Read Johnny B. Fast: The Super Spy Part One Page 6

Chapter 2: Trouble at School and Work

  The school looked just like a regular school, so naturally Johnny didn’t feel like going inside. It wasn’t that he disliked school, he just felt that he didn’t apply himself enough, which usually brought up feelings of guilt. He wanted to apply himself more, but with his regular spy job it was becoming harder and harder to sleep, let alone study.

  Still, as Johnny went through his usual excuses in his head, he knew that he had no one to blame but himself. School was important, and it was doubly important to a super spy who had to know everything he could about the world.

  “I’ll do better,” he promised himself.

  A passing kid heard him say it and turned to look. Seeing that there was no one else around, the kid realized that Johnny was talking to himself.

  Slightly embarrassed, Johnny gave him a weak smile. The kid looked away and shook his head.

  I have to make sure no one thinks I’m crazy while I do better, Johnny thought, wanting to avoid any further stares and head shakings. At least it helped with his identity, making it even more likely that he was unlikely to be a super spy.

  He also wanted a chance to try and talk to Nancy. Johnny was interested in how she became a super spy, and found out about the Chip and where it was being traded, and how she learned how to fight like that, and where she got all those cool gadgets.

  His mind thoroughly off of his school subjects, Johnny headed into the school without much prospect of doing better at it.