Read Joseph Fallen Page 2

  Joseph sat back in the soft cushion of his chair, the leather groaning against his weight as he propped his feet up on the mahogany expanse of the large wooden desk. Behind him, a panoramic view of the city was portrayed through the picture windows that encased the office that he’d recently acquired.

  It had been a year since he’d married Arianna and his love for his wife had pushed him up the corporate ladder due to his determination to provide her with the lifestyle that would surpass the heiresses who’d spoken ill of her when they’d first been married. They’d not yet conceived a child, and, instead, used the time to worship each other in the late evening hours they had together. Although his days were spent in grueling business meetings, his evenings were spent in her loving arms or resting on a sofa in their modest home as she played her piano for him alone. Her mastery of the instrument was extraordinary and he’d encouraged her to play publicly so that people would understand what true talent sounded like. However, she always declined, preferring the seclusion of their home to the fame that would come with unveiling her talent to the world. Although he enjoyed hearing her play classical pieces written years before by famous composers, it was the songs that she wrote for him that brought his heart unfettered joy.

  Snapping his attention back to the man sitting across from him in his office, Joseph smiled, his hands folded across his lap as he eyed the sharp-dressed business associate from across the smooth surface of his desk.

  “I intend to become a very wealthy man, Hamilton. Every dime I’ve made, I’ve returned to this company. My enthusiasm is nothing more than well thought out plotting. I knew the owners were close to retirement, and I bought out their shares as quickly as I could. In this business, it is skill and careful planning that will lead you to the top. Acquisitions and subsequent sales of struggling companies comes a close second to the finesse required to keep an operation such as this performing at its peak.”

  A single eyebrow rose above Hamilton’s eye, revealing that the man believed himself more apt for the position taken quietly by Joseph within the company. Although Joseph had started his career with the best of intentions, he’d quickly learned that a touch of cutthroat maneuvering had been required to best his peers in their race to the top. His morality had been placed aside when he undertook buying failing companies with the promise of building them up, but instead, stripping them of their assets so that his company continued to profit off the sweat of those less intelligent in business. Morality had no place in his position, a lesson learned quickly as Joseph positioned himself for success.

  Hamilton settled back into the wing-backed chair in which he sat. His jaw ticked furiously even though he attempted to disguise his jealousy and anger at having been bested by a man twenty years his junior. “I look forward to the ball this evening. I’m sure you must be nervous being the guest of honor at a gathering of such powerful men in the field.”

  Joseph knew Hamilton was attempting to shake him, but laughed to himself realizing that Hamilton’s words only revealed the anxiety of the man who was so obviously aware of Joseph’s superiority. He was nothing if not a good judge of character. He never listened to a man’s words, but rather he watched his actions, his body language, anything that would unerringly reveal the true thoughts of the person he was observing. Running his hand through the silk of his ebony hair, Joseph relaxed against the leather seat, eventually returning his hand to the desk to idly play with a pen that sat on the surface of the wood.

  Flippantly he responded to Hamilton’s attempt at ruffling his feathers. “Actually, I’ve been looking forward to it. When rubbing elbows with men of such wealth, it is entirely possible that some of that money will be rubbed off on me. And we both know that the more money I have, the more powerful I will become.”

  A scowl lit Hamilton’s face. Straightening his posture, he opened his mouth to speak again but was interrupted by a knock at the door.

  “Come in.” Joseph’s baritone voice was brusque while giving permission to the unexpected visitor to enter. The bottom edge of the door brushed across the carpet and Arianna peaked her head around, her blue eyes seeking out the familiar grey of her husband’s. When she spotted Hamilton sitting across from Joseph, she gasped and her hand reached to her mouth in surprise before her eyes shot back to Joseph.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you had…”

  “Don’t be silly. Come in.” Standing immediately from his chair, Joseph stepped quickly through the room to greet his wife. She was dressed modestly in a knee length, A-line skirt with a buttoned blouse tucked at the waist and he couldn’t help but marvel that, even in her casual clothing, she appeared like a jewel sparkling in the early morning sunlight that filtered in through the windows of his office.

  Arianna’s eyes wandered over her husband, her admiration of the way his suit fit over his muscular form apparent in the gleam in her eye. Even though they’d been married for a year, he still caught her hungry stares and secretive glances. He couldn’t hold it against her though; because when she was in his presence, he was unapologetic in the way his eyes remained glued to her.

  Without glancing back at his waiting colleague, Joseph said, “Hamilton, I’m afraid you will need to leave. Something important has just come up.” He winked at Arianna, causing her to chuckle quietly.

  Hamilton rose from his seat, pulling his jacket down from where it had gathered at his waist. “Of course. I’ll see you both this evening, I’m sure.” When Hamilton approached the doors, Joseph reached out for his wife’s hand, pulling her towards him to give his associate enough room to exit. His other hand reached out to close the door as soon as Hamilton was fully outside.

  He wasted no time in pressing his wife’s small body up against the wall of his office, his hand moving quickly in its quest up her skirt. She laughed but was rapidly silenced when he settled his fingers against the apex of her thighs.

  Lowering his head, he pressed his lips against her ear while circling the sensitive flesh between her legs. “What a pleasant surprise, Mrs. Carmichael. Please tell me you’ve come to give me good news.”

  A responsive moan escaped her glossed lips and Joseph bent lower to bite along the sensitive skin of her neck, pressing his hardened cock against her leg as he trapped her between his large body and the wall. She trembled against him and a smile escaped the corners of his sculpted mouth as her overtook her. He found both of her hands and pulled them above her head, pinning them to the wall above her head. When his lips continued their assault of the skin along her neck and jawline, he could feel her chest pounding against his from her lungs growing desperate for more air.

  “Jo…Joseph – how can I talk when you’re doing that?” Her voice was breathy and her body relaxed against the wall, her submission to her husband an instantaneous thing.

  “Will you stop me?” His deep voice brushed across her skin like static electricity, heightening her desire as the vibration of the sound rattled along her nerve endings.

  Peeking up at his ever-watchful face through the thickness of her lashes, she smiled sweetly. “Have I ever?”

  Releasing her hands, Joseph reached down to grab his wife’s legs pulling them up and around his waist. He was appreciative of the loose skirt, allowing him access to every part of her. Reaching back to bury his finger slowly, yet deeply, inside her, he continued talking to her, enjoying her raspy responses to his questions.

  “Do you have news for me, beautiful? I know your appointment was this morning. I expected a phone call, but this will do as well.” He continued working her toward an edge he’d seen her tumble over so many times before. He observed her lips moving, as if to speak, but no sound came forth except for her needful panting and tortured moans. When her eyes rolled back in her head, Joseph gave her the release she sought, his breath catching in his lungs to watch a sated expression fall over the face of an angel.

  When she’d regained herself, Joseph smiled down at her. Grasping her body within his arms, he pulled her from the wa
ll and carried over to the couch where he sat her down. Her head rested against his chest and their legs entangled where they hung over the side. Finally reaching a point where she could speak again, a saddened look came over her features when she looked up into his face.

  “I’m not pregnant, Joseph. My, well, I’m late, but the tests came back negative.”

  His shoulders fell as the expectation in his body blew out on his released sigh. He wanted to give in to his own disappointment, but when he viewed the look on Arianna’s face, he forced himself to step up to reassure her.

  Holding her chin in his hand, he smiled down at her. “Then I guess we’ll try again. Over and over, until it takes. Some of the best things on Earth are the things you must wait for. This only tells me that our child will be special…a gift given to us when we least expect it.”

  Grinning up at him, a single tear escaped her eye and Joseph reached over to wipe it from her face. “Don’t cry my love, it will happen, and when it does, I’ll scream out my triumph over the entire city. Every person will know that the love of my life is pregnant with my child. You’ll be the most beautiful – and round – woman out there.”

  Her melodic laughter washed over him, and he continued teasing her to bring her back from her threatened despair. Finally, when all sadness had been vanquished from her eyes, he pulled her into his lap, resting his head against hers as he reminded her of their plans that evening.

  “Are you looking forward to the ball tonight?”

  Arianna nodded her head. “Yes. It’s not often that my husband is the honored guest. I’m very proud of you Joseph. For everything you’ve accomplished and have yet to accomplish.”

  He nodded. Yes; he would accomplish everything he’d hoped for and more. Technically, he already had it all, but he wasn’t yet satisfied. His wife deserved a castle, if that is what she wanted, and he was determined to give her everything and anything her heart could ever desire. “I will accomplish even greater things with you by my side. I’ll give you everything, I’ll give you the world, whether you like it or not.”

  She smiled, her expression telling him that she knew he spoke the truth. But Arianna was a more humble soul. She didn’t require wealth to be happy, she didn’t need the biggest house or the fastest car to feel special about herself. She was content living a meager life, if it meant that she had her husband.

  “I’ll never need those things, Joseph. All I’ll ever need is you. Don’t let the idea of extraordinary wealth tear you apart from me. I’ve seen how those high powered husbands leave their wives behind in shadows while they step out into the limelight. Don’t lose yourself in your determination to shower me in money and fame. I prefer you over anything you could ever offer me.”

  Placing his mouth over hers, Joseph started soft, but gradually deepened their kiss until both were left breathless and panting. He wanted nothing more but to continue forward, to lay her out underneath him on the couch where they sat, but he had business to attend to - for her.

  He let go of Arianna and stood suddenly, his hands hurriedly working to straighten the material of his suit. Reaching down, he grasped her hand and pulled her up beside him, chuckling when he noticed how her skirt had shifted into an awkward position around her legs. He reached over and took the material between his hands, quickly pulling it back into place. Arianna moved away from him laughing, always amused by his need to take care of her in every way.

  “I have a business meeting I must attend. You should run home and start getting ready for the evening. Which dress were you planning to wear?”

  “I don’t know…” Her words sounded funny, her continued laughter preventing her lips from functioning properly. “I haven’t thought about it. Which one do you prefer?”

  She stepped behind the couch, a bright grin beaming from her face and it appeared she was daring him to go after her. Joseph straightened his spine, pulled his shoulders back and imitated a man looking over his conquest. Playing into her game, he motioned as if he would respond, but stepped forward unexpectedly grasping her wrist and pulling her from around the couch. She let out a small cry when he picked her up and placed her back against the wall.

  When their combined laughter ceased, he answered, “Wear the blue one, the one that matches your eyes. I will not be the most powerful man in attendance tonight, but with you in that dress, I will most assuredly be the luckiest bastard there.” His tone grew serious and his eyes burned into hers with sincerity. “I mean it, Arianna, I couldn’t be the man that I am without you.”

  Chapter Three

  Looking in the full length mirror, Arianna, turned left and then right in order to examine the sleek blue satin ball gown she wore for her husband. The material was simple perfection in the way it flowed over her body like cascading rain. Satisfied with the dress, she sat down at her dressing table and styled her hair up into a simple twist, securing the errant strands with diamond crusted pins. Applying minimal makeup, she swept on a layer of gloss over her lips just as Joseph stepped out of the bathroom dressed in his formal tuxedo.

  The material clung to his body in all the right places, moving with him gracefully as he sauntered across the room. His hair was styled back and his golden cufflinks reflected the light in the room when he moved. He was the definition of debonair – his proud posture and heightened stance giving him the appearance of a powerful and brutal force. Arianna’s eyes swept over the broad expanse of his chest and shoulders, her heart beating faster as she followed his form down to gaze at his narrow waist. He was as beautiful as he was intelligent and she was grateful to be his wife and to be allowed the gift of his attention and love.

  “If you will be the luckiest man because of this dress, than the tuxedo you’re wearing will make me the envy of every woman who is there tonight. You look stunning, Joseph – impressive as ever.” She stood up to take her husband’s outstretched hand and allowed him to lead her from their bedroom, through the living room and out to the waiting limousine. After the limo driver had opened the door for her, she slid into the spacious backseat of the vehicle, straightening her dress underneath her while she watched her husband crawl in beside her. Once the door was closed, Joseph grabbed two crystal flutes and a bottle of chilled champagne from a table to his side. Handing her a glass, he popped the cork from the bottle, allowing it to bounce off the privacy screen between the driver and the backseat.

  “Here’s a toast to a wonderful evening with the most beautiful woman in the world.” He lifted his glass to her and she smiled while bouncing her glass lightly against his.

  “And here’s to the most wonderful husband a woman could ever ask for.” She sipped from her glass and admired Joseph from over the rim, watching as his neck moved from swallowing the golden liquid. Their destination was not far and the drive only lasted thirty minutes. Within that amount of time, Joseph had ravished her as much as he could, causing her to need a moment to fix her hair before stepping out of the car.

  When she finally took Joseph’s hand, she was escorted from the car out onto a luxurious red carpet bordered by red ropes, keeping onlookers at a safe distance from the party attendees. The flash of camera strobes blinded Arianna while she allowed Joseph to lead her inside. She noticed how Joseph’s name was called out by the press who were crushed together along the sidelines; their desperation for an interview apparent in their shouted requests. Joseph ignored them, opting instead to keep his eyes trained to Arianna at his side. She smiled up at him, proud of the man she called her husband.

  Once inside, Arianna’s eyes widened to see the sheer decadence of the ballroom where the party was being held. The room was not yet crowded when they arrived and she was able to look across the room at the tables elegantly set with crystal and china table settings sitting atop stark white table clothes. The interior of the ballroom was much larger than any room she’d seen and a stage was set at the front of the room. A crystal chandelier hung gloriously at the center of the room and her eyes could not look away from the iridescen
t light it cast along the ceiling and walls of the room. Joseph noticed her amazement and pulled her closer to him so that he could whisper in her ear.

  “Do you like the chandelier? One day I will buy you a beautiful home, Arianna, and in that home will hang a chandelier just as grand, if not more so, than the one that hangs in this room. This is just the beginning my love, soon your home will be the most beautiful in existence.” His voice was like smooth silk against her skin and she blushed knowing her husband would follow through with his promises to lavish her in luxury and wealth. Whereas her heart sang with pride at his accomplishments and drive, her stomach twisted at the thought that Joseph would never understand that it wasn’t wealth that she wanted.

  Arianna had grown up in a simple family. Although, they were not as wealthy as the old money society in which Joseph had been raised, they were comfortable living with her father’s income and she was taught that love should be held more valuable than any object or fanciful desire. Her parents had died before she’d even met Joseph, but their lessons still resonated in her head in the years since they’d passed.

  Joseph led her to their table that sat front and center of the large room. Taking his seat at the table, Joseph appeared like a king, dignity oozing from every pore. Couples passed by, making sure to stop and make small talk with the guest of honor. Arianna was having a splendid time sipping champagne and observing her husband while he shone in his element. She would never get used to the attention they received due to his growing notoriety, but she wouldn’t openly voice her concerns, not wanting to chance upsetting Joseph.

  Once dinner had been finished and the attendees at the event were sipping coffee and eating dessert, Joseph was requested to give his speech at the podium on stage. When he stood, Arianna’s eyes took in her proud husband, a smile lighting her face to see him become the center of attention. She expected him to walk instantly to the stage, but he surprised her when his eyes met hers and he made it a point to walk to her side of the table, offer his hand and pull her up from her chair into an embrace and kiss straight out of a romance novel. Dipping her backwards, he kissed her with such passion that Arianna could hear the audible gasps, giggles and sighs sounding from the women throughout the room. Her husband was a true romantic and she adored every second of her time with him. Lifting her back into an upright position, he smiled brightly at her before assisting her back into her seat and turning to make his way up the stage and to the podium positioned in the center.