Read Jon-29 Page 4

The night passed slowly for the Mother program; she didn’t go into low power mode like Weapons and Power to conserve energy, she longed to have her command driver back in his control chair and feel his life functions once more flowing through her circuitry. Now there was a flicker of light and an image of her lost child appeared in the chamber, he sat like always with his strong hands on the controls and his gaze fixed on his readout screen.

  “Jon twenty nine” she said softly, “I have trained you well and you are now a strong and capable warrior, you will seek and destroy the enemy and make me proud”.

  “Affirm” the recorded voice of the holographic image relied.

  Then Mother called up a recording that she had made a long time ago, back then the driver unit had a designation of Jon eighteen, he was only a third level command driver but learning fast.

  “Enemy is advancing” the image said, “I cannot lock weaponry on their attack units!” Jon’s voice was fearful.

  “Remain calm Jon eighteen” Mothers voice was strong and comforting, “you are safe within my armor, I will protect you, you will survive”.

  The image rocked in its chair as a simulated hit struck the tank.

  “Main power is offline” Jon’s voice was shaky, “no response, negative maneuvering!”

  But Mother was there to calm her frightened child, “I repeat, you are safe within my armor”.

  Two more powerful blasts rock the image.

  Jon-18 had reached the end of his courage, he took his hands off the controls and pulls at his harness and umbilical gasping for breath, “Mother help me, Mother please!”

  Jon collapses back in his chair and covers his eyes with his hands, there is a flash of light and the image fades.

  Hearing the voice of her offspring calling for her didn’t satisfy Mother and she deleted the image program, then another program sprang into view, this one showed Jon twenty as he fails at command diver upgrade training. He was supposed to target and destroy four advancing enemies simultaneously but managed to eliminate only three.

  “You have failed Jon twenty” Mother scolded, “one enemy penetrated your perimeter and destroyed you, you must concentrate on the inevitable destruction of the enemy, I will protect you from them”.

  “Affirm” the image said, “I have been deficient in my attention to destroy the invaders”.

  “What has distracted you from you mission?” she asked.

  “I have thoughts”, Jon twenty said, “distracting thoughts of female command drivers”.

  There was a longer pause as Mother formulated an answer, “understood, this is a normal development, when the time is correct your interests will be satisfied for the glory of your people, for now it will be modified, this will assist you to concentrate on your mission, to seek and destroy the enemy”.

  An amber fluid passes through Jon’s umbilical cord and into his body, the young drivers face grows calm and relaxed, “Affirm”.

  “Good boy” Mother whispered.

  But seeing the images of her lost son didn’t satisfy the master control program and the control room returned to darkness and silence and it continued that way through the rest of the night.

  Sunbirth rose over the fallen city bathing the ruined landscape in gold and crimson, the heavy Crawler sat unmoving, then as the first rays of sunlight touched its solar collectors her many programs came online.

  “It is now Oh six-hundred” Mother said, “continue repairs and weapons addition”.

  “Affirm” the Roach program replied, “Repairs will be completed in three point nine mid-cycles”.

  Immediately the Repair-bots went to work following the designs that were uploaded into them, now along with the weapons and energy cell replacement the Roach added retractable armor plating over the solar collectors to aid it there protection from damage.

  “Energy is at sixty percent and rising” Power reported, “we will have full locomotion coinciding with completed repairs”.

  “Affirm” Mother said, “Weapons report?”

  “The addition of two level three weapons will add to our defensive strength” Weapons reported, “but main attack weapon and sky-fire are still off-line until suitable repair parts are located”.

  “Once system functions are repaired we must initiate search and rescue operations for diver unit Jon twenty nine”.

  The other control systems understood that it would be a waste of energy to engage in a debate that would be overridden by the master sequencer so they remained silent and concentrated on their selected functions.

  Deep inside the supply bunker Jon-29 was sleeping soundly, his dreams were filled with images of KT-7 and this pleased him very much, they were much like before with the young girl taunting him with her body and eyes but this time she didn’t asked to be terminated, this time she took him in her arms and their bodies entwined. Then he felt something tapping on his foot and he slowly opened his eyes, he looked up to see the girl that he had dreamt about staring down at him.

  “Sunbirth has taken place, we must evac immediately” she said. But the young man was slow to rise and KT shook her head, “you sleep like a stunned Sand-dragon”.

  Jon slowly sits up but suddenly his vision begins to spin, “why does my head hurt?”

  KT begins to laugh, “Don’t tell me you’re a first-timer with Fire-brew also?”

  Jon doesn’t answer and slowly rises up, he stood naked and unsteady on his feet then looks over at his female companion, she is fully clothed in fresh armor and uniform, she has a supply belt around her waist and a un-used survival helmet on her head, her arms still carry the long braces from before and her strong boots have riding spurs, at her side is a small pistol and large knife.

  “You better cover that thin skin of yours” she commented, “we have a long way to go and I don’t want to see your bucking tool until I’m ready again”.

  Jon-29 moves to a crate nearby where a standard set of Outrider gear is laying, there is a padded uniform and armor plating, a survival belt, heavy boots, gun and knife, everything to help him travel the dangerous outside world. There is even a small can of rations waiting for him and when he was fully dressed he picked up the metal container and as he did before he opened the container.

  “Gripper analyze” Jon said sticking his metal finger into the unknown contents.

  “Affirm” the hand said, and after only a few seconds it replied, “contents are ground up animal flesh mixed with organic substances and large amount of manufactured preservatives, marginally edible”.

  But with his stomach calling out to him Jon didn’t want to weight the consequences of something “marginal” so he ate the food and to his surprise it tasted rather good. As he ate he watched KT help load the last of the supplies onto the armored truck, then when he had finished his meal he moved to where KT was standing.

  “You were correct, your mating skills are well developed” he told the girl.

  The female warrior looked at him for a moment then smiled broadly, “of course, I told you that I was well informed by my mother”.

  The pairs stand there for a time as KT returns to her loading.

  “You have not reported on my mating skills?” Jon asks.

  The girl thinks this over for a short time, “they were……adequate” she finally responds.

  This information doesn’t sit well with the young man, “adequate, you are certain of this?”

  But Kt-7 doesn’t appear to understand the gravity of the question, “affirmative, yes, your performance was quite adequate”, the as she continues her work she sees that her comments weren’t well received, “yes, very adequate I see great potential for development with the proper training and practice of course”.

  Hearing this report eases the concern in Jon face but he still has one more question to ask, “You are the enemy why did you mate with me?”

  KT comes close and looks him in the eyes, “my moth
er once said that death always rides beside you so don’t waste time in honey-talk”.

  “Your Mother was a wise woman” Jon said, “but I could have discontinued truce and killed you”.

  The girl smiles and lifts her arms, suddenly two short needles spring out from the arm braces, “nuro-toxin, you would have been dead in five sounds, My mother said don’t waste time but not to be foolish”, then she picks up a crate, “now that your male self-esteem is satisfied you can put that metal member of yours to good use and help me”.

  Not that far from the underground fortress Metal-face and his Scavengers have found the body of JP-6, their keen sense of smell directed them straight to the corpse when they emerged from their hiding places during the night. There wasn’t much flesh left on the body and they ate it quickly, around them ancient prophets looked down of them in stony silence but the half-humans didn’t care if they were observed or not, and how could marble statues of a God long forgotten possibly do them any harm?

  But as they finished the last morsel of flesh their Leader heard a sound and turned to see several more Scavengers entering the crumbling house of worship, ordinarily Scavenger groups avoided contacted with others of their kind but when they were hungry enough they would fight over scraps of food and the winner would enjoy the feast.

  Metal-face lifted his crude weapon and let out a loud roar signaling that he was prepared to fight and in return the leader of the intruders did the same, that leader was a bit taller than Metal-face but not as strongly built, he had a long scar across his ape-like face and two of his fingers were missing from the hand that held a long steel club.

  Again Metal-face gave out a roar but it didn’t seem to frighten the hungry scroungers who now advanced forward, the two sides were now only a few meters apart when suddenly two fingers leap high in the air bringing his weapon down hard. The blow was deflected by his opponent and the battle was on. Both sides ripped and tore at each other using their sharp teeth and hands to mutilate their enemy, they swung their crude weapons in strong hands crushing thick skulls and breaking limbs, they crashed into weakened stone pillars sending down tons of stone and killing those creatures un-lucking enough to be caught under them.

  The battle raged on and on with both sides never giving up, then a lucky blow from Metal-face caught his enemy off balance and splintered his skull spewing out brains and blood in all directions. Now with their leader dead the remaining Scavengers gave up the fight and lowered their weapons, they stood their looking at the conqueror that raised his bloody arm and roared a challenge to any of them that cared to fight, but there was no defiance to his rule and the intruders became members of the victorious tribe.

  With his leadership intact Metal-face lead the Scavengers out of the church and into the street, then he stood there sniffing the air then the ground, a faint order filled his nostrils, the scent of fresh meat, humans, and although the trail was cold there was still enough essence to tempt him so lifting his gore covered weapon as a signal to his followers the Scavengers began the search for Jon-29 and KT-7.

  At last the final repairs to the composite tank were completed, it now sported two small weapons on its hull and new power cells in its energy compartment, there were also other upgrades in the different systems, the solar collectors had done their job and everything was functioning at a high level of efficiency. The Roach programs ordered that all Repair-bots cease their activities and return to their containers.

  “Energy is at maximum level” Power reported.

  “Replacement ordnances online” Weapons responded.

  “Affirm” Mother said, “systems capacity recovered, commence search for command driver, sensors will scan for pheromone traces of Jon twenty nine”.

  It took several passes of the enhanced scanners before they detected a slight trace of the human, but it was enough to satisfy Mother, “Heading seven one nine, full locomotion power”.

  With a rumble the upgraded attack vehicle once more began its task of finding its lost command driver.

  Inside the thick walled bunker Jon-29 and KT-7 were arguing.

  “I will take command of the vehicle and select our heading!” the headstrong girl shouted.

  “Neg” Jon said shaking his head, “I am a skilled and tested driver unit; I have more training experience then a Beast-rider”.

  But KT was quick with a reply, “have you ever driven a primitive combustion locomotion vehicle before?”

  “Have you?” the young man asked.

  “Well no, but this machine was built by my people and should be driven by one”.

  “A machine is a machine, I am a driver unit, I am trained to control machines therefore I should be the command driver”.

  “If you are a good driver why were you walking?” KT replied.

  “That was not my fault; my machine was destroyed by the enemy”.

  Jon suddenly realized that he no longer considered the girl his enemy, this reversal of his training made him consider the fact that other parts of his conditioning might also be changed?

  But before further analysis of his memory could begin KT spoke up.

  “We shall negotiate, here are my terms, you will be the driver unit, I will decide on the correct vector of our advance and coordinate weapons, do you accept?”

  The young man thought this over for a moment or two then held out his hand, “agreed”.

  “Done” the girl replied then once again spit on her hand sealing the bargain.

  And as before Gripper responded, “Saliva on sensors!”

  But this time Jon lifted his hand to his face, “Gripper, discontinue saliva program”.

  “Affirm” said the metal arm and quickly eliminated that database.

  “Now if there are no further delays caused by weak-minded Coffin-drivers we can leave!” KT climbed into the back of the truck and sat in the command chair that controlled the multiple barreled defense weapons, there were no advanced sighting devices so she would have to rely on her vision and reflexes to find her target.

  Jon-29 climbed into the control seat and began familiarizing himself with the primitive controls of the armored machine, as he did Fixer took the passenger seat and made himself ready for the journey.

  “Do all females act that way after mating?” Jon asked his little companion.

  “Yes” said the Pig-man, “they are programed that way”.

  Jon found the starter switch and the powerful engine roars to life, after a moment or two of grinding gears the young man finds the correct settings and pushes his foot down hard. The huge drive wheels at the back begin to spin and a cloud of smoke fills the chamber, then at last proper traction is acquired and the machine lurches forward.

  KT holds on for dear life as the Land-master heads for a heavy metal door at the end of the bunker, the sensors that control entering and exiting barley have enough time to activate and raise the barrier. The heavy machine races upward through a corridor where another door opens and then they are in the open air.

  The truck tilts, swerves and spins wildly as Jon tries to figure out the proper setting for control, luckily the exit door is far from the robotic guardian or they would have been attacked and blow into a million fragments. The heavy machine spins around and around in the street sending up a cloud of smoke from exhaust with KT screaming from the back.

  “Reduce speed, you armor-butted, fuel-farting, Juice-jockey!!”

  At last Jon finds the correct pedal and the machine comes to an abrupt stop.

  KT takes a few moments to compose herself then leans forward in her chair, “you have overstated your driving skills, you’re not a well-trained command diver!”

  “Incorrect” Jon answered, “I was adjusting to the unfamiliar control system, now that I have full control you can give me a vector per out agreement”.

  “Make heading zero five north by seven, maintain a reduced rate of speed because the terrain wil
l be uneven and watch out for Scavengers”.

  “Affirm, heading zero five north by seven,” Jon repeated then check the primitive magnetic calculator on the trucks dashboard and when that was done he pushed his foot to the floor once more the heavy machine spun its wheel then raced down the vacant street with KT-7 shouting her disapproval at the top of her lungs.

  Following the weak sent of her command driver Mother was still able to traverse the narrow avenues and approach the fortress of the Outlanders, when it was in an acceptable distance it stopped to reconnoiter.

  “Tacking online” Mother reported, “driver unit has been in the area within the past twelve cycles, maintain course”.

  “Warning” Weapons reported, “enemy unit has also been detected, advise caution”.

  “Replacement energy is at eighty percent” Power added, “sufficient for limited attack program”.

  “Affirm” Mother replied, “We will advance with caution, all weapons on standby”.

  The two large metal claws on the sides of the tank moved into formation and opened wide to grasp any enemy within reach, the thick steel earth moving blade in the front angled itself to deflect any weapons fire striking it, at the same time the protective plates over the solar collectors closed preventing the disks from being destroyed.

  Slowly the machine approached the underground bunker, as it did the Robot guardian activated; it lifted its weapon and began to target the oncoming tank.

  “Halt!” it shouted, “advance and be recognized!”

  “WARNING!” weapons shouted, “Enemy is targeting us, destruction imminent!”

  There was no time to turn away, “ATTACK!” Mother commanded, and immediately all systems in the armored vehicle were forced on destroying the enemy.

  The two small guns began to fire rapidly hitting their marks and damaging the huge statue, the steel giant didn’t have the capability of movement because its feet were firmly fix to the platform it stood upon, but even with damage the metal figure returned fire.

  A powerful energy blast struck the front of the tank but the heavy digging blade deflected most of the energy and the main body of the vehicle wasn’t damaged.

  “Direct hit on front armor” Weapons reported, “Returning fire”.

  “Energy is at seventy percent” Power said.

  “Affirm” Mother replied, “advance and continue weapons fire”.

  The nearer the tank got the more damaged it sustained but it didn’t turn and run, the sound of battle once again filled the silence of the city as the two behemoths attacked one another, any small rodent scurried away as the blasts from the two combatants rained down fire and steel. The energy weapon that the iron giant held in his hardened hands fired again and again but the thick armor of the enhanced tank held and although there was damage no vital circuitry was destroyed.

  “Continue forward locomotion and weapons fire” Mother ordered.

  “Affirm” Weapons replied.

  Then it was Powers time to report in, “energy is at fifty percent and dropping, attack must end in two point one mid-cycles or there will be no reserve”.

  “Affirm” Mother acknowledged, “Continue forward”.

  The main controller had a vast amount of battle tactics stored in her memory cells, they covered a wide range of strategies, from direct attack to subversion, now faced with a dilemma Mother decided on the most efficient form of warfare so when the tank was within range of the enemy one of the giant claws reached out and grabbed the iron leg of the guardian.

  “Channel all power to number one claw” Mother ordered.

  “Affirm” and obeying her command Power transferred energy from locomotion and weapons to the huge gripping device, now with the added energy the claw squeezed hard and crumbled one leg support of the guardian. The weakened statue began to lean to one side but continued to fire it weapon, then with a deafening crash it fell to the ground and thrashed about like a dying creature.

  “Discontinue power to number one claw” Mother commanded, “all power to locomotion”.

  “Affirm” Power said.

  Now the heavy machine engines began to whine as it rolled over the fallen giant, back and forth it moved until its drive wheels trundled over the armored head, there was a spray of sparks then nothing.

  “Enemy destroyed” Weapons reported”.

  “Affirm” Mother responded, “Roach”.

  “Online” the repair program reported.

  “Commence temporary repairs and retrieve unusable materials from enemy mechanism”.


  Now Mother returned to her primary concern, “scanners will search for command driver Jon twenty nine”.

  With the added strength taken from the salvaged fuel carrier the sensors were able to pick up the pheromone traces of the human far sooner than Mother expected, “driver found” the tiny voice from the scanner reported.

  “Discontinue repairs” Mother ordered, “Priority one is to find and return command driver to this unit”.

  “Neg” Weapons said, “Adding energy weapon of the enemy will enhance or chances for victory”.

  “Override in effect, repeat priority one is to rescue Jon twenty nine all other concerns are secondary”.

  Now it was Powers time to comment, “along with pheromone traces the scanners have picked up carbon fuel emissions, driver has been captured by the enemy and should be considered terminated”.

  “Neg” Mothers voice sounded desperate, “Jon twenty nine is alive and all effort will be made to rescue him and return him to diver command…to me”.

  There was a pause as the main controller waited for Power and Weapons to counter her orders with arguments, but the two programs knew that Mothers override would prevail so they said nothing.

  “Commence rescue of Jon twenty nine” she ordered.

  And so the steel guardian was left still holding his weapon as the battle tank rumbled away, some would say that machines have a soul and if that were true then the ghost of the loyal defender would remain at his post and be ready in case a demon of the enemy rose up to challenge him.


  The Commander of the huge Earthshaker had finally succumbed to fatigue, he now sat asleep in his control chair breathing hard and dreaming of destroying the enemy, his human leg twitched as did his arms but then he opened his eyes and bolted upright.

  He didn’t waste time with formalities and got straight to the point, “to we have full combat capacity?”

  “Affirm AA one” a technician reported, “all systems online and functioning”.

  “Very well” the Captain said, “Full power to locomotion and all weapons on standby and make certain there are no snafus!”

  And much to the delight of the Commander the huge machine began to move and there was no sign of a fault.

  “Make heading six by three west” he said with a slight smile for he knew that this would take him to the other side of the enemy city and there he would continue his plan of attack.

  Once more the massive machine began to move, and like before the ground shook and any creature in its way ran for cover or was crushed under its titanic drive wheels.

  The heavy transport from the underground fortress raced down the rubble filled city streets swerving this way and that avoiding most of the fallen concrete and steel, what it didn’t elude it smashed into fragments using its front protector guard and its massive weight and this seemed to amuse its fledgling driver.

  “Reduce speed!” KT shouted from the back.

  Jon was having too much fun to slow down but then the girl said something that made him reconsider her request.

  “Reduce speed or there will be no further mating procedures!”

  Jon put his heavy boot down hard on the brake and the transport came to a screeching halt. Steam began to pour from under the hood and Fixer jumps out of the cab mumbling under his breath, “stu
pid enemy Motor-jerker”.

  KT-7 unstraps herself from her gunner’s seat and hurries down to confront Jon, “what’s the mind-blank Race-runner, didn’t we agree that I would be the one to set our speed at?”

  “I was simply gathering information on maximum forward momentum and maneuvering characteristics”.

  KT shakes her head then takes a large assault rifle from the back and checks it for ammunition, then she hands it to Jon, “I take it that you know how to manipulate one of these?”

  “Affirm, yes” the young man said, “I have been fully trained in the use of hand weapons of all types, but this one is substandard and should be replaced with a multi-phase plasma projector”.

  “At last we can agree on one thing, but we have what we have and my mother always told me not to shed tears for empty pockets”.

  The girl takes another large rifle from the carrier then Fixer returns from his evaluation of the trucks motor, “temporary repairs are being made to combustion engine but care should be taken by inexperienced drivers” and he turned to look Jon square in the eyes.

  “How long until repairs are completed?” the girl asked.

  “Minimal time” the little man responded.

  “We’re at the city perimeter” KT said as she looked around at the gutted structures, “beyond that next street and fortifications lie the Outlands, we shouldn’t enter there this close to Sundeath there are too many….”

  Her voice trailed off as her helmet began to make a “beeping” sound, turning her head slowly upwards KT was able to find the source of alarm. High above her she saw a great cloud of darkness, winged predators that she had encountered before.

  “Nightwings!” she shouted pointing at mass of huge bats swirling in the darkening sky, “something has disturbed them; they never come out before night!”

  Then both the girl and Jon see what has roused them from their sleep, down the street and heading their way is Metal-face and his minions, they are shouting and waving their weapons and it’s easy to see that they are coming to kill them.

  “Fixer, repair fast!” then KT turned to face the Scavengers, “Mother always said to face your enemy”.

  “So did mine” Jon-29 said as he leveled his combat rifle.

  The Scavengers never slowdown in their attack, the scream like demons and saliva drips from their substantial jaws in anticipation of sinking them into human flesh, when they are within range Jon and KT open fire.

  The combustion rifles send out a spray of projectiles and two of the rampaging mutants are cut down but the other use existing slabs of concrete and steel as shielding and manage to approach their prey without damage.

  “Fixer, repair fast!” KT shouted above the sound of gunfire.

  The little man didn’t poke his head out from under the armored hood but from the profanities that he was uttering he was having problems.

  “Comply you outmoded piece of fecal matter!”

  Jon concentrated on the enemy, he was correct when he said that he was trained in hand arms but the ancient weapon didn’t have self-sighting and that made his aim unsure. KT continues to fire then her ammunition is depleted and before she can reload the Scavengers are upon them.

  Jon fires several more rounds killing one of the mutants then he takes the small pistol from its holster and takes aim, he fires at Metal-face but the bullets bounces off a steel plate on his wide chest and he is un-harmed, with a roar he falls on the young man.

  The human is strong but the strength of the hunter is greater, but there is one thing that the young man has that the misshaped creature doesn’t, a survival appendage.

  “Gripper, blade!” Jon calls out.

  “Affirm” the hand replies.

  The long defense blade shoots out and penetrates the shoulder of Metal-face and he roars in pain, then Jon swings his metal hand across his face knocking him to the ground and leaving a deep cut in his face armor.

  KT-7 was use to hand to hand fighting, from a very early age she was taught by her mother all the tactics and movements that would make up for her size, she leaped high in the air and brought her long spurs down hard cutting into the thick necks of the attackers and firing her pistol at point blank range.

  One of the brutes attacks Fixer as he completes his repairs, but the little man knows how to take care of himself and strikes the taller creature in the leg with his heavy wrench breaking the kneecap and sending the monster to the ground.

  “Repairs completed!” Fixer shouted as he scampered into the truck’s cab and slams the armored door.

  KT fights hard and climbs into the back of the vehicle while Jon moves to the driver’s side, as he climbs in a Scavenger tried to grab him but he swings his arm-blade and cuts into the thick neck of the mutant severing his jugular vein and spraying him with blood. Now inside he starts the engine and turns to make sure that KT is safe aboard then hits the throttle and the truck roars away fast.

  KT-7 hangs on as best she can as the truck accelerates, then she tries to strap herself in her weapons chair, but as she does she sees a horrible image rise up from the rear of the machine, Metal-Face managed to climb onto the back bumper before they took off and now he is trying to reach her. KT turns the huge weapon around pointing the barrels downward as best she can, she pulls the trigger and the weapons spews out a rain of death, but the angle is wrong and the mutant continues to rise up, the girl takes her knife from her side and moves forward, Metal-faces eyes are filled with hate and hunger but this give the young girl a target and summoning up all her remaining strength she drives the thick blade into the eye socket of the mutant and it screams in pain, she twists the blade hard them pulls it free, with blood streaming from its wound the scrounger falls off the back of the truck and into the street. Now free of attackers the armored vehicle continues down the street at a high rate of speed.

  But they are not out of danger yet.


  A short distance away Jon’s attack machine rumbles along a narrow avenue.

  “Weapons fire at heading six one” Mother reported.

  “Affirm” the small voice of the scanner replied.

  “Confirming discharge of primitive ordinance” Weapons added.

  “Make heading to intercept” the main controller commanded.

  “Energy is at seventy percent and holding” Power reported.

  The huge machine turned to the correct heading crushing the skeleton of a long dead Komodo beast under its heavy treads.


  In the sky above the moving truck the Nightwings have detected the odor of blood, and as the sun disappears they begin to dive down to feast on their favorite food.

  “Increase speed!” KT shouted at seeing the cloud of death falling from the heavens, “we must find shelter”, the Outlander shifted the levels on her control seat and the multi-barreled weapon pointed directly at the huge bats, when she was confident of her target KT pulled the trigger. The heavy vehicle began to shake from the rattle of the powerful gun, bullets spit out in the hundreds and their shell casing clattered on the metal bed of the truck.

  Jon drove as fast as he could missing the rusting hulks of battle tanks and war-machines by inches, now and then the street was lifted up by a fracture and the vehicle became airborne for a moment or two then slammed to the ground jarring all aboard.

  “What is my vector?” Jon shouted to KT in the back, but she couldn’t hear his words above the deafening roar of the machine gun so he turned to his companion, “do you know what directional coordinates we should take?”

  Holding on for his life the little man turned to look at the driver, “away from here!”

  KT continued to fire at the deadly creatures then her ammunition was depleted and several of the huge winged blood suckers began to tear at the truck with razor sharp claws, the girl tried to drive them off with her knife killing one by cutting its throat and maiming another’s wing so that it f
ell to the ground. Then looking around she spotted the great wall that surrounded a portion of the city, there she saw a tunnel entrance.

  “Make heading to that tunnel!” she shouted to Jon and seeing the passageway he turned the wheel and headed straight for it.

  The Nightwings continued to attack the truck even as they entered the shaft, and KT knew that they wouldn’t give up the chase until they had tasted blood, but thinking fast she spotted a large fuel container at the back of the truck and bracing her legs against the sky-fire gun she managed to push the heavy drum off the bed and onto the tunnel floor, then reloading her pistol with a single shot she took careful aim and pulled the trigger.

  The fuel drum exploded in flames filling the corridor with fire and smoke and destroying the remaining bats in a holocaust of death, but the flames were about to consume the truck and all its contents in a matter of seconds.

  “Maximum speed!” KT screamed then made a very short prayer to the Goddess asking for more forward velocity.

  The truck crashed through the steel gate at the end of the tunnel and speeded away as fast as it could go leaving the crumbling city far behind and disappearing into the night.

  “Combustion fuel explosion detected coinciding with detection of driver unit” Mother reported, “maximum locomotion to point of destruction”.

  “We must discontinue operations in seven point nine time periods” Power interjected, “solar power has been eliminated and replacement energy cells are decreasing rapidly”.

  “Affirm, but we will continue search until energy is at minimum level”.

  “Weapons will not function at minimum level” Weapons said “we should seek shelter and wait until solar power can resume”.

  “Neg” Mother ordered, “We will continue forward”.

  The armor plating slowly covered the solar collectors so that they would not be damaged and the heavy machine continued to the point of origin of the explosion.

  Some distance away from the great wall of the city the heavy transport came to a halt, once more smoke and steam poured out from under the hood and like before Fixer got out and climb up to the hood.

  “I speak, they don’t hear” the little man grumbled as he began to tinker with the machinery.

  With the smoking truck stopped Jon and KT moved a few meter away and looked around, there wasn’t much light from the night moon but it was enough to show them that the landscape was empty of life, here and there a piece of war wreckage was outlined in the dim light but nothing else, it was a land devastated by battle.

  The pair had scrapes and cuts but not enough to warrant a great deal of medical care, but KT-7 reached into her supply pouch and took out a small bottle and began to spray it over Jon and herself, “Scavengers are a filthy race but this should help with infections”.

  But when the mist touched Jon’s metal hand Grippers responded, “Caution, disinfectant analysis results report that this substance is made up of mostly organic materials and animal urine”.

  “Affirm” Jon said.

  “There will be no resupplying here” KT said as she put the sprayer back in her pouch, “but there will also be no pursuit, even Scavengers fear the Outlands”.

  “Affirm” the young man said trying to wipe some of the caked blood off his uniform, “you proved to be an adequate weapons handler”.

  “Thank you” the girl said.

  “Thank you?” Jon didn’t understand the meaning of those words, “what meaning does thank you have?”

  “Thank you? That is a term my mother taught me, it’s a signifier of gratitude to a friend or comrade”.

  In the past few days Jon had been hearing many words that he never heard before, “peace”, “truce” and now “thank you” added to the fact that an enemy had saved his life and even mated with him, he tried to follow his training but that had proven useless so he saw no need to reject the words of his companion.

  “Affirm, yes, we are friends and comrades” he said with a smile, “thank you”.

  Jon-29 was about to try to initiate mating procedures and it appeared that KT was willing to oblige when Fixer reported back on his repairs, “I have performed field repairs on the combustion engine, but full maintenance is required and terminal failure may accrue at any time”.

  “Understood” the girl replied then turned to her companion, “you cannot damage the vehicle further with your sub-standard driving skills”.

  “Perhaps you should command drive?” Jon said smiling.

  “My skills are required as navigator and gunner; you have proven inadequate in those areas”, KT said then looked at the stars, took a heading and pointed, “we will continue that way”, and saying nothing more she climbed back into her gunners seat.

  Jon and Fixer got into the armored cab and then Jon looked at the little Coshinoid, “have you ever mated?” The little creature shook his head, “you are lucky, the procedures are simply but the results are complicated”.

  Jon-29 started the engine and put it in gear.

  “She is good at killing the enemy” Fixer said, “I am good at repairing; you are good at breaking things”.

  Jon could find no fault with this logic so he adjusted his vector and stepped on the floor pedal and the Land-master slowly vanished into the vastness of the Outlands.

  Mother was eager to find her lost child so when she arrived at the last known position of Jon-29 she reached out with the scanners trying to find any trace of her command driver, but the intense fire in the tunnel had eliminated any traces of the human and therefore tracking was impossible.

  “Human remains not found” the little scanner voice reported.

  “Continue search” Mother ordered.

  But Power reported otherwise, “search not possible, energy levels at minimum”.

  There was no denying the fact that there was simply not enough power to continue searching for Jon-29, but Mother wasn’t about to end her quest, “prepare to send out scouts and Repair-bots to locate any materials that might locate driver unit”.

  The main controller knew that the Repair-bots and scouts could move independently with their own power cells and that might be enough to find some evidence of her child, so the small mechanical detectives were sent out along with the larger service droids, they began their exploration with small LED lights and sensitive feelers. After a short time they reported back that they had found shell casings, composite rubber tire tracks, and one terminated Scavenger with a metal plate covering its face.

  “tracks are those of a vehicle that departed at a high rate of speed” Mother reported, analysis of atmospheric emissions indicate a primitive combustion machine has passed this point within a short time period, pheromone traces are identical with command driver Jon twenty nine, conclusion Jon twenty nine is a prisoner of the enemy units”.

  “Neg” Weapons responded, “There are alternative answers to findings”.

  But Mother couldn’t be swayed, “alternatives un-necessary, we will continue operations for rescue of diver unit”.

  Now it was Powers time to report, “Energy is not at a level that would insure a victory if attacked, advise waiting until solar collectors are available”.

  “Concur” Weapons added, “systems report only fourteen mega-joules stored in energy cells insufficient for a nighttime operation”.

  After a time Mother logic circuits could find no fault with this information so she decided on an alternate plan, “Repair-bots will bring the Scavengers body to my interior for analysis”.

  Quickly the machines began to swarm over the lifeless corpse, they gathers underneath it and lifted it up from the blood stained pavement, with skittering crab-like motions they carried the dead Scavenger inside the waiting battle tank. Once inside they laid the mangled remains on the command chair that had been leveled to accept it, when that was completed the worker androids returned to their containers.

can life form” Mother ordered.

  A small display monitor flicker to life as a shaft of light began to move over the mutant body, after a few moments the results showed on the screen.

  “Creature is humanoid” Mother stated, “genetically altered bone and muscle structures indicates this being to be a second level enemy combatant, designation Scavenger”.

  “Concur” Weapons had destroyed many of these lower life forms in the course of combat, he found them to be difficult to kill and ill-logical in their battle tactics, “this creature should be removed from interior”.

  But Mother had other plans for the dead body, “Neg, this creature may have pertinent knowledge of command driver, we will commence repair and reanimation”.

  Hearing that they would have a live enemy combatant inside their perimeter Weapons was quick to respond, “Neg! Scavengers are strong, unpredictable creatures, their neural connections are erratic, they can cause great damage to working programs, recommend immediate removal of corpse!”

  “Neg, precautions will be taken” Mother said.

  The restraining straps the once held Jon-29 in his seat now fixed themselves to the lifeless body of the humanoid, then they were secured Mother proceeded to the next level of her plan, “commence repair and reanimation”.

  the reconstructed battle tank didn’t have sufficient resources for a full restoration of the Scavengers body so the medical repair-bots did what they could to savage the humanoid, first they removed organic debris and metal fragments from the torso and sealed up any wounds, the left leg had been shattered in the fall from the moving truck but that was replaced with a mechanical limb. Next they replaced the metal covering on the face with synthetic Pasti-flesh, the bone structure of the creature was more massive than that of a human but there were still enough similarities so the small repairers formed a likeness that they already had in their programing, the face of Jon-29.

  With that completed an umbilical cord was attached to the abdomen and fluids pumped in to replace those that were lost, finally several interfaces were driven into the thick skull and implanted in the substandard brain, then with their work completed they disappeared back to their holding bays.

  “Repairs to body have been completed” Mother said, “Reanimation will commence”.

  There was a loud “snap” of electricity and the lifeless body jerks in its restraining straps then lay still.

  “Ineffective” Mother reported, “Ready level two and reanimate”.

  Again there was a jerk from the body and a smell of burning flesh, the newly repaired face contorts violently then the eyes of the Scavenger open, immediately the creature begins to struggles against the bonds that were holding him.

  “What is the location of driver unit Jon twenty nine?” Mother asked.

  But the main controller got no response from the humanoid other than a loud roar of defiance and more struggling.

  “Repeat, what is the location of Jon-29?” And like before the Scavenger only howled and pulled harder, at last Mother was forced to discontinue her interrogation. “Oral processing of sub-human unit none effective, initiate direct core memory access”.

  Two mechanical arms emerged from the sides of the command chair and firmly grasp the sub-human holding it steady, then another device rose up from the top of the chair, this one had a drill bit mechanism at the end with several attached barbs, the Scavengers face contorts as the probe inters his skull then his mind.

  “Initiate memory scan” Mother ordered, and after a moment or two a faint holographic images appears above the head of the beast man, the image is distorted and vague, “increase memory probe” quickly more tendrils from the end of the mechanism fan out inside the retention lobes of the creature, they are programed to find useable information and transfer it to the imager, soon the distortion disappear. But what follows are disconnected pictures of hunting and killing, rival Scavengers being destroyed and other images from the past life of the humanoid.

  “Disregard information not related to diver unit Jon twenty nine” Mother ordered. Soon the depictions showed Jon fighting side by side with the enemy.

  Weapons was the first to comment on this newly acquired information, “driver unit has been compromised, he is now aiding the enemy, he should be considered a defector!”

  But Mother was quick to defend her child, “Neg, sub-optimal conclusion, inadequate data set, situation is unclear”.

  “Data is clear, there can be no mistake” Weapons demanded, “Jon twenty nine is now an enemy unit!”

  “Neg!” Mother demanded and then the images disappeared leaving only the Scavenger fighting his captivity, “additional information is required, we will proceed with rescue of Jon twenty nine at Sunbirth”.

  Now it was Powers time to speak, “what is the disposition of sub-human?”

  “Interrogation subject will remain in chair, his consciousness will be put into coma freeze until needed”.

  “Unwise” Weapons said, “Repeat sub-human is a threat to the functions of this unit, he should be terminated immediately”.

  “Neg, this creature may have additional information that could be of use to the rescue and return of diver unit, he will remain in place”, there was a pause as the lights begin to dim in the control room, “we will now shut down all unnecessary programs and wait until solar collectors can be initiated”.

  One by one the other programs shut down, the readout screen went dark and there was only a small glimmer of light in the chamber, it cast a soft glow on the Scavenger revealing it twisting and turning in his binders then its movements slowed and stopped, the yellow eyes shut and it lay still.

  Mother didn’t shut down, she remained online and gazed at the repaired sub-human, it was taller and more heavily built then her child but now it carried the face of the one she searched for.

  In the dark loneliness of the Outlands a tiny flicker of life shown out like a small star in an otherwise empty sand covered landscape, around it sat two humans and a small pig like creature.

  “You are incorrect” Jon said as he chewed a mouthful of rations, “replacements do not emerge from females”.

  “You’re the one in error Slack-brain” KT replied taking at drink of water from a plastic container and wishing it was Fire-brew.

  The pair sat before a small survival fire pod and leaned against the huge tires of the weapons truck, their projectile guns lay within reach but they have removed their supply belts and hand weapons, but KT kept her long survival knife strapped to her leg. Near them Fixer stuffed his dripping mouth with handfuls of rations mixed with a small sand dragon that he had caught, the small reptile was tuff and scaly but that didn’t seem to matter to the ravenous appetite of the Pig-man.

  “Not possible” the young man said, “replacements are constructed in crèche incubators by skilled technicians, this is followed by a regimen of training and indoctrination inside mother units, you have the basic procedure backwards”.

  KT-7 laughs loudly and slaps her leg, “your information on reproduction is as sub-standard as your diver skills”.

  “It is you who is incorrect” Jon said taking another mouthful of dried food, “you will see that I am well informed”.

  KT shook her head then looked over at Fixer who was opening yet another box of rations, “what do you think about his statements” she asked the little man.

  “I think his head is broken” was the reply.

  Nothing more was said for at time and they all ate their fill, then when Fixer had stuffed his belly with enough food rations to satisfy two warriors he laid on the sandy ground near the fire and quickly went to sleep. KT and Jon continued to sit for a time and then the young man asked a question.

  “Back when you performed the ritual for your comrade you mentioned an afterlife and something about a Goddess, what are the meanings of those words?”

  “The Afterlife is a place where we go when we d
ie” KT-7 answered, “and that territory is governed by a deity called the Goddess, she cares for us and we live in harmony for all time, unless we are attacked that is”.

  Hearing such things as an Afterlife and a female ruler made Jon doubt the sanity of his companion, “I have died many times and so have you and I have never seen this place”.

  “If you die and are reanimated you’re not really dead, that’s comes when you cannot be repaired and your body is scrapped” the girl said confidently, “besides enemies don’t go to the Afterlife”.

  “Where do they go?” Jon asked.

  “They go to a place filled with fire and pain and they must fight for their lives all the time and that place is called the land of damnation”.

  “If your body is scrapped how can a person survive in another place?”

  “You don’t use your flesh-body” the girl laughed “your Inner-shadow takes its place”.

  “Inner-shadow?” Jon had never heard this phrase before, “what is an Inner-shadow?”

  “Your Inner-shadow lives inside you and comes out when you no longer reanimate”.

  Jon considered the words of the girl carefully and they all seemed very strange to him for he never had to think about anything other than battle tactics, weapons trajectories and optimum use of attack patterns. But now his mind was filled with ideas about afterlives, all powerful deities and enemies that become friends, inner-shadows and a thousand other concepts that went against his programing.

  “Enough!” he shouted and rose to his feet, “you are the enemy, you are incorrect!” then he walked off into the darkness to clear his head.

  KT-7 watched him go, “it’s you who’s made a mistake!” she shouted after him, “I should have known better than to try and put wisdom into the head of a frail-brained invader!”

  Jon continued to walk for a time then he found the remains of a long dead Komodo beast and its rider, in the moonlight he could see the fleshless skull, massive leg bones and ribs of the huge creature jutting out of the sand, there was also the skeleton of the monsters driver sitting in a worn saddle, it still clutched the handle of the ancient forward facing weapon, its thin finger still wrapped around the trigger. Nearby was the rusting hulk of a battle tank, there was a huge hole in the side of its armor plating and the main weapon was twisted like at fang-snake, it was easy to see that the two had destroyed each other in a long ago conflict and now all that remained were two forgotten relics.

  Jon-29 sat down on a broken fragment of steel and looked up at the night sky, but to him they were only a collection of navigational settings that could be used in case of damage to tri-level tracking. Now with no one to talk to he lifted his hand to his face.



  “What transpires when a command driver no longer reanimates?” he asked.

  “I am not programed for that query, I can grip, help in healing, analyze and wipe fecal matter from anus” the arm replied.

  Jon-29 sat there for a few moments then put his metal finger against his head, “analyze” he said.

  It only took a short time before his metal arm had the result of his inquirers, “substance is human flesh layered over bone and internal organs, edible but recommend alternatives”.

  “Nothing more?” he asked.

  “Nothing more” Gripper replied.

  Jon-29 knew that the analysis program of a replacement arm is very detailed and if it couldn’t find any trace of an Inner-shadow it must not exist, he pondered this for a time then Gripper sounded the alarm.

  “Enemy within perimeter!”

  Jon jumped to his feet, “Gripper, blade!”


  His arm blade shot out, but then he lowered his weapon after seeing KT-7 approaching and the attack weapon withdrew, “Gripper, discontinue warnings of female designated as KT seven”.

  “Removing warning program for female” the arm replied.

  The young girl walked over and sat down near Jon, she didn’t speak for a time and just gazed up at the night sky, then she turn to her companion, “you never asked me what our final destination will be”.

  “I assumed you were returning to your base of operations and your people”.

  “Incorrect” KT said shaking her head, “my tribe is gone, my unit was the last of the Komodo riders, I’m alone”, it had been a very long while since the young girl had shed a tear in sorrow, the last time was when she buried her mother but now her eyes began to well up and her voice was shaky, “when we first met I wanted to kill you but I couldn’t, now I don’t want you to leave, I don’t want to be alone”. KT-7 moved close to Jon and put her arms around him and kissed him for a long time and then they parted.

  “Mating procedures?” Jon asked.

  KT smiled and kissed him again and then Gripper’s alarm went off again.

  “Enemy within perimeter!”

  Jon was angry that his orders to discontinue that program hadn’t been obeyed. “Repeat, remove warning program for female” he commanded thinking it there was a problem with the mechanical appendages programing, but he was wrong.

  “Enemy is not female!” the arm replied.

  Suddenly the ground under their feet began to move and an instant later a large wedge shaped head rose up from the sand, it was covered in hard scales and had a long neck as thick as a man’s torso, it opened its reptilian jaws showing rows of razor sharp teeth.

  “Sand-dragon!” KT screamed jumping up and drawing her knife; Jon lifted his arm, “Gripper, blade!” But before the metal hand could reply Jon was fighting for his life.

  In a matter of seconds the huge creature emerged from the ground and in the pale moonlight its scale covered body glimmered like jewel-fish in a clear pond.

  KT-7 and Jon-29 were once more fighting side by side, their enemy was a creature created by humans in a laboratory, made to attack from underground and kill anything that comes within its snapping jaws and clawed feet. Jon dodged the gaping mouth with a lightening like move and swung his arm blade with all his might striking the monster on its snake-like neck, but the thick scales of the beast deflected the blow. Now it was KT’s turn to attack, she had encountered these fearless creatures before and knew that their armor like hide was almost impossible to penetrate so she jumped clear of its whipping tail and then jumped on the monsters back, she dug her spurs into the sides of the creature and struck again and again with her razor sharp weapon hoping to find a gap in the armor plating but the underground beast shook itself hard and KT was thrown thru the air landing hard on the sand, the wind was knocked out of her for a moment or two then she picked herself up on one knee and shouted to Jon.

  “The mouth! She cried out, “weakness in mouth”.

  Dodging another strike Jon could see that the huge tooth aperture of the monster was its only vulnerable spot so digging his boots into the soft sand he lifted his arm and waited for the beast to attack, and it did, it opened its jaws as wide as it could and lunged forward. Jon’s aim was true and the sharp blade on his mechanical arm ripped into the upper palette and out thru the skull of the Sand-dragon, the massive jaws snapped shut on Jon’s arm sending out a shower of sparks and damaging the replacement device. The creature whipped its head from side to side almost tearing off the young man’s arm but finally it let go of its prey and Jon fell to the ground then with a few more jerks and thrashes of its tail the monster finally laid still.

  KT-7 rushed to Jon’s side and looked down to see his steel arm covered in the greenish blood of the beast but other than a few cuts and bruises he was unhurt, she bend down and held him in her arms and kissed him over and over on the face and lips, despite his wounds and exhaustion Jon look at her and smiled.

  “Mating procedures?” Jon asked.



  Chapter 5.
