Read Journals of the Damned Page 19

burn in Allan's' eyes. I found some brief time alone with Allan when the drunk was passed out, making sure he still had his "nine". I also impressed on Allan the need for him not to kill David because I might have a plan to get us out of here if it came to that. A plan that required a living, breathing David.

  David wasn't just harassing Allan, he was always hitting on me. The sexual innuendo's turned quickly into outright advances and rude statements of how he wanted to fuck me. I always took offense at the remarks and reminded him I was only seventeen and still a virgin. That just seemed to make him want me more and one night he started to grab me. The only thing that made him stop was a beer bottle to his head. He howled in pain and although there was no blood, he ended up with a good sized knot on his noggin. He got up, knocking over the table and Allan came running out of the kitchen to see what was happening. Before Allan could finish asking what was going on, David sucker punched him, knocking him out cold.

  I attended to Allan, making sure to fuss over him, showing David he was doing nothing more than driving me and Al closer together and freezing him out.

  David went and sulked over a fresh bottle of beer and finally kept quiet for once. I had thought that he had finally learned to quit being such an asshole but it didn't last long.

  That night around three in the morning we were awakened by "Welcome to the jungle" by Guns n Roses. The intoxicated fool was playing the music full blast. Allan and I were horrified. As if it wasn't enough to have a couple of dozen or so of the hungering undead trying to beat down the doors to eat our flesh and brains, now there was going to be even more as every zombie for a block was going hear it and soon make their way here.

  We were yelling and screaming at David to turn the music off and he laughingly mimicked that he couldn't hear us over the music. Allan tried to shut the computer off but David almost gutted him with the bayonet on the M16. Then David pointed the weapon at us until we backed off and he stupidly let off a burst of rounds into the ceiling to make his point.

  He drunkenly laughed at us and finally turned the volume down, but not off.

  "What the fuck does it matter how loud the damn music is you little pussies? Were trapped in here until we either starve to death or the fucking zombies bust in and eat us. The fuckers are already out there and they can't get in. Another handful of them ain't gonna make no difference.", his words came out slurred as he yelled at us.

  "I can't stand listening to the muther fuckin' pounding and clawing at the doors anymore. It's driving me god damned nuts!", Spit flew from his mouth as he screamed at the top of his lungs.

  What happened next was uncalled for. Allan had thought he was out of David's reach but when David quickly used the butt of the M16 to extend his reach he found he wasn't far enough away from the oncoming violence. Allan took the full force of the M16's hard butt straight on, busting open his lip. It didn't stop there and before I could react, David had hit him with the blunt end of the weapon repeatedly, administering viscous kicks to him when he went down. I rushed over and as hard as I could I pushed David off of the bleeding and unconscious body of Allan, only to have the M16 swung at me. David stopped though, spitting on Al before he sat back down in the DJ booth.

  That's when I seriously decided that David would die soon.

  For the following week, David seemed to have cooled back down. His ferocious attack on Allan seemed to let out some of his stress. Not once did David inquire about Allan's injuries, instead he stared at him with open contempt.

  Luckily Allan didn't suffer any broken bones but his face was a swollen mass of bruises. That's when I told Allan we were going to get rid of David as soon as he healed up.

  This morning Allan's face had finally looked almost normal. The pain was gone and all that remained from his beating are fading black bruises.

  We would have to get out of here soon, the number of flesh eating ghouls outside was so great now that their mass was spilling into the side lot and they were starting to congregate at the rear door also. The noise of them was getting louder with every passing day. It was becoming impossible to block the sound of them out, no matter how hard I tried. Damn David and his drunken late night music, he had turned a bad situation into one where if we didn't get out soon we would be completely surrounded.

  David's mood was cycling again, he was becoming the nasty, violent, drunken, bastard he was before. The warning signs were quite clear to me now, soon there would come the inevitable violent outburst. It wouldn't be long until he came after me.

  I was taking my last shower, Allan and I were planning on leaving tomorrow. David's actions only forced our hands to leave sooner. We might have actually left him alive when we left, but not now. Now he was going to die a horrible death.

  I was always apprehensive showering in the same building with David and had placed a bar stool behind the door to the performers (strippers) locker room to warn me if anybody entered. It was also standard procedure for one of us to place a stool in front of the door to let everyone know someone was using the shower. Besides, Allan would shout out a warning if David tried to come in, that was what we planned anyways.

  He caught me unaware as I showered. He came at me from behind and wrapped one vile hand around my mouth as his other hand started exploring my body.

  "I will cut you up in little damn pieces and feed you to the zombies outside if you fight me.", His breath was hot and foul, smelling of booze.

  I was shocked. What the hell did he do to Allan. He must have done something to Allan, otherwise Al would have surely warned me of David coming in to rape me.

  His touch revolted me and I tried to squirm away from him. He put his full weight into my back, pressing me so tightly up against the tile wall of the shower that I thought I would suffocate.

  My mind was screaming in loathing at the thought of losing my virginity to a drunken rapist. As his vile hand forced its way between my thighs I instinctively fought as hard as I could.

  I am sure now he had done this before, he easily had over a hundred pounds on me and effortlessly countered every one of my struggles to be free of him. I tried to bite the hand that was covering my mouth but then he gripped my windpipe and squeezed. Pain shot into my neck, causing my eyes to water. I found it was all I could do just to take a breath. He forced his feet between mine and overpowered my legs, opening them up wide and keeping me off balance at the same time.

  There came a brief merciful moment when his hand left my groin. I was praying to the Gods that maybe he was reconsidering what he was about to do. I tried to scream as I heard him unbuckle his belt and the sound of his zipper being opened came horribly to my ears. The only sound I was able to make was a harsh rasping that made me want to cough, his grip on my throat was extremely tight and I thought he was going to break my trachea.

  "Calm down you hot little bitch, just relax and lets' get this over with. You're going to like the feeling of my hard dick sliding in and out of your tight pussy."

  I could hear the lust in his voice, his foul breath came in pants that assailed my nose.

  "Be a good girl and make me come quick or I'm gonna fuck your tight little ass too." He said as he pressed his lower body into me.

  Momentarily I felt the head of his prick trying to force its way inside me and I struggled against him in vain. There came a crazy thought into my head to go limp and let him do what he wanted just to get this over with as quickly as possible.

  That's when a loud thump came from behind me and David let out a groan of pain.

  "What the fu...", was all David completed of his next sentence, being interrupted by another fleshy sounding thump.

  David's body went limp, his fingers slid loosely from my neck and I was finally able to get some air.

  Allan was there, the side of his face was covered in blood. He started beating David with a piece of brass railing. The railing had been previously attached to the bottom of the bar, having been part of a footrest for those who stood while drinking and watching the showgirl’s gyrat

  "He blindsided me and tied me to the foot rail. It was loose though and I got here as fast as I could. Are you OK?"

  Allan seemed more concerned about me than his own wounds. It finally came to me that Allan was trustworthy when he glanced at my naked body but didn't let his gaze linger. His sight, almost embarrassedly, went back to the prone body of David and he started kicking it as hard as he could.

  "I'm alright. Stop, don’t kill him. We need him alive for now.", I said, as soon as I could talk again.

  "No, we need to kill this piece of shit. There is no way we can let him live after what he did to us." The anger in Allan's voice was clear.

  "Oh, he will die and he will die in a fuck-load of pain. We're going to use him as bait to get out of here. Drag this piece of shit to the main stage while I get dressed and if he wakes up, knock his teeth out."

  We handcuffed David to the stripper pole on the big stage in the center of the club.

  We gathered up all our stuff and took whatever we would be able to carry, setting it all up by the rear door.

  When David awoke he was still drunk and stated screaming obscenities at us, demanding to know what we were going to do. We stripped him completely naked, not so much for the psychological effect, but because it was easier to go through his pockets and search him for what he stole from us. I think he