Read Justification For Killing Page 27

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Captain Robert Scarburg, III was just finishing his last cup of coffee for the day. He and Krista’s usual quitting time was around 6 p.m. He always joked and said, “There were two things he did not want to be late for - supper and payday.” But today both he and Krista had been burning the midnight oil putting the final preparations on the ‘expedition’ back to Dallas. This day supper was going to be late.

  The time was 10:05 a.m. Friday morning in the frozen regions of northern Russia but it was 9:05 p.m. Thursday night in Washington.

  The Personal Communicator panel on his desk began to glow. An image of Krista appeared, “Captain you have a call from the SECNAV Admiral James Altman.”

  “By-ned, Krista what do you think the Secretary of the Navy wants at this time of night?”

  “Are you just going to talk about him or do you want to talk to him?”

  “Well of course I want to talk to him, put him on... Good evening Mr. Secretary, Director Scarburg here... how are Louise and the kids?”

  “Fine Bob, fine, but this isn’t a personal call.”

  “Sorry Admiral, what can I do for you?”

  “Bob, I’m afraid I have some distressing news...”

  “Hold on just a minute Jim... you and I have had this same conversation before... In fact, I believe it was about a year or so ago... you called and told me the plane carrying Forrest, Bud and Olive Maria had gone down off the coast of Mexico. Now, this time I can guarantee you all my grandkids are safe and sound right here on the ground in the good ole USA. They sure aren’t flying on any airplanes today...”

  “Bob, please, let me finish...”

  “Sorry, Admiral I got carried away, please... continue.”

  “It’s not your children this time Bob... it’s... it’s... Sam Lin and Si Lei! Their plane was coming south out of the Arctic Ocean across Russia headed toward their Hong Kong destination. They ran into a monster of a blizzard somewhere over northern Russia, and the control tower in Hong Kong lost radar contact with the plane. They believe it went down. There is some talk about a mid-air collision or near miss, we are not quite sure which, but we haven’t heard from their plane since 2215 hours last night, their time.”

  “Jim, this cannot be happening - a person would have to script two airplane tragedies such as these in such a short period of time – this sounds like a book or movie? Tell me this is a joke?”

  “Sorry my good friend, I wish I could say it wasn’t so. I’ll keep you apprised of any situational changes. Good bye and good night Bob.”

  “Thank you for the information Admiral, good night Sir.”

  Krista entered Captain Scarburg’s office. She, as always, wanted to find out what the SECNAV wanted. Captain Scarburg offered her a seat and began to explain the call with Secretary of the Navy, Admiral Altman. The Captain, to say the least, was distraught. After his explanation Krista joined him in his overwrought state. She sat with her handkerchief dabbing the tears from the corner of her eye, quietly sobbing, neither spoke. The Captain had turned his chair to face the wall. If Krista had been able to see, she also would have seen tears beginning to glisten in his eyes also.

  “What are we going to do?” asked Krista.

  “Krista, go back to your office and call the kids - fill them in on the situation, I’m going over to Spook and Tinker’s. Sam Lin and Si Lei are Spook’s brothers he needs to be informed in person about the plane crash.”

  “Yes Captain,” answered Krista.

  “Krista, have you seen my cowboy hat – the one I brought back from Dallas? I seem to have misplaced it.”