Read Just Breathe Page 15

  Then I get serious, “You better never ever make me worry like that again.”

  He laughs and looks sad suddenly, “Ever, you chose the sea. Why?”

  I look thoughtfully at him and smile, “I love you with all of my heart and I truly can’t live without you. That’s why.”

  He starts, “But you don’t realize.”

  We hear the door creak open and my parent’s faces peek around the corner.

  My dad says, “Well, hello Jack, welcome back.”

  They come in and stand next to me. Jack gives me a worried look and all I can do is shake my head. I know I’ve made a bad situation even worse.

  My mom starts fussing, “Jack, we didn’t know who to contact. Do you have a number where we can reach your parents?”

  He shakes his head uneasy, “No, my parents died in a car accident a long time ago.”

  My mom continues probing, “Well then honey, who can we call?”

  He shakes his head and meets my eyes while he speaks, “My aunt lives in Los Angeles.”

  I am suddenly confused and I half listen as he gives them her name and phone number. I get up and cross the room to look out the window.

  Jack has someone on land. What does this mean? Does this mean he is like me and Amber’s story was not completely true?

  Now I am even more confused than ever. I turn to look at him and his clouded eyes meet mine. He looks very worried. My mom announces that she is going to call his aunt and leaves.

  My dad tries to make small talk, “Well I’m glad you will be alright, Jack.” He is obviously very uncomfortable with the situation.

  I tell him, “Dad, why don’t you go and get a cup of coffee.”

  He nods looking thankful for the out and says, “That’s a great idea Ever. Call me if you need me.”

  “Sure dad.”

  I sit back down next to the bed staring at Jack and ask, “You have family on land?” He looks out toward the window obviously avoiding my gaze.

  He answers, “Ever, my aunt is on land. No one in the sea knows about her though, not even Amber.”

  I stare at him as he turns to meet my gaze. “She was born in the sea but when she was a baby my grandmother gave her to a family on land. She was born during a war in the sea and my grandmother didn’t want anything to happen to her. Seamus was creating more of these laws restricting us so she committed her to live on land.”

  I ask, “Is that where you lived before coming to Pahrump?”

  He nods, “I check in with her regularly and she helps me out if I need anything.”

  I ask curiously, “Does she know about the sea and everything?”

  “Yes, she is fully aware of all the history but she tries to live her life here on land as normal as possible. She has no desire to live in the sea.”

  I have so many questions. This just adds to everything else I still have unanswered.

  “Are you like me then because you have family on land?”

  He shakes his head, “No, fully from the sea. My grandmother got her to the land just before Seamus developed the barrier over the city.”

  I just sit there thinking but not knowing what to say. We hear a knock on the door and my mom walks in with a nurse.

  The nurse looks at me then at Jack and she says, “I hear our patient is awake.”

  She gives me a look that tells me I need to leave. I squeeze his hand and lean over to kiss him, “I’m going to go and get a bite to eat. I’ll be right back.”

  He nods and winks, “Don’t go too far.”

  I grin and turn to my mom. She puts her arm through mine and guides me out of the room. Great, here it comes. I knew I was going to have to face them at some point.

  She tells me, “I got a hold of Jack’s aunt. She is on her way.” Nodding I look straight ahead.

  She asks, “Where did your father go?”

  I absently reply, “To get coffee.”

  She steers me in the direction of the cafeteria. We join my dad after my mom gets coffee for herself and a juice and granola bar for me. I am really not hungry now.

  As soon as she sits she lays into me, “Ever, where have you been? Do you realize what you’ve put us through? We have been so worried and here you are doing crazy stunts with a boy you just met. Did he force you into this?”

  I look down at the table through her whole rant.

  She continues, “You could have been killed jumping from a cliff. Do you have a death wish? Are you turning on us now that you’re eighteen? Don’t you intend to finish school?”

  I look up at my dad and he is looking down at the table too, like he’s embarrassed. I glance at my mom and meet her eyes. This is when she breaks down and starts crying. Now I feel completely horrible.

  I grab her hand and explain, “Mom, I just needed to get away. Of course I don’t have a death wish.

  Tears start down my cheeks too, “Yes, I intend to finish school. Please don’t blame Jack. This was completely my decision.”

  She looks at me through teary eyes and my dad puts his arm around her giving me a disappointed but I forgive you look. She cries into my dad’s shoulder. I wait but nothing more is said. I really thought that was going to be a lot worse.

  I get up and tell them, “I’m going to go and check on Jack.”

  My mom looks up still breathing erratically, “Ever, when we get home there are going to be rules. You may be eighteen but you still live with us and you’re just not ready to… we aren’t ready to let you go.”

  I nod as a tear rolls down my cheek, completely defeated. Of course there will be more to come. That couldn’t be the end of it, not with my luck.

  When I walk into Jack’s room he is sleeping. I sit in the chair next to him to think. I have no idea where to go from here. We are finally reunited but things have changed and I’ve learned so much. There are still so many questions. If I go back to the sea I will betray my parents. But I’m breaking all the rules by not staying in the sea after making my choice. I look over at Jack and my heart fills with love. This boy lying next to me is all that matters. I decide that I can’t bear to be without him so if he decides to go back then I will have to brave it and follow him.

  Suddenly, electricity shoots up my arm. My eyes meet his. He is staring at me holding onto my wrist.

  I smile at him and he asks, “What were you so deep in thought about?” I feel like my eyes cloud over now even though I don’t have that trait.

  I stammer, “Well, trying to decide where to go from here.”

  He raises his eyebrows still cheerful, “What are the choices?”

  I decide not to go there. It might end in an argument. Instead I playfully taunt, “Well I was thinking I could go here.” And I lean over and kiss his hand.

  “Or here...” I lean over and kiss his arm.

  “Or how about here...” I lean closer and kiss his cheek.

  “Or better yet here…” I lean in and kiss his lips.

  His hand comes around the back of my head before I can pull away and he kisses me hungrily. I kiss him back and electricity shoots to my toes.

  When we part he tells me, “You can kiss me any of those places, any time.” I chuckle and realize he obviously doesn’t want to discuss anything right now either.

  We hear the door creak and turn to see a tiny woman step into the room. Her wide beautiful smile that can only be a Tanner’s, catches my attention first. She is older than I was expecting, maybe in her late eighties. Her gray hair is piled on top of her head in a bun but she seems much stronger than an almost ninety year old.

  Jack greets her, “Hi Aunt Meredith. I would like you to meet Ever Harding.”

  She walks toward me and takes me into her arms in a huge hug. I notice she is actually stronger than someone her age should be.

  She releases me and holds me at arms length, “You are every bit as beautiful as Jack described you.” I smile shyly as a blush spreads through my face and glance at Jack.

  He jokes, “Meredith, you just
witnessed a first.

  “Ever is never at a loss for words.”

  I shake my head and offer my hand, “Well, it is very nice to meet you, um Aunt Meredith.”

  She laughs and shakes my hand. The door opens again as my parents walk in. Making the introductions, I can tell they are more at ease while talking to Meredith. The nurse walks in about twenty minutes later and ushers everyone out except Meredith.

  My parents corner me while we are out in the hall.

  My mom says “Ever, we were thinking about heading home now.” I nod because I know what’s coming.

  She continues, “We want you to come home with us.”

  “Well, mom I want to come home with you but I will need to go and get the jeep.” I hope maybe this will help stall my exit. It doesn’t work.

  She tells me, “We can drive you to get it.” I concede, not knowing what else to say.

  “Let me say good-bye to Jack.”

  “Alright we will be in the waiting room at the front of the hospital.” They are obviously not going anywhere without me.

  I walk slowly back into Jack’s room and he asks, “What’s wrong?”

  “My parents are waiting for me to leave with them to go back home. I don’t think I can get out of this one.”

  He looks at Meredith and I see an understanding pass between them. He tells me, “Ever, you need to go back home with them.”

  I panic. What am I hearing? He wants me to go. He can see the panic in my eyes so he assures me, “They are letting me out of here today. I will be over tomorrow once I get my car and get settled at Meredith’s.”

  I relax a little but I remember the Erebus. I start, “But the Erebus, what if they take you away again?”

  He shakes his head, “They won’t, they never wanted me. I think they got who they wanted, Amber.” I’m shocked at this. I have to sit down.

  He grabs my hand and tells me, “The whole thing was so that they could get Amber. They need her to get into the city.”

  I’m lost… I say, “So the whole thing was a trap and I lead her right to them.”

  He looks down, “You could never have known and she didn’t know.”

  I jump up with renewed energy, “Then we have to go and find her. Will they hurt her? I should have seen this.” My emotions are doing somersaults. I feel Meredith’s hands on my shoulders and she gently pushes me back down into the chair. Jack grabs my hand again. The electricity seems to do the opposite this time and begins to calm me.

  He explains, “We will go and find her in time. Right now you need to go home with your parents. I will be over tomorrow and we will make a plan.”

  All I can do is stare unseeing. I suddenly feel disconnected from everything. Meredith takes my hand and pulls me out of the chair. Jack sits up on the edge of the bed and wraps his arms around me.

  He whispers in my ear, “I love you Ever Harding with everything that I am.” And he kisses me quickly. I stare into his amazing eyes and realize he is my everything. I will do anything for this man.

  The next thing I know Meredith is leading me to the waiting room where my parents are waiting for me.



  Suddenly I’m in a cave different from the one I saw when Jack was missing. This one is not as dark. The floor is wet and it smells like the sea. I turn around and spot Amber in the corner. She is sitting with her arms wrapped around her legs. She spots me as soon as I see her. She puts her finger to her lips as if to shush me before I can say anything. I rush over to her and kneel down whispering, “Are you alright?” She nods and whispers back, “Don’t come and look for me, not yet, they are waiting for you.” I frown and whisper back, “But I thought they wanted you, everything about Jack was a trap for you.” She nods, “I know but they need you too.” Before I can ask what she means, she gets up and pushes me toward the wall, “Ever, you need to wake up. They will know you are here.” I look at her sad eyes and I’m looking straight up at the white ceiling of my bedroom.

  It takes me a minute to recognize where I am. Never have I been so happy to be lying in my ordinary bed, in my plain room, on land. The sun is just reaching through the blinds. It must be early morning. I raise the blanket to cover my head. I could lie here all day. If only my mind would stop tumbling.

  There’s a knock on the door and it creaks open.

  I hear a familiar voice, “Ever, are you awake? I came over to see you.”

  Gabbi! I throw the blanket off rushing out of bed to hug her. She looks taken but embraces me tightly after a moment.

  “Girl, where have you been? I’ve missed you.”

  I check the clock, 8:00, “You’re here early.”

  She laughs, “Well I wanted to come and see you last night but your mom said to wait until today so I did. She didn’t look very happy that it was this early when she answered the door but girl, I had to see you.”

  I walk back to my bed and climb in, she sits on the edge.

  I start, “So tell me how are things? How’s Reggie?”

  She smirks, “You disappear for three days and you want to know how things are here in Pahrump?”

  I nod.

  “Oh no, you’re not getting off that easy. Where have you been and what’s this I hear about jumping off of a cliff?”

  I shrug, “It’s really a long story.”

  She crosses her arms, “Well I have the time to hear it.”

  I hear the door open again and we both look up to see my brother glancing around the room before his eyes settle on mine. I have to look at him closer, no yellow eyes.

  He smiles at me, “Hey you, how are you? You gave us quite a scare.” I frown for a minute and realize he looks genuinely concerned.

  Smiling hesitantly I tell him, “I’m good James. How are you?”

  He answers, “Good, I’ll let you two catch up. I’m glad you’re home safe, Ever.”And he’s gone.

  I must have a confused look on my face because Gabbi answers my unspoken question,

  “Your brother has been going crazy trying to find you. He plastered the town with flyers and your picture.”

  I look at her without really seeing her. Things are so different than I expected.

  She bombards me again, “So tell me everything. Were you with Jack the whole time?”

  I try to skirt around all the parts she doesn’t know which is almost everything. I let her come up with her own story without having to say much. She comes to the conclusion that I was finally eighteen and decided to rebel by running away with my new boyfriend but it didn’t go so well. We took it a little too far and decided to try cliff jumping. I just nodded as the story she came up with sounded good. She, at least, seemed satisfied. I’m sure once Monday comes around it will be the story of the week. Especially the way Gabbi spreads things.

  Breakfast is awkward to put it lightly. I can tell my family is happy that I’m home but I was so vague with details. I can feel the trust I worked so hard to earn seep away. Oh well, what can I do? I’m a fugitive so to say, in my parent’s eyes anyway.

  My dad starts this time, “Ever, we have decided to institute some rules until we feel that we can trust you again.”

  Bam, right in the chest. There’s that word again. I’m feeling so ashamed. I nod which is all I can do for fear of confessing every unbelievable thing that has happened during the past three days.

  He goes on, “First of all training will be limited to the pool.”

  My mouth drops open. I wasn’t ready for that one. I open my mouth to protest but see how serious he is. I shut my mouth tightly and realize the next thing might be even less appealing.

  He continues, “You have to earn the lake back.”

  I nod miserably.

  “Additionally if you want to continue this…”, he hesitates looking for an appropriate word, “relationship with Jack,” I smile at the mention of his name and lose my smile when I realize he is staring at me waiting. I look up at him without the smile.

  “Then y
ou are only allowed to see him here. No beach and definitely no Los Angeles.” I am about to explain that I never went to Los Angeles to see Jack but I can see he isn’t interested.

  He adds, “Lastly, if you decide you want to go anywhere except school and home including the pool, you will call me or your mother.”

  I look down at my suddenly unappealing breakfast and ask, “May I be excused?”

  Both of my parents answer in unison, “Yes.”

  As I’m getting up my mom explains, “Ever, you do realize this is all for your own good.”

  I give a half smile to assure her that I am not mad, “Sure mom, I understand.” I head up to my room. Jack’s gonna love this. How in the world are we going to help Amber?

  Around mid-day my cell phone rings. I check and it’s Jack. We decided before I left the hospital that he would call before he comes over to see how bad it is.

  I smile as I answer, “Hi!”

  I can hear his smile at the other end, “Hi you. So how bad is it?”

  I laugh, “Well, I just got the ground rules at breakfast.” I explain everything that was explained to me.

  He laughs when I’m done, “I guess I need to be on my best behavior and not force you into leaving again.”

  I snicker. That of course must be what they think. I can only imagine what story they’ve conjured up with the nil amount of information I’ve provided. We decide that Jack will come and hang out tonight but of course, I have to ask first. I tell him once I get an all clear, I will call him back.

  I spend the rest of the day watching mindless T.V. I attempt a book, Romeo and Juliet but decide it’s just too heavy for my mood right now and it reminds me too much of Amber and the cave she is stuck in. I hear a knock on the front door and check the clock, four o’clock on the dot. Smiling I rush to open it. His eyes are the bluest ever. I rush to him and wrap my arms around his neck without warning. He almost loses his balance and sends us flying backwards down the steps.

  He pushes me forward and laughs, “Hang on there killer.”

  I laugh and pull him into the house. We both turn around laughing. My dad is standing a few feet away staring at us, not amused.

  Jack steps forward and offers his hand, “Hi Mr. Harding. I just wanted to apologize for everything that has happened these past few days.”

  My dad takes his hand and holds it in both hands while looking Jack in the eyes and tells him as serious as I have ever heard him, “Jack, this is our little girl and if anything like that ever happens again, I will personally hunt you down.”