Read Just One Night Page 5

  Chapter 5

  “But you are so out of my league.” I mumble, not believing what he is saying to me. “How can you possibly want to date someone like me?”

  “Tara you’re beautiful.” He says in disbelief. “Surely you know that?”

  I just look at him not responding either way.

  “Oh my god Tara!” Jaydan gasps at me in total shock, then anger. “Whoever told you, you weren’t needs to be punched in the head a few times.”

  “Hugo said something similar.” I confess, knowing full well that they will tell him anyways. “In fact they all did.”

  “Told you what?”

  “Hugo was telling me you were a good guy, and I said I knew that. But he seemed to insist on making sure I knew it.” I sigh. “Of course I know it.  But I just told him your way out of my league. A guy that looks like you does not date chicks that look like me.”


  “He reacted the same way you did.” I raise a hand to stop him. Jaydan has steam coming out of his ears and it’s actually kind of cute. “Like I have rocks in my head or something. Then they all started calling me pretty and attractive and it just got too much. I couldn’t handle it and that’s when I ran into you… literally.”

  “You mean to tell me you were so upset because a few guys called you pretty?”

  “Told you I’m stupidly stupid.”

  “Oh Tara!” Jaydan wraps me in a hug. “Honey whatever the guy that made you feel this way said, family, friends whoever. Whoever said that has no idea what they were talking about. You are so totally beautiful and way in my league, it’s more me who’s out of yours.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous!” I exclaim. “Why would you think that?”

  “You go to Uni.” He says as if that’s the only reason he needs. “I work in a bar.”

  “Yeah and?” I say.

  “You’re studying psychology. I still work in a bar.”

  “Don’t you also work in your dad’s distribution company?” I point out.

  “Yes.” He agrees. “They made a roll up for me because my passion was music. I didn’t want to go to Uni but Dad wanted me to have a good job.”


  “So in other words an acceptable job in their eyes where I’m paid well but miserable.”

  “So you don’t like your job?” I ask.


  “So?” I say, shrugging. “Do music too.”

  “Music doesn’t pay a lot beautiful.”

  “Please don’t call me that.” I say stiffening up again. “It makes me uncomfortable.”


  “Jaydan your needed back at the bar.” A young woman with pert boobs practically falling out of her top screams at him. “One of the newb’s broke a keg”

  “How the hell did he do that?”

  “Dropped it off the top of the bar.”

  “How the hell did he get it up there?”

  “I’m not sure sir.”

  “What was it doing on there in the first place?”

  “I don’t know sir.” She takes a step back as he starts to move over me and out of the booth. He gets to the edge and spins back around to plant a kiss on me. “I have to go deal with this. I finish in like three hours can you wait for me?”

  “What am I meant to do?” I blurt out without thinking. He’s not my event planner!

  “You can hang out with us.” Steven says sliding in the booth opposite me. These boys sure have good timing. They keep appearing at just the right moment. “It would be nice to hang out with a decent chick for a change. This place will get crowded soon but only certain people are allowed back here so it’s not so cramped.”

  “Please wait?” Jaydan asks, he looks a little unsure. I almost feel guilty.

  What’s the harm in waiting? The guy of my dreams is asking me to hang out with his friends and wait for him. How can I say no to that? “Okay.” I agree and as they all start clapping I raise my hand to silence them. “On one condition but.”

  “What's that?” Tyson asks sliding in beside Cameron, tray of drinks in his hand.

  “No one is to compliment me about my looks… in any way got it?” I stare them all down, my normal calmness taking over.

  “Yes ma’am.” Hugo salutes me. The others all nod.

  “I mean it.” I add for good measure. “One word and I’m out and none of you will be able to woo me to stay.”

  “I I ma’am.” They all echo, this time I earn a salute off all five boys, Jaydan included.

  “Okay good.” He nods just as the female co-worker calls for him again. “Look after her boys.” He says shooting them all a look.

  “Of course!” Tyson looks offended. “Go be a boss.” He goads.

  “A boss?” I ask surprised. I know that Jaydan practically lives here on the weekends, but I didn’t know he was a boss. “He’s the boss?”

  “He o… oww!” Steven cries as he is kicked under the table by someone. Hugo is shooting him daggers. “He will tell you all about it when he finishes I am sure.” He says to me.

  “He’s the boss?” I whisper under my breath. “How old is he?” I question no one in particular.

  “21 little lady.” Hugo says when no one else responds. “In the hospitality industry that’s considered a senior.”

  “Yeah I guess.” I agree, nodding. “I’m just surprised. He seems so much more…”

  “Mature?” Hugo supplys.

  “Yes.” I nod. I watch Jaydan take control of the situation in less than a second. He has people cleaning up and patching up in moments.

  “Let’s dance.” Steven suggests extending his hand to me. He snaps me out of my gaze and I jump.

  “I don’t dance.” I shake my head, sitting on my hands.

  “Everyone dances Tara.” Steven says waving his hand around. “No excuses miss. Let’s go.”

  “But we just got drinks.” I say gesturing to the tray full of fresh drinks. All four men pick up their respective drinks and gulp them down.

  “Not anymore.” Hugo smiles through the burning vodka grimace. “Let’s go.”


  “You have run out of excuses little lady.” Hugo grabs my hand and hoists me up. “You’re dancing.”

  Touchy feely people! I cry silently to myself. Don’t take no for an answer bullies! I know I am being unreasonable but I feel like I have just suddenly gained four big brothers. Four bossy big brothers. “Okay fine.” I sigh. “You people are really bossy you know that right?”

  “Says the one who won’t let us tell her she's beautiful.” Cameron teases and I freeze. “Just sayin’ pumpkin.” He says hands raised in surrender.

  “Ahh! Let’s just do this.” I say ignoring him. I march to the middle of the dance floor and the boys flank both my sides, two on each. I have no idea what I’m doing but I start listening to the music, feeling the rhythm and swaying with it. Eventually I loosen up enough as the boys start acting crazy around me, trying to impress the girls around us.

  I am laughing at Steven’s blatant attempt on a shy girl when I feel a tap on my shoulder. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I freeze. Only one person in this world sends chills up my spin.

  “Tara.” He says and I barely control my urge to shudder. I turn around to face the demon of my past.
