Read Journeyman Page 3

  After suffering a beatdown from both of the Mercenaries for most of the match, Cooper was able to make the tag to Dawson. Rocky exploded on both Mercenaries with a furry of fists and kicks. While the referee tried to get one of the Mercenaries back to his corner, Randy snuck back in the ring to help Rocky deliver a double-drop kick to the other Mercenary as he sprung off the ropes. Neither was sure where the move had come from. They hardly communicated with each other in the ring and had winged it most of the match. It was as if they were on the same wave lengths telepathically. The move caught the Mercenary by surprise and was enough for the pin. While Art raved about the upset win to the cameras filming for the matches to be shown on Saturday's television, the crowd went wild.

  Randy and Rocky had been teaming for several months since their initial match together in Brighton. They had added colorful matching outfits to their ring attire, and they would run to the ring upon their entrance to the sound of rock music blaring from the speakers of the auditorium. Their youthful charisma, good looks, and energy captured the imagination of the fans. While they were once fighting for a spot on the cards, Randy and Rocky were now top contenders for the Central States Tag Team Championship.

  Although they had won the fans over, it wasn't so easy to earn the respect of their fellow wrestlers. Many of the boys were jealous of their newfound popularity. Now that Randy and Rocky were getting spots on the cards, it meant less spots for some of the other guys. The pair became the object of sarcasm and lewd jokes amongst conversations in the dressing room. Their masculinity was questioned because of the tassels that they tied to their tights and the unusual, tight bond between them. Randy and Rocky rarely communicated in the ring, yet their teamwork was unparalleled. It was as if they knew what the other was thinking. "I'm telling you, something's not right about those guys," one wrestler complained to Hensley. Hensley shrugged the comment off. It wasn't the first time a disgruntled wrestler had came to him attempting to discredit and blackball another wrestler. Besides, Randy and Rocky were making him money. That's all he cared about.

  They didn't exactly win Marc over at first either. He thought they were just a flash in the pan. It wasn't until Randy and Rocky fought members of Johnny Handsome's thugs, Mean Mike Milligan and Tony Stud, in Valdosta that he took a liking to the kids. After winning their match from a double-drop kick to Milligan, Stud attacked the team as they celebrated their win. Recovering from the effects of the drop kick, Mean Mike joined in the attack as the melee spread outside the ring. To make matters worse, Handsome jumped in as well with his array of powder, chains, and weapons that he somehow always managed to conceal while at ringside. Milligan, Stud, and Handsome bloodied Randy and Rocky before leaving them lying at ringside.

  When they finally regained their senses, Randy and Rocky were bloodied, embarrassed, and pissed. They ran back to the dressing rooms in search of their foes. While Handsome and his henchmen were laughing about the beatdown, Rocky and randy stormed their dressing room and attacked them. Caught off guard, Handsome and crew attempted to retreat from the arena. Randy and Rocky were not going to let them get off that easy. They followed them into the hallway, beating Milligan and Stud with picture frames, stools, and anything they could get their hands on. The brawl continued into the concession stand and souvenir stand. It was the craziest brawl Marc had ever seen. The wrestlers fought amongst the crowd all the way out the doors of the arena. By the time it was all over, all four wrestlers were covered in blood and mustard. Milligan and Stud were finally able to escape into a car Handsome had driven to the entrance while the wrestlers brawled in the arena. The duo fought for their lives as they tried to make their way into the awaiting Lincoln. Handsome sped off with the doors hanging open as his beaten men barely managed to get in the car. Bloodied and battered, Randy and Rocky stood victorious amongst the crowd of fans that had gathered to watch the brawl. It was at that moment that Marc and everyone else realized that Randy Cooper and Rocky Dawson were more than just pretty boys. They had earned their spot.

  Marc had teamed with Randy and Rocky that night in Augusta against the McNeely brothers and Johnny Turbo. Hensley usually booked light cards on spot shows. He had to book top stars in the towns to satisfy the fans, but he reserved his main event cards for the Wednesday night shows in Brighton. The match against the McNeely brothers and Turbo was an easy win for Marc, Randy, and Rocky. It allowed them to showcase their talents and have a little fun with the fans. The McNeely brothers and Turbo weren't much of a threat.

  Marc knew better than to take his opponents lightly as anything could happen at any time. Randy and Rocky had proven that when Hensley randomly paired them against the Mercenaries. While the McNeely brothers had improved their skills somewhat, they weren't fully committed to traveling the circuits to gain the experience they needed to be credible opponents and contenders. Their main priority was the plumbing and electrical business that they owned together in Macon. Turbo, on the other hand, was a preliminary wrestler whose main goal at the time seemed to be attempting to impress Johnny Handsome. While it usually didn't take much to impress Handsome, he never expressed any interest in Turbo. Turbo needed to reestablish his priorities if he wanted to learn anything in the business.

  The match had been an easy night's pay. While Marc would like to think Hensley booked them lightly to give them some rest and make an easy payday, he knew it was just to protect his main events in Brighton. Whatever the case, Marc was just glad he would be able to get home early like he had promised Alexis.

  "What's your hurry?" Rocky asked Marc. You got dressed and out of those tights in no time. Hot date tonight, or has your old lady got you on a leash?

  Rocky could kid around all he wanted to. Marc had promised Alexis that he'd be home early tonight. Not only did he not want to miss her "surprise", but he also didn't want to go through what he had went through the night before. What he had intended to be only a few beers after the matches turned in to an all-nighter. Alexis was waiting up for him when he staggered in the front door. She let him have it non-stop until he finally passed out from sheer fatigue and the alcohol he had consumed earlier. He considered himself lucky that she wasn't still pissed when he got home from the studio. He sure wasn't expecting a "surprise", but he wasn't about to question her either.

  "I didn't get in bed until after 5 this morning. I gotta get some rest," Marc answered.

  "You can sleep when you're dead," replied Rocky. Besides, we got the night off tomorrow night. Come on and grab a beer with us. Colleen will be there."

  Colleen was a former stripper who followed the wrestlers around from town to town. She was usually accompanied by Charlotte and Constance. Like rock star groupies, they made it to all the shows, hung out backstage, and sacrificed themselves sexually to their idols. Amongst the boys, they were known as ring rats. Charlotte and Constance were usually seen with Randy and Rocky after the shows. Marc wasn't sure if they were exclusive or not. For all he knew, they might swap partners. Hell, they were young. "Let them have their fun," he thought to himself.

  While Charlotte and Constance were occupied with Randy and Rocky, Colleen was infatuated with Marc. It was getting increasingly more difficult to turn down her advances. He kept telling her that he was married, but the temptation was hard to resist. Colleen was a vixen. Alcohol only made the temptation stronger.

  "Not tonight guys. I got a filly to take care of," Mark said.

  "A filly? You and those damn horses. What are you gonna do with a horse that can't wait until tomorrow" Randy asked.

  "Run the Kentucky Derby," Marc answered as he walked out of the locker room.

  Chapter Eight

  Marc knew that Alexis has been struggling lately as she dealt with his schedule on the road. The lifestyle excited her when they were first married, but time and hormones altered her feelings over the years. Life on the road had its effect on his relationship with Kyle as well. Besides the sleepless night arguing with Alexis because he had been gone for so long, Marc had just
as many sleepless night battling his conscience because he had missed a ball game, school play, or other moment he considered important in Kyle's life. Kyle never complained though. It wasn't every kid that could brag to their friends at school that their dad was Magnificent Marc Fleming. Still, it bothered Marc that he wasn't around when he felt he needed to be.

  If he could have it his way, Marc would take Alexis and Kyle with him to all the towns. The road was no place for a family though, especially in the wrestling business. Although the boys appeared to be clean cut good guys on TV, most of them were assholes in the locker room. With the exception of Randy and Rocky, he didn't really care for any of his peers.

  Even though he was fond of Randy and Rocky, there was no way he'd ever bring Alexis around them. He could picture the two hound dogs with their tongues hanging out in Alexis's presence. Who knows how the rest of the backstabbing pricks would act? That's not even considering how the other locker room would respond to Alexis and Kyle. God forbid what would happen to Johnny Handsome if one of his men laid a hand on Alexis or Kyle.

  Marc's business was in the ring. As much as he'd love to have Kyle and Alexis with him, he thought it was best to keep his business and family life separate. He'd seen marriages torn apart before by guys who thought they wanted to bring their wife to the shows. One wrestler, Shane Taylor, brought his wife to Saturday TV. He even went so far as to introduce her during his interview with Art. Naturally, she became a distraction as Johnny Handome's men jumped him and beat the crap out of him. Learning his lesson, he tried to leave her at home from that point forward. It was too late. She fell in love with the attention from the TV exposure. She began showing up at all the matches with makeup, heels, and her most revealing outfits. Shane began losing matches because he couldn't keep an eye on his opponent due to trying to keep an eye on her. It was sad. Within months, she had left Shane and ran off to Florida with another wrestler. Marc had enough problems as it was. He didn't need all that.

  To pacify Alexis's and his own anxieties, Marc tried to make the most of every free moment that he had. Whether it was horseback or motocross riding, Marc always found an activity to bond with Alexis and Kyle. It wasn't often that he got a day off. The only reason he got the day off today was because an auto show had booked the armory in Columbus, their normal Sunday stop. Since today was a day off, he took them both to see the Marietta Bullets, the Braves' AAA farm team, play the Birmingham Barons.

  The Bullets won 8-4 when Ace Horner hit a grand slam in the bottom of the ninth. Horner would probably be called up to the main roster soon. The game had been an exciting nail biter and served its purpose for allowing Marc to spend an afternoon with Kyle. Although Alexis enjoyed being out with Marc and Kyle at the ball park, she couldn't get interested in the game. She didn't look up from the book she was reading until the seventh inning when a foul ball sailed over her head causing her to fall out of her seat. She didn't find it funny, but Marc and Kyle couldn't help but laugh as she tried to recover from the embarrassment. Her eyes were glued to the game for the rest of the afternoon afterwards.

  Marc knew he would have to pay for the laughter at Alexis's expense. The afternoon had belonged to the family, but he had promised her that the night would be a date night for the couple. It came as no surprise when she informed him that she wanted to go to Dashiell's, one of Brighton's most extravagant restaurants. He didn't mind taking her to the expensive restaurant. It was the first night that they had been out alone in months. He wanted to make it special for her. He just dreaded the inevitable interruptions from fans wanting his autograph. At the matches, he didn't mind signing autographs. The fans, after all, were the ones who ultimately paid his bills. Tonight, though, he wasn't in the ring. He wasn't The Magnificent Marc. He was simply a guy having dinner with his wife.

  Before they had even ordered, star struck fans had already approached their table twice asking for autographs. Although it unnerved Marc, he obliged without any resistance. As much as he wanted to be just a regular guy for the night, he felt deep down that he owed it to the fans that supported him through the good and the bad. There had been a lot more bad than good recently, and the fans had stuck by his side the whole time. He figured he'd just grin and bear it. Whether he liked it or not, his fame came with responsibility. He was a hero to legions of fans. He was Superman without Clark Kent to hide behind.

  "Can I get an autograph?" joked Alexis. "I'm starting to feel a little jealous."


  "All these fans are crazy about you, Marc."

  "That's just because they don't know the real me like you do. They've never seen me naked," Marc laughed.

  Alexis smiled and gleamed poison darts in his direction.

  The next hour went uninterrupted. Marc was able to enjoy his Porterhouse in peace, while Alexis raved about the Filet Mignon. Washing the meal down with Chardonnay, the couple relaxed as the band played a romantic tune from an old Bogie movie. The smoke in the restaurant had become so thick that he thought he might be able to get away with dancing with Alexis without being bothered by a fan, but he thought otherwise as he began feeling the buzzing effects of the wine.

  The couple sat in silence as the band continued to play. Alexis backed into Marc's chest and relaxed in his comfort as the Chardonnay effects began channeling their way through her system. Everything seemed perfect. Not even Johnny Handsome could have ruined the moment. Maybe it was the second bottle of wine. Whatever it was, Marc was unprepared when Alexis asked him. "What are we going to do if you lose?" she asked as she lit a cigarette.


  "What are we going to do if you lose?"

  "Lose what?"

  "If you lose to Predator."

  Although the band continued to play, the music stopped to Marc. He stared vacantly at his wife. It was almost as if he'd received terrible news from the doctor; it was as if he was in shock.

  "What the hell do you mean if I lose?" he finally asked.

  "I don't know. I'm just scared we could lose everything we've worked so hard for. What if something goes wrong?"

  "I'm not going to let that happen."

  "I'm just tired, Marc."

  "Tired of what?"

  "I'm tired of worrying about you all the time, wondering when you're going to make it home," she answered. "Why do you have to be on the road every night? Murphy doesn't go to all the towns like you do. Why can't you do the same as him?"

  "Murphy's an ass kisser!"

  "Well, would it kill you to kiss Hensley's ass if it meant you got to spend more time with me and Kyle? The least you could have done was called that Kent guy back. He talked like he'd give you any deal you wanted"

  "Kent's full of it. If I took his deal, I'd be blackballed from Brighton forever for skipping out on my match with predator. They'd never let me come back."

  "Kent said he'd make you his main event star."

  "Don't you get it?" Marc asked. The Brighton and Chattanooga territories run the same television market. If Handsome and Predator show up on Brighton TV Saturday, the fans would just think I lost the match and had to leave town. How are the Chattanooga fans supposed to get behind a guy who's only there because he lost a loser leaves town match in Brighton? No matter what I do in Chattanooga, I'll be the guy who couldn't cut in Brighton. I'd always be second best to Murphy."

  "You might as well be second best to Murphy now. He's not spending every night on the road away from his family."

  Marc was seething at Alexis' words. Second best to Murphy. How could she say that? All he wanted was to have a nice night out with his wife. Business was the furthest thing from his mind when the couple arrived at the upscale restaurant. His blood was boiling. He was contemplating how to react without blowing his top when he was interrupted by a patron approaching their table.

  "Excuse me, Mr. Fleming. Can I get your autograph?"

  Still dazed from Alexis's words, Marc stared at the man for a moment before replying, "Can't you see I'm trying to have
dinner with my wife?"

  "I'm sorry, Sir, it's just that you're my son's favorite wrestler."

  "I'm my son's favorite wrestler too. The only problem is that I never get to spend any time with him because wherever I go, I'm always being interrupted by people like you. If you don't mind, I'm going to politely ask you to leave while my wife and I attempt to enjoy the rest of the evening," Marc said sternly as he poured another glass of wine.

  "I'm sorry," the man said. "I won't tell my son that you wouldn't sign an autograph. He'd be pretty disappointed if he found out what a jerk you really are."

  "What did you say?" Marc asked rising from his seat. Marc grabbed the man by his shirt collar. "Did you call me a jerk?"

  "Leave him alone!" Alexis demanded. "For God's sakes, Marc." Leave him alone!"

  Marc couldn't hear her pleas. He was in a zone he had never visited before. He was ready to tear the man's head off his shoulders. Pulling back his fist to knock the man's teeth out, he noticed the rest of the restaurant patrons gathering around. He saw a young woman covering her daughter's eyes as she ushered the little girl away from the skirmish. His anger subsided as he came to his senses. "Get the hell out of here," he told the man as he released his grip.

  Embarrassed by his burst of temper, Marc straightened his suit and turned around to address Alexis. "Let's go," he said as he turned around to speak to an empty chair. Alexis had already left.

  Chapter Nine

  Marc and Alexis didn't speak to each other the rest of the night, or the next day. He wished he had made amends with her before he left for Vidalia, but he didn't know what to say to her. She had crossed the line. He knew he shouldn't have attacked that guy in the restaurant. He'd probably hear about it from Hensley sooner or later. If Hensley said something about it, Marc figured he'd just own up to it. He didn't know what had come over him. He'd never lost his composure like that before. Alexis implying that he was second best to Murphy ate at him like cancer. It pushed him over the edge. "I can't take much more of this," he said to himself. Hopefully, he could clear his head on the drive to Vidalia. Otherwise, he'd be leaving town Wednesday if he didn't get his head straight.