Read Jonathan Rush and the Star Academy Page 8

  Chapter Seven

  Johnny arrived at his training room, ready to start the days training exercise. Still feeling bad about the day before, he looked around and saw something he had never seen before, an empty room.

  Not only was Davan late, he had not set any training schedule for the day. That was unlike Davan, who was meticulous in his attendance and training schedule.

  Just then, Davan walked in, without his training gear with him. What was going on?

  “Little man, it is your lucky day,” Davan grinned. “You get to visit your first alien world.”

  “Seriously? You have got to be kidding me!” Johnny said, beaming with excitement. He wasn’t sure if this day would ever come. What sights would he see? What adventures would he go on?

  Johnny couldn’t have been any happier. Maybe believing in oneself had some side effects, he thought.

  “Usually students have to wait at least one year before being allowed on their first mission,” Davan said. “It is a great honor. Now run home and pack enough for a week’s travel.”

  Johnny threw a fist in the air, and ran out of the room. He was going on his first real adventure.

  He was a good kid, Davan thought. He never had any children himself, choosing to devote himself completely to the Star Academy. He turned off the lights to the training room, and walked out the room.

  He made his way to the Control Room of the Star Academy. It was huge, maybe the size of a football stadium. Glass made up most of the ceiling, revealing the beautiful nothingness of space. Davan made his way past the bridge section to the back where the Star Master’s briefing room was located.

  The door opened and he walked in to join Star Master Vol Corvan and Star Knight Kenzel Arlen. They were standing around a large circular glass table.

  “Welcome Knight Davan Dacaco; when the last person arrives, we will begin.” Master Vol said. Shortly after, the door opened and tall woman entered, standing out from the pack of middle-to-old aged men.

  “Knight Selene Moran, fashionably late as always,” Kenzel grinned. The two of them had known each other a long time, having shared many adventures across the galaxy. Selene joined the others standing around the table.

  “I come to you three with a mission of great importance,” Master Vol said as the table began to construct a holographic image in front of all four members. The air lit up with a million bursts of light. Beautiful and brilliant, lights continued to appear rapidly, until the image of the galaxy was revealed. “This is the galaxy in which we reside, The Milky Way.”

  Master Vol Corvan pressed a button on the table, and red points of interest started popping up all over the galaxy.

  “These red points represent every recorded Rift in space-time we have detected since they first began appearing, just over two years ago,” Master Vol stated.

  The three others, Davan, Kenzel, and Selene all looked at each other. They had heard this story before. In fact, for the last two years all of the resources in the galaxy have been spent tracking these mysterious Rifts. Rifts to an unknown place, it could have been another dimension, reality, or even another universe.

  Still, the Star Master commanded a great deal of respect from them so they listened closely.

  “Early yesterday, we received reports of a Rift opening near the moon of Tau Ceti IV.” Master Vol said. The three others all looked at each other. A Rift had never opened in space before.

  “What does this mean, Star Master?” Kenzel asked. “We always believed these portals to be random in occurrence, never having a pattern to them.”

  All that changed when a Rift opened in orbit around a planet. An insignificant planet, but that mattered little. What mattered was that they were now beginning to believe that the portals were not natural occurrences at all.

  “The Rifts in space are being controlled by something on the other side,” Master Vol reported. “Your mission is to investigate the system and report on anything you find.”

  “Do we have Intel on the moon near Tau Ceti IV?” Selene questioned.

  “The moon is called Nox. A tiny, habited moon, it was converted into a mining outpost over two hundred years ago,” Master Vol stated. For all the magnificent technological advancements, they knew very little about these Rifts in space.

  Davan looked worried, for he was not just putting his own life in danger, but that of his student.

  “Master, both Selene and I are in the middle of training duty. Is this really the safest mission for children? Do you not expect any resistance?” Davan asked.

  “This mission is reconnaissance only. You are not to engage anything you encounter. However, I do realize that this puts our young students in some degree of risk. I have not forgotten this, Knight Davan. I promise you,” Master Vol assured. “They are to stay on board the ship at all times. I trust all of you with my life, and therefore trust their lives with you. This mission requires the best I have to offer, and you three are the best I have to offer.”

  The three Star Knights nodded, knowing their roles well. They were experienced members of the Star Alliance, and had battled the unknown many times before. This time was different however, as they were bringing children along for the adventure. They may have been future protectors of the galaxy, but they still were kids, after all.

  The Star Knight’s Kenzel, Selene and Davan headed for the door, ready to begin their mission.

  “Star Knight Kenzel, Can you please stay a moment; I have some private information regarding the mission,” Master Vol said. “I apologize to you both, Selene and Davan, but this information is highly confidential.”

  Selene and Davan left the two to their secretive meeting, and went to find their students for the mission, and make preparations for their upcoming adventure.

  Later, Jonathan Rush was making his way to one of the docking bays. He was scheduled to fly out on a starship called, the Aidos.

  The Aidos was a fine ship, one of the finest in the fleet according to one of the mechanics in the docking day.

  “A fine vessel,” the mechanic said, walking up beside Johnny. “She’s one of the fastest ships in the fleet, and pacts a heck of a punch for a small cruiser. You’re a lucky kid. Be sure to take good care of her.”

  “Her?” Johnny asked. He thought they were talking about a ship, and now he wants to talk about some girl?

  “Ha ha, she is the ship, and the ship is her,” the mechanic said. “It’s one heck of a view, I will say that.”

  Johnny agreed. It was the most breathtaking view he had ever seen. She was silver blue in color, with golden accents lining every panel on the starship. It resembled two curved blades, sliced in the middle and attached together by a rising bar. Like sharp pincer’s, he thought. The image of the starship alone, conjured up images of him cutting and stabbing his way through the entire fleet. Dozens of small weaving white optic cables ran between the two outer hulls. It was sleek, gorgeous and hypnotizing; it felt like an adventure within itself.

  “Nice to see you again, Johnny,” Amy said from behind Johnny. He would never forget her voice, even if he only ever heard it that once before. He spun around to see Amy Dora standing in front of him.

  “Hi,” Johnny said, sheepishly. Last time they had met, she had come to his rescue. He wanted to feel important when he was around her, not some dorky kid who needs her to fight his battles.

  “Relax kid,” Amy said. She patted him on the arm and tousled his hair. Great, he thought; now he had a big sister. If ever he was going win her respect, he knew that starship would help him do just that.

  A few moments later, the three Star Knights arrived. Having changed from their usual brown attire, they looked quite formidable. They wore dark-grey leather flight jackets with white and red highlights, the colors of the Star Alliance. With matching pants, they resembled the heroes in Johnny’s comic books. Only their powers were very real.

  Light caught Johnny’s eye as t
hey walked closer. He squinted, trying to get a better look. Across their hearts, golden rings glittered and sparkled in the light as they walked. It must have been the official crest of the Star Academy; a symbol of hope and admiration throughout the galaxy.

  “Kenzel!” Johnny yelled, as he saw his old friend walking towards him. Running up to Kenzel, he leapt at his old friend. He had waited months to see Kenzel, and now they were traveling the stars together.

  “Ha. Well hello there, Johnny,” Kenzel said with a grin, grasping on tightly to the child. “Are you finally ready for your first adventure?”

  Davan looked on, beside them. He realized Johnny was just his student, but had hoped that Johnny saw him the way he sees Kenzel. Perhaps one day, he thought. Right now his young student needed Davan to be at his very best, and he would need a clear mind for the task at hand.