Read Justina's Awakening: Where She Belongs, The Saga-Book 1 Page 1

  Justina's Awakening

  Where She Belongs

  The Saga-Book 1


  Lisa Vandiver

  All rights Reserved

  Copyright 2014 © Lisa Vandiver

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners

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  I want to thank my creator for the gift of storytelling. To Matthew, my husband, for his support. My daughter, Keira, for motivating me. I love you Keira. To my mother, Frances Brashier. Because I grew up watching how much you loved to read, I developed great love for the art as well.

  Finally to my readers, thank you for giving me the chance to entertain you with my stories. I hope you’ll enjoy reading this story as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

  Special Acknowledgements

  Romance Novel Covers

  The first stock image website developed

  specifically for the romance novel industry.

  Cover designed by

  Deadly Reads Author Services

  Edited by

  Deadly Reads Author Services

  Table of contents

  Title Page, Copyright


  Special Acknowledgements

  Book Description

  Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3,

  Chapter 4,Chapter 5, Chapter 6,

  Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9,

  Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12,

  Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15,

  Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18,

  Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21,

  Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24,

  Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27,

  Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30

  Message from the Author

  Book Description

  After her Aunt Elizabeth is murdered, Justina Lindsey inherits a lucrative advertising business, and soon finds herself on a path leading to unfamiliar destinations. Feeling alone, she seeks comfort in the arms of sexy, bad boy Nick Cabara, the son of a mafia kingpin in Dallas. Nick has a dark side and many secrets, but Justina has secrets of her own. Justina believes she has found her place in life that is until she meets Matthew Kingston, a successful lawyer. Matthew is arrogant and frustrating, but Justina desires him and soon finds herself torn between two men.

  When her secrets begin to unravel, Justina finds herself set on a collision course with destiny. Will her choices destroy her or will she survive with the knowledge that she has found, Where She Belongs.

  Chapter One

  Matthew Kingston groaned as he heard the alarm clock ring. He slapped at it, knocking it to the floor but effectively silenced it. Matthew wanted more sleep. Instead, he pulled himself from the bed and made his way to the kitchen. He poured a cup of coffee while he reflected on the previous night’s events. Having consumed too much alcohol had resulted in carnal pleasures with a woman. Linda was just one of many women he had called upon from time to time when he got that itch that needed to be scratched.

  Matthew did not have time for a serious relationship and he did not really want one. He was too busy with his daughter, Kate, who he affectionately called Katie. She had him wrapped around her little fingers the moment he saw her. Katie was the reason Matthew continued living after his wife, Leslie died; just one year after Katie was born. Matthew pushed back a tear as he thought of his late wife. She was as beautiful as she was smart and Katie resembled her in both looks and actions. He stirred from his thoughts by the ringing cell phone.


  “Hey, where are you?”

  “Is Katie all right?” Matthew asked with anxiety.

  Jim Lawton replied with calmness, “She’s fine, did you forget about our stakeout?”

  Matthew slapped his forehead, “Oh man I did, I’m sorry.”

  “I gathered some very interesting information on Mr. Kevin Jenkins. He’s having an affair.”

  “Do you have pictures?” Matthew asked.

  “Of course,” Jim scoffed. “Did you have any doubts?

  The two men chuckled and Jim continued, “There’s more. Jenkins seems to have a taste for men as well as women.”

  Matthew cleared his throat and put his cup down on the counter before he dropped it. “Wait, wait, did you say Kevin Jenkins is gay?”

  Jim laughed loudly, “The proper term is bisexual.”

  “That’s awesome, Jim. This will give Mrs. Jenkins the edge she needs for her divorce. I’ll meet you in the office and we can discuss this with our client.”

  Thoughts of how he was going to spend his half of this client’s check flowed through Matthew’s mind while he dressed. Perhaps he would take the trip to Hawaii he had been planning. He knew Katie would love going to Hawaii.

  Matthew always enjoyed entering his and Jim’s office. He especially enjoyed looking at the sign posted on the door: KINGSTON AND LAWTON II, Attorneys at Law.

  Jim and Matthew enjoyed their law practice, but their true passion was their P.I. Work and working with the F.B.I. on occasion.

  Caroline, Matthew’s sister, took great care in decorating the office and it was beautiful. The waiting area had the old style, stained mahogany benches with daisy flower print cushions tied to them for comfort and the matching mahogany walls were accented with elegant pictures of eighteenth century settings. There was a small refreshment booth sitting to one side of the room so their clients could help themselves to coffee and rolls. Caroline had turned one of the rooms into a classroom where she homeschooled her daughter Kalien and his daughter Katie.

  Jim and Matthew’s offices were located at the end of the hall and across from each other. The contrast in colors and abstract art made Jim and Matthew’s offices flow with professionalism and beauty. Upon entering Jim’s office, the large mural behind the desk was the eye catcher of the entire room. The mural of Lawton’s Ranch was really quite lovely. Other pictures of the family farm and ranch decorated the remaining office walls. Along one side of the wall set a large trophy case, which displayed trophies and awards Jim had won at numerous rodeos and shows. The curtains clinging to the windows were brown with images of horses hand sewn into the material. Jim’s cowboy hat rack was attached to the wall, just to the side of the window. The matching brown leather sofas and chairs were placed next to the small kitchenette designed to the right of Jim’s desk. Jim was a cowboy through and through.

/>   Matthew was more of a modern type guy and his taste shone through the style he had chosen.

  The mahogany walls, which stretched along the hallway between the two men’s offices, ended at Matthew’s office door. When anyone entered Matthew’s office, the first thing anyone noticed was the elegant glass chandeliers, which clung to the high ceilings. The walls were painted a burnt orange with abstract art Matthew had created. Pictures of landscapes and high-rise buildings clung to the walls, which Matthew had taken. Directly behind his desk, awards, and trophies he had won from the local art society stood proudly on a small, stained wood table. The large glass windows were framed with colored stained glass as its border with large venetian blinds completing the look. A long sofa sat between the kitchenette and office area. Two recliners sat nearby, which surrounded a glass coffee table, art magazines were neatly placed on it. Jim often teased Matthew about his style. “You’re cool enough for the both of us.”

  Matthew took the comments as compliments. He enjoyed being up to par with the latest fashions and fads.

  Jim and Matthew greeted Christina Jenkins with big smiles as she entered their office. When they filled her in on their findings, she was not shocked. In fact, she appeared to be very pleased.

  “Who shall I make the check to?”

  “Kingston and Lawton. If there’s ever anything you need from us between now and our court date, please call us.” Jim eagerly waited with his hand stretched open.

  “Oh be assured, gentlemen, I will.” Christina winked at Matthew, “And if there is anything I can do for you, you just let me know, and I do mean anything,” she purred in her southern drawl.

  “Oh, I will.” Matthew shot her his flirty smile as she waved a final good bye.

  “What are you thinking man?” Jim’s eyes narrowed at Matthew after Christina left the room.

  Matthew shrugged his shoulders, “She sure is a beautiful blonde. Did you see the curves of that body, not to mention those legs?”

  “Yes, but she has a dark side to her.”

  “I agree, but I like dangerous women. Now let’s discuss our next cases.”

  “Not so fast. We’re going to the bank, then I’m taking our lovely assistant to lunch and then to bed.”

  “Oh, I really don’t want to hear about your affair with the assistant. Why, here’s the lovely assistant now,” he winked at his sister as she walked past him.

  Caroline struck him on his arm as she walked to Jim and kissed him.

  Matthew shook his head in feigned disgust, “Kids, kids, take it home.”

  Caroline rolled her eyes as Jim grinned like a Cheshire Cat.

  “So, did you guys get the big check?”

  “We sure did and there appears to be bonus.”

  Matthew chuckled as Caroline walked past and tried to take the check from him. He pulled it away from her reach.

  Jim sat down and watched their usual brother and sister antics.

  Caroline finally managed to take the check away from Matthew and ran to her husband for safety.

  “I let you have it,” Matthew chided.

  Jim shook his head, as he defended his wife. “She took it.”

  They all laughed as Jim stood from the chair. “Do you want to have lunch with us?”


  “I need to finish up with the girls’ class for the day.” Caroline walked out of the office and shut the door behind her.

  “Matthew, I want to take Caroline to look at that new SUV she has had her eyes on.”

  “My sister is lucky to have you, man.”

  “She deserves the best. I still can’t believe that gorgeous redhead even looked twice at this dumb country boy.”

  “You bought her a mansion two years ago when we finished the Armstrong case. Let’s see, I’d say she’s the lucky one, stumbling onto a rich country boy like you.” Matthew walked to the filing cabinet with an armload of files and shoved them into it.

  “Meet us at the diner when you finish up here. I’m going to find my lovely wife and tell her how much I love her,” Jim grinned as he made his way toward the door.

  Matthew glanced at his partner and made a gurgling noise, “Phew, you’re getting mushy again and my stomach can’t stand it.”

  Jim pointed his finger at Matthew. “You make fun all you like, but one day, and I hope I’m around to see it, some gorgeous woman will soften that hard heart of yours again.”

  “I don’t think so man, my heart is stone, and I know when it’s time to cut and run,” Matthew winced. “And I have the speed of a tiger; there’s no woman fast enough to catch me

  Chapter Two

  Matthew stepped into the diner and as always, he felt warmth in his heart. He was sure the Lawton’s were busy with their daily routines, and they would not want it any other way. Lawton’s resort had been in the community and in Jim’s family for generations.

  While, at the resort, visitors found many activities to occupy themselves, the most enjoyable for families were the horse tours. The tours consist of maneuvering through the valley and camping sites along the way.

  In the late summer, the Lawton family hosted a kid’s camp each week for poor and deprived American children. The entire Lawton family involved themselves in this annual event. Matthew swore it was a prerequisite for anyone who wanted to become a part of the Lawton family.

  The wonderful memories Matthew had here were too many to count, but the one that stood out the most was the one of them teasing the girls, one of which he had married.

  Matthew’s father, George, and Jim’s father, Ben, met in law school and as fate would have, they became best friends. As the years passed, each one married. Ben’s wife, Donna, and George’s wife, Frances, became instant friends as well. Each time Matthew’s family visited the ranch, George found it hard to leave. When Ben asked George to enter into law practice with him, he jumped at the chance and moved his family from New Orleans to Dallas. Ben’s nephew, Roger, came to live with the Lawton’s after his parents and infant sister were killed in a car crash at the same time.

  After settling in, Frances resumed her medical studies and became a doctor, but also helped Donna in her floral business from time to time.

  Matthew spotted Jim and Caroline in a corner booth. The same corner booth they had always sat in when they were children, near the kitchen and the back exit. It was important to Donna that the guests not be disrupted by the antics of rambunctious boys and silly chitchat of girls.

  Tender memories flooded Matthew as he watched his lifelong friend and his little sister together. His thoughts were interrupted by his mother’s approach with his daughter in her arms.

  “Thank you for everything you and dad have given me, Ma. I might have never met Jim, I might have never fallen in love with Leslie, and we might not have had this beautiful little girl. We all found our true loves and our lives here.” Matthew cleared his throat as he fought back a tear.

  Frances touched her son on the arm, “Oh, honey, it’s been a while since you’ve been so sentimental, are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, Ma. I’m just having one of these tender moments you say are healthy to have.”

  Frances laughed as he stressed the word, “tender” as if it were a bad word. She worried about all her children, but especially Matthew. Since Leslie’s death, he had become a cold, bitter man, and he rarely spoke of her or the night she died. He got angry with anyone who dared speak of it, except for Jim.

  Matthew had quit attending church and drank heavily for a few years. He avoided religion and God; it was as if he blamed God for Leslie’s death. When Leslie found out she was pregnant, it was one of the happiest occasions of their lives, but the happiness was short lived when she found out she had a heart condition. They prayed together for healing, and went to the best doctors; however, nothing could be done while Leslie was pregnant. She, of course, chose to have her baby. Matthew continued to pray for his wife. Unfortunately, the strain of th
e pregnancy caused more damage to her already weakened heart, and one year later, Leslie went into cardiac arrest and died. He swore he would never fall in love again.

  Frances feared her son would be without love. All she knew to do was to put him into God’s hands.

  Matthew kissed his daughter, “Who loves you, Precious?”

  She held her head up and smiled, “You do, Daddy. I love you, too.” She unexpectedly jumped out of her daddy’s arms and ran to Jim. “Where’s Kalien?”

  Jim pulled Kate into his arms and smiled, “Oh, no hug, and kiss for Uncle Jim?”

  Kate squirmed away from him and giggled, “Where’s Kalien?”

  Caroline grinned, “She’s in Noah and Lauren’s office.”

  “Bye, Daddy.”

  “Hey, you just said hello,” Matthew fussed.

  “I gotta find Kalien.” Kate ran off toward Noah and Lauren’s office with Frances close behind her.

  “Haven’t they been together all day?” Matthew quizzed. “Don’t they need a break?”

  Caroline pointed her finger at her brother, “Oh, how we forget.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You and Jim were just like our two girls, inseparable and always in trouble.”

  “There you go; it isn’t the same because our girls never get in trouble.”

  “That’s because you two spoil them.”

  Matthew looked to Jim for help, but Jim shook his head. “I think she could be right, we do spoil our girls.”

  “Smart man, you could take some lessons from this guy, big brother,” Caroline quipped.

  “You’re pathetic man, won’t even defend your best friend. I can’t believe it, pushed aside for a woman,” Matthew shook his head and displayed a pretend, disgusted stare.

  Jim and Caroline laughed.

  “Ah yeah, I have to go home with her tonight.”

  “You have a point there, man. That’s why I won’t fall into the clutches of a woman.”

  “You guys are getting too loud,” Caroline whispered.

  Jim and Matthew both blurted out at the same time, “We’re sorry, Mommy.”