Read Journey and Jeopardy (Dragon Wulf 1) Page 27

  About a month into their stay their eggs hatched, much to the fascination of all who were honoured to be present at the great event and as soon as the little ones began running about as the three mothers began spinning their silk.

  The university took an active interest in their happiness and wellbeing and sent a number of students to their living area to help Astrid and to learn from her. The Orumcek, however, would be treated well and never exploited by the Takkians. Anyone who did, Astrid was informed in no uncertain terms and often, would be severely punished - to the ultimate extent of the law.

  These Orumcek and their offspring, were safe.

  * * * * *

  Far away, on the top floor of a steel-framed office block on a planet known as New Earth a group of well-dressed men and women were sitting round an antique mahogany table.

  “We received a garbled message from the Battlewagon Aegean,” one of them was saying. “The communiqué has been difficult to decipher but it mentioned ‘space ship’, it might be plural, ‘giant wolves’, definitely plural, perhaps a reference to the ‘Dragon Wulf’ but the communications department says not, and a word that might mean anything but sounded as if it was the word ‘revolver’, least that’s their best guess.”

  “Has there been any further contact with the Aegean since this message was received?” asked the stern looking, authoritative man sitting in the Community President’s chair.

  “Absolute silence although my people have tried and will continue to attempt to re-establish contact. The Aegean will have sent a number of low-density electromagnetic signal-reports but they won’t reach the outer beacons for another month at least.”

  “What was the dispatch location of the message?” asked the President.

  “Star System, ‘November - Tango - Alpha - Niner - Five’, Mister President.”

  “Ask the Grand Admiral to send one of those new, fast scouts to investigate,” the president commanded already turning his attention towards his info-pad. “I have far more important matters to attend to than a garbled message and a missing battlewagon.”

  “I’ll keep you informed of any developments.”

  “See that you do. Now, the tax revenues from Planet Riga appear a trifle lower than expected Mister Secretary,” the president said, fixing the unfortunate woman with a gaze guaranteed to intimidate all but the very bravest.

  The secretary flinched.

  “Perhaps you would care to explain the shortfall?”

  * * * * *

  Susa Malkum called a meeting of all the commanding officers of the Vada to discuss its future a tenday after the Aikko’s return.

  After informing them that he would take questions after he had finished giving his speech and welcoming back those of the Fifteenth Ryzck who had returned, he began.

  “Laser rifles are infantry weapons,” he started with the subject he knew everyone wanted his opinion on. “They are not for us. We of the Vada shall retain the firearms that the artificers made for us. Max has fabricated what he calls a ‘mute top’ which will cut down the firing noise so much to be almost silent but the sword will remain our primary weapon.

  “Some of you are saying that edged weapons are outmoded and of no use in this modern, defensive war, if war does indeed start with the Community our opponents, but you are wrong.

  “We can still do much good with what we have. There will come a time when laser rifles will be a liability. The enemy have sensors that can easily detect them when they are fired. We however, can flit in and out of an enemy planet without any of them being aware that we have been there.

  “The days of the large battles in our history may be in the past but we will become infiltrators. We will find out what needs to be found out. We will be able to go to places where others cannot venture because we cannot be easily detected. In this area, our future training will concentrate. Our traditions will remain inviolate. We are of the Vada. We shall remember our sworn oath to defend the weak and the innocent. What say you?”

  There was not one single question.

  As one the officers and their Lind stood up and began to chant their oath, now amended somewhat from the oath they had taken back on their planet of birth but equally solemn and important, and as they now realised, relevant.

  “For and by the Honour of the Vada, we do solemnly swear that we will support and defend the weak, the defenceless and the innocent against all enemies, foreign, alien and domestic; that we will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that we will obey the orders of the Susycs, Susas, Ryzckas and Vadryzkas appointed over us, according to regulations. So help me the Lai, the Sbnai, the Dglai, the Rai and the Brai.”

  * * * * *

  ‘Dragon Wulf (2) - Gossamer and Grass’ will continue the story about the adventures of the vadeln-pairs of the Vada and their friends as they rise to the challenges of the years ahead.

  The expected publication date is May 2014.

  * * * * *


  * Vadeln-paired

  The Vada

  Alkin*: Weaponsmaster of the Vada (Lind: Sandya).

  Anne*: A Doctor. Holad. (Larg: Danavdr).

  Artem*: Vadeln of the Avuzdel back on Planet Rybak. He is now Assistant Weaponsmaster of the Vada. (Lind: Larya).

  Avdrya*: A female - part Larg/part-Lind. (Human: Jim).

  Aya*: Life-mate of Hal Josenson, brother to Thalia Josensdochter. (Human: Hal).

  Danavdr*: A Larg. (Human: Anne).

  Freya*: Life partner to Malkum and with him, Susa of the Vada. (Human: Malkum).

  Hal Josenson*: Eldest brother of Thalia Josensdochter. (Lind: Aya).

  Jim*: A vadeln of the Fifty-first Ryzck (Susa’s Own. (Lind/Larg: Avdrya).

  Katie Durand*: A vadeln of the Fifth-first Ryzck (Susa’s Own) and cadet year-mate of Thalia Josensdochter. She is thirty-four years old. (Lind: Kenlei).

  Kenlei*: Life-mate of Katie Durand (Human: Katie).

  Kolyei*: A male Lind who became vadeln-paired with his human, Tara, shortly before they boarded the ship that took them to their new planet. (Human: Tara).

  Larya*: A Lind who is vadeln-paired with Artem and with him, Assistant Weaponsmaster of the Vada. (Human: Artem).

  Malkum*: Susa of the Vada with his life-partner. (Lind: Freya).

  Sandya*: Life-mate of the Vada Weaponsmaster. (Human: Alkin)

  Tara Josensdochter*: Younger sister of Thalia. She is twenty-three years old. (Lind: Kolyei).

  Tavin*: A cousin (on the distaff side) of Elizabeth Karovitz (nee Hallam), mother of Charles and Mikey. Ex-artificer. (Lind: Whufflya).

  Whufflya*: A female Lind who with her life-partner, is a Vada Cadet. (Human: Tavin).

  The Vada - Fifteenth Ryzck

  There are 35 vadeln-pairs in each Ryzck, four Vadryz of eight each, each led by a Vadryzka and three others, the Ryzcka (commanding), a Holad (medical) vadeln-pair and a vadeln-pair responsible for communications.

  Cera*: A vadeln serving with the Fifteenth Ryzck. Vadryzka of the First Vadryz. (Lind: Xei).

  Dafid*: A vadeln serving with the Fifteenth Ryzck. Vadryzka of the Third Vadryz. (Lind: Maya).

  Jenna*: A vadeln serving with the Fifteenth Ryzck. Vadryzka of the Fourth Vadryz. (Lind: Stasei).

  Lastair*: A vadeln serving with the Fifteenth Ryzck. Ryzck Holad. (Lind: Saya).

  Maya*: Lind female serving with the Fifteenth Ryzck. Third Vadryz. (Human: Dafid).

  Mlei*: Lind male serving with the Fifteenth Ryzck. Ryzck Communications. (Human: Monika).

  Monika*: A vadeln serving with the Fifteenth Ryzck. Ryzck Communications. (Lind: Mlei).

  Saya*: Lind female serving with the Fifteenth Ryzck. Ryzck Holad. (Human: Lastair).

  Stasei*: Lind male serving with the Fifteenth Ryzck. Fourth Vadryz. (Human: Jenna).

  Vandiel Imogenson*: Ryzcka of the Fifteenth Ryzck. (Lind: Zandya).

  Xei*: Vadryzka of the Fifteenth Ryzck. First Vadryz. (Human: Cera).

  Zandya*: Ryzcka of the Fifteenth Ryz
ck. (Human: Vandiel).

  Fifteenth Ryzck- Second Vadryz

  Ail*: Vadeln of the Fifteenth Ryzck. Second Vadryz. (Lind: Iya).

  Anya*: Lind female serving with the Fifteenth Ryzck. Second Vadryz. (Human: Rodick).

  Christel*: A vadeln serving with the Fifteenth Ryzck. Second Vadryz. (Lind: Samei).

  Hael*: Vadeln of the Fifteenth Ryzck. Second Vadryz. (Lind: Mariya).

  Iya*: Lind female serving with the Fifteenth Ryzck. Second Vadryz. (Human: Ail).

  Jack*: Vadeln of the Fifteenth Ryzck. Second Vadryz. Twin of Jon. (Lind: Talya).

  Jon*: Vadeln of the Fifteenth Ryzck. Second Vadryz. Twin of Jack. (Lind: Nalya).

  Josei*: Male Lind serving with the Fifteenth Ryzck. Second Vadryz. (Human: Thalia).

  Mariya*: Lind female serving with the Fifteenth Ryzck. Second Vadryz. (Human: Hael).

  Nalya*: Lind female serving with the Fifteenth Ryzck. Second Vadryz. (Human: Jon).

  Rodick*: Vadeln of the Fifteenth Ryzck. Second Vadryz. (Lind: Anya).

  Samei*: Lind male serving with the Fifteenth Ryzck. Second Vadryz. (Human: Christel).

  Thalia Josensdochter*: A vadeln serving with the Fifteenth Ryzck and Vadryzka of the Second Vadryz. Back on Rybak she and her Lind ‘enjoyed’ an adventure of a lifetime with Daniel Ross, a young noble from the Kingdom of Murdoch. Thalia fell in love with him but during the journey to their new planet, realised he was not the man for her. On the new planet she re-joined the Fifteenth Ryzck with Josei and she now holds the rank of Vadryzka. She is 33 years old. (Lind: Josei).

  Talya*: Lind female serving with the Fifteenth Ryzck. Second Vadryz. (Human: Jack).

  Vya*: A female Lind who served with the Avuzdel back on Planet Rybak. She became vadeln-paired with her human, Zeb, shortly before they boarded the ship that took them to their new planet. (Human: Zeb).

  Zeb*: A vadeln serving with the Fifteenth Ryzck. Second Vadryz. He is twenty-one years old. (Lind: Vya).

  Others who live on Tak

  Belu: A Brai. Crew-member of the Aikko. Environmental specialist.

  Charles Karovitz : Fifteen year old son of Elizabeth Karovitz. Older brother of Mikey.

  Elizabeth Karovitz : Widowed mother of Charles and Michael. Her husband was killed shortly before she and her boys decided to leave Rybak for Tak.

  Daniel Ross: He was born of a junior house of the northerly Barony of Ross in the Kingdom of Murdoch back on Planet Rybak. His family remained behind on the planet. He decided to join the last Diaglon ship to leave Rybak because he had fallen in love with Thalia Josensdochter. He is thirty years old and is married to Jill Hallam, younger sister of Robain Hallam.

  Dru: A Brai. Crew-member of the Aikko. Engines specialist.

  Falu: A Brai. Crew-member of the Aikko. Weapons specialist.

  Hardbottom : A language teacher at the school where Mikey is enrolled. He also taught his big brother Charles.

  Jaru: A Brai. Crew-member of the Aikko. Communications specialist.

  Jill Hallam: The youngest daughter of Paul, Duke of Hallam. She is twenty-six years old, married to Daniel Ross and pregnant with their first child.

  Jvldr: A male Larg.

  Laeolvaldr: The Largan of the Larg.

  Larku: A Brai and leader (Gtrathlin) of the Diaglon on Tak. He is also the head of the council on Tak, which is made up of representatives of the Diaglon, the Lind, the Larg and the Humans.

  Maru: A Lai. He has the most gorgeous golden hide. He was leader of the Lai on Rybak. He is a great friend of Jill Hallam. Unlike the other Lai who had been living on Rybak he remained on Tak with his human friends and did not go with the rest of his kind to the planet where the Lai live.

  Maximilian Doigsson (Max): An artificer.

  Michael Karovitz (Mikey) : Eleven year old son of Elizabeth Karovitz.

  Raknu: A Brai. Susa of the Aikko.

  Rsya: A female Lind who served with the Avuzdel back on Rybak.

  Robain Hallam : Second son of the Duke of Hallam, in the Kingdom of Murdoch on Planet Rybak. He is married to Pauline and has three young children. He is a senior member of the inter-species council that rules Planet Tak.

  Rtath Aya : A violet-striped Lind pack (rtath) whose Rtathlians (pack woods) are situated close to Stronghold.

  Slei: A male Lind who served with the Avuzdel back on Rybak.


  Astrid : A zoologist and a member of the rebel party known as the ‘Dragon Wulf’.

  George : (spelt Schorsch) A member of the rebel party known as the ‘Dragon Wulf’. Responsible for security.

  Marcel : An engineer and a member of the rebel party known as the ‘Dragon Wulf’.

  Oga : A female Orumcek.

  Ogafa : A female Orumcek.

  Osipa : A female Orumcek.

  Paula : A botanist and a member of the rebel party known as the ‘Dragon Wulf’.

  Tancred : A senior rebel officer and a member of the rebel party known as the ‘Dragon Wulf’.

  * * * * *


  All words are either derived from Lindish or Standard unless indicated to the contrary.

  Aanvallenino: Defence space ship of the Brai. A part of the ‘A’ Defence Group of the Diaglon space ship fleet. A Defence Group is made up of four space ships.

  AD: Anno Domini (Latin).

  Aegean: Community warship (battlewagon). A star ship.

  Aikko: Racoven (Supply and support space ship) of the Brai. A part of the ‘A’ Defence Group of the Diaglon space ship fleet. A Defence Group is made up of four space ships.

  AL: Anno Landing, the years are counted from the first day in the summer of the first year of landing on Rybak by the Earth colony ship Argyll.

  Alavadha: (Lind) Goodbye.

  Alavidha: Farewell. It was originally a Diaglon word.

  Alcub Drive: The Alcubierre drive is a speculative concept based on Einstein’s’ equations in general relativity as proposed by the Mexican physicist Miguel Alcubierre (b. 1964).

  Allst: Tall, large leafed tree of the northern continent on Planet Rybak.

  An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth : This saying promotes the concept that for every wrong done, a similar act to the wrong act should be meted out to the perpetrator(s). It originally came from the ‘Code of Hammurabi. King of Babylon and it can also be found in the Christian Bible, in the Book of Matthew.

  Argyll: Human country on the eastern coast of the larger of the northern continents on Rybak. It was named after the space ship that brought the original settlers there.

  Argyll: One of the space ships that brought humans to Planet Rybak.

  ASPC: Armoured Space Personnel Carrier.

  Assalireino: Defence space ship of the Brai. A part of the ‘A’ Defence Group of the Diaglon space ship fleet. A Defence Group is made up of four space ships.

  Atacarino: Defence space ship of the Brai. A part of the ‘A’ Defence Group of the Diaglon space ship fleet. A Defence Group is made up of four space ships. The Atacarino is the command space ship.

  Avuzdel: Lind Central Spying Unit, a quasi-secret order within the Lind nation. Although there is no need for the Avuzdel on Tak, it is still in existence.

  Blue Pastures: Land of myth and belief. The Lind believe the consciousness of their dead brethren reside there.

  Battle of the Alliance: Battle between the Larg and the convicts of the south and the settlers and the Lind of the north at the beginning of the second summer of mankind on Planet Rybak .

  Blast-powder: A mixture of saltpetre, sulphur, and charcoal.

  Bomba: A mediaeval-type bomb filled with blast-powder and set alight before it is thrown or catapulted.

  Boton: (Diaglon) Space probe. It is usually sent out for reconnaissance purposes.

  Brai Black skinned rtath of the Diaglon.

  Brbsta: (Diaglon) Snake.

  Brig: A prison on a ship.

  Carl von Clausewitz: (1780 –1831) A German soldier and military tactician. His most important treatise, ‘Vom
Kriege’ (‘On War’) was not complete when he died.

  Chela: Lind claw, they have five on each paw. They resemble the claws of an earth cat in that they can tract and retract.

  Time-keeper: A watch with a winding mechanism. It is only worn by a few as all time-keepers, which are handmade by artificers, are expensive.

  Community: A huge corporation that runs that part of the galaxy that humankind has colonised.

  Daga: Lind den or home of those who live with the Lind. It was originally a Diaglon word.

  Dagan: Home; also the name of the smaller, more westerly of the northern continents on Planet Rybak. It was originally a Diaglon word.

  Dagana: (Diaglon) Replacement home planet of the Diaglon, situated many years of space flight away from Tak.

  Dalina: Blue flowers resembling snowdrops that grew on Planet Rybak.

  Dedta: Welcome. (formal). It was originally a Diaglon word.

  Dglai: Green skinned rtath of the Diaglon. A renegade group of Dglai invaded Planet Rybak in AL 608, were defeated and their space ship destroyed. The invasion and its aftermath are known as the Dglai War.

  Diaglon: The name for the genus from which the Lai (and the Dglai) have evolved.

  Domta: Permanent pack home of the Lind. It was originally a Diaglon word.

  Dom: Temporary pack home of the Lind, rather like a long-stay campsite. It was originally a Diaglon word.

  Doody: (Doodies - plural) Four-legged, rather stupid, foliage eating creatures that live on Planet Tenha.

  Dugo: Small prickly, dense and fast growing bush, prevalent in the northern continent of Planet Rybak.

  Diaglon: Planet where the Diaglon come from. The planet died many centuries before the last Ice Age on Earth. Diaglon is used in both singular and plural.

  Elda(s): Leader(s) of packs and Lind nation

  Electra: One of the space ships that brought humans to Planet Rybak.

  Eln: Mate. It was originally a Diaglon word.

  E.V.A.: Extra Vehicular Activities. The letters are used to describe any activity being performed on the outside of a space ship.

  Fragment vest: Flak jacket.