Read Justification For Killing Page 7

  Chapter Seven


  Destiny - ‘a preordained set of events for a particular occurrence’ - is a funny phenomenon. It can be set in motion or altered in a split second. The problem is we do not know when such a moment is going to occur. On this particular day, destiny’s clock began to tick at 12:30 p.m. November 22, 1963; however, the paths of destiny sometime lead to different destinations.

  On this date, at exactly 12:30 President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was almost assassinated on Elm Street. Elm is located on the north side of a grassy park known as Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas, Texas. Did you think a mistake was made when the word ‘almost’ was used instead of ‘was’? Then you would be correct it was ‘almost’ but it was no mistake - as known from studying American history books the assassination did not fail!! What? Then this must be wrong... is this a lie? Or is it a twist of the truth? No, nothing of the sort, the murder of President Kennedy was totally unsuccessful as the headline banner in the Dallas Times Herald the next morning November 23, 1963 confirms:


  Texas Governor Also Wounded By Assassin’s Bullet

  The story about to be revealed was true. True in every aspect, however, until now only one side of the JFK tragedy was known, the story the world has always taken as fact - the path of destiny, which ended with John F. Kennedy being assassinated.

  What is now going to be revealed is another world, an alternate world, a parallel world in which the road of destiny diverged on November 22, 1963. In this world, President John Kennedy did survive the assassination attempt, and this world is just as true as the present one. We could be living in that other world today, thankfully we are not. It is said: truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. How true this is, how unbelievable true.

  Einstein figured out the physics concerning a phenomenon mere mortals just cannot grasp. In fact, the more one thinks about it the more confusing it becomes. He said time was not a straight line. Meaning it did not start yesterday and will not end tomorrow. There’s something remarkable about time - something Captain Scarburg and Pegasus will discover.

  If a person were aware something was about to happen they could give a more precise description of what just took place. Confusion, panic, fear would all push a person’s mental faculties to the limit if the event were spontaneous. This obviously happened on that fateful November day. For now imagine what the United States and the rest of the world would be like if the Assassin had not accomplished his mission. We will not dwell on this but rather focus on the events of that nearly cataclysmic day.

  President Kennedy did not survive the attempt on his life on November 22, 1963. The Captain was there that eventful day!! What!! That can’t be right, but he was and his personal involvement resulted in the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the thirty-fifth President of the United States of America.

  Robert Edward Scarburg, Jr., better known as Captain Robert Scarburg, killed President John F. Kennedy!!

  A better explanation would be - he allowed the President to be killed, rather than he personally killed him. Killed implied direct involvement in the murder. Captain Scarburg was no murderer; in fact if anything he was a patriot of the highest order. Papa Scarburg was a hero of the highest order also; in fact, he was awarded the Medal of Honor in Vietnam. After understanding the Captain’s part in that account, it will be self-evident if a Medal of Honor could be awarded to a civilian, he would have been the recipient.

  The record needs to be set straight since the Captain and a few others created this present Universe. The truth is: there are dozens of roads of destiny, and they can all be right. They just arrive in the future at the same time but with totally different results

  This makes no sense, there was a plan to assassinate President Kennedy, and it was successful. The President was murdered in Dealy Plaza, Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963.’ That’s true, and it was successful, it did not fail. So, where does the idea that the assassin did not complete his mission come from?

  Wasn’t anyone paying attention in U.S. History? It’s right there in black and white. John F. Kennedy not only survived but also was re-elected president in 1964. Vice Lyndon Baines Johnson succeeded Kennedy - wrong! Kennedy remained president for two terms. In fact, his brother Robert was Vice President in his successful 1964 re-election. There never was a President Lyndon Baines Johnson. Not is that Parallel Universe.

  As previously stated: what is about to be disclosed is true. This is not crazy, and one does not need to be strapped in a tightly bound, little white jacket and locked in a padded room once it has been told.

  President Kennedy DOES survive the assassin’s bullet that terrible day, but on the other hand President Kennedy DOES NOT survive the assassin’s bullet that day. What? How could he both survive and at the same time not survive? Well, this is the incredible story, which will soon be told. The explanation involves physics, Einstein, particles and waves, Parallel Universes and well... well... much, much more. By the time this story is finished some of you will be scratching your heads in disbelief, rest assured everything about to be reported is a true scientific fact. It happened. The entire story will be told; however, to understand fully let’s just begin at the beginning – in that other Parallel Universe of yesterday.