Read Just Beyond the Curve Page 12


  The following morning John sat alone at the kitchen table. In front of him were eight glasses with different beverages for each one; from milk to Kool-Aid, water to coffee, soda to tea. He sipped each one slowly then seemed to consider if it was the one he really wanted to drink. Unable to decide he reached for another glass and sipped it slowly while watching a local news station on the small TV on the counter.

  “Thirsty?” Misty asked him with an aggravated look, from the doorway.

  John looked up with an undecided expression. “I have this driving thirst for something,” he answered. “I don’t know what, though. Ever been like that?”

  Misty poured herself a cup of coffee and took a seat across from John. She studied him seriously, then said, “Occasionally. More often than I care for.”

  “Ever considered living in the country?” he asked, seeming to change the subject like changing drinks.

  “For what?” she asked, then sipped her coffee.

  “Freedom. Openness. Clean air?” he said. “A number of reasons. Billy could have a dog. A horse...Something to be responsible for.”

  “So I’m not doin’ good enough to suit you, Mister Superstar?” Misty asked angrily, reaching for a cigarette.

  “It’s not that, Misty,” John replied, failing to see her building anger. “You’re doing fine with Billy...”

  “Glad you approve!” she said sarcastically.

  “I’m just sayin’, a boy needs a pet and freedom from the bad influences in a town like Austin. A boy needs responsibility and a place to have it.”

  “I was raised here in Austin,” she said defensively. “I turned out all right.”

  “Have you listened closely to the news lately, Misty?” he asked, indicating the little TV “Times are changin’. From what I’ve seen this morning, everything in a big city is a bad influence! Crime, drugs, gangs, police abuse...”

  “What would I do in the country, John?” she demanded, knowing what he was saying was true.

  “Relax, raise Billy. Help raise the baby. Be there for Judy. Be there for me. I’m not real smart, you know,” he said, the last with a smile.

  “I hadn’t noticed,” she smirked sarcastically.

  “It’s true,” John said, completely missing Misty’s sarcasm. “The only really smart thing I ever done was marry Judy. I love her more every time I see her. She’s my obsession like my father was my mom’s!”

  “So, you’re over trying to make your folks proud?” she asked.

  “I done all I could, Misty,” he said. “Now, it’s about my family and fans. We have a child coming soon.”

  “I think you’ve made them proud as peacocks, John,” she admitted, her eyes growing glassy with emotion. She was realizing that she really did love this young man who loved her daughter to distraction.

  “You didn’t wake me up when you got here last night!” Billy accused, coming through the kitchen door with youthful exuberance. He crossed to John quickly for a hug.

  “I looked in on you,” John said squeezing him hard. “You were sleeping so peacefully I didn’t want to disturb you. A young man needs his rest, you know.”

  “Billy, what do you think about living in the country?” Misty asked seriously.

  “Aaaawesome!” Billy exclaimed. “When do we move? Can I have a horse? Can I have a dog?”

  “You two been talkin’ behind my back?”

  “No.” John said at the same time Billy said, “No. Will we have some cows and a barn I can play in? You are so awesome,” he continued looking over at John. “Danny is so jealous. He’s been gone a lot though. They say Endless went Platnum! And Love Struck went gold! You’re a mega-superstar! They say you’re even being considered for Entertainer Of The Year! I’m so proud of you I could bust! So’s Momma and Judy! You’re our hero!”

  John quickly covered his tearing eyes with his hands. Billy looked up guiltily, “I’m sorry, John,” he apologized. “I didn’t mean nothin’, honest!” He began to look worried. Then Judy entered the room and crossed to John. She glared at Misty and Billy, “You two leave him alone! He’s having a hard enough time without ya’ll bothering him constantly! He’s under a lot of pressure! Just leave him alone and let him relax!”

  Billy stood and hugged John and kissed him on the cheek. John hugged him back with his free arm and kissed his cheek gently. “No, I’m fine,” he said. “I’m just happier than I ever remember being; that I’ve made you all proud of me, too. Now I know Momma and Daddy are too.”

  “You’re a wonder, that’s for sure,” Misty said with a smile.

  “You’re not mad at me no more?” Billy asked.

  “I’d never be mad at you, Billy,” John said seriously, awestruck that Billy thought he was mad at him. “You’re my hero!”

  “Really?” Billy asked surprised.

  “Really,” John assured him with another hug.

  “Anyone considered breakfast,” Judy asked seriously, looking from glass to glass on the table. “I’m caving in!”

  “You’re gettin fat!” Billy accused with a grin. “How can you be cavin’ in? Looks like you’re cavin’ out, if anything! What’d you do to her John?”

  Everyone laughed except Billy. He looked from face to face wondering what he said that was so funny. Finally, he began to grin innocently because they were laughing.

  “Let’s go to a restaurant,” John suggested. “We can go to Wimberley from there.”

  “Sounds good,” Misty and Judy agreed at the same time.

  Out front, Danny Floyd walked past the house. He glared at the door, then the windows as he walked along planning his revenge.