Read Johnny B. Fast: The Super Spy Part One Page 25

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  Ackers clutched his heart in fear, as if he could try and stop it from beating out of his chest. Where did that explosion come from? What was going on? Who had authorized all of this? With no answers to any of his questions, Ackers was forced to take some kind of action or wait under the desk to be caught by someone. His first order of business was to find out who was in the room without being caught. As cautiously and spy-like as he could, Ackers peeked out from under the desk and looked around the room. There was no one in sight; whoever was there before was gone now. The window was still open but there was no other trace that anyone had been there.

  Ackers heard the sound of furniture breaking and glass shattering from downstairs. Clearly there were two different groups breaking in to steal the Chip and they had nothing to do with each other. At least that was as clear as he could get without having seen either of them. Which brought him to his next order of business; he had to find out who he was dealing with and how best to deal with them. In other words, although Ackers would never have admitted it this way, he had to find out how best to get away from whoever was now in the house.

  Ackers crept over to the door and opened it a crack, trying to look out into the hallway for any signs of the intruders. The upstairs was completely empty; it looked like they were all still downstairs for now. He opened the door and walked as quietly as he could to the banister. Ackers looked downstairs.

  There was a flurry of ordered chaos down there. Soldiers were destroying everything in sight to find the Super Chip. They were barely getting out of their own way as they smashed and shot up every hiding place they could find. Even the walls weren’t safe as they blasted them with laser guns and searched the holes for any trace of the technological wonder that Ackers had clutched tightly in his hand. He opened his fist and looked down at the simple looking thing. He would have to defend it, he knew that. He would have to risk his life and put himself between them and the Chip, using every gadget and skill at his disposal to save the precious artifact. In other words, he was probably going to die. But that was what heroes did; they died defending what they believed in. Ackers closed his fist tightly again, his resolve strengthened.

  The soldiers turned their attention toward the stairs leading up. Ackers shrank back into the shadows out of sight. Perhaps heroes could find a way to avoid dying while still defending their beliefs? Maybe hiding was the best thing Ackers could do at this moment? His resolve quickly fading, Ackers turned and bolted back into Johnny’s room, softly closing the door behind him. He had to think of something fast; they were going to be upstairs at any moment.

  Ackers glanced toward the window and thought about throwing the Chip outside. It wouldn’t be his problem anymore; maybe they would find it, maybe they wouldn’t. One thing was for sure, they were definitely going to find it if he kept it. No, he admonished himself, he couldn’t think like that. He had to protect it, he couldn’t give it up. The world was counting on him, there would be no surrender, no throwing away his responsibility. Like it or not, he was the one in this situation and he was going to have to do the right thing. Ackers held the Super Chip up, looking at it resting gently in his palm. Any minute they were going to break through the door, so Ackers did the only thing he could think of. He opened his mouth wide and swallowed the Super Chip. It was like a lump in his throat, and for a moment it got stuck and Ackers choked. He fell to his knees and his face went red. And then it was over, the Chip was safely in his stomach. It was only at that moment that Ackers hoped his stomach acids wouldn’t destroy it. He cursed himself for not thinking about that sooner, but there was nothing he could do about it now.

  Ackers struggled back to his feet and faced the door. He could hear the soldiers on the other side. His time had run out, Ackers knew that. There was nothing to do but wait to be caught. But at least he wouldn’t surrender the Chip; he couldn’t. No matter what happened now there was no giving up. Ackers tried to steady his nerves and his breathing while he kept his head up high. He was ready to face his fate, a true hero to the end.