Read Just One Kiss: A Black Alcove Novel Page 13

  Chapter Eleven


  “On time again?” Sara puts her hand on my forehead. “Nope, she isn’t sick,” she says to Logan, who’s sitting next to her at the bar.

  “Hmmm.” He rubs his chin. “Could a certain new man in town have anything to do with this punctual thing you’ve got going on?”

  He chuckles slightly and Sara giggles. I swat her arm away from my face and walk around the bar to put my purse in the cubby. I can get very little past Sara. When you put her and Logan together, it’s like they are one smart-ass person with this creepy power that makes you admit anything and everything with just a look.

  “I won’t deny it. I’m happy to see Ethan again,” I say flatly. But his running off at breakfast a few days ago? Not impressive and not a good sign, considering I haven’t seen him since then.

  “I knew it!” Sara shouts, kicking her chair back as she stands and points a finger in my face. “You were into him even when we were kids. Ahhh! This is so exciting.”

  “Are you just figuring this out?” Logan asks, returning her chair upright.

  “No, I always knew. I was just waiting for her to admit it.”

  “Sure you were.” Logan joins me behind the bar. I wipe off the counters as I make my way to the sink at one end and turn on the water. I’ll let those two enjoy their moment. If they can ever figure out their own relationship, I could see many double dates in the future. A high squeal comes from their end of the bar, and I look to see that Logan is now tickling Sara from behind.

  Why would she want to leave this? Most people are happy when they talk about traveling, but there wasn’t a smile on her face when she told me she was leaving. Just a mention that her father said if she wants him to fund it, it’s now or never.

  “Okay, stop, stop. I need to talk to Kelsey about girl things and you need to finish doing that inventory count in the back.” She pushes Logan away and he grins until he’s out of sight. God, those two drive me nuts.

  “So, you and Logan?” I raise my eyebrows a few times to tease her.

  “No, I don’t think so. We need to talk about you and Ethan. Do you really think it’s a good idea?” She laces her fingers together on top of the bar and gives me a serious look.

  “What, him being the manager? I think it will work out fine. Why?”

  “No, I’m talking about the idea of you and him. Together. In a relationship. I think it’s a bad idea.”

  “Whoa.” I set the rag down, cross my arms, and lean my hip against the counter. “First, we’re not in a relationship, and second, five minutes ago I thought you were excited about this.”

  “That was best friend Sara talking. This is Boss Sara.”

  “Ohhh, I see. Well, boss, nothing has come up about dating. We’re just friends trying to catch up. That’s all.”

  Lies. All lies. I’m totally into him.

  “Well, I hope so. He called to tell me he would be working tonight after he made a huge deal last night about not working. I assume it’s because of you.”


  “I trust you, Kels, but the look on your face just now doesn’t say ‘just friends’.”

  I want to prove her wrong. Instead, I spend most of the night watching the door, waiting for him to show up. When he finally does, I struggle to keep my eyes off him.

  Sara’s going to hate me if I screw this up.


  I should be learning everything I can about this place, but these people seem to think the only thing I know how to do is change a keg or bring them more alcohol. I grab another box of plastic cups from the storage room and head toward the bar. Logan and Kelsey are the only bartenders tonight; Beth and Abby are on the floor. I thought we’d need more people than that, but since it’s Monday and the BA closes early, a small staff is all we need.

  I’m relieved to have Logan around. There are mostly females employed here, and it’s not that I don’t enjoy it or that I’m sexist, but it can be overwhelming trying to keep them all happy. The guy I met on my first day was Lucas. He only works every other Saturday, so I don’t plan on seeing him much.

  I knock on the bar to get Logan’s attention. “I moved that keg for you. Do you need anything else?”

  If my dad were here, he would be flipping out at my offer. “Connellys don’t do favors for others; people do the favors for the Connellys” is his favorite saying.

  Funny thing is, I’m a Connelly and I like helping other people. I’m not like him.

  “No, I’m good,” Logan says and tilts his head away from the bar. “What do you think so far? Is this something you can handle?” There’s a touch of humor to his voice as he asks me this. He nods toward the corner where Abby is waiting on a group of men. They all look to be about my age and they’re all watching her every move. She laughs and the entire group does the same.

  “I guess that’s one way to make tips.”

  “You’ll get to see some pretty unique stuff around here. Especially during the school year. Last fall, some guy came in here every Friday night to sit in Beth’s section. He was a student and all so it wasn’t anything weird, but he left her at least fifty bucks every week.”

  “Really, what was he drinking?”

  “Water. He finally worked up the courage to ask her out. She said no and the guy hasn’t been back since.”

  I chuckle. “Money can’t buy everything.”

  I lean back against the wall at the end of the bar, crossing my ankles, and watch the scene in front of me. Everyone, both customers and employees, seems at ease here. Being in a bar isn’t just about drinking. This is where people come to visit, meet up, or cool down after a busy day at work. A lot goes into creating an environment like this. Does my dad know what he would be getting into? If he ever got his hands on that account number, would he take that away from these people?

  “You look like you could use a drink,” Logan says without looking back at me. He’s mixing a rum and coke in front of him and before I know it, he pours it into a plastic cup and hands it to me. “Here, take this to the cooler and relax for a minute.”

  I reach for it. “The cooler?”

  “Yeah, it’s sort of our thing here. We can have a drink or two after a certain time, but we usually take it to the cooler to catch a break.”


  “Why not? Just go.”

  I stare at him hesitantly for a minute.

  “Just do it.”

  Glancing between him and the drink, I finally give in. It’s been a long night and one drink isn’t going to hurt anyone.

  I push the door to the cooler open and step inside only to freeze when I see Kelsey standing inside with her back to me. She turns when she hears the door, setting down the cup in her hand. Her eyes dart to the matching clear cup in mine.

  “Starting this habit early, are you?”

  “Looks to be the thing,” I say. “What are you drinking?”

  “Reds,” she says, picking up her cup and finishing it. She steps for the door, but I stop her.

  “You don’t have to leave just because I’m here.”

  “I’m not. But it might look weird if someone realizes we’re both in the cooler for longer than five minutes.”

  “It hasn’t even been one minute; give me a couple more.”

  She rubs her arms and nods.

  “Sorry I ran out on you the other morning. Something came up, but it was a dick move.”

  “Yeah, a little bit. Especially since you left me with the dishes.” A hint of a smile touches her lips.

  I laugh. “I did do that, didn’t I?”

  “Yeah, didn’t you ever hear the rule you cook, you clean?”

  “I may have heard of that. I promise next time I’ll clean up my mess.”

  Our eyes lock and her face lights up. Her lips press together as she holds back a smile, but she still nods. “Okay.”

  I step toward her, because there’s no way I’m going to pass on this chance with her. My hand grazes
her arms and goose bumps fill the surface, a mixture from my touch and the temperature inside the cooler. I know it’s cold in here, but all I can focus on is how Kelsey’s body feels against mine and the way her eyes shine as she looks up at me. I have been dreaming about this since the moment I came back. I lean forward and she closes her eyes. The cooler hums mute the sound of my heartbeat. Her hand rests against my cheek, and I can feel the closeness of our lips, almost touching but not quite yet, and that’s when my cousin decides she wants to join us.

  “I don’t know where they are, but I’ll bring you a case,” she says, holding the door open with her back to us. I grab my cup, placing it inside Kelsey’s empty one, and step back from her. She smiles and heads for the door.

  “Oh there you are,” Sara says, glancing between us. “What are you guys doing in the cooler? Are you crazy? It’s cold in here.”

  As if she were trying to make a point, she shivers. “Ethan, grab a case of Bud bottles while you in here,” she adds quickly before exiting. Kelsey follows right behind her.

  With a grin, I grab the brown box. Sara just caught two people in the freezer and acted like it was no big deal we were hanging out in here. Either they all sneak off for drinks a lot or she is a total space case.

  Warm air hits me and Sara is waiting for me on the other side, leaning with her back against the bar and her arms crossed.

  “Week one, Ethan,” she says, shaking her head. “Seven days and you’re already sneaking into the cooler to do what? Play kiss face with my best friend. This is a real business, Ethan. I would think that after attending those business courses and getting a degree you would have figured that out by now. Behavior like that doesn’t work for me.”

  “Hey, I didn’t plan for that to happen. She was already in there. I had no idea.”

  “And what? You thought you two would just warm each other up?”

  “Sara, it wasn’t like that,” I say with a defensive tone.

  She releases a long sigh before hanging her head in front of her.

  “Look, I kind of had a feeling things with you and Kelsey would, well…I don’t know. I just had a feeling and it turns out I was right.” She looks down and fidgets with her hands. “Kelsey is my best friend and you’re my cousin. Promise me you will get to know Kelsey better before you jump into anything. I don’t want either of you getting hurt.”

  Get to know Kelsey better. I will do everything I could to make this happen. And I am not going to waste any time doing it. I want her. I want every part of her.

  There’s just one problem. I still haven’t figured out how am I going to make a relationship with her and get my father off my back?

  “Absolutely,” I say when she gives me hug. Sara heads in Logan’s direction, passing Kelsey as she does so. My view lingers a bit as I watch her rinse some glasses in the sink.

  If I do what my father wants and Kelsey finds out, I’ll never stand a chance with her. If I continue this with Kelsey, I’ll never get the kind of relationship with my father that I want. One has to mean more to me than the other, and it scares me that losing an opportunity with Kelsey weighs on me just as much as strengthening what I have with my father.