Read Justification For Killing Page 29

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “Krista! Krista! Get in here! The Captain yelled into his Personal Communicator. Catching himself, “Krista, would you please come into my office!”

  Without answering she, hearing the tone in his voice, leaped from her chair and hurried into his inner office. Throwing his door open, she saw the Captain sitting at his desk. Cigar smoke permeated the whole room. It appeared he was on his third or fourth one, and it wasn’t even ten in the morning.

  “Land sakes! What in the devil are you yelling about Captain?”

  “Krista... that sun-of-a-gun downstairs in the laboratory has to be taken care of. I don’t how and I don’t know when but he’s got to get his. You know he tried to kill me? Kill me, I tell you. Me! Me! He tried to kill me!” The Captain said storming around his office, flailing his arms into the air and speaking almost incoherently.

  “Calm down Captain... just calm yourself. Tell me what you want me to do about Mr. Rousseau. We know people... you want to have him hurt, maimed, killed? Which one? Just tell me which way to go, and I’ll set the plans in motion.”

  “Right! By-ned your right Krissy, but which... but which... now that’s a good question? Well I cannot answer right now, what I need to find out is what does this have to do with SCAR. I know he has been with us from the beginning, and I have known for years he thought he should have been included as a SCAR founder, but I do not believe that would be enough to make him a killer. He must have another reason. He surely must have had some prior involvement with us, or some of the things we deal with. This we must find out. You know I had already sent Sam Lin and Si Lei to Bangkok to do some background digging on him, but I just returned from Spook and Tinker’s home. They took the news of the boys plane crash hard... hard... I tell you, and I don’t blame them. I’m taking it hard too. Something has to be done... I mean I’ve got to get that guy. If it hadn’t been for Rousseau I would not have assigned the investigative mission to Bangkok to Sam Lin and Si Lei... those two would still be alive today!!! Alive, I tell you... alive... Rousseau killed them... if it had not been for him Sam Lin and Si Lei would still be alive. I’ve got to get Ryan Rousseau. He did all but commit the murder himself. You hear me Krista – he is a murderer!”

  “Yes I hear you Captain, please put the Cutty Sark bottle down, I believe you have had enough Scotch, we need to talk. What do you want me to do?”

  “I don’t know Krista, but I know a couple of guys who can help us find out and take care of the problem if you understand what I mean. I had intended to send them to Bangkok to help in the Rousseau investigation, but now Bangkok will be Sam Lin and Si Lei’s mission alone.”

  “But who Captain? Who are they?”

  “Krista, get me the two people I need, and have them report to me ASAP. Tell them I needed them yesterday, that’s how quick they should endeavor to get here.”

  “Okay, Captain, right away... one small question though?

  “What,” asked the Captain, frustrated?

  “Who? Who are the two people you want me to get?”

  “Why, Lonnie Joe and Rocky! That’s who!” He replied.

  Krista knew exactly who they were. Lonnie Joe was Dr. Lonnie Joe Wheeler, and Rocky (as he preferred) was Jacque Jolliet.

  Gabby was the only one who could call him Jacque... and she pronounced Jacque in the style of the French. Not Jack as an American would do. Jacque loved the way she pronounced his name, letting the word roll off her tongue ever so silky.

  He and Gabby had been an item while working together in Egypt, but the timing wasn’t right for them. They might have become more than an item had Gabrielle not been called back home from Egypt, and Jacque had not been sent on another assignment to Iraq.

  Gabby had to return home after hearing Bud, Forrest and Olive Marie had been reported lost on the downed plane destined for Mexico City.

  At the mention of Jacque, Krista could not contain her excitement any longer. She knew how much he meant to her daughter Gabrielle. They had not seen each other since their separation in Egypt. It had been a long year with Rocky gone to the warzone of Iraq.

  “Gabrielle, Hon you will never in a thousand years guess who is being re-called back to SCAR Headquarters for re-assignment to a new mission,” Krista said excitedly to Gabby on the telephone.

  “Come on Mom, you know I don’t like these guessing game... just tell me, who?”

  “Hold your breath - Jacque... Jacque Jollett! Your Grandpa has a mission for him. The Captain is pulling him out of Iraq and returning him to Washington. I am trying to locate him at this very minute, but I just couldn’t wait to tell you the news. I have tried all his contacts, but he is off the radar, in fact, it is possible he is on his way home as we speak. In fact, his year assignment was up last month. He may have left on his own. I don’t want to worry you, but something could have happened to him.

  “You mean he could be... could be... dead?” Asked Gabby.

  “No! No, I don’t to worry you, but yes it is a possibility, but let’s not think about that, I’m sure he is okay. He could be here any time now... Gabby...? Gabby are you there?”