Read Justification For Killing Page 31

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  SCAR Headquarters, Washington, D.C. Friday, November 30, 2012. The time was 10:00 a.m.

  “Director? Lonnie Joe and Rocky are here,” Krista announced to Captain Scarburg. Lonnie Joe, (mostly referred to as LJ), and ‘Rocky’ Jolliet were exceptional team members of Captain Scarburg’s SCAR operation. Both had been involved in several SCAR expeditions in the past, and the Captain knew they were the perfect pair to assist him in his current “situation”. Krista had no trouble located the two, and they had made excellent time getting to SCAR Headquarters to find out their next mission.

  Lonnie Joe, a medical doctor, a “real” doctor as he likes to emphasis, was not one of those Post-Hole Diggers (PHDs), like most of the other key SCAR staff members. Dr. Lonnie Joe Wheeler, MD was a good ole Alabama boy, a distant grandson of the famous Confederate General Fightin’ Joe Wheeler. LJ an ex-Special Forces captain who had wasted his life (as he said), on wine, women and song, and could not figure out where all his money had gone. He measured a shade over six feet; his muscled body was stoutly built and strong as a pair of oxen. A head full of jet-black hair manicured into a perfect ‘high and tight’ GI haircut topped off his body.

  He might be an intellectual, a doctor, but he had a propensity to drink hard and fight harder; a barroom brawler who would fight you at the drop of a hat. He was the type of man you would want with you and not against you. He loved bar fights and Lynchburg, Tennessee’s finest - eighty proof Jack Daniel’s corn whiskey. The black label not the green served ‘neat’ with a splash of water (not in a glass but in his face after the fight). He loved his JD so well he never knew when to stop drinking. Usually, it was when the bartender saw the bottom of the Jack Daniel’s bottle or the fight ended - which ever came first.

  Jacque was Jacque Jolliet, or Rocky. Rocky was more of the lover type but carried a Marine ten-inch Ka Bar bowie knife just in case some fiend didn’t want to love him back. Why Rocky... no one knew. Some believe his ‘handle’ may have come from some of his earlier Special Forces exploits when his buddies might have remarked: ‘He was steady as a rock and never ran from the enemy.’ Who knows? Well, at least it made for a good story. He was a full four or five inches taller than Lonnie Joe, but like Lonnie Joe he too was an ex-Special Forces warrior. His tanned features displayed his Italian ancestry, although an American citizen, he was born in Londonderry, Northern Ireland. His father, a U.S. Marine had been stationed at the Londonderry U.S. Naval Communication Station. His mother was from Naples. They brought him to the United States at an early age, but his Irish accent never quite left him. If you listen closely, a hint of the Irish brogue is still there. Rocky’s body was tall and lean, his hair was curly black, his eyes were a piercing sky blue, and his tanned muscles seemed to explode from his, ever present, Special Forces t-shirt. As a Captain, he led a Special Forces A-team into Baghdad the night before Operation Desert Storm began in ’91. He was smart as a whip and rough as a cob, but packaged in a body that women would melt over. However, it was hard to believe this man’s man had the habits of a librarian. He was meticulous in everything he did - a place for everything and everything in its place. When not actively involved in his latest exploit, you could find him perusing the pages of the latest top selling novel or exploring the words of the great authors of by-gone years. At forty-one, he was beginning to feel like the old man of the outfit – well, except for the Captain, that is.

  Both LJ and Rocky had been on the SCAR expedition to the Bahariah Oasis, in Egypt, over a year ago. Gabby and Lou were on that assignment also. While, in Egypt, they had been involved investigating a centuries old mummy that was of interest to SCAR.

  Oh yes, Krista was well aware of those two!

  Hearing Krista’s announcement of LJ and Rocky’s arrival, Captain Scarburg arose from his desk and walked across his office to the door. “Gentlemen! Gentlemen, good to see you, come into my office,” the Captain said, stepping aside and motioning with his arm. He followed the two inside. “Grab yourselves a seat. Would you like a cup of coffee?” He said sitting down behind his desk.

  “Thanks, none for me,” said LJ.

  “What about you Rocky?”

  “Yeah, Captain, don’t mind if I do. Keep your seat, I remember where the pot is,” Rocky replied walking toward the coffee pot the Captain kept in his office.

  “Cigar...? The Captain said offering an open box to them both. “Okay, fire it up LJ. Rocky as you continue sipping on your java I’ll fill you both in on why I called you here this morning, but first let me tell you about ‘yesterday’.”

  For the next three hours, Captain Scarburg recalled the events of the past two weeks. He began with the meeting last Tuesday, the 20th of November. He explained how their alien friend Anhur had visited him in his office. LJ and Rocky were following the story until the part about the Parallel Universes was discussed.

  “Whoa, hold on there, Captain,” said Rocky sitting up straight in his chair. “I’ve been to a state fair and two rodeos, and I’ve never heard anything this strange - Parallel Universes? Is this actually possible?

  “Oh yeah, Rocky, not only is it possible, but I have proven it to be true. Just allow me to continue.”

  The Captain told them about leaving the meeting and his trip to the cow pasture in Celina, Texas. He explained the sabotage of the computers, which caused him to arrive on Wednesday, November 20th instead of Friday, November 22, 1963. They sat mesmerized as he told about ‘stealing’ the red shirt and blue overalls. Both LJ and Rocky snickered as Captain Scarburg told about Clem and Penelope, and marveled about Jack Ruby being Clem’s uncle. Both were startled to learn about the Mafioso meeting at Ruby’s Carousel Club in Dallas.

  They were astonished J.D. Tippit had been his jailer at the Dallas City Jail, and could not believe he left the assassination warning on the cell wall for Tippit. They sat on the edge of their chairs as the Captain told of watching the clock slip closer and closer to the 12:30 assassination time and he was still locked up in jail. Every step of the Captain’s adventure was greeted by questions and more questions by LJ or Rocky. After each explanation, he would return to his reminiscent of his past exploits.

  His description of his last minute release from jail and his dash to the rooftop of the Texas School Book Depository had them in suspense. They hardly breathed listening to the Captain tell them about interrupting the first shot of one of the assassins and his rush down the fire escape and into Clem’s waiting car. He even included Anhur and his umbrella and the assassin escaping from the Grassy Knoll.

  The escape back to Clem and Penelope’s ranch, the return to Pegasus and its subsequent repair was a nail-biting adventure. He did not fail to include the fact that anyone who had come into contact with him totally would forget him and whatever part they played in his strange adventure thirty minutes after Pegasus disappeared and returned to the present – 2012. The Captain ended his narration of his time-traveling adventure to Dallas, Texas with a summation of his meeting, upon his return, with Krista, Bud, Lou, Gabby, Spook, Tinker, Sam Lin and Si Lei.

  The time was approaching 2 p.m. The Captain had finished his briefing. He wouldn’t be pulling our leg, would he? Reasoned Lonnie Joe.

  This cannot be real, thought Rocky. The Captain is trying to get us to ‘bite’ on this story, but why?

  “Captain,” said LJ. “I’ve heard my part of tall-tales, but I believe this one tops all others. This story surely wasn’t real, was it?”

  “I agree,” Rocky remarked. “What are you trying to get us to do Captain? Why spin this elaborate wild adventure - why not just tell us what you have in mind?”

  “Okay guys, I see your skepticism, but this was not a fanciful, fictional tale of my exploits. It was real in every aspect. I personally returned to the past, observed and performed everything I have told you this morning, but you are right in one respect. There are some things I need you two to accomplish. I have expl
ained everything I did, but I left out one sad part of my story - it concerns Sam Lin and Si Lei. I sent them to Bangkok to dig up information on our laboratory director Mr. Ryan Rousseau, but their plane crashed somewhere over Russia and they are presumed dead!”

  “Captain, you have never lied to us. And knowingly, you would not have sent them to Thailand if this were not the truth, we believe you. I for one,” said LJ, “with all my scientific background, do not even for a minute, comprehend what you have said, but if you say it is true I take you at your word. Just comprehend Captain, Rocky and I are with you. What do you want from us?”

  “It’s close to two o’clock, I’m starving. I suggest we adjourn for lunch - I’m buying. When we get back I’ll fill you in on what I know about Sam Lin and Si Lei’s bad news, and I’ll lay out your mission, that is if you decide to take it.”

  Getting to his feet LJ glanced toward Rocky, “I do not know about you Rocky, but I never refuse a meal, especially if someone else is buying.”

  Grinning Rocky agreed.

  The Captain pushed his chair back from his desk, stood up and motioned to LJ and Rocky. “Come on fellows, I know a new place that has the most fabulous seafood bar.” Before they could leave Krista summoned the Captain on his Personal Communicator.

  “Captain, there is a call for you on line one.”

  “Sorry, Krissy, have them call back I’m taking LJ and Rocky to lunch right now.”

  “But, Captain I believe you will want to take this call - it’s Si Lei!!”

  “What? Si Lei, no... no... you mean they are not dead – what’s going on?”

  “He is calling from Hong Kong.”

  Picking up the phone, he answered, “Hello...! Si Lei...? Man we thought we had lost you and Sam Lin. Is he okay...?” For the next couple of minutes, the Captain conversed with his operative in Hong Kong. Concluding his call he turned to Lonnie Joe and Rocky. “Gentlemen, I had a mission all planned out for you, but that telephone call just proved Robert Burns was right - ‘the best laid plans of mice and men’. Things have changed. That phone call cleared up a lot of unanswered questions, but let’s go grab a bite, and I’ll have to talk to Sam Lin and Si Lei before I decide what you two need to do now. For the present, Krista has reserved you both suites at the Hilton Congress Inn. Relax for a couple of days and I’ll call when I have your new assignment finalized.”

  Opening his office door, the three walked into the outer office. “Let’s go eat!”

  As Lonnie Joe and Rocky closed Captain Scarburg’s door and walked by Krista’s office, she could not help but smile. Lonnie Joe and Jacque, now this was going to be good, she thought.

  The time was 1:30 p.m. Friday, November 30, 2012.