Read Just Cause Wrong Target Page 5



  Having parted company with Nilo, T.A. wanted to get down to his not too serious search for female companionship.

  Where the sailors had just exited, the guards were now coaxing T.A. to come inside to see 'the sexiest and best girls in all of the Philippines.' Why not?’ thought T.A., he had plenty of time to find his favourite bar later.

  Once inside the two sets of doors and past the five armed guards, the room was nicely cooled with air conditioning. All of these bars had a standard subdued blue lighting that showed the girls in the most complimentary way. It also probably made some of the uglier patrons look better to the girls as well.

  The semi-circle-shaped bar service area was at the same level as the patrons and separated the patrons from the girls dancing on the raised stage. The two metre wide raised stage for the girls was about the shoulder height of the patrons. It seemed standard in all bars to have ceiling to floor firemen's poles to which the girls clung as they swayed and danced to some 1960's and 70's slow rock. All the girls wore tiny white G-string bikini bottoms barely covering their private parts, and equally small tops. Some few danced in bare feet, most danced in white high heel shoes to make their legs look longer.

  It was still early for most of the tourist trade, the bar still almost empty. Later the packed crowd would jostle each other shoulder to shoulder, many patrons in varying states of intoxication.

  The bar assistant was surprised when he asked for a cold calamansi juice instead of a beer. Along with his drink she placed another small glass in front of him and placed a token in it. This was to indicate the price of the drink that he would have to pay before he left. He knew the normal pay as you go cash system would be used when the bar started to get crowded.

  T.A. counted eight other patrons in two groups, seated on the stools around the bar, all staring at the mesmeric swaying of the lithe brown bodies. The beautiful brownness highlighted by the contrast of the white bikinis. Ten girls were currently showing their wares. All had cute little bodies. T.A. noticed, even in the dim light, three had faint traces of stretch marks; the result of a past pregnancy. He began thinking perhaps he was becoming too critical or choosy. After all, the ones that had given birth should know what sex was all about and be good in bed. That seemed a stupid thought. They would all know, otherwise they would not be working here.

  There would be a regular turnover of girls throughout the 24 hours that most of the bars were open. The girls would dance for maybe 20 minutes before taking a break, and immediately replaced by another group, swapping around until picked by some patron.

  Four of the current girls were competing to catch his eye and were looking directly at him as they moved their bodies in wonderfully suggestive motions around and against the poles, sometimes moving down into a crouch to show off their shapely bottoms and waggle them in his direction.

  T.A. began wishing he had known about such places in his early 20's and had the money then to travel. If so, he doubted he would ever have married when he did. Well, the divorce was many years ago, he was not currently in a relationship, and he was in Manila.

  Three of the girls looking at him were only deserving of a second look because of their skimpy clothing. The fourth, dancing barefoot, had long shapely legs that did not need high heels to emphasise their length, yet she was not tall. The face was round with the Sophia Loren high cheek bones. Her hair was just below shoulder length. Her age was impossible to judge. T.A. had only ever been close in guessing the age of young Filipino women by adding ten years to his first guess. She looked 18 so T.A. estimated she was about 28.

  When she realised T.A. was looking at her more than any of the other dancers she gave him a really broad smile. Then, genuinely or feigned, she seemed to show some shyness and embarrassment. To avoid making her further embarrassed, T.A. looked down into his calamansi drink, took a further sip to empty the glass, and ordered another. The bar assistant again queried his order and he had to reconfirm he did not want a beer instead. She shrugged her shoulders and moved off to get the drink.

  When the bar assistant returned, T.A. pointed to the girl who had caught his eye and asked the assistant her name.

  "Marivic? You want her?"

  "Well, when she's ready for a break, I'd like to talk to her," T.A. responded. It annoyed him that he felt embarrassed. He had done this a dozen times before. Yet he still felt embarrassed about it.

  The assistant went directly to the stage, caught Marivic's eye, who had been watching what had been going on anyway, then, the assistant nodded in his direction.

  Marivic self consciously walked to the end of the stage where the steps were. The other dancers teasing her and laughing as she walked past them. Then putting on a white jacket and some middle height shoes she rounded the exit from the bar counter and walked to T.A. He stood as she approached and noticed her height barely reached his shoulder even with her shoes.

  "Hello, I'm Marivic. You wanted to see me?"

  "Yes. I thought you might like a rest. Can I buy you a drink of something?"

  She signalled to the attendant who brought her a glass of what T.A, presumed was coke, and threw another different coloured token into the glass. Marivic would now get a commission on whatever he drank. He felt sorry for her because he drank little alcohol, therefore her commission would be low.

  "What's your name," she asked.

  "Friends call me T.A."

  "What's T.A. mean?"

  She really was cute, everything nicely proportioned, petite. She even looked good under the white silk, thigh length jacket with the V-front cleavage just sufficient to show enough of the white bikini top. With the jacket having only two buttons, the slightest movement gave a flash of the bikini bottoms. Her English so far was very good.

  Even if he traipsed to a series of bars it seemed unlikely he would find another as cute as this little package. If she turned out to be devoid of personality he could always let her go early.

  "It's a long story. But you can tell me what Marivic means."

  "Maria Victoria."

  "O.K. Maria Victoria. Am I too old and too ugly to have the pleasure of your company in Manila this evening?"

  "You want short time or all night?"

  "Let's be greedy, the whole night."

  "I have to pay the bar fine before I can leave, then I can get properly dressed and you can pay my fee.

  T.A. pushed his hand down the front of his jeans and extracted some US notes in 5, 10 and 20 denominations. Marivic looked at T.A's action with surprise in her eyes.

  "Are you wondering what else I've got down there?" he said as he passed her some notes. "You pay the fine and give me the change eh?"

  T.A. felt he might as well test her honesty now.

  When she returned a few minutes later, initially he did not recognise her. Her hair was tied back tightly in a pony tail and she was wearing a light cream blouse, dark blue skirt and high heel shoes. He stared at her. She looked like a very attractive business woman.

  "Don't you like me any more?" she asked as she held out her hand, palm down to hide the contents from onlookers.

  "Even more attractive," he responded genuinely as he took the change from her tiny hand and put it in his jeans pocket without counting it.

  He offered his arm and she took it linking her arm through his as they left the bar to the cheery farewells of the guards.

  "Please," she said, leaning toward him and speaking quietly toward his ear. "Be careful with the money in your pocket. Even you would not feel the one who might steal it." She clutched her small black purse tightly into her chest with her free arm.

  'A good sign', thought T.A. She was already protecting him and as well had not asked for her fee. The trust seemed mutual.

  They walked in a direction away from the Swagman Hotel.

  "Where is your hotel?" she asked.

  "Back that way," he replied indicating behind him with a nod of his head.

  "Where are you goin
g then?"

  "I thought you might like a meal at a restaurant."

  She stopped, and T.A. paused wondering what was wrong. She reached up and touched his cheek as she looked into his eyes.

  "Thanks," she said, then held his arm and her purse tighter as they walked further into the red light district.


  The next three hours went quickly for T.A. He enjoyed her company immensely. Though he had eaten before going out, he ordered again to avoid embarrassing Marivic. After she had finished eating and sat back rolling her eyes commenting on how full she was. T.A. requested his food be put in a container to take back to the hotel in case he or Marivic felt hungry later.

  He learned that she was the third oldest of a family of seven, only the youngest being a boy. She was a Bachelor of Science Graduate major in Architecture from the Mindanao State University (MSU) in Marawi.

  T.A. had never been able to understand the university degree system in the Philippines. To him the degree should simply have been described as a Bachelor of Architecture.

  Her family were from City of Iligan which was on the island of Mindanao in part of the greater area generally known by most people as the Visayas. Though technically speaking it was not. Most people spoke the Visayan language. Mindanao was the second largest island of the Philippines. The locals thought of themselves as Mindanaons; especially those pushing for an independent Mindanao.


  Linamon, Northwest Mindanao

  The 22 men had been gathered in Salim Hassan's house for almost an hour while his daughters Siti and Zahra, dressed in their full length malongs and scarves over their faces, fed the guests fish and rice, and kept their glasses filled with coca-cola.

  The house had never seen so many people within its walls at the one time and there was not a lot of room to allow the visitors to circulate.

  Many were Salim's relations and friends in Linamon. Others were his contacts in the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF)

  When Salim felt his guests had sated themselves sufficiently, he attracted his daughters' attention and gave them a nod. They quickly absented themselves going down the stairs and walking to the stony beach where they would sit and wait until summonsed by their Father.

  Salim divulged his plan to those present, plans he had considered and formulated over the preceding weeks. Now he wanted those who had promised assistance for his revenge to honour their promises.

  He knew he now had to act quickly to put his plan into action. His contacts in Yamada's canning factory near Iligan had revealed the probable travel plans of Ken Yamada for the next two weeks. This meant he could probably carry out an operation against Yamada with reasonable certainty of success. One of the main problems had always been the uncertainty of where Yamada would be at any particular time. Before now he had never had sufficient time to organise his forces to act in a co-ordinated fashion. Other contacts in Cagayan de Oro, where Yamada was going to, would give him up to the minute reports of where Yamada would be.

  He knew he would have to act now. Another opportunity like this might not present itself for a long time.



  T.A. and Marivic visited a nightclub for a few dances, staying only until some other 'lady' attempted to lure T.A. away. That resulted in a verbal spat between Marivic and the other woman. Marivic then dragged T.A. out of the club and asked to go to a karaoke bar. He was enjoying her company more than he had expected. At the karaoke bar she surprised him with her vocal talents.

  Twice in their travels, T.A. spotted Nilo plying his Rolex/Casio watches. Both times Nilo called out a greeting and gave the thumbs up seeing Marivic by his side.

  Approaching 11.30 P.M. T.A. and Marivic began to make their way back to the Swagman Hotel. This time, when Nilo spotted them, he ran across the road between the traffic to greet them.

  "I'll be going home to Cagayan de Oro in a few days. I'll stay there for a few weeks. I managed to sell a Rolex."

  "What? For 900 US?"

  "No, that would have been robbery."

  "You were going to rob me."

  "That was before you became my friend."

  Marivic chipped in and spoke with Nilo in whatever language she was using. Nilo must have understood and he conversed with Marivic to T.A's exclusion and annoyance for about a minute.

  Nilo must have noticed T.A's frown.

  "Your friend is also from Mindanao like me. She was quizzing me that I'd better give you back any money that I'd taken off you. If I didn't she would cause me trouble."

  T.A. grinned at the thought that Marivic had become protective of him so quickly.

  "Then I told her she had better take care of you properly while I was away or I would cause her trouble." T.A.'s smile widened. Two virtual strangers had become his protective friends.

  With that, T.A. flagged a passing taxi and opened the door for Marivic to enter. Nilo waited for Marivic to turn her back, then, he gave a positive nod of the head and the thumbs up sign to T.A. It was a sure sign that he had given the stamp of approval for T.A.'s choice.

  In minutes they were back at the Swagman. The greeting guards/doormen looked closely at Marivic as they let her in and then they smiled at T.A. Marivic was required to produce some identification at reception which was recorded. This was simply a security precaution operated in most hotels to record visitor details in case hotel or guest property was stolen. In many ways it was merely protecting the guests against their own stupidity and carelessness.

  After drinking a coffee in his room, Marivic asked if she could shower. Within minutes, T.A. had stripped and joined her, the warm water surrounding their embraces.
