Read Josephine Stein Page 8

It was like a complex-insinuation, a time to inject, assert and become circumspect. The many simulated-tentative and entitlements with score and enamoring had been established, instilled and forgotten. The precepts of thought and vision to all the tangents foreseen and fortune are illustrious and infatically, presummatious and conciting the precision-purpose for which ideas and intimacy and illuminate, in all the steps of a fortunate-story. As refined and articulate, as the involition designed and ultimately, disaffectatious... A laud and learning-experience for which reward and resignation often touched a life. One becames an initial-designation for which purpose and propriety end and are a life; one beneath the ritual of now worthiness and right. A prime-conception that which was stood and strived to advent; what would always be an alight and discrepancy. The world of New York's illustriousness was a 'pedestal' which an arcane encompassing-portrayed and produced, and set of 'principles' to which priority and prestigiousness fall into defeat and devalued, detreat; reveals and acknowledges itself. In what is the fact of pronounced-definition and denegrating decorum.

  All the 'creativity' of a world that could-not surmise what was by an achieving-'artist'; that could do into a 'perfection' of an extounding, city-metropolis... In what was a presemination and revue, that were pursued or achieved. A preliminary-affectation for which 'omnipotence', was a certain-entailing and emotion... In a devising-development still being what was an objective, and apparentcy. A projection defined-by work, was the 'confines'-of embasis and propensity. Work, took-on a new-life; fathom and favor, but as the September-winds began to blow, so did the prevalent-winds of a self-'change'. The omniferent-rite and religion of what she'd thought was surpassed, and now a 'sanquine'-sentiment; by which was an unsupposed-reference and reactuation. She 'loved' New York, and those 'obligations'; once presented and expendatious, and thought-free and fortuitous; 'shined' to become consentual-in cause and character. The devining-rectification which was a recognition now, left her to a revisionary-passing... An ascore of her-resignation, in what was a 'fidelity' forwarded-out ad now, forgotten...

  As she looked-out on the street at the dull-sunshine, the sky was passing with weak-cloud cover... ...Seperated like a herd with the strong-rays of late-morning, acting as a somber-thread of warmth. The 'quiet' of perceiving, Fall-days; which would become 'strong', from the 'wetness'-heading up the coast; to there, winds being numbered; making reasons to come into work or implicate the work and willing of a prominence of a calling, or self-proprietary projection for which the once grand and amerant events no-longer stood-out or needed to be encumbered. The winds began to pick-up... Most of the area was wealthy real estate, so most kept a quiet-repose to an optimal-recision... Josephine, began to stay to herself, 'until'-she could evaluate what was a necessary-retiring. Although, she liked solitude and semantics... What had once been a life-style and living-perhaps, she still, expected too much. An awkwardly, certain and officiality; composed and alloid... She had never thought before on what was the regency and actual urgency-of a favored-life...

  An allocation of what once was, in what was a persistent-execution; and what made the world a much more manifest and magnitude of all that would-be. In a precept in the dissolving-days of Fall's dissolution. An inclement affording and chosen by aggregate-talent, now it was the 'chalice' of new-proven pervasion and proxy. She understood New York, its many pertainings, messagings; the confidings and careful-consignings, that are consistence and proper-precariousness. The now distant-discharge, she'd watched-out the window for a time more, before receiving a call from someone who'd been scarce for the last six-months. The phone-rang, its distinctive advanced 'technological' ring and Josephine went to her desk and picked it up. She said 'hello' with a diffidence... The memory of Brad came to her... The many times her work of all kinds had been interrupted by a man unserious about most things. But somehow it made her 'happy' to hear from him, again... What once was an installation-character for which time still, stood 'still'... The many traits which he was precluded had all-passed in initiation and tendency, were no more than a 'youthful'-confunction.

  ...She, with its passing, had found-out more about what was once her-friend than she needed to. He was still polite and brash, but it no longer moved her. The time for play was over, and she told him so in so many words. Their two-worlds no longer coincided. But he didn't want to 'realize' it. She explained that she'd refined, and that the pleasantries were now over and less-'desperate'. He represented the now desperate part of her life. He representing an 'old-wheel'... He talked to her for sometime to come, trying to convince her of his ideas and amorous feelings toward her, with no avail. In what was an instrication-effigy and affectation alone and now, 'discarded'. Both soon, found a dissimulation to it all... Brad was learning that life didn't always give you what you wanted. A gratuity for which life had turned them away from a started-relationship was to be aimed to fade and be forgotten. On a scale or scope-invictive and now challenging.

  An inspiration and aggravation exposant to the world, of both... That evening the distillation of night to day; he'd buffered and braced-in the entered-enactuation of a woman explicit and contacting. 'Even'-ness of light-to-dark started an reveneration of what was a now lacunic-life. The participles of thought to mind... It was a look of vengeful-intolerances. A portal-appellation incensual and efficacious... A 'phalanx' adduction and an instication on filled and gradated-affixatives, and in due-scale. The purportment and pretext. The night fell away, and the decency of day-break, open the Eastern shore. The seas of Hudson Bay lapped and calmed. The instant-winds grew light. Traffic of another work-day sounded on the Brooklyn Bridge, the tunnel and along the outer-lanes of Manhattan. The lights of the city went-out and the awaking of the metropolis was again, present. The conviction of a renewed emulation installed and grew. A sheen lay on the street out-front of the area. A police cars drove sliently, pass. Pidgeons laned on the lane for crumgs and pebbles and flew in sequence from ground to trees...

  The neighborhoos of Brownstones became active with stirring-life. Sarah's cab drew up to her boss's residence and she entered Josephine's home. The tenuity of what was a reanimation of the business of land and city carried-on. The propensity and self-rejuvenation again revolved and devolved a register of an abashed renouncing. A chance for reordination to a new-day and commenced morning. An articulation given to a definatude of apprising and state... The 'prized' essence over any other content and contemplation. The new-typical social-acguised telemetry was again being played and Josephine waking to a new reality of what was an innovation. Her rest was 'sure' but her waking-hourse would be a time cavorting and retraced assimulating. She was on a new path in life, one of utter-choice and devising. In the not so known imperative in what was now predicate and place... What would be her next more, her reconciling and eviterate chancing diminutive to one of the better-resounds to life. The relefying context and a new-inflexion ofo extenuation and perfunctive abregation. The distole and dimension of in what may have been self-vocate primalcy of provisioon and conciting.

  The future would be abundant. But the end of a career was like the demise of a center-driven life. Without a certain-force, one was subdivided by instance and ill-personfication. An elimination of trust and truth. A follow-through never found in define. A certain existence imposed and dealloting of destined convincing. A procurient excision determinate for which progression and aptitude reprobate and ingression and aptitude reprobate and in implicity contracted and eventuated in price and pride... The many influences were now colluding in the self-potential of nominal derision. The actual and evident and simmering and supplicated into a new referendum. The especial logic and lament on times' past and times to come. She realized she had lived a fragile nonsense... That what she had become was the 'glass-tower' of elusional anointing... All the past-'annotations' which were milestones to a life; ill-certain and superficial... The 'impotent' and implausible, in the ultimate
enculcations of what life was supposed-to be.

  A 'last-decade', began-in a subjective-recaste on the scale of riches, ritual and reactualization. What money and hardwork, had put to 'shame'. She led a life like on a TV show, as that of the common-concerting was due to a 'fabulous' lifestyle... Her father died before seeing what became of her. That the only true-'peace' she'd received was from the appreciation by others. And now, it was no-longer in a liberating, solemnness... ...What were in designs and distinctions, for which had occurred no longer. It had all been a 'Charade' and all-based on imposed 'glamour' and monetary-gain. What was an admirous-life now fully, unfolding. All the inspirations and ideas, that were so much 'fluff', pomp and circumstance... An erratic-revelance, by which it peeked and was now gone. Like a door-to-door salesman selling 'wares'; it only lasted until it no-longer 'sparkled'. By what was an infute-only, needed and yielding in deeding and dynamism then, allowed to die. But she-realized there were important 'points' and 'profits' that were to be assailed. Like she'd seen other people-of-wealth and wonder, life went-on. In what may seem a 'harsh-reality' that can only be a reminisce, and forgotten...

  She, like they, still had a life-to life. Although, they still had a point to make in the very-human sense, she was not going to sell her-blood to stay 'on-top'. Life wasn't meant to be 'eternal'; but one should survive, as long as one could. Life was imperfect and now, she'd come to that fact; with a large-sum of money. And as she so alluding, implicated; she stood for what was a 'rare-value' which only she could express... ...The grand and 'galant' were things she could enjoy and engage. But 'fame' some times was a misfortune-luckily, she proved her full-significance in all she-did. In what might-have been an 'influence' of the foolish, and fuse. She was not the 'first'. ...The streets and avenues, congealed-into a dry-surface for the afternoon... The air-smelled of skunk-weed and trees... Her garden was in its last-stages... She still enjoyed the 'sensible', amenities. Being now set for life, she didn't want to dwell-on an ordinal-inauspicion.

  Her-past had left her-life composed, and positive... Having an intelligence head on her-shouders, she didn't fall to far in this insecure-season. She decided to relax-at home, her-home in New York. The place, she'd chosen that came to congeal. Fame was short-lived, but so was life... In what was an executed, excuse by which to survive. It was the 'advancive-story' of what was a pertinence and propering; which had ended-wholely, and abruptly... What was now a farewell-'opus' to this part of life and living. Of the dense-winds, which seemed to come and never-end. As most winds, which came with intermittent-inclement weather, for the Eastern sea-board came and went with a 'harshness'. The warmth in-doors, kept the toughness of the rough-weather, at bay. She'd made sure to weatherize the house completely; with a 30-year warranty, on just about everything there. She had time to kill, until she decided what was the 'best' next, thing to-go. As pursuit leading to the accords of a new-life. It began with one step, a self-venture, to carry-on with 'life'. She was 'lost', on life... The 'glitter' of fame was hard to let 'die'. There was an absolute-posterity to it all, and that reality undermined the tenets in life.

  She'd had a wonderful, tempting, trial-by-fire of an accomplishment which she proved a power to be reckoned-with. It seemed almost embarrassing nothing seemed an absolute. A pugnatious reverence to an indomitable-past. And now, she sat in an 'apexed'-apology of what was to 'vanished' in thin-air. Hopes-fulfilled, progression-in an omniferous-prospect. ...And now, she had to be reborn and breathe the fresh-air of a now-dawn. As sure as what she'd done, with an indominant-spirit she understood in the definition of a new-relativity... ...A designed-story of cause and humanity that were certain, sincere and superimposed. An in-desputed, convocation and conferring layed-bare on the bearings of what was only genuine-relie and relevance... A token-reality granted by a token-logic. Brought to a fertile-intent, and engaged-in with the resound and a blossoming-lifestyle.

  As her first stipulations, to the standards of success to a confounded-empowerment, she atttained what was the concision and defection of what was a working, and warding-evocativeness, living, to be passed-up... An 'allure' and allocation of a mention-of pronouncing and precipice, faring and forwardly, forged and found with an elegatious-force... ...What she and others thought, was a prime-central-forcefulnesss, that were pronounced and produced, made signate-redemption. A fateful endowance atoned and centered on her-shoulders. A definite-place, and expressed by the rudiments of talent and the outstanding of fate and foundation, that was being oracled and installed. What once gave the 'juices' of an exquisite-living by what was now, the stated and starving-regression by warrant and waywardness. The passage-devotion and division of a choice and ever-guiding charter, that which was an once lassitude-pretext and power, now was drawn-out and drained-of a superlative and/or superstition... An attuned-imperative deeded and 'dead'; that was to be appeasingly of implicate, employ and compound.

  An acting-instrument of a time and purpose; proposed and divided by what was once hope and dreams-realized, ratified and relinquished. An instance being abreast and abated in the tempestuousness-of what were terms and times. ...It was an inceded and indolent-life in what was being a persona and perceptive... By what was an omniation of inferring and infliction now, passed-away into what became a promise and pride; pernicious and predominant-by heard of diligents to which were to become a devoted and deriving-individual. The duly, institution-of-path and passage, which were sardonically, apparition founded, stood and focaled in what was a furthered finiteness. An apogee and emulate of a person and personal-divide; prefixed and garrulously, redivided. The imperative, and impossibility-laid and loathe, as the 'seed'-within. ...On this tumultuous-day, the BMW sat outfront glowing in its silver-metallic. Josephine would have to decide what to do or live-on, in seclusion a recluse by what was a grand autonomous-life. In what was a sufficient self-improvised life. There was nothing more she needed to do.

  There were other 'teleological'-intent and objectives but they all seemed a simple-siloloquy and salaciousness, for which some substance could be lived-out of, in an unassertive-contention. Life had left no further goals. It was all an overtive-existence. An apportion for which a substantial-past could orate, over-ride and reconverge in a new-role of life... An all new-revitalization which had been acted upon, and understood. In the infinite-roles of , what she'd chose as one-interstitial to a fortuned-fervorance one emerge in extolled-immagnitivity... ..And as a pretense, as a once possessed-potential. In what was an enigmatic-invention and endeavor. A prodigious-immaculance once transposed in intention, and as a mission. A change of magnification-astute and ordered. Now, invivid and unadvancing by what may be the muted-reliably by pre-course and margined. Her once many, emergent-friends were now turned-over by encountering. In what was art, expending for which she thought little about any more.

  ...The song: 'New York, New York' was now, laid seed to. There were many dissolvencies by a once perpetual-romance fortuned, over-the-'bar' of once owned-opulence. A tender-tenement, to recourse and self-anointed, 'speed'. ...In an acknowledged-specter; more-broken and lying-in disposed-despotic... In what is a proponent-expediation, being insistent and ever-exposant. By what is a discourse of new-ratification, and reality. A proposed, and proper-spirit that is enjoined, and understood. The influences and 'affluence' of all that went-before, was now a permanent-'dispassion' by which had come to lay-itself. An endemic-reverence and reality, proposed and transposed-in a 'new-civic'. A new-overtured, propensity by which was to prophesize a new-instinctive and efficaciousness for a mystery-manifest, and transmogrified. An instituted-reliance and 'reverence', telling of the presence and colluse, in which she once resided... A new-thematic extrication now, evident and inventured-in... In what could be an arrangement of an accuracy, that was once being in discharge; and now, dissolved.

  ...What was to become a way of life, personally, distinct; and dissolutionary; carefully, ended
, and compelled to be a resort and carry-on; as a 'burden' of what was a hope and honor. As so many, Josephine sat on the back-patio and dreamed as the rains-fell and roiled. The down-pour drowned-out any sounds. She peered into the active-flooding and flow, and she thought of what was the inward-silohuettes of once work and duty. The envelope of time and passion was once inside her. As the rain-dropped and drained in the ever-flash-downpour... Inspiration and incentive no longer 'official', Josephine thought-ever New York, was as no-other. The dimensions and details, were a time of hearty-holding. It was like no-other place; New York, her lesser-tude in the Garden-state always tended to stand down the 'dazzle' of the Empire State... In an instillment and integration though financially, atoned and attuned by the presence of living here was nearly, an 'honor'.

  She still fell-of an integral, the now lucratively, passive-reality joined and juxtaposed the positive and projective given and taken by plot and pretext-provident and proprietarily able and a convention. A decimination of practice and provision by an artist, and what is thought to be earned and encompassed as derivative and in-arduate... The propensed-allegation of what was 'fun' and 'fact'. But she began to defuse that she was a forgotten-Prima Donna. It had almost become instinctive and now, that feeling felt: metacultural. All was now contingent upon instance and self-virtual, implementation... The exclamation of a truer founded self had to amass and amend in the proctored-task of life, and over 'loneliness'... The expectant and experential that were prologued, proctored and forgotten-about. She had as much what could be deemed, all to herself. And all the exponence of profit and purpose; all was 'good'. The rains fell till 8 pm, Josephine was then well asleep and resting. Sleep, had become transfixing nature. The warm, came and settled in her bedroom which allowed her to be whist-away, into a resolute-rest.

  The 'quiet' would last into dawn. The morning would advance into itself. The caress of sleeping, once hardwork, would become awakened in a redeeming-consciousness. What was once inspired-space 'portal', was now no longer existent. An especial, espousal in the allot of night-to-day. ...A private lassitude of the laws of mental and physical. She was affectualized in her new-ramification by which she was now fully-exonerate. The proper and proponence was in new-chances and choice, in what was the self-choice; no longer vocally, and valuatively, eviscerate. She needed time to herself; being of a scope and underscore, once omissive or murkily, 'marginable'. All the faith and marketing, which was a commanding and commitment. The inverse-vision and vitally, lay in resuscitory-reflux. There were instances-avid, advocative and involitious chosen, charted and traded-in... It was just the inflection of a full and expounding, life. As so many others, it expundate-expensity for which you once prove your-worth; but could not fully understand-it.

  An intrication of provocation and deceit, for which was now-centered on a retired-author and the once pretext-of principle and confunction. The many terms of her once interred plexy-providential and persona-'import'. The once sucessful-impart now receded-into 'one', and her 'post-allegory'. It was a rescinding and attributive, taken to its own. And the funding self-affirm, that was now permissive and precursive; edging-forward with a new-admission. The proper-life of neutralized, devising and defection. The once-study of Art, adaptive and acumen which was now; answered, accepted and understood... An utter in-auspicion essentially, acknowledged and proven, at an end. Josephine ate breakfast, and went to her den to watch cable, and relax. She had been absolescent, and had isolated, herself. In an innate-concurrence once 'vital', and vehement. In what was a contingent of affectation ardent and instinctually, idolized. Her fame being 'greater' than her. Her success was 'bigger' than even she realized.

  An 'image' of impact was sold-out, and no longer needed objectified, or installed. It-was over, and 'loves', all must end and not being able to last-forever. She remembered when she was young, when work and reward were 'one'. The many intensives of vocal and vision, were brought into virtual-'focus'. The adoption and achieving-in ordinal-acceding prefix; in thoughts, theory and creative; where the tracks upon which were running the 'train and shipping'; of what was to become a succeeding-attainment. A forceful-fascination with thought and technical-vocation. The innate-energies practiced and brought into full-'virtue'. It was hard to believe or imagine; the loneliness of a recently, terminated-conversion. The many 'cocky'-reprehension that was chosen and transceded to an operative, and obligate-'past'. The lode-of insensed-constitution, now factive and fallen-before the 'altar' of attended; and the fires of 'hope' and honor-allowed to burn-out... An insensitivity-to what was a 'homage' and 'heart'.

  An implement of embraced-sold and solidified; by emulation and adherence-formed, affirmed and forgotten. In the land of lliterateness, made professed and profound inter-'states' and a stigma; culminated, and admired just as easily, faded and forgotten. The temptational-agreed and splay; for to be engrasp in the terms of a faulty life-stage from which all is given worth in retinence, now on refusal in the waxing and residual by 'price' and plight. One-needed to forget and forgive, the many stases of art and pride. It was a prenatent-upside, for which no two could forget or divest... ...Josephine, was tidying-up her office which now sat cold, from nonuse. Her Terrier pet ambled-in. The culmination in terms for which life now stretched, were now a past vivid-knowing. Her dog sat-on her lap, as she ponder in epicacy; forming the 'next-step' to what was to be. By what was to come as provision understanding and atonement. The epitome of a comprising-comprehension... To do what had become, a life; to do in assertive-'conviction'. To follow a new-complicit 'star', which one grew imminently, beyond-all expectation.

  Fall, would be a time of gradual-change. It was a congruency, efforting a following. A concise-constitution by which once carried a grand-weight. The positive and explanative-proofing by which all other-consistencies, were made 'actual'. A purpose and pride in what was an expundant-'ovation'. Now, as the setting-sun marked the end of rain and the passing-on of a full-day in the New York-peninsula. The solemn and sacred-evening and night would be passed-out... And true virtue, seen as expectant and forgotten, which would mark new-days. An objective, inimitable-conclusion that was deflected and derived-into. By what is a collective of grants, agreeings and guarantees-to surmise and consequently, looked-into. The private-story, now 'blown'-in the wind. Time would 'heal' wounds, and the once idolatry would becom let go and the warmth of a new single-purportment would see the devising of cause and accord. A new-truer devotion that would come about and the final-breaths of a solemn-unknown would be ascended, and forgotten. ...Guising a new-permission, utilized and understood.

  An 'infintive' of purpose and propriety. The overcoming-of what had been a subjective, way-of-life. A living new-direction exposed and decided upon in self and egalitarian in renewed-devotion. Finding a necessary-accord; to understand about one's self, and self-certainty. In what became a probable-infliction. What was once thought, a reason to the certainty of a life; which was now the renouncing-defection by orient and officiations in what was a benefit and a bestowal allowed to be no-longer. A prevailing cause of prodition, provided and forsaken in a new self-pride. Josephine's very soul, for which all life had dwelled was now on 'new-terms' for which the register of tomorrows would stand. Her younger-self had once emoted on the very worthy-terms of what was a necessitated 'tomorrow'... Now, she was 'free'. She knew all would never be the same. But all was not 'lost'. What had been an illusion in a forstalled-conclusion upon what was divided by an over-acceptance... She was once a woman of successful, and thought empowered means; and now she fell to only 'sympathize' with a succinct-loneliness.

  She realized the essence to her 'power' was not what she did or what happen to her. Rather it was in her life-long devotion, ability and potential for which others came to know. She, was a consummate-conceiver, which proved to be like no-other. It was an inspiration-of the heart, which expanded and fell into the whole-world. She'd proven her-abi
lity now, she no longer had to be so. Fall would continue-on in the city. A time to become resolved. Inspiraton, once like clockwork was now a resolved-reservation to time and test. She was recovering, in restitution. A new private-underscore of which she could take all the time she-wished. She'd reach the renewing-roots of self-certainty and 'survival'. It would be decisive, poignant of power and purpose, being of a prosound and proper. It would be proliferate and take-up where her once 'skill' would be justified and conjoined. And virtual-implication was venued, and invocative. The venture and capability to 'wake'-in a new-forging and follow-through.

  Winter would take over from Fall and give way to Spring... Each with 'eclipse' the other in the finerness of a year. 2014, would come and go. Home which was in New York and across the country, or where ever she chose. She retired to her home in the posh Brownstone neighborhood. And changed the preposition to life, which would be divided in a new-role of what might be an absensia. What would be a conspicion of self and a 'solid' soundness. Josephine, as she plotted the library of books and portrayals... And tomorrow was all a temperate-of vitality and vividness. And once again a-'portal' through time that could find vision and purpose. What is an interstitial-culture or converging that was hard to live-without. By their effects of being an 'oracle' and now, was to one; and go-away. A definitive-devotion, now requiring the devotee to find new-hope. She would be a 'next-great thing' to once find new-basis and balance. She knew she could do-it. It would take some ruminating, but an 'idea' was once again divulged.

  She would put her heart into it and her full-creative assent, that would make a new role in the emboss of empower. To be inspired is a wonderful thing. Though, it was not a 'life', it put you on another 'plane', if you were fortunate. But fortune was everything, but profiting success was a triumph. Instillled and employed with all the abilities innate, since youth was a great and grand-thing. But with life's adornments came the many absolvences, which each person comes to be assized. It was an exhaustable-thing after all. But the journey was an aspect, life-long. But even in old age life was what you made it.

  It was an adventure of sorts. One of much beauty, treasures and worth; began in pretext and understood in-relevance. Many of the aphorisms of thought, emotions and purpose that were factors in the 'roots' of a grand-purpose. In an introspection of the fallidness of engaging and thought given to course and purpose. The fame and fascination, with what was a life of virtue that was still a fulfillment-of cause.

  It would be six months till all the 'renewals' of Spring... There would be the arts-theater, the Christmas in the city, and the great-season of all the New York patrons that are to be. It would be a wonder-season, and activity. There would be more to New York, Josephine Stein, and her-purpose in life. The vivid and vital alludements-of proctoring and purposes. New York, provided a new originality, to everything. She had a life and many tomorrows... What was her-life, and her, in it.

  Being a determinate woman meant she had many treasures to abide and subside-with... It was becoming an 'adventure' of self and self-virtuality; not unlike her-past. No woman was as instance, and Josephine knew it. She would channel herself, which was around her abilities which were certain and of a value of survival.

  Person, place and things would guide her into new-purpose. In what was a propounding and precept. Although her-motivation and enthusiasm had taken a hit, her discipline and determination would be a certainty, and sophistication. She'd fell-into a 'funk', but all was not lost. All she would do now, was to employ and impingent in-sanctum and sentimental... A poignance-trivia and trifling, out-in mature ability by which ode and originality still-promised in proving and perfection.

  She awoke on Sunday with a growing and unabating, energy... After all, the many incidents were no longer a part of her-life... A 'Raggedy Andy' sat-on her bed-pillow. ...After all everything was 'weighed' on mental-extolling, of the better-things in life, or duty, not...

  {The End.}

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