Read Justification For Killing Page 60

  Chapter Fifty-Four


  Within a few seconds, Captain Scarburg began to regain his senses. Stumbling to his feet, he was aghast at the scene in front of his porthole window. No, it wasn’t that swamp in Africa, in fact, it wasn’t Africa at all – it was his cow pasture. An abundance of trees were growing everywhere and off to his left he could see what Clem had called the Double Pond Lake; however, those pesky ole beavers had not yet transformed the one large lake into the two smaller ones that Clem remembered.

  On the spot where the large cow pasture and old oil wells will be in the future, now an immense forest of primeval hardwood and pine trees intermingled with an abundance of mesquite flourished. Among the trees and close to the edge of the pond Captain Scarburg saw a faint hint of smoke rising up into the air. Glancing around the area, he saw not only one trail of smoke, but several. Were the woods on fire he supposed? Turning his attention from the changed scenery of his cow pasture to his unconscious crew he began trying to revive them.

  Olive Marie was the first to awaken. “Grandpa! Grandpa! What happened? Are we home yet?” She groggily inquired.

  “Hon, I’m sorry! No, we are not in Washington, unfortunately, you might be right. We MAY BE home! I was hoping I was wrong, but I believe we are indeed in the same cow pasture but by the look of things outside its not 1963. I believe it is many, many years in the past. Try to get the others awake, I’ve got an idea.”

  Turning his attention back to the control console, the Captain flipped on the switch to Mike’s Tachyon transmitter/receiver. Removing his Iphone from his pocket he touched the App labeled “Tachyon” and waited. Nothing happened. He pressed the glass screen again… and waited… again nothing… what is that noise? A slight crackling sound was coming from the phone. Holding the black Iphone to his right ear, the Captain believed he could hear something that sounded artificial. It was not static or background noise.

  Rocky, now awake, noticed the peculiar attention Captain Scarburg was paying to his Iphone and inquired, “Captain, what’s happening?”

  Noticing the same thing, Bud, Lou, Olive Marie, Forrest and Rocky all crowded in closer to the Captain seemingly trying to assist him in any way they possibly could.

  “Back up guys! Give me some breathing room… I am attempting to contact Mike back at the lab. I do not believe I told you all before, but Mike has developed a method to talk, not only between cell phones within a five mile radius of Pegasus as we have been doing while in Dallas. But on my first trip, once inside Pegasus, I was able to talk to him from this very same cow pasture. I’m trying to do it again.”

  “Grandpa, have you gone crazy? I thought you said we were destined to a Parallel Universe over two hundred and fifty years in the past – the year 1812 to be exact. How can you talk to Mike?”

  “I like to admit it when I’m right, but this time I wish I had to eat crow. I believe we are indeed in nineteenth century Texas, twenty years before Texas became a state! I think I can talk to Mike using something called Tachyons – don’t ask, I don’t know what they are either, but they, somehow, allow communication across time according to Mike.”

  The Captain explained to them the beaver pond he saw off in the distance and the unusual smoke he saw rising above the trees, but he had to explain also the finality of their voyage. They were in the year 1812, probably caused by the hand of Ryan Rousseau. He explained to them the terrible news: there was no way to fix the incorrectly programmed computer. He continued trying to contact Mike back in SCAR’s lab. If anyone knew there was a way they could repair the improperly sequenced pile of silicon chips, processors and hard drives known as the Pegasus master computer it would be Mike. He reasoned if Clem Ruby could change the computer setting once, it might just be possible they would be able to do it once again.

  “Okay, Grandpa, we understand. No, that’s not right! I don’t understand anything you have said, but quit talking and start working your cellphone and get Mike on the line,” demanded Olive Marie.

  The frying noise emanating from the Iphone quickly changed to a dial tone, which as quickly changed to a voice, “Hello… hello… is someone there?”

  It was Mike Watkins! “Mike! Mike! Is that you? The Captain screamed into the phone. “Mike, come-in, come-in… over, come-in... over.”

  Forrest quietly turned to Olive Marie and whispered into her ear, “Where does Grandpa think we are – in a World War Two bomber?”

  Before the grin on his face faded the voice had answered, “Captain? Captain? Talk to me... I can hear you. Where are you?”

  For the next couple of minutes, Mike and the Captain conversed back and forth. The Captain explained how the “ARRIVAL” gauge had been changed from 2012 to 1812, but the “DESTINATION” was still set for the cow pasture near Celina, Texas. “Is there anything from your end you can do to help us,” asked the Captain? “We are at your mercy Mike, please do something – we need to get out of this 1812 cow pasture here in Texas.”

  “No, I do not have any ideas readily available, but let me take a look at the original alien construction drawing that we used to build the time-machine. Maybe I can see something I might have missed before. I will get back to you as soon as I know something. Over and out.”

  “Grandpa, I’m scared! What are we to do?”

  “We will think of something, don’t worry. First let’s take inventory of our food and water supplies. We may be here for a while.”

  The Captain passed his hat around the group accumulating what few food items the group had: one Baby Ruth candy bar, a roll of breath mints, a package of chewing gum, some cheese crackers, a peanut butter sandwich. “Whoa,” said the Captain as he removed the items from his hat, “who had the peanut butter sandwich?”

  “It was mine,” said Lou sheepishly.

  “What…? Where…?” The Captain could not contain his amazement. “A peanut butter sandwich?”

  “Yeah, I got it at the boarding house before Bud and I left to go to Dealy Plaza. Mrs. Rodgers made it for me.” Grinning he added, “You know as I have always said, ‘you never know when a delicious peanut butter sandwich might come in handy’.”

  “Well said Lou, well said. Never thought I would have to ever say that to you about a sandwich, but I’m glad you have it, and it will come in handy.” As he was placing the inventory of items in the console drawer, his Iphone began playing The Stars and Stripes Forever – “Yes, Mike I’m here… got any good news?”

  Mike explained how he had poured over the alien blueprints and maybe, just maybe, there was a chance they could override the main computer on board Pegasus by placing a by-pass jumper module across the memory circuit. This might allow the master computer to reprogram the destination back to the Washington, D.C. and arrive on Wednesday December 7, 2012. There was a slim chance they could return to the twenty-first century. The drawback to Mike’s plan was the jumper module needed. From the drawing, Mike deduced the module must be round, made of solid gold, not fourteen-karat, not eighteen-karat, but twenty-four karat gold. The disk had to be exactly 1-7/8 inch in diameter. “We’re goners,” the Captain said out loud without thinking. “Sorry, I did not mean to get so pessimistic Mike, but we have no solid gold. We might have a ring or two, a couple of Olive’s earrings and maybe a gold neck chain, but fourteen karat is about as good as we have. Any ideas?”

  “Yeah, a couple Captain. I figured you would not have the gold, so I looked up the history of Texas. It seems that in the early part of the nineteenth century, the Spanish had a Mission del Celina situated exactly where the city of Celina, Texas is presently located. If you could find this mission it is possible the Padres might have some solid gold objects that you could use to fabricate the golden disk.”

  “Good idea Mike, we…”

  Before allowing the Captain to finish Mike added, “Hold on Captain, I have not given you the bad news. You must be very careful. The priests of that era had little luck converting the Native Americans, or Indians as
they were then called, of your area to Christianity. All the Indians wanted to do was steal the mission’s cattle, horses and slaughter and mutilate the inhabitants. They showed little respect to the priests. I cannot emphasis enough the dangers Captain!! You mentioned those fires outside Pegasus in the woods – watch your step Captain that smoke may not be from peace pipes. The Internet article said the Mission del Celina was totally wiped out in the early part of the 1800s by a renegade band of Native Americans, probably Comanches. Most all the settlers, including the Padre at the Mission were murdered.”

  “Comanches,” said the Captain, “those people are not deserving of the name ‘Native Americans’, those savages are pure dee ole war paint wearing Indians, the murdering, scalping, cutthroat kind of Indians. We’ll get back with you later Mike, contact us if you find out anything new... Thank you Mike.”

  “Wait Captain,” replied Mike. “I have not told you ALL the information about the disc – yes it has to be exactly 1-7/8 inches in diameter and 1/4 inches thick. Its face must be divided into four equal sections: one section must bear the resemblance of a man’s head; the second must be a lion; the third represents a bull and the fourth an eagle. The dividing line between the sections must be raised exactly 1/16 of an inch with the dividing lines touching the outer edge at twelve o’clock, three o’clock, six o’clock and at nine o’clock. A laser scanner is built into the master computer that will read these symbols. The dividing line, somehow, routs the electrical charge through the disc in some unknown sequence of pulses that are read by the computer. If you will notice Captain Scarburg, there is a slot on the front of the computer console, insert the disc there when, and if, you get one fabricated. If all goes well when you insert the disc, you should then be able to change the gauges to the correct GPS coordinates and the date can be changed back to 2012.”

  The blood had all but drained from the Captain’s face as he turned to his group with a trembling voice and said, “You all heard Mike. We are between a rock and a hard place. The only hope we have to fix this infernal machine is with that solid gold disc.”

  “Grandpa, did anything that Mike say make sense to you?”

  “Oh yes, I know precisely what the disc must look like. I have seen those symbols many times before. We can do this if we can find the gold. I’m going to try to make my way to the Mission del Celina and see if I can find some solid gold that we might be able to use.”

  “Count me in too Captain,” said Rocky.

  Bud, Lou and Forrest were eager to go also, but the Captain reminded them that someone had to say behind and protect Olive Marie. “Ah Grandpa, she will be fine, you know Pegasus is going to be invisible, so no one will be able to see it, and besides even if they found our time-machine they could not get inside. Pegasus is built practically like a bank vault. Please let us go with you? You and Rocky might need some extra help.”

  “On second thought you may be right Forrest, you are the only one here that can speak Spanish. That Padre at the Mission, if it is still there, probably cannot converse in English – you can come with us and be the interpreter, but the rest of you guys must stay here and protect Olive Marie. And make sure Lady stays inside don’t let her out either. They would have her barbecued over one of their fires before you would realize she was gone. She would be only two good bites for those murdering savages.”

  For the next few minutes, they all engaged in a strategy session. The Captain, Rocky and Forrest would exit Pegasus and head east. The Captain explained that, in the 1963 world, there was a Texas Farm to Market Road Number 604 just past that grove of mesquite trees where all the smoke was coming from. He explained a left turn past the trees, and modern day Celina was up that road about two miles. His reasoned the town must have been built around the old Mission. If the Mission had not been destroyed that is where they should find the Padre. Checking the automatic pistol in his coat pocket the Captain, Rocky and Forrest were ready to begin their trek to find the Mission. The last instruction was to Bud and Lou: “Keep a sharp lookout through the porthole and open the hatch when you see us return, and look after your sister,” said the Captain.


  As the three neared the hardwood, pine and mesquite trees growing close to what would later become the Double Pond Lake Captain Scarburg could see the smoke he earlier saw was coming from fires burning around an encampment of Indians; although not versed in the Indian culture – these were Comanches he supposed based on the information from Mike. Dozens of tepees were scattered among the trees, and numerous Indians, in buckskins, were milling about the fires sharpening their knives, or repairing and cleaning their weapons. At the edge of the camp dozens of Indian ponies had been hobbled… beautiful mustangs – spotted appaloosas, paints and many were solid colored with every variation imaginable. Quite a few had white circles drawn around their eyes; others had white prints of their Indian masters hands embossed on their magnificent bodies with paint. Some even had their manes braided with eagle feathers. The animals were handsome, with excellent feet and legs, with as much savvy as any horses that ever lived. Height ranged from thirteen to sixteen hands; weight appeared to be 700 to 1,000 pounds. Even considering modern times, thought Captain Scarburg, those have to be the most magnificent examples of equine flesh ever bred.

  “Shhh”, the Captain quietly said placing his finger to his lips. He pointed to a group of women working close to the edge of the camp engaged in what appeared to be scraping, cleaning and tanning of buffalo hides. Tiptoeing along the soft, pine needle, strewn ground they soon found themselves past the band of Comanches. Quickly they hid within the woods on the other side.


  “Bud, Lou do we have any water? I’m thirsty. I have not had anything to drink since we left the Ponderosa early this morning.”

  Bud annoyingly answered, “No Olive, we haven’t either, but it is too dangerous to go outside Pegasus…”

  “Bud, please just let me go outside, and get some snow, and we will melt that. Isn’t that a good idea?”

  “No! That is not a good idea.” Giving it a bit of though he replied, “Okay, I might slip outside and get a few handfuls of snow.” He said pressing the “OPEN” button on the hatch. The door hissed as it opened and the air escaped from the inside of Pegasus as Bud, Lou and Olive Marie huddled close to the opening ready to scurry down the ladder to the ground.

  The door wasn’t half open when Bud exclaimed, “Oh no!!”

  Looking at Bud with surprise, “What? What is it Bud?”

  They had been transported back in time over two hundred and fifty years, but on that Wednesday December the 7th in the year 1812 it HAD NOT snowed! The ground was snow-free.

  Shutting the hatch, Bud looked at Olive Marie with disappointment, “I’m sorry Sis, maybe Grandpa will bring some water back. They know we do not have anything to drink. Here, Olive, take my jacket, lie down and try to get some rest, you too Lou. Let’s all take it easy Grandpa will be back shortly. If we could get some sleep we will forget about being thirsty.”


  “What do you think?” Forrest said to his Grandpa as they lay behind the moss-covered log at the edge of the cleared settlement gazing across to the mud walls of Mission del Celina. The whole area in and around the Mission was littered with dead bodies, arrows protruding from many of them. Some exhibited hideous knife or spear wounds. Most of the mutilated bodies appeared to have been scalped. Glowing embers of one covered wagon could be seen smoldering and burning with its driver lying dead, his hands still grasping the leather reins to a team of non-existent horses. A misty ground fog enveloped the whole area giving it an eerie, ghoulish look.

  Whispering Grandpa answered, “I don’t know Forrest, it appears everyone has been massacred by the Indians. They have killed all the people around the Mission.” Reaching into his coat pocket, he removed the Army pistol, “Come, let’s slip across this clearing and see if anyone could still be alive inside the church.”
  The massive oak doors screeched on rusty hinges as they were slowly pushed open. Captain Scarburg motioned with his hand for Forrest and Rocky to hold back as he slipped inside with the pistol held high in his right hand. The interior of the Mission was dark, and the air was crisp and cold. There was a musty smell as if one had entered a deep cavern. A hint of burning embers hung heavily in the air. A step or two inside Captain Scarburg could see barely into the dimness, the church appeared empty. Turning to Forrest and Rocky he motioned for them to enter.

  The three hesitantly walked down the center aisle of the church toward the alter at the front. The Captain carried the automatic pistol ready to swing it into action if the need arose. The sound of their boots echoed off the adobe walls as they slowly, step by step, approaching the pulpit. A glimmer of sunlight from a small window high up in the eve of the church illuminated the rock floor in and around the holy sanctuary. The significance of this ray of light did not go unnoticed by the uninvited intruders.

  From a hidden recess within the shadows at the rear of the sanctuary, a rustling sound was heard. Drawing his pistol into firing position, the Captain was surprised when he heard the specter say, “Si, mi hijo le puedo agudar?

  “Who is there? Show yourself or I will shoot!”

  “Hold up Grandpa, I believe it is the Padre. He is asking if he might help us.”

  “Forrest, tell him to come out into the light.”

  The priest, cloaked in a heavy brown robe bound at the middle with a simple, hemp woven rope, slowly walked across the room to greet the three strangers. Approaching, he kept his face hidden by the robe’s large hood. Bowing, without looking his visitors in the eye, he made the sign of the cross and said, “Que el Dios universal, estar contigo.”

  The Captain looking at Forrest, “What’s he saying?”

  “The best I can understand he is saying he wants the God of the Universe to be with us.”

  “Tell him thanks. We certainly need all the help we can get.”

  Forrest explained to the Padre their desire for some solid gold. With his head still bowed the Priest questioned the need for such an object? Forrest was stumped. How could he tell this man of God he needed the Padre’s gold to repair a time-machine that would allow them to leave 1812 and return to 2012, but he had to tell the priest something.

  The best Forrest could come up with was a story that Forrest was traveling with a group of settlers, and while crossing a river they lost all their supplies. They had seen an Indian encampment and thought with gold they might be able to trade for some provisions. Forrest explained they had seen the Indian women cleaning buffalo skins and figured they must have fresh or dried buffalo meat.

  With this revelation, the Padre became quite agitated. Raising his head, he revealing two large, black almond eyes. He looked at his visitors in the face and said in plain English, “Captain, is this the best story you guys can come up with?”

  “What! Anhur! You rascal… I should have known you would be around when we needed our skins saved.” The Captain happily said grasping the “Padre” by the arm.

  After greeting the Captain, Forrest and Rocky, Anhur informed them this particular band of Indians was extremely savage. He explained they were the Penatekas Band of Comanches with a chief named Wahaatu Tasiwoo or Two Buffalo. Two Buffalo had recently raided this very Mission, killed the Padre, and stole the only gold object that the Mission possessed – a solid gold crucifix.

  “Yes, Anhur it is this crucifix we seek. We must make a golden disc to insert into our time-machine in order to return home to the twenty-first century.”

  “Yes, I am aware of the disc you need,” knowingly Anhur responded. However, Anhur warned them about this band, and under no circumstances were they to deal with Two Buffalo – he was a murdering savage. Many within his band were captured Chiricahua Apaches. The Apache were just as blood thirsty as the Comanche. Before saying good-by Anhur remarked to Captain Scarburg – “My friend, if you get within the Indian encampment, find the young son of Two Buffalo – he will be the one to whom you seek, not his father.”


  Bud and Lou were sound asleep in the control room of Pegasus. Olive Marie was not asleep. She was thirsty, and she was not in the control room. She had pretended to be asleep only to slip outside and make her way down to the beaver pond for a good, cold, refreshing drink of water.

  Lying on her stomach, lips immersed in the incredibly fresh tasting liquid she never realized she was not alone.

  Standing behind, watching her refresh herself drinking the water was a young Comanche brave. The single, eagle feather in his braided hair, and the beads, symbols and stitching on his buckskin shirt indicated he was a chief. But his age seemed to defy this lofty position.

  As she continued sipping the cold, invigorating water she had a feeling someone was watching her. Startled, she jumped up from the water’s edge, turned and stood staring, not two feet away, into the young Comanche’s dark brown eyes. His right hand gripped the hilt of a twelve-inch, razor sharp, skinning knife strapped to his waist.

  She did not scream - he did not speak.

  Olive Marie’s sky blue eyes and blonde hair mesmerized him. This was the first white woman this young Comanche had ever seen, but there was something else about her that enchanted him.

  As the shock subsided she angrily asked, “Who are you?” As though he could understand her.

  The young man’s face contorted into a frown, and he slapped his right hand against his chest and said, “Ekapitu Tseena.” Grabbing Olive Marie by the arm Ekapitu Tseena or Red Wolf began dragging her from the pond toward the center of his encampment. The women working on the buffalo hides dropped their stone scrappers and rushed to meet the young warrior and Olive Marie. The rest of the band streamed out of their tepees or places of work and quickly encircled the two.

  Two Buffalo stood in the center of the mass of Indians as Red Wolf savagely pushed Olive Marie into his presence. Red Wolf was indeed, Two Buffalo’s son. Red Wolf explained how he had found the white woman drinking water at the edge of the pond. No, Red Wolf said, responding to his father question, he did not see anyone else. Two Buffalo shouted demands at Olive Marie who could only stand and listen to his rants – obviously she did not understand a word he was saying.

  One of the Indians standing at the edge of the circle was ordered to join the chief and his son in the center of the circle. The Comanche summoned was Soobe Tamu or Long Rabbit. Long Rabbit was the exact person Olive Marie needed at that precise moment. Soobe Tamu could speak English, French, Spanish and four other Indian dialects. He was Chief Two Buffalo’s interpreter.

  “Who was this white female?” The Chief asked through Long Rabbit. That was simple, she answered - Olive Marie Scarburg. Olive knew the next questions were going to be tougher - Where was she from? Washington, D.C. - this did not sit well with the Chief. The penetrating stare the Chief was giving her let her know in no uncertain terms that this was not the correct answer. Long Rabbit asked Olive Marie if she were traveling with anyone – Olive Marie stood silently looking at the stern face of Wahaatu Tasiwoo. She knew she could not with clear conscious answer this question. Two Buffalo requested Long Rabbit to ask Olive Marie the same question again. Again, she stood defiantly silent. Indian men do not take kindly to lowly women rebuking them – Two Buffalo stepped forward and with his back of his hand struck Olive Marie in the face. The blow was so hard she was knocked from her feet. She lay prone on the cold dirt, although dazed, she could hear a shout coming from somewhere behind the throng of now agitated Indians that began to encircle her. “Leave her alone,” the voice in the distance demanded in English. “Do not touch her again or I will kill you!!”

  “What?” Thought Olive. “I recognize that voice!”

  It was Rocky – he began to run to Olive Marie’s rescue, but a Comanche brave withdrew an arrow from his quiver, placed it in his bow, stepped into Rocky’s path and swiftly shot the arrow at Rocky – the arrow bu
ried deep within his right shoulder. Rocky sprawled on the ground anguishing in pain as the mass of Comanches, with axes and hatchets drawn began racing toward the three intruders. Obviously their intent was to transform the three unwelcomed whitemen from their earthly bodies into ghostly beings so they could go meet their forefathers. In other words, they were to be killed!!

  Captain Scarburg seeing the imminent threat withdrew his pistol and fired two rounds into the air – the explosive reports from the old 1911 Colt .45 caliber stopped the Indians dead still in their moccasins. They had seen firearms before, but never one so up close and personal. To them this weapon was magic, but they knew of its death dealing properties. The Captain and Forrest pulled Rocky up on his feet and began to make their way toward the center of the circle where Olive Marie still lay weeping on the ground.

  As the three walked toward the crowd of Comanches, the Captain waved the Colt pistol back and forth. Intimidated, the Indians stepped back making an opening allowing them access to their Chief unimpeded.

  The Chief was impressive – tall, bronze skinned, standing with arms crossed, feet spread, jet black, braided hair covered by a full, eagle feathered headdress that flowed from his head to the ground. He was an imposing person to see, but the first thing that caught Captain Scarburg’s eye was the golden crucifix hanging around Two Buffalo’s neck. It was a beautiful object, shining brilliantly in the light. The Captain recognized this religious symbol of Christianity must assuredly be solid gold – but how could he obtain it?

  Helping Olive Marie to her feet he asked, “Olive does anyone here speak English?” She nodded her head and pointed at Soobe Tamu.

  “He does, his name is Long Rabbit.”

  Captain Scarburg turned to the Chief and pointed the pistol directly at Two Buffalo’s chest. “Long Rabbit tell the Chief we are sorry for the intrusion into his camp – we mean him no harm.” After a couple of back and forth retorts between the Captain and Two Buffalo, the Captain inquired as to the possibility of a trade for the golden crucifix. The Captain realized if old western movies were any gauge of reality, negotiation was a back and forth affair to the Indians. To them this was the fun part of trading. The more time it took the more they enjoyed the bartering. The Captain did not have the luxury of time – Rocky was bleeding to death. They needed to obtain the gold cross, and they needed it now. They needed to change it quickly into a golden disc, repair Pegasus and get Rocky to a doctor.

  Long Rabbit realized the Captain wanted the crucifix hanging around the Chief’s neck, but Long Rabbit also knew it would take something extraordinary to entice Two Buffalo to part with it. Long Rabbit suggested a trade – he believed Two Buffalo might be willing to trade the golden cross for the Captain’s magnificent pistol.

  At first the Captain would not consider this trade – he could not let the Comanches have a modern firearm – his Colt automatic, but on further thought he realized Rocky’s life was more valuable than his old gun, and the Colt’s magazine only held seven rounds. He had used one bullet when he killed the Secret Service agent in the basement of the Murdock estate, and he fired two more just a few minutes ago – there were only four rounds remaining in the gun. The Captain figured Two Buffalo could not do much harm with four bullets, and it will be a hundred years or more in the future before anyone would be able to refill the Colt’s magazine with new bullets.

  While this exchange was taking place between Captain Scarburg and Long Rabbit from the shadows behind Two Buffalo out stepped the Comanche Chief’s young son Red Wolf, he extended his hand to Olive Marie as a gesture of friendship. Speaking through Long Rabbit he profusely apologized for his Father’s slap, and especially for the rough treatment he had given her as he pulled her from the pond.

  Olive Marie was hesitant to accept his apologies. When Long Rabbit translated Red Wolf’s words Olive Marie defiantly crossed her arms and turned her back toward him. Not used to a woman’s insolence Red Wolf was flustered and was hesitant to offer a final attempt, but he relented. He said Olive Marie’s friend was dying – and he could help. He explained the Comanche’s medicine man, Broken Wing, had attended many, many wounded warriors. Red Wolf thought Broken Wing could perform his healing skills on Rocky and his life might be saved. This immediately got Olive Marie’s attention. She listened intently to every word Long Rabbit had to say.

  She knew first and foremost, it was imperative that medical personnel minister to Rocky as soon as possible. She knew the arrow in his shoulder must be removed. Its removal could not wait for the gold to be melted, the 1-7/8 inch by-pass module constructed, Pegasus’s computers reset, and the final trip home. Rocky would have bled to death long before they could arrive back in Washington – that was assuming they ever got back to D. C. Knowing this she reluctantly accepted his apology, but not before she asked for a couple of favors – first she wanted Red Wolf to ask his Father to trade his crucifix for her Grandpa’s pistol, and she further requested Red Wolf let them use the Comanche’s hot, roaring fire to melt the gold cross into the disc to repair Pegasus.

  Red Wolf’s piercing brown eyes looked questioningly at Olive Marie... he peered deep within her blue eyes... it was as if he were seeing into her soul... what did he see? Turning to Two Buffalo his father, Red Wolf nodded his approval...

  Following the trade of the Captain’s 1911 automatic pistol for the Chief’s golden crucifix the two ‘Chiefs’, Two Buffalo and Captain Scarburg took a seat around the campfire. Two Buffalo removed a beautifully carved ‘peace pipe’ from its ornately beaded pouch and packed its bowl with leaves from a tobacco plant. As he reached toward the burning fire for an ember to light the pipe Captain Scarburg grabbed his arm. Startled, Two Buffalo turned quickly to admonish the Captain, but was surprised to see the shiny chrome Zippo in Grandpa’s hand. With a flip of his thumb, the Captain fired up his trusty, old lighter and touched the flame to the bowl end of the pipe. Two Buffalo was astounded! He could not remove his eyes from the beautiful little lighter with the Special Forces emblem on the side.

  The interest in the Zippo did not go without notice. Captain Scarburg motioned Long Rabbit to tell Two Buffalo he wished to give the lighter to the Chief as a friendship gift. On hearing the interpreter’s words, Two Buffalo jumped to his feet, withdrew his razor sharp, ten inch long skinning knife from its scabbard at his waist and brandished it at Captain Scarburg. What! What did I do to make him so angry? Before the Captain had time to ponder this development Two Buffalo flipped his skinning knife into the air and caught it by its blade. He placed the knife on his forearm with the handle facing the Captain and spoke a few words – Long Rabbit explained – Two Buffalo is giving you his knife in exchange for your shiny fire maker.

  The time was 6:30 p.m., Wednesday December 7, 1812.


  “Wake up Lou! Wake up! Olive Marie is gone!”

  Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Lou glanced around the interior of Pegasus and exclaimed, “What? Where could she have gone? Is Lady still here?”

  “Water, Lou, water. She went outside to that pond. Come on we have to go get her or Grandpa is going to kill us! I tried to call her on her cell, but something is wrong with the Pegasus communication center. It is not working, or she does not have her phone turned on, but we have one piece of luck – Lady is lying asleep over by the console.”

  As the hatch came open Bud and Lou could see off in the distance toward the pond a group of people walking toward them. Oh no, they thought, the Indians had somehow had found them out!! As they nearer, Bud was relieved; he realized it was Grandpa and Forrest supporting Rocky between them. Following closely, thankfully, was Olive Marie. Were the others a couple of Indians and a Priest?

  Scurrying down the ladder Bud and Lou hurried to greet the returned group. As they neared they could see Rocky was injured, and the wound seemed serious.

  “Grandpa!” Bud yelled as they got closer, “Are you all okay?”

  “We’re okay, but Rocky is wounded pre
tty badly. All the rest of us are fine.”

  Bud started to ask ‘who the rest’ were, but taking the last few steps to greet his Grandpa he could clearly see one was a young Indian, the other an older Indian and bringing up the rear a brown robed priest. “What the...?” Bud exclaimed as he approached the group.

  “Bud, Lou this is Red Wolf. He speaks no English, but without his help we would not have been able to obtain the gold we needed to make the disc to repair Pegasus,” the Captain said removing a crudely made gold disc from his pocket. “He is the son of the chief Two Buffalo the leader of this band of Comanches. His actual name is “Ekapitu Tseena.” Recognizing his name Red Wolf touched his left breast with his clenched right fist. “This other Indian gentleman is the tribe’s interpreter – I do not remember his Indian name, but it translates to Long Rabbit.”

  “I am Soobe Tamu,” said the interpreter bowing to Bud and Lou.

  “Red Wolf and Long Rabbit helped us obtain the gold and they assisted in the making of this golden disc. I know the object isn’t perfectly made, but I’m hoping it is good enough to work in the computer.”

  “Where did you find this priest Grandpa?” Bud said motioning toward the hooded Padre.

  We did not find him Bud – I believe if the truth be known, he found us.”

  “What? I don’t understand Grandpa.”

  “Look at this man closely... this ‘Priest’ may be someone you know,” the Captain said removing the large hood covering the ‘Padre’s’ head and face. A beam of sunlight passing between the limbs of a nearby tree fell directly on the ‘priest’s’ face, revealing a chubby face with a pair of large, black almond eyes.

  “Greeting, my good friends. It is good to see you again.”

  “Anhur!! Where in the world did you come from...?”

  Before answering Olive Marie Anhur turned to the two Comanches. Speaking to them in their native tongue the two nodded in agreement. “I have asked them to join you inside your time-machine. They seem frightened but agreed.” Turning back to the Captain Anhur spoke, “You know my planet Sunev’s law prohibits me from becoming directly involved with your destiny, but one thing I can say - your destiny was decided long, long before today.”


  The two Comanche Indians were indeed frightened; perhaps amazed and awed would be a better description; spell bound also might have been more appropriate. Motioning with their arms and talking non-stop they truly had never seen anything like the inside of Pegasus. They were especially enthralled with Lady, the little sable and white dog.

  Anhur speaking again to the two Indians calmed them down. He turned to the Captain, “Now Captain, please try your fabricated golden disc. You need to get on with the repair of your time-machine.” Anhur’s words to the Captain hinted he doubted the success of their homemade by-pass gold module.

  Placing the gold disc into the small computer slot, the Captain snapped the computer switch into the ‘ON’ position and watched the instrument gauges to see if any changes were evident. He could see no difference. The Captain removed the disc, rubbed it to remove any dirt or debris that might have been on it. Inserted again it once more proved to be defective. “By-ned, now we are in for it! Our feeble attempt at fabricating the by-pass module has failed miserably! This piece of gold junk is not going to work. Bud call Mike and let him know our situation.”

  “Sorry Grandpa, we tried a little while ago – the communication system does not seem to be working.”

  “I’m at my wits end. I do not have another solution. Without talking to Mike, I’m afraid we are doomed.”

  Red Wolf watched Olive in amazement. Approaching Olive Marie he began speaking so fast Long Rabbit had a hard time following. When he finally stopped talking Captain Scarburg looked to Long Rabbit for an explanation. Long Rabbit explained Red Wolf was saying he had something he wanted to give to Olive Marie.

  “Yes, what is it?” She replied with anticipation.

  From inside his buckskin shirt Red Wolf withdrew a leather cord with a small pouch attached. Slowly he removed the bead covered pouch and cord from his neck, dropped to one knee he opened the bag and removed an object and placed it into Olive’s hand, folding her fingers tightly over it, and remained on his knee with head bowed, mumbling unintelligible words.

  “What is he saying Long Rabbit?” Asked Olive Marie.

  “He say you ‘Millarayh’ the one prophesized by ancient Comanche shaman many, many moons ago.

  “What is the meaning of this name?”

  Long Rabbit answered, “Name ‘Millarayh’ mean ‘Golden One’. Ancient legend say Comanche shaman got gold object from ‘riders from the sky’. The old shaman gave Red Wolf grandfather’s, grandfather’s, grandfather leather pouch with round gold object. Shaman say gold hair woman with fair skin like a summer morning and eyes like the sky would appear after many, many moons. The gold object was to be given to golden one with hair like sunshine. Red Wolf say you are Golden One.”

  As the translation finished Olive Marie opened her hand and looked down at a finely crafted, round golden disc divided into four sections: The first section resembled a man’s head, the second a lion, the third a bull and the fourth an eagle. “Grandpa, look... this is similar to the by-pass module you just made!!” She said handing it to Captain Scarburg.

  “ not just similar, it is exactly what we need.” Slipping the beautifully crafted amulet into the computer slot, the lights began to flash, a distinct hum could be heard coming from inside the console and the communication system began beeping. Quickly changing the setting on the ‘DE