Read Journey and Jeopardy (Dragon Wulf 1) Page 16

  Everyone looked at each other, wondering who would be travelling with whom.

  “I have made a list,” Artem continued. “Tavin and Whufflya, you’ll remain here in the cave, with Mikey.”

  Mikey’s face fell. He had been getting excited at the idea of being part of a daring rescue mission. His face fell and Artem saw it.

  “You are a boy and will not fight,” explained Artem. “It is safer so. Remember the dom? I will not place you in more danger than you are in already. Whufflya?”

  Tavin’s Lind raised her blue striped head.

  “You are responsible for keeping in contact with everylind. Pass on messages where appropriate and always relay them to Larya. If she is unavailable then pass them to Josei.”

  Whufflya nodded. “I can do that,” she agreed.

  “That includes Jvldr and Rsya. They are going north to try and locate Belu.”

  He didn’t mention the fact that Belu might be dead and their mission fruitless but if there was any chance of finding him alive they had to take it.

  “He has the only communications device that can contact the Aikko and the verustas,” explained Artem for the benefit of those who might not have thought of it. “It is imperative we find him. In fact, their mission is the most important of them all. When our space ships return the device is the only way we will be able to make contact.”

  Jvldr, who had been looking disappointed at not taking part in the ‘fight’ perked up immediately and looked important.

  Sitting listening to him, Thalia was glad it was Artem who was in command and not her. She had not realised the importance of the device.

  “The groups are,” continued Artem, “One - Myself and Larya (in command) with Slei then Jack and Talya with Jon and Nalya; Two - Thalia and Josei (in command) with Jim and Avdrya then Ail and Iya with Zeb and Vya; Three - Hael and Mariya (in command) with Katie and Kenlei then Rodick and Anya with Christel and Samei. I’ve tried to mix and match age and experience. You all got that?”

  There were vigorous nods throughout the group. Hael looked surprised at Artem’s choice to put him in command of a group, but very pleased.

  “As we’ll be travelling by night, black out any white fur on your Lind,” ordered Artem. “Hael, I’m sure Mikey will be delighted to help you!”

  Everyone laughed and the tension that had been inexorably mounting began to ease. Hael’s Mariya was predominately white haired, she was the oldest of the Lind present, and to blacken her coat would take bells.

  “The reason we will travel mostly at night is because the enemy return to their base when it gets dark. No one on watch has heard any noises from their Qurokos unless it is during the daylight bells.”

  Mikey’s face brightened at Artem’s words about helping Hael. It was the sort of hands on, messy job he most enjoyed. Although he was still disappointed he wouldn’t be going on the mission, this made up for it a little. He liked and admired Hael. The elderly vadeln was patient and always made time to answer his questions (when he could - some of the questions were somewhat esoteric). Hael also told Mikey stories of an evening, about the days when he and Mariya had been young and about his fights with sea pirates and brigands. Most of the Vadryz had heard them more than once before and were not keen on repeating the experience night after night. Mikey was a rapt and appreciative listener to all stories that fuelled his imagination.

  “Have we any firm idea yet about what kind of creatures the strangers are?” asked Jim.

  “Bipedal and obviously as advanced, if nor more advanced technologically than the Diaglon. They might, in fact, be as human as we are but I’m afraid there is no definite proof yet. Now, the three lead duos will start off as soon as it gets dark, those following a short while later. Get some rest, if you can. It’s going to be a very long night. Thalia and Hael, a few further words please.”

  The others dispersed while Hael and Thalia remained.

  “I’ve chosen you two because you are the most suited to lead the groups. Thalia, although recently promoted, you have good leadership skills and I know you operate well in times of crisis and danger. Hael, your experience will be invaluable. I know you and Mariya are not as fast as you once were. Use Katie and Kenlei for anything that requires speed. Mariya hasn’t got the stamina for a series of prolonged fast runs.”

  “I’m not sure I do either,” joked Hael. “I won’t let you down. Katie and Kenlei are Susa’s Own. They’ve got a lot of experience with missions of this sort. Didn’t they work undercover for a time back on Rybak?”

  “They did. That’s once of the reasons I’ve matched you together. The same goes for you Thalia. Jim and Avdrya are ex-Avuzdel - they’ve also got the experience although like Katie and Kenlei they’ve never held senior rank. They know what’s what.”

  “I’ll take that under advisement,” agreed Thalia with a grin, “but if I disagree with anything Jim suggests?”

  “You’re in command. Now, the first to find the enemy encampment will let the others know and if possible, try to find out as much as possible about the layout, numbers etcetera. You know what we need. Also, ask your Lind to try and use these wonderful abilities of theirs to locate Max. If he’s alive and conscious he’ll be emitting strong emotions, negative emotions more than likely and they should be able to pick up on them.”

  “If they can’t sense anything at all?”

  “We’ll have to assume he’s dead. I won’t risk all of our lives on an off chance but my gut feeling is telling me that he’s not dead yet. If there’s no trace of him to be found we reverse our tracks and return here. No matter what, leave enough time to get back before it gets light. Any other questions?”

  “I have,” said Hael. “I propose that as we journey we should keep an eye out for potential bolt-holes, caves that we can hide in which are out of range of their sensors.”

  That’s an excellent idea Hael. If you have to hole up during the day make sure you’re under rock,” Artem approved. “Let the others know. Thalia?”

  “I don’t think I can think of anything else,” answered Thalia after a moment’s ponder. “If I do though, either Josei and I will be sure to let you know.”

  “Good enough.”

  * * * * *

  The leading groups set out at quarter bell intervals. Thalia’s group went last, not because of any problem on her part but because Jim had to mend a strap on Avdrya’s harness that had unexpectedly broken as he had been getting ready and he had to spend time fixing it.

  Carefully, they travelled through the foliage, making as little noise as they could and on high alert for any sounds that might indicate that the enemy was nearby. As they walked they realised that Artem’s assessment of the behaviour of the strangers was right. The foliage was devoid of any alien noises. The strangers did return to their base when dusk approached.

  : It probably means that there are not many of them : ‘said’ Thalia hopefully to Josei as they followed Jim and Avdrya through the foliage : If there were a lot of them they wouldn’t need to be so careful :

  Josei agreed and wondered if their encampment would be defended or not.

  : Defended against whom? : asked Thalia.

  : Whoever or whatever they are looking for. The crews of the Quorkos weren’t out there destroying everything that moved or they thought was moving for the good of their health :

  : But what? Who? : asked Thalia again, puzzled.

  : That is for us to try and find out :

  : And to rescue Max :

  : It is the same thing : observed Josei as he padded along, his tail swishing idly left and right.

  : Got them! : exclaimed Avdrya to Josei a few moments later : Up on top of that ridge to the right :

  : They’re not even trying to hide their presence : observed the surprised Josei as he caught his first glimpse of the artificial light emanating from an area about two hundred kellrans away.

  : Tell the others : ordered Thalia.

  * * * * *

  Thalia, Josei,
Jim and Avdrya found cover on a low hill amply covered with foliage and lay down to wait. None of them would talk aloud from this moment.

  : Josei, you and Avdrya try and see if you can sense anything from Max :

  : Wilco :

  There was telepathic silence for a while as the Lind tried to feel for the emotive resonances that Max would be emitting if he was in any way conscious. Even if he was not awake but dreaming they should be able to sense something.

  Jim and Thalia were aware of what they were doing and tried to keep their minds as blank as they could so as not to impede the process. Thalia was bursting with nervous anticipation. Surely Max was there. He must be there.

  Josei nudged her with his snout.

  : He is there : he told her : Avdrya agrees. He seems sleepy :

  : Perhaps he has been drugged? :

  : That is a distinct possibility. It would certainly explain the lethargy :

  : Can you work out exactly where he is? :

  There was a pause in their conversation while Josei discussed the question with Avdrya.

  : Inside somewhere :

  : Inside where? : asked Thalia, frustrated : Their camp is right on top of that hill for Lai’s sake. Surely there isn’t a cave right at the top? :

  : Avdrya thinks the walls are metal :

  : Then he’s being held prisoner inside one of their Quorkos. How many do you think there are? :

  Josei thought for a moment.

  : There was the one with the bash on its snout and that other one with the scrape up its side, then the one which was bigger than the other two :

  : I wonder how many crew are aboard each one : mused Thalia.

  : I do not know :

  : Take a guess :

  : Perhaps a dozen? : hazarded Josei.

  : Thirty-six strangers and only twelve of us :

  : A vadeln-pair is worth more than two single fighters : Josei informed her with pride.

  : We’re still outnumbered and their weapons are vastly superior to our firearms if what their Quorkos can do is anything to go by :

  : Stealth is the only way :

  Thalia had to agree with him. She hoped Artem and Larya would arrive soon. She knew they were on their way and this was confirmed a moment or two later when she realised the Lind had performed the telepathic adjustment enabling the human half of each duo to hear what their Lind was hearing from the other Lind minds in the network. It took a lot of energy but the Vada often employed this tactic in dangerous situations and this certainly qualified on that count.

  This is about as dangerous as anything could be, thought Thalia.

  : Are there any outer defences? : asked Artem through Larya : Tripping wires and the like :

  His ‘voice’ was very loud and clear.

  : We can’t see any : Josei answered : but that’s not to say there are none there :

  : Diversion time : announced Jim through Avdrya.

  : Agreed :

  : The fastest Lind in the Vadryz are Jack and Jon with Talya and Nalya : Thalia ‘sent’ thus pre-empting Artem’s next question. She ‘felt’ him laugh.

  : I’ll tell them. Jack? Jon? Are you hearing this? :

  The affirmatives came through.

  : We know what to do : they answered in unison through their Lind : Lots and lots of noise and that kind of thing. We can do it :

  : We need enough confusion so that the strangers go out to investigate but not so much that they decide its too dangerous and stay put :

  : Leave it to us :

  : Avdrya and Josei, a thought, does Max know we are here? : asked Artem’s Larya.

  : I am not sure : answered Josei : We managed to sense his location with vague snatches of visions about where he is. We also got an impression of disorientation from his emotive broadcasts :

  : It is more likely he thinks our attempts at contact are part of a dream : added Avdrya.

  : We don’t need his active co-operation, as long as you can find him when we get inside their dom. Now all of you stay put until Larya says the word. Lind, conserve your energy. Take your vadeln out of the network until Larya says :

  There was a click inside Thalia’s mind as Josei complied with the order to restrict the telepathic access.

  She settled down to wait, absently fingering the point of her knife.

  The vadeln might possess firearms but they were new and untried in battle. Thalia wasn’t the only one to take comfort in the presence of her battle ready blades.

  * * * * *

  The light from the twin’s diversion lit up the sky to the southwest. Although warned by Josei, Thalia jumped almost out of her skin when the sound wave of the explosion hit.

  : They’ve made it look like an esplosion : exclaimed Josei with delight.

  : Explosion, not esplosion : Thalia corrected him with a playful punch. This kind of repartee always reduced tension before a fight.

  : Explosion. Now we wait to see if the strangers take the bait :

  There were certainly shouts emanating from the hilltop and the sound of heavy, boot-clad running. Thalia narrowed her eyes as she strained to hear. Did she recognise any of the sounds? Did she recognise any of the words the strangers were uttering? She failed to distinguish anything and Josei didn’t either.

  : You can ‘hear’ Larya and the others now : Josei informed her and Thalia realised that action was imminent.

  : What are they? :

  : They are taking the bait : telepathed Josei gleefully : Kenlei is hiding over the other side of the hill, watching. He says Katie has counted at least twenty strangers descending the hill and more are following. They are going towards the explosion. I do hope Nalya and Talya are long gone when they get there :

  : What do the strangers look like? :

  : Bipedal, like Katie, but different :

  : Different? In what way different? :

  : Their heads are big and round. Shiny too. Metal helms. Katie thinks they resemble the E.V.A. ones, but smaller, more flexible. She can’t make out their faces. The fires from the diversion are reflecting off them so she knows they’re shiny. They’re carrying long thick poles in their hands, which are thicker at one end than the other. She believes they are some kind of weapons. One or two are carrying lights. I wish I could go and worry at their heels! :

  : Don’t tell me you’re enjoying this! :

  : My paws are getting cold sitting around doing nothing : he retorted right back.

  She could feel him begin to tremble as his battle adrenalin began to kick in.

  : Mount up :

  Being careful not to make any more noise than necessary, Thalia pulled her body on to Josei’s back and began buckling herself into the harness. The straps would make sure her legs and feet remained in position during the rescue no matter how much Josei’s supple body contorted.

  Josei remained lying down during this procedure.

  : Forward :

  Stealthily, as stealthily as only the Lind knew how, the thirteen vadeln-pairs and Slei began crawling up the hill.

  Everylind had his or her ears cocked for any indication they had been spotted. They reached the half-way point and there were still no alarms sounding. They kept crawling but as they began to near the top the Lind began to raise their torsos and straighten their legs, getting ready to push off with their powerful hind-quarters when the order was given.

  : Go :

  The word leapt from Larya’s mind and the three vadeln-pairs who would infiltrate the enemy’s base began to dash madly to the top of the hill, madly but softly and stealthily. The remainder took up position around the hill near the top so that they could see what was happening and move in to support them if they were needed.

  * * * * *


  The hilltop was deserted.

  Nothing was moving.

  : Idiots! There are no guards! :

  : Good news for us :

  An ancient ditty came unbidden into Thalia’s mind.

  ‘Not a crea
ture was stirring, not even a mouse.’

  Thalia had never seen a mouse, they were creatures of the planet of humankind’s origin but she had read the poem, one of many her ancestors had taken with them when they left Earth.

  The top of the hill resembled a large plateau with some small foliage bushes dotted around. The ground undulated like soft, folded cloth. The six could hear faint humming noises coming from the three Quorkos sitting in the middle of the open space. Two of them were dark and from the third muted light was shining through round, thick windows. Each Quorko had a oval shaped door on the starboard side.

  Uncertain about what this portended, there were perhaps some strangers on guard inside, they tentatively approached the one with the lights.

  : Hael and Mariya! Keep watch on the biggest Quorko : ordered Artem through Larya : Rodick and Anya the other, small dark one. The rest of you keep your eyes peeled for any strangers who might have stayed behind. Thalia and Jim, dismount and join me at the door of the one with lights. Josei and Avdrya - stay close :

  Silently, Thalia and Jim, Josei and Avdrya in tow, joined Artem about a lind-length from the door.

  : Is it locked? : asked Thalia.

  : Shut. Who have they to lock it against? They have no idea we are here, I hope, unless Max has talked or has been forced to talk : Artem replied : See that faint crack of light? If we give it a push it should open :

  : You hope :

  : I am ever the optimist :

  He gingerly approached the door. Thalia realised he was holding his firearm at the ready. Hastily, she took hers from its holster, checked it was loaded and snipped the stop switch to the ready position. There was a faint click as the first round entered the firing chamber. She gulped, mentally reciting the list of what she must do if she had to fire it. It was like a litany - aim - centre - squeeze - kickback - aim - centre - squeeze.

  : Back me up : commanded Artem as he started pushing at the crack.

  : Take care : warned Josei. It was a needless admonition but one he always uttered when his vadeln was going into a danger he could not follow.