Read Justification For Killing Page 34

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Walking across the den towards the bedroom Baba was startled by the ringtone on her husband’s cell phone. Captain Scarburg had changed it to a rendition of The Stars and Stripes Forever.

  “For goodness sakes Robert, I thought John Philip Sousa’s band was marching through the house. Facetiously she said, “Couldn’t you have picked a louder ring?” she said smiling at the Captain, “who could be calling at this late hour?”

  “Sorry Hon, needed something loud to get my attention - would you mind answering it for me?”

  “Baba, may I, please speak to the Captain, it’s urgent?” said Sam Lin on the other end of the phone. Her name was actually Barbara, but since the days when grandson Forrest called here “Baba” as a young lad, the name stuck, now everyone referred to her with the same name. Funny thing, one of the few nicknames, Captain Scarburg did not give to someone.

  “Who is it Hon?”

  “It’s Sam Lin. He says it is urgent, he needs to speak with you.”

  Sitting straight up in his recliner the Captain asked her to toss him his phone...“Yes Sam Lin... What...? Oh I see. Yes... You know I have seen the name MK-ULTRA before... Do you know what it is? Good... What about Rousseau? Uh huh... right... Are you at the airport now? Okay, get the next flight out - don’t explain any further. We do not need to discuss this over the phone, we never know who might be listening. You and Si Lei can explain when you both get here. Looks like you might have stumbled onto something big. Good... see you both in a day or two. Goodbye.”

  “Are the boys okay? I sure was glad to hear they were not killed in the plane crash,” Baba said returning from the kitchen.

  “Well they are still alive if that is worth anything, but yeah, they are doing as well as could be expected. They are taking the first available flight out, and will be on their way home with some very valuable information concerning Ryan Rousseau, and a project named MK-ULTRA. The name MK-ULTRA was written on a napkin in Jack Ruby’s Dallas Carousel Club. One of the Mafia guys had written it - we knew it was important and was connected to the CIA in Bangkok, but we did not understand what it meant. I believe the boys may have discovered the answer. Hon, pitch me the phone book, would you? I have to call the guys over at the Hilton Congress Inn.”

  Baba questioned her husband about the lateness of the hour and the impropriety of calling the fellows after they had probably already gone to bed. The Captain responded by laughing and commenting they probably were not even in their rooms. He said if he actually wanted to talk to them, he should start calling the local bars and lounges. Both LJ and Rocky abhorred carrying a cell-phone, so that was not an option. He called the hotel and asked for Lonnie Joe’s room as predicted, no answer. Asking the hotel desk clerk for Rocky Jollett, the desk clerk remarked they were probably together, but he would buzz the room never the less. He listened as the in-room phone rang for the first, second and third time. As he was beginning to give up on contacting the guys and ready to hang up he heard the click of the receiver being picked up, “Hello,” said a female voice.

  “Sorry, I thought I was connected to Jacque Jollett’s room — ”

  Before he could finish, the voice on the other end replied, “Grandpa! Is that you?”

  “Gabby...? Gabby...! Is that you girl?”

  “I asked you first Grandpa.”

  “Sure granddaughter you know it’s me. What are you doing there... never mind, could I please speak to Rocky.” Gabby handed the phone to Jacque.

  “It’s Grandpa, he wants to talk to you.”

  “Yes Captain, what can I do for you?”

  “Rocky, I apologize for calling you so late, but I have some information I thought couldn’t wait until tomorrow.”

  “No... forget it Captain... I wasn’t asleep. In fact, we... I... I... mean I... was just getting out of the shower. What can I do for you?”

  The Captain thought about this for a second, but did not let his mind dwell on Rocky’s comment; instead he continued, “Rocky I just got a call from Sam Lin in Bangkok. He and Si Lei uncovered some information I believe has a bearing on you and LJ’s next assignment.”

  “What was the information?”

  “Not really sure Rocky, I did not want to discuss much with him over the phone - too many ears if you know what I mean. Sam Lin told me he and Si Lei had found something very important in Bangkok, so when they get back I would like you and Lonnie Joe to meet me in my office and we will discuss it. I told them to catch the next flight out, so I suppose they will be leaving sometime Sunday afternoon, their time. If so, they will be arriving tomorrow, be in my office Monday morning. Oh, by the way, I could not reach LJ would you fill him in on our plans and extend my regrets for not being able to talk with him in person.”

  “That’s okay Captain, he came by here earlier trying to get me to go clubbing with him, but I had a prior engagement and could not go, but I’ll be sure to relay your message to him when he gets back.”

  “That sounds good. My calendar is clear Monday, you two be there by 8:00 A.M. Just tell Krista I am expecting you both. Until then... later...”

  The time was 12:17 a.m. early Sunday morning, December 2, 2012.