious the wind had been taken from his sails. He paced up and down nervously in her outer office, she beckoned him and he anxiously scuffled in and sat down. She closed the door and locked here eyes on him as he sat down, she walked behind her desk, he averted his sight as he noticed her serious look and her piercing gaze. Jodi sat down looking sideways at him until he looked at her. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost Gustav.”

  He again attempted to tidy his hair running his fingers through the matted mess from front to back, his accent had broadened tired and stressed. “You know whom I’ve seen, you knew your husband was coming in behind you, I was set up.”

  Jodi twiddled with her pen, she tossed her hair behind her back, her eyes shot around as her mind calculated scenarios and response. “Really.”

  “What can you do for me should I give you some valuable information?”



  “Rewarding crime makes no sense to me, if you’ve made mistakes I see no vision in reward.”

  “But you’re husband implied I work for him now.”

  Jodi blinked but held composure. “Then he must have some kind of reward in mind, I asked about Pike and Jackal.”

  “I had little to do with the to and fro, Miss Pringle handled it.”

  “Handled what.”

  “The information trail.”

  “I appreciate your German but put it in plain English.”

  “Information from phone and computer hacking, members of parliament, industrialist, celebrities, anything we could make money from with legal threats.”

  Jodi hesitated, her hands went cold and she stopped breathing for a few seconds. “People in this building hacked private phone conversations?”

  Reichmann, his gaze fixed in his lap suddenly looked up from his disposition and squinted. “You act as if oblivious, your husband help with the set up did he, I hear the rumours from within the corridors of power. One and one is two, your husband is developing a powerful spy network, that’s what he does, put the results in reach of journalism and here we are, your father assists with operations I imagine.”

  Jodi stood up taking Reichmann by surprise, he felt the air change and temperature rise. She perched on her fingers and looked down at him, her hair rolled around her shoulders and stopped when meeting the edge of the desk. “From your meagre perceptions you believe my father would allow conduct as you mention within the walls of this building.”

  Reichmann became lost, he had unleashed a sleeping giant. “Careful, your husband may not be able to protect your interest, life or family, I can help. I have information on member 0026, for protection I can….”

  Jodi stood up straight with her arms by her side. “Get out.”

  “Don’t be a fool Mrs…”

  “Get out!”

  “Calm down we need each ot…”

  “Get out!!” Jodi stormed to the door, opened it and with a look of pure rage looked daggers at Reichmann. “Get out!!”

  Reichmann rose and shuffled out the door, Jodi followed him, she spoke to her secretary shocked by the rise in Jodi’s voice. “Have Mr Reichmann escorted to the street, where is my father?”

  “He’s in New York Mrs Stanton,” replied her secretary, Jane.

  “Have him return here immediately.”

  “I’ll try.”

  “Tell him if he’s not on a plane in an hour I’ll ring him myself.”

  Jane picked up a phone. “Straight away.”

  A security guard flanked Reichmann about to lead him away, Jodi turned to Reichmann with scorn. “I have never raised my voice to this lovely lady before in my life, I have no idea what you’ve been up to but I think we just blew the Wilhelm Brewster case wide open. Get out and don’t ever set foot in this building again, would appear my husband is due more respect than I ever considered.”

  Jane held out the phone to Jodi. “Your father.”

  “Forgive me Jane.” She took the phone. “Dad.”

  “Jodi what on earth is going on, I’m in a meeting this is highly unusual.”

  “Dad, get back here now I need you.”

  “What’s the matter?”

  “It is no longer safe to talk on the phone, please dad.”

  Her father looked around the room at the glum faces gazing at his impromptu bad manners. He nodded. “Of course love, sit tight.” He hung up and rose to his feet gathering his things from the board room table. “Excuse me gentleman I have been called away.”

  An American accent boomed across the table. “Were looking for direction here Bill, you cant just up and leave.”

  Bill Simpson closed his leather case, rose to his feet and spoke as he walked toward the exit. “I just got more direction that I can handle, I shall be in touch gentleman.”