Read Just Beyond the Curve Page 7


  When Allen and Adam Trevor, his entertainment attorney, came through the door Judy stood from behind her desk and greeted them nervously. She couldn’t believe her Uncle Allen was smiling. A sense of foreboding came over her and she felt like she was about to get screwed.

  “Where’s your singer?” Allen asked seriously, extending his hand and smiling like a hungry cat.

  “He’s around,” she replied evasively, dropping Allen’s hand and taking Trevor’s. It was warm and dry, as always. She smiled at him and he smiled back. She thought he was maybe one of the handsomest men she had ever met. She didn’t know what he thought of her, though. He had never made even the slightest pass at her. She was nearly convinced that he was gay.

  She was one hundred percent wrong. Adam was instantly aroused when his hand touched Sandra’s. It was all he could do to keep from taking her into his arms and kissing her roughly, then raping her after he bound and gagged her. However, he knew she wouldn’t go for that. She was not ready for the ‘rough trade’. And that was all he was interested in. If it wasn’t rough, it wasn’t right as far as he was concerned. He was a solid member of Fantasy’s, in Kansas City, and proud of it!

  “Well, let’s get somewhere and sit down,” Allen said impatiently. “I’ve got other things to do besides this.”

  Sandra knew Allen had his fingers in a lot of pies around Austin and San Antonio; even in New Braunfels! Everything from oil to cattle, real estate to insurance, he was a wealthy man and he loved his only niece beyond measure. He had given her the money to build her recording studio and keep it going for the past year. He had even paid Allen Jackson to record one of his albums there, without letting Sandra know, hoping to give her new business a boost. It hadn’t worked out quite as well as he had hoped. For the most part all the big name stars were building their own recording studios in their multimillion dollar mansions and putting the independents, like Sandra, out of business. But, he would not be the one to tell her that. Now, he hoped this young singer would be her salvation. If she could make him a star, there is no way he would ever forget what she had done for him.

  John and Judy shook hands with Allen, Adam and Toby when they entered the office from the recording studio where they had just finished the sixth song.

  “Son,” Allen stated knowingly. “You’re gonna be a star. If you got the grit to handle it. Bein’ on the road ten months out of the year ain’t an easy job. You’ll earn every penny you make. Believe me!”

  “I promised my Momma and Daddy,” John said simply, then took a chair beside Judy.

  They sat across the long table from Allen, Sandra, Adam and Toby. John was straight across from Adam and Judy sat in front of Allen. The two groups looked at each other expectantly, hoping the other would make them rich. With the exception of Allen. He was already a multimillionaire. But, he was also from the old school that believed he could never have enough. Money was for the making and he fully intended to get all he could before he died, even knowing he couldn’t take it with him. He had kids he would leave it to and a couple of charities he fully believed in.

  “Mister Travis,” Adam said, sliding a packet of papers over in front of him, “this is a recording contract. It will authorize Jackson Recording to promote you, sign you to tours with known names in the industry and book you in clubs and other venues across the world. It is a standard industry contract, one that all new names sign first and then if they become a big name a new contract is negotiated. You’ll want to read over that and then sign it.”

  John began reading the pages, flipping them over slowly, absorbing everything and missing nothing. Allen began to think John was slow. He would have been surprised to know that John was missing nothing contained in the agreement.

  As he finished the last page and flipped the packet over he looked over at Judy, then at Sandra, Allen, Toby and finally Adam. “For all you want, you folks ain’t offerin’ much!” he said grimly.

  “It’s a standard contract, Mister Travis,” Adam assured him.

  “Maybe,” John replied. “I wouldn’t know about such things. But I do know this; five percent ain’t gonna get it. I want ten, or I walk. Plain and simple.”

  Allen smiled, liking John Travis Jr. even better. He also realized this young man was no dummy!

  “We’re providing everything,” Sandra exclaimed. She couldn’t believe this arrogant young fool was not going to jump at the chance to get a recording contract. “Ten percent is too much!”

  “You provide everything except my voice, music and presence, Miss Jackson. Without that you have nothing.”

  “Point taken,” Allen agreed with a chuckle. “Rewrite the contract, Adam. Give him fifteen percent on two albums and a hundred grand against royalties. I feel John is a winner and I’m willing to gamble on him.”

  “That’s robbery, Uncle Allen!” Sandra said angrily. “Besides, I don’t have a hundred grand!”

  Allen smiled, not saying he knew down to the dollar how much Sandra had in her bank accounts. “Adam,” he said, “write John a check for the hundred grand. I’ll take him to the bank and open him an account, then we’re going to have dinner and a drink. When we get back he’ll sign the contract. Then, we can get down to the business of making him rich and famous!”

  Adam opened his briefcase and withdrew a large check book. He wrote it out and slid it over to John. John looked at it and grinned, then paled slightly. He showed it to Judy. She read it and became teary eyed. She kissed John. He turned red, being embarrassed at being kissed in front of these strangers.

  “Sandy, start booking John in some clubs and book him to some tour or other. We’ll be back shortly. Come on John,” he said pushing back from the table and standing up. “You’re gonna be a busy man from here on out.”

  “I want Judy to come, too.” John said, as he pushed back and stood up.

  “By all means, John,” Allen agreed with a smile. “I wouldn’t leave such a beautiful lady behind, either! No sirreee! You like steak, Little Lady?” he asked in a fatherly tone, placing his broad hand in the small of her back and following her from the office.