Read Jolly Time Books: Kelly Saves the Day (Study Guide) Page 1

Jolly Time Books

  Kelly Saves the Day

  Study Guide

  Written and illustrated by

  Karen S. McGowan

  Dennis E. McGowan

  Text and illustrations copyright

  2014, 2017

  by Karen S. McGowan

  and Dennis E. McGowan


  Let’s Get Started

  Discussion Questions

  Special Preview

  Other Books You Will Like

  About the Authors

  Let’s Get Started

  Note to Readers

  You are encouraged to order a copy of the book before using this study guide. Most readers use this guide by first reading a chapter from the book, and then reviewing the corresponding section from this guide. Others prefer to read the entire book, and then review using the questions found in this guide. The questions will facilitate meaningful conversations with readers both in and out of the classroom. Members of the Jolly family encounter some of the same problems that we all experience.

  We hope you find these books enjoyable and beneficial for your young readers. Thank you for sharing the adventures of the Jolly family.

  Adults may enjoy reading Mr. Jolly’s favorite book, “The Living D.I.E.T.: Conquer stress in your life now.”

  Jolly Time Books are available at your favorite bookstore.


  The Jolly family is just like yours, hanging on for the ride!

  In “Jolly Time Books: Searching for Kelly” (book 1), the Jolly family “reinvents” itself by moving near Washington, D.C.

  The move triggers many questions. Will Lizzy and Ben fit in at their new school? How will Lizzy deal with classmates who are bullies? How long will it take them to find new classmates who will be their friends? Will their world ever return to normal after they welcome Kelly, a cute dachshund, into their family?

  The issues that confront the family continue in “Jolly Time Books: Chasing Kelly’s Shadow” (book 2). Due to jobs, school, and other things, the stress levels in the Jolly family increase to new heights. Will Ben survive a week in the wilderness? About the time some things get settled, the holidays bring added stress to the family. Will Kelly survive the holidays?

  In “Jolly Time Books: Kelly Saves the Day” (book 3), a larger tragedy looms as the Jolly family and others mysteriously vanish. In a fateful attempt to rescue his family and friends, Mr. Jolly gets lost in an unforgiving wilderness. Will anyone try to rescue him? Will he ever be found alive?

  Although it is a chaotic and bumpy road, Lizzy and Ben Jolly have many exciting adventures. They meet new friends and interesting neighbors.

  Find out how they deal with these changes. These books add up to fun with something for everyone.

  Join Lizzy and Ben for a Jolly Time!

  A Glance at the Jolly Family

  As her name implies, Lizzy Jolly is a happy person, young and vibrant, and very enthusiastic about almost everything. The same things that interest any girl her age excite Lizzy.

  Lizzy is a good student and loves playing the piano and flute. However, life has its ups and downs. Lizzy encounters many of the same issues that confront all kids, including bullies, peer pressure, personal appearance, and making the right choices about eating healthy. Through perseverance, Lizzy develops more confidence in her abilities and has many successes, like starting her own band, giving piano lessons, and running for school student council. One of her desires in life is to get her very own pet dog.

  Ben Jolly is Lizzy’s younger brother. He wants to be some kind of scientist when he grows up. He is good in math at school; and some kids even call him a “nerd.” One of his goals in life is to see that he and Lizzy get a pet dog. Now and then, he is a pain to Lizzy but most of the time he is a “good egg.”

  Kathy Jolly, the mother of this clan, only wants the best possible life for her family. She is a good role model for the kids. She understands the importance of education in everyday life, and returns to college to obtain her degree. Her communication skills are often needed to negotiate sensitive family issues.

  The patriarch in this family is Mike Jolly. Often caught between baubles and bumbles, Mike keeps searching for that “perfect” job so that he can provide a better life for his family.

  As the Jolly family travels across the country to “reinvent” themselves, they encounter many challenging situations and interesting characters. Be sure and read all the Jolly Time Books in this trilogy.

  Discussion Topics

  Topics covered in Jolly Time Books include:


  Childhood obesity

  Eating healthy

  Self esteem


  Making friends

  Strengthening family relationships

  School success

  Caring for pets

  Chapter 1 Discussion Questions

  Lizzy explains her SHAKE It Up Plan, runs for election, and has a funderful idea.

  1. The book begins as Lizzy is writing in her journal. What are some of the things Lizzy is happy and excited about?

  2. What is Lizzy’s SHAKE It Up Plan? What is junk food?

  3. Do you have a plan for staying healthy and fit? (Children can discuss their ideas and write their own SHAKE It Up Plans.)

  4. Kelly steps into the paint and gets paw prints on Lizzy’s campaign posters. At first, Lizzy thinks about painting over them but then she looks at it in a positive way. How?

  5. Lizzy misses her chair and falls to the floor after giving her campaign speech in the school auditorium. She was embarrassed but she didn’t give up. Have you ever had an embarrassing accident? Write about it.

  6. Lizzy sends email to her former teacher, Mrs. Goodhart. She also receives a reply. What do they talk about? What does Mr. Jolly suggest that Lizzy do with Mrs. Goodhart’s email? Do you keep positive notes that you receive?

  7. Lizzy has a funderful idea while sitting on the bench with Queenie after her piano lesson. What does Lizzy want to do?

  8. How does Ben help Lizzy? How does Lizzy help Ben?

  9. Lizzy enjoys giving piano lessons. How much money does Lizzy make each weekend giving piano lessons? How much would she make in a month? Two months?

  10. While giving her first lesson, Lizzy heard a strange sound. What was it? Why was Lizzy so happy?

  Chapter 2 Discussion Questions

  Lizzy’s neighbors move, a former classmate visits her, and she pays it forward.

  1. The Oldhams decide to move. How did this affect Ben and Lizzy?

  2. The Oldhams had new neighbors. Who were they? What secret did Ben and Lizzy keep?

  3. How was Ben helpful?

  4. What did Mrs. Oldham notice first?

  5. Ben had a neat idea. What was it?

  6. What happened when Mr. Jolly came home? What was he worried about?

  7. Where did Mrs. Oboe have the school band perform? The cherry blossoms were in bloom. What time of year was that? Can you find out more information about the cherry blossom trees on the National Mall?

  8. After the concert, Lizzy hears a familiar voice from the crowd. Why isn’t Lizzy happy to see a former classmate? Why does she hesitate to look at the pictures on Brody’s camera?

  9. Is it possible that Brody is not a bully anymore? Can people change? Do you know someone who has changed the way they act or behave?

  10. Lizzy volunteered to play at the senior center and was happy to receive a warm welcome. What was Lizzy’s big idea? Who joins The Starlight Notes Band?

  Chapter 3 Discussion Questions

  Lizzy has trouble
sleeping because Kelly is sick.

  1. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Why did Lizzy have trouble sleeping? Do you sometimes have trouble sleeping? Why do you think that happens? Is there a noise at night that keeps you awake? Should your bedtime be adjusted? What are you thinking about when you can’t sleep?

  2. What did the Jolly family talk about at dinner the night before? Why did Mr. Jolly squeeze the mustard bottle so hard?

  3. Kelly is sick. What decision does the family make?

  4. Lizzy had trouble concentrating at school on the day of Kelly’s surgery. Do you sometimes have trouble concentrating because you are thinking of something else? What can you do to refocus your thoughts?

  5. Ben said the day had sure been a sticky wicket. What did he mean?

  6. What did Lizzy worry about on the way to the veterinarian’s clinic? What does the assistant tell them about Kelly?

  7. Do you think Lizzy and Ben will still love Kelly after the surgery? Why?

  8. Do you go with your pet to the veterinarian?

  9. Does your pet bring you joy and do you bring joy to your pet?

  10. Do you talk to your pet? Does your pet listen to you?

  11. Your pet depends on you for food, water, shelter, and safety. Do you take good care of your pet?

  NOTE: Studies show that animals can help people feel better. Therapy dogs help people feel better. (The reader may want to learn more about rescue dogs, guide dogs, police dogs, etc.)

  Chapter 4 Discussion Questions

  Lizzy’s band goes on a picnic and the Jolly family gets lost on a hike.

  1. What snack does Lizzy serve at The Starlight Notes Band’s next practice? How is it different from usual pizza? Do you think you might try to make pizza the way Lizzy makes it?

  2. What does the band decide to do? What activities do they want to do at the state park?

  3. What activities do you enjoy? What new activity would you like to try?

  4. Mr. Jolly has laryngitis on the day of The Starlight Notes Band picnic. Have you ever had that? How does laryngitis affect a person?

  5. Jose’s grandmother and Lizzy’s Grandma Dee discuss family traditions. Does your family have special traditions? What are they? If you could start a family tradition, what would it be?

  6. What was Kelly doing at the picnic?

  7. Mr. Compass, one of the dads, suggested they go on a hike. What happened next?

  8. How would you describe the hiking trail? What animals did the hikers observe?

  9. Have you ever hiked through the woods? What animals did you see or hear?

  10. Mr. Jolly didn’t feel well. Why did he do a summersault in the air?

  11. The hikers marvel at how beautiful the sky is during the sunset. Have you ever wondered why we say the sun rises and sets? Does it really rise or set? Does the sun really go anywhere?

  12. What is the science behind sunrises and sunsets? Why are they visible almost every day?

  13. When was the last time you saw a spectacular sunrise or sunset?

  14. Mr. Compass said that the sun set sooner than it was supposed to. Is that possible?

  Chapter 5 Discussion Questions

  Mr. Jolly tries to rescue his family, but gets lost in the wilderness.

  1. Have you been outside at night when it was totally dark? (Have you experienced total darkness?)

  2. What did Lizzy say about trying to walk around in total darkness? (This would be a great opportunity for an experiment. Two children are blindfolded and help each other walk to the other side of the room.)

  3. How many senses do you have? Can you name them? If you were to lose one of your senses, which one would you miss the most? Which one would you miss the least? Why?

  4. Discuss the different phases of the moon. How do the different phases look in the sky? Why don’t we see the moon during the day? How does the moon get its light?

  5. Why did Mr. Jolly and Mr. Hardy leave the group? Why did the group decide to climb up the hill?

  6. Why didn’t Mr. Jolly and Mr. Hardy reach the parking lot? What happened to them? What do they talk about?

  7. Why did Mr. Hardy become ill? Do you know someone with a disabling condition?

  8. Why didn’t Mr. Jolly yell for help?

  9. Why didn’t he leave Mr. Hardy alone and try to find help?

  Chapter 6 Discussion Questions

  Lizzy awfulizes while she is at the ranger station.

  1. What happened after the hikers saw the ranger station? What did Kelly do? Who was in the supply closet?

  2. What does Ben mean when he asks Ranger Woods to explain his modus operandi? What did Ranger Woods plan to do?

  3. Can you describe how the room looked? (Children could work alone or in small groups to draw what the room looked like from the description in the book.)

  4. Lizzy said she was awfulizing. What did she mean?

  5. Why were Lizzy and Chloe worried?

  6. How can you tell that Mrs. Jolly and Ben were worried?

  7. Was Kelly worried, too? Do animals worry?

  8. How did the clock on the wall bother Lizzy? (Discuss personification.)

  9. Why was Ben mad at Lizzy?

  10. How were Mr. Strong and Mr. Swift going to find the two lost men?

  11. What terrified Lizzy?

  Chapter 7 Discussion Questions

  Can Kelly survive a tragedy while running through the wilderness?

  1. Who called the police?

  2. Ben’s teacher seemed to know what was happening even though she wasn’t there to see it. Do you wish you had that ability? Why or why not?

  3. Do you think black cats are more mysterious than other cats? What is a superstition? Are you superstitious about black cats?

  4. What happened to Kelly?

  5. What senses are Mr. Strong and Mr. Swift using to find the two lost men?

  6. What does Mr. Jolly keep saying to Kelly?

  7. What happens after they get to the road? What does Mr. Jolly notice about Kelly?

  8. What does Mr. Jolly notice about the van? Why is the license plate number important?

  9. Why doesn’t the driver want to go to the ranger station?

  10. What did the family see on the way to the parking lot?

  NOTE: Book 3 has references to units of measurement (so many feet and so many yards.) The reader might want to use rulers, yardsticks, and tape measures to learn more about measurement and distance.

  11. Do you feel hopeful after reading these books? (Look at chapter 8. Read Mr. Jolly’s Folly in unison several times for fun. Children might enjoy reading Mr. Jolly’s Folly as they march outside.)

  12. Chapter 8 is the song Mr. Jolly wrote about being lost in the darkness. It is written in poem form. (Children can think of a special experience and write a poem about it.)

  13. What did you like about this book? Do you have a favorite part?

  Thank you for reading this book.

  If you enjoyed it, please take a moment to leave a review.

  Thank you.

  You will find messages in each book—

  messages that some of you will hold near.

  Some of them will make you think,

  and some of them will make you say, “Oh, dear!”

  Even if life has not unfolded

  by the book—as you think it should,

  there is still one thing certain—

  life is good. Yes, life is good!

  Turn the page for a preview of another exciting story from Jolly Time Books!

  Special Preview

  Here is a Special Preview of

  Jolly Time Books: Kelly Saves the Day

  Chapter 1

  (From Lizzy’s Journal)

  Life is good.

  It really got a lot better when Mom and Dad let Ben and me get our new puppy, Kelly. Mom calls her a dachshund with attitude. Kelly is so funny. She makes us laugh every day.

  Kelly likes to listen to me play the piano. I know 42 songs by memory. Kelly knows all of th
em, too.

  And I’m glad I started playing the flute. I don’t know as many songs on the flute, but band class is fun.

  I am learning a lot this year at school. My teacher, Miss Shakeabelly, is awesome. She’s doing a lot of neat things. She showed us a picture that she keeps on her desk. She said it was taken before she started exercising. Wow! It doesn’t even look like her now.

  She told us that she got “fed up,” so she started eating right and began running.

  I wanted to look better in my clothes, so I thought if she could do it, I could do it. I had already dumped junk food. I don’t even miss that stuff now. And I started walking more. It’s fun.

  I call it my SHAKE It Up Plan. I named it after Miss Shakeabelly. And it’s working, too. Move more! Eat less! Who knew it was that easy?

  I’m glad we live near Washington, D.C. There really is a lot to see and do here. When Mom and Dad take us downtown, we get lots of exercise. We walk up and down the National Mall. It’s huge!

  Dad tells us he likes his job better now. He is glad we moved here. And Mom is going to get her business degree from college real soon. She’s happy about that. And I know that Ben is happy because he got to bring all his science stuff with him when we moved here.

  Okay, so here is what’s going on. Miss Shakeabelly said that I should run for student council. She said I would make a good vice president. Wow!

  At first, I thought, no way. I am a girl. I would be running against two boys! I’m not even good at giving speeches. Would I have a chance? Miss Shakeabelly told me to think about it anyway.

  What should I do? Did Miss Shakeabelly really mean it?

  I asked Mom. She said it was up to me. So, hmm, what should I do?

  Justin is one of the boys running for VP. I was going to vote for him because I like him. I think he is cute and really smart. I’m not sure, but I think he likes me, too. And he is really funny in band class. Even my band teacher likes him. Will he still like me if I run against him?

  Uhm, would I even have a chance against two boys?