Read Jolly Time Books: Chasing Kelly's Shadow (Study Guide) Page 1

Jolly Time Books

  Chasing Kelly’s Shadow

  Study Guide

  Written and illustrated by

  Karen S. McGowan

  Dennis E. McGowan

  Text and illustrations copyright

  2014, 2017

  by Karen S. McGowan

  and Dennis E. McGowan


  Let’s Get Started

  Discussion Questions

  Special Preview

  Other Books You Will Like

  About the Authors

  Let’s Get Started

  Note to Readers

  You are encouraged to order a copy of the book before using this study guide. Most readers use this guide by first reading a chapter from the book, and then reviewing the corresponding section from this guide. Others prefer to read the entire book, and then review using the questions found in this guide. The questions will facilitate meaningful conversations with readers both in and out of the classroom. Members of the Jolly family encounter some of the same problems that we all experience.

  We hope you find these books enjoyable and beneficial for your young readers. Thank you for sharing the adventures of the Jolly family.

  Adults may enjoy reading Mr. Jolly’s favorite book, “The Living D.I.E.T.: Conquer stress in your life now.”

  Jolly Time Books are available at your favorite bookstore.


  The Jolly family is just like yours, hanging on for the ride!

  In “Jolly Time Books: Searching for Kelly” (book 1), the Jolly family “reinvents” itself by moving near Washington, D.C.

  The move triggers many questions. Will Lizzy and Ben fit in at their new school? How will Lizzy deal with classmates who are bullies? How long will it take them to find new classmates who will be their friends? Will their world ever return to normal after they welcome Kelly, a cute dachshund, into their family?

  The issues that confront the family continue in “Jolly Time Books: Chasing Kelly’s Shadow” (book 2). Due to jobs, school, and other things, the stress levels in the Jolly family increase to new heights. Will Ben survive a week in the wilderness? About the time some things get settled, the holidays bring added stress to the family. Will Kelly survive the holidays?

  In “Jolly Time Books: Kelly Saves the Day” (book 3), a larger tragedy looms as the Jolly family and others mysteriously vanish. In a fateful attempt to rescue his family and friends, Mr. Jolly gets lost in an unforgiving wilderness. Will anyone try to rescue him? Will he ever be found alive?

  Although it is a chaotic and bumpy road, Lizzy and Ben Jolly have many exciting adventures. They meet new friends and interesting neighbors.

  Find out how they deal with these changes. These books add up to fun with something for everyone.

  Join Lizzy and Ben for a Jolly Time!

  A Glance at the Jolly Family

  As her name implies, Lizzy Jolly is a happy person, young and vibrant, and very enthusiastic about almost everything. The same things that interest any girl her age excite Lizzy.

  Lizzy is a good student and loves playing the piano and flute. However, life has its ups and downs. Lizzy encounters many of the same issues that confront all kids, including bullies, peer pressure, personal appearance, and making the right choices about eating healthy. Through perseverance, Lizzy develops more confidence in her abilities and has many successes, like starting her own band, giving piano lessons, and running for school student council. One of her desires in life is to get her very own pet dog.

  Ben Jolly is Lizzy’s younger brother. He wants to be some kind of scientist when he grows up. He is good in math at school; and some kids even call him a “nerd.” One of his goals in life is to see that he and Lizzy get a pet dog. Now and then, he is a pain to Lizzy but most of the time he is a “good egg.”

  Kathy Jolly, the mother of this clan, only wants the best possible life for her family. She is a good role model for the kids. She understands the importance of education in everyday life, and returns to college to obtain her degree. Her communication skills are often needed to negotiate sensitive family issues.

  The patriarch in this family is Mike Jolly. Often caught between baubles and bumbles, Mike keeps searching for that “perfect” job so that he can provide a better life for his family.

  As the Jolly family travels across the country to “reinvent” themselves, they encounter many challenging situations and interesting characters. Be sure and read all the Jolly Time Books in this trilogy.

  Discussion Topics

  Topics covered in Jolly Time Books include:


  Childhood obesity

  Eating healthy

  Self esteem


  Making friends

  Strengthening family relationships

  School success

  Caring for pets

  Chapter 1 Discussion Questions

  Lizzy writes in her journal.

  1. What does Lizzy write about in her journal?

  2. What does Kelly do when she senses there is going to be a storm? How does your pet react to stormy weather?

  3. Why did Lizzy think Ben won most of the games when they played dominoes with Mr. and Mrs. Oldham?

  4. Why did Ben, Lizzy, and the Oldhams sing the Clickety Clack rap?

  5. Why do some noises sound special to us? Is there a certain noise that makes you happy when you hear it? (Write a song or rap about your special noise.)

  6. Why did some kids call Ben a name? Has anyone called you a name you didn’t like? What are some ways you might respond if someone calls you a name?

  7. What have you studied this year in science that you found interesting? What could you do to learn more about a science project?

  Chapter 2 Discussion Questions

  Lizzy and Ben visit Washington, D.C.

  1. What did Mrs. Jolly see on Mr. Jolly’s face while they were driving? What did she do?

  2. What did the Jolly family talk about after that?

  3. What does hereditary mean? What hereditary traits do you have from your parents?

  4. What funny discussions have you had during a family trip?

  5. Have you visited Washington, D.C.? What did you see?

  6. What did the owner of the restaurant tell the Jolly family about himself? How many people do you know from other countries?

  7. While the Jolly family was away, what did Kelly do?

  8. What has your pet done that you thought was really funny?

  Chapter 3 Discussion Questions

  Lizzy practices her music. She also confronts a bully.

  1. While Lizzy is practicing her flute and keyboard, what does her mother ask her to do?

  2. Do you play a musical instrument or would you like to learn to play?

  3. Why does Lizzy think Miss Keys is a very special person?

  4. What happened to Lizzy at soccer practice?

  5. What would you have done?

  6. What does Lizzy write in her journal about trying to make friends at her new school?

  7. What advice did Mrs. Jolly give Lizzy about making friends?

  8. Do you think Mrs. Jolly is right that some people may never be your friend? Is that okay?

  9. Do you have hurt feelings when someone doesn’t want to be your friend?

  10. How do you make new friends? Does everyone have to be your friend?

  Chapter 4 Discussion Questions

  Lizzy and Ben listen to their parents discussing stuff.

  1. Did Lizzy and Ben get involved when they heard their parents arguing? Why not?

  2. Wha
t were Lizzy and Ben’s parents arguing about?

  3. Have you ever argued with someone over something that really didn’t matter?

  4. Why didn’t Mr. Jolly want to go with Ben on a camp out?

  5. Do you like to go camping? What outdoor activities do you enjoy?

  6. What did the kids think about Ben’s teacher? Why?

  7. What does it mean to have eyes in the back of your head?

  Chapter 5 Discussion Questions

  Mr. Jolly and Ben go on a camp out. Ben runs into bullies. Ben thinks his dad is upset with Kelly.

  1. Why isn’t Mr. Jolly happy at the father and son camp out? Does Ben have a good time?

  2. What do Lizzy and her mom do while Ben and his dad are away?

  3. What happened at the dinner party?

  4. What did Ben do when the boys teased him and threw rocks? What would you have done?

  5. What did Lizzy think of Ben’s response?

  6. What did Mr. Jolly say he was going to do when he came downstairs?

  7. What does Mr. Jolly want to do with the cardboard box under the kitchen counter? Why?

  8. According to Mrs. Jolly, what are Kelly’s positive attributes?

  9. According to Mr. Jolly, what are Kelly’s negative attributes?

  (Readers could write the reasons, both pro and con, for keeping Kelly. This could also be an excellent opportunity for playing different roles in a short skit. Children could research facts then debate the pros and cons of pet ownership.)

  10. What does Ben do after overhearing the discussion about Kelly? What does he do with the boxes? Why?

  Chapter 6 Discussion Questions

  Ben takes action to protect Kelly. Lizzy has an idea for a job. Lizzy and her friends pay it forward.

  1. What happens while Ben is getting ready for school? How does it make him feel? What does he do? What does Kelly do?

  2. Have you ever had a frightening experience? What did you do?

  3. When Ben retells his experience at dinnertime, what does Mr. Jolly say about Kelly’s behavior?

  4. Why wasn’t Mrs. Jolly ready to drive Lizzy to her piano lesson?

  5. What did Lizzy decide about her future while she and Queenie were sitting on the bench?

  6. What type of job would you like to have when you grow up? What type of training do you need to get that job? Do you think you might have several different jobs in the future?

  7. What things do Lizzy and her friends sew? Are they happy with the results? Did they work together? Why were they frustrated?

  8. What did the girls do when their projects didn’t turn out the way they wanted? Did they still have fun trying or did they get angry?

  9. What were Ben and Mr. Jolly doing?

  10. Write about a project you worked on with an adult.

  11. Have you and a friend ever worked together to create something? Did your project turn out the way you thought it would?

  Chapter 7 Discussion Questions

  The Jolly family has a big surprise on Christmas morning.

  1. What happened when Mr. and Mrs. Jolly brought a big box inside the house?

  2. What holiday activities does the family enjoy?

  3. Why does Mr. Jolly drive the family home before they look at holiday lights?

  4. What activities do you enjoy doing with your family during holidays or special celebrations?

  5. Why did Lizzy and Ben wake up so early on Christmas morning?

  6. What was Lizzy thinking as she helped Grandma?

  7. Do you think Lizzy really has a klutz (clumsy) curse? Is there such a thing?

  Chapter 8 Discussion Questions

  Lizzy talks with her grandma. The Jolly family celebrates Christmas.

  1. Why did Mrs. Jolly want Lizzy to keep Grandma in the kitchen?

  2. What did Lizzy and Grandma Dee talk about?

  3. Did Grandma Dee love animals? How can you tell?

  4. What types of animals have you been around?

  5. How have animals or pets helped you?

  6. What was going on in the living room while Lizzy talked to Grandma in the kitchen?

  7. What was Lizzy’s favorite story?

  8. What was Grandma holding in her hand when she got out of the car? Why?

  9. What did Grandma and Mrs. Jolly tell Lizzy when they opened their presents?

  10. Who opened the last present? What happened to it?

  11. Why was Mr. Jolly yelling when he ran upstairs from the basement?

  12. What did Mr. Jolly’s brother, Rusty, notice about the tree?

  13. Why didn’t Mr. Jolly want his brother to help him fix the tree?

  14. What plans did Lizzy and her grandmother make together?

  15. What activities do you enjoy doing with your grandparents? Can you think of other activities you might enjoy doing with them?

  16. What did you like about this book? Do you have a favorite part?

  Thank you for reading this book.

  If you enjoyed it, please take a moment to leave a review.

  Thank you.

  You will find messages in each book—

  messages that some of you will hold near.

  Some of them will make you think,

  and some of them will make you say, “Oh, dear!”

  Even if life has not unfolded

  by the book—as you think it should,

  there is still one thing certain—

  life is good. Yes, life is good!

  Turn the page for a preview of another exciting story from Jolly Time Books!

  Special Preview

  Here is a Special Preview of

  Jolly Time Books: Chasing Kelly’s Shadow

  Chapter 1

  (From Lizzy’s Journal)

  The Jolly family has always been chasing dreams.

  We were chasing a dream when we moved here to Alexandria, Virginia. Mom and Dad wanted to reinvent themselves. Dad wanted to work in Washington, D.C. Mom and I said okay. My brother, Ben, said he didn’t care if we moved, just as long as he could bring his stuff.

  We got here at the first of the summer. There are lots of exciting things to see and do in Washington, D.C.

  But the best thing to happen to us since we moved here is Kelly!

  Kelly is our new puppy. She is sleeping at the other end of my bed right now. She is really cute.

  She has big brown eyes, just like me. She has a black nose, black toenails, and black whiskers, not like me. She has a small spot of white fur on the top of her head. There is a tiny bump on her tail. No one has noticed it, but me. When she is awake, her wiry little tail wags all day long.

  Mom calls her a brown, shorthaired dachshund with attitude.

  Dad calls her all sorts of names!

  Ben and I had to show Mom and Dad that we were responsible enough to get Kelly from the shelter.

  It took forever before Dad went along with the idea. He is still not sure about her.

  Kelly is so small. Everything must look very large to her. She must think she is in a land of giants.

  She always looks up when we are outside in the yard. Does she have any other choice? I wonder if she is looking for aliens on other planets.

  Kelly would be good on TV as a weather dog because she can predict bad weather.

  She likes sunny days. But if she thinks it might rain, that’s not good.

  If she sees too many clouds, or sees lightning, or hears claps of thunder she shakes just like a bowl full of jelly.

  When we are outside and it is raining, we have to hold an umbrella over her. She does not like to get wet.

  Even when we are inside the house, Kelly runs from room to room, trying to find a place to hide from the rain. She gets so nervous that her feet get sweaty and she slides all over the floor.

  Everyone thinks Kelly is funny, except Dad.

  (End of Lizzy’s Journal)


  Kelly still had her puppy teeth. She wanted to chew on everything, especially us. She really loved
chewing on Dad’s stuff.

  “That dog has been chewing on my slippers again, Kathy. They are all wet and slimy!”

  “I don’t know why she prefers your slippers, Mike.”

  “Well, I need a new pair. These are covered with dog snot. This happens to me every day. I can’t believe it. I simply cannot believe it.”

  Dad walked into the kitchen and threw his slippers in the garbage can.

  Ben and I went downstairs to watch TV. Kelly jumped up on the sofa and sat between us.

  We always kept a bag of rawhide chew sticks with us because Kelly wanted to chew, chew, chew.

  When she started gnawing on our fingers and arms, we stuffed a chew stick in her mouth.

  Kelly ate five or six of them by the end of the program. Dad complained about how much they cost. At least, Ben and I still had five fingers on each hand.

  One night while we were watching TV, Kelly was playing hide and seek. She loved running behind the sofa to hide. We heard a sizzle noise. The bulb in the lamp on the table flickered and went out.

  Kelly yelped! We jumped up. She whimpered and crawled out from behind the sofa with her tail between her legs.

  That was strange, I thought. This was a mystery that had to be solved.

  I grabbed a flashlight and put on my detective hat. Really, I only borrowed Ben’s new orange hardhat and started my investigation. This would require serious detective work.

  The lamp cord was pulled around to the side of the sofa.

  I checked the cord. Hmm. There were several bite marks.

  I touched my forehead with the palm of my right hand. Duh!

  The evidence clearly established the perpetrator. It was Kelly. She had bitten through the cord. She got shocked. We were happy that she was okay.

  Hmm. How could we keep Kelly from chewing on lamp cords?

  I took my detective hat off and scratched my head. This would be tough. Ben and I tossed around a few ideas.

  Bingo! It was easy.

  Ben got a wastebasket. I wedged it between the sofa and the wall. Kelly wouldn’t be able to crawl behind the sofa and chew on the lamp cord.

  Another case solved.

  I gave my detective hat back to Ben.