Read Justina's Awakening: Where She Belongs, The Saga-Book 1 Page 6

  Justina backed up against the car. She leaned her head to the side as she asked, “I’m not sure. What exactly is a Corvette man?”

  Matthew shrugged his shoulders, “I’m a Corvette man. I have had a love affair with Corvettes all my life. A Corvette man enjoys many kinds of love affairs.” He pushed both his hands out and laid them on the car, affectively closing Justina in between them.

  “You, uh, you just can’t stop yourself, can you?” Justina stammered nervously noticing there were mere inches now between them. She stared up at him, feeling helplessly lost in his eyes. They were boring into her. His smirk told her he knew she was feeling amorous at that very moment. He closed the gap between their bodies and Justina uncontrollably let out a whimper as their bodies touched. She was shocked to feel his maleness tight and hard against his jeans. She swallowed hard as he moved his mouth closer to hers. When their lips connected, Justina’s mouth involuntarily opened, allowing his tongue to enter and connect with hers. The kiss lingered and Justina felt her center moistening. She wrapped her arms around his neck without thought, “Hmm, Matthew.”

  “I’m sorry.” He suddenly broke the kiss and stared down at her with unmistakable passion, biting his lower lip. “You’re right, I can’t help myself,” he slowly backed away from her. He raised an eyebrow, “But I do own more than one.”

  “You have another Corvette?”

  “Yes, I do; three more in fact.”

  “I just love their speed and I love the way they look. I’ll have one, some day.”

  “I suspect you can do anything, Justina, if you put your mind to it.”

  Justina felt her face flushing, but managed a smile, “Thank you.” Taking deep breaths, she walked past Matthew and pointed toward the house. “I really must say goodbye to everyone.”

  Matthew pushed out his arm toward Justina, “May I walk in with you?”

  “Yes, thank you,” Justina said, taking his arm.

  They shared one lingering stare before entering the home together.

  Upon entering the house, Joyce pulled Justina into a corner to have a quiet conversation, “I want to hear the real story of your evening with Mr. Kingston.”

  Justina smiled at Joyce nervously as everyone entered the room. Justina pulled some small boxes from a bag she carried. She turned to Donna and said, “I stopped by the gift shop this morning and picked up a few gifts to show my appreciation for all the hospitality I was shown this weekend.” She gave an assortment of perfumed bath oils to all of the women. They peeked into their bags and thanked her.

  Donna smiled as she, too, pulled a small box from behind her back. “That was very nice, Justina, thank you. We also got you a small gift, to thank you for the hard work you do for our companies.”

  Justina could not hide the smile that crept across her face as she opened the box. It held a lovely broach with matching earrings. Justina exclaimed with excitement, “Oh, they’re lovely, thank you all. I really must get back to the city, but I’ve certainly enjoyed the weekend.”

  “We’ve certainly enjoyed having you here,” Donna replied. “Please, come back to the resort soon, and here, to our home.”

  Justina walked out of the house and to her car. Just as she was about to get into her car, she felt a hand touch her shoulder. She turned to see Matthew staring at her. He took hold of her hand. Justina really wanted to feel his lips on hers again and his arms wrapped around her. “Thank you for a lovely weekend,” Justina whispered.

  “It was my pleasure,” Matthew answered as he moved his face closer to hers. Instead of kissing her lips, he kissed her cheek. He pulled back and waited for her to get into her car.

  Justina got into her car and drove away with amorous thoughts and fond memories of Matthew Kingston. Her thoughts suddenly drifted to Nick and she felt guilty about last night, but should she? After a year of dating, Justina and Nick had made no real commitment together. She and Matthew had not made any plans to see each other again. She shook her head as she exclaimed, “Oh, I have to get that man out of my mind.” She turned the radio on and as the music played, she began feeling relaxed.

  The weekend turned out to be exactly what it was supposed to be, a fun and relaxing time. Justina definitely had experienced fun, but now she was going back to the city and back to her life. That is exactly what she wanted


  Matthew watched Justina’s car pull away and he could still smell her perfume in the air. His body quivered at the thought of this woman and the moments they had shared. The memory of her kisses and her delicate, perfect little body trembling in his arms, from his touch, were still vivid in his mind.

  “So let’s hear about what really happened last night after we left you and Justina,” Jim said as he approached Matthew.

  “Where’d you come from?” Matthew asked, looking around.

  Jim laughed, “I was packing the car and couldn’t help but overhear you and the lady talking. Don’t tell me you just walked her to the lodge and said goodbye. I’ve seen the stares you two have been giving each other.”

  “You know I don’t kiss and tell,” Matthew stated somberly.

  “But this situation is unique,” Jim whispered, looking around to make sure he and Matthew were alone.

  “I just want to use some discretion with some of the things occurring or that might occur between us,” Matthew responded quietly.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing,” Jim said with concern resounding in his voice.

  “I do,” Matthew replied in a reassuring tone.

  “An affair with Nick Cabaras’ girlfriend could be your last encounter with anyone,” Jim warned.

  Matthew appreciated his friend’s concern. “I know and I promise to be careful and not slip up.”

  “What do you mean by slip up? Do you mean to slip up and fall in love? Oh, you mean you’ll be careful not to get caught,” Jim said sarcastically.

  “I don’t intend on getting caught,” Matthew answered dryly.

  Jim shook his head and whistled, “Justina is vibrant and appears to be a sweet fruit and one taste wouldn’t be enough.”

  Matthew agreed with his friend’s analogy, “I can’t hide anything from you. You have no idea just how sweet she is.”

  Jim gave Matthew a suspicious look, “I know you like a book. It’s obvious you are attracted to her.”

  “We didn’t make love, but she gave me a night of pleasure I haven’t felt in a long time,” Matthew confided.

  Jim frowned, “You forget the real purpose for attempting to get close to her.”

  “No, no way am I hooked on a woman with whom I’ve had only one night of passion with.”

  “She’s gotten to you, man. You can’t deny that.”

  Jim was wrong with his accusations; Matthew had not lost his focus, he was just cautious. “I’m not losing my touch with women.”

  Jim chuckled at Matthew as he mocked him, “Oh you have a touch that can’t be turned around on you, eh?”

  “That’s right. I’ve already told you, there’s not a woman out there that can catch me.”

  “I know, you have a heart of stone and the speed of a tiger,” Jim mocked him again.

  Matthew threw his hands up at him in surrender, “All right, I give up Jim. I can see I can’t make you believe I’m too tough to tame.”

  Jim patted Matthew on his back as Caroline approached them. “I’m not the one that needs convincing. Justina Lindsey affected you.”

  Matthew scoffed at his friends’ mockery and they both laughed. Matthew could not lie to himself; she had left quite an impression on him with her kisses and he wanted more.

  Chapter Eleven

  Justina was busy at her desk with paperwork when Joyce came walking in the door.

  “If you aren’t swamped this morning, we need to look over the invitation list for Saturday night’s annual company celebration banquet

  Justina stopped her work and looked at her fr
iend. “Joyce I haven’t decided on a theme, the colors, the flowers, or who’s catering this year. I hope we can get someone at this late date.”

  “We talked about this a couple of months ago. Maggie and I spoke with the appropriate people weeks ago.”

  Justina sighed, “I promise I’ll help you as much as I can before I leave for my trip.”

  There was a knock on the door, Justina turned to see Maggie and Christopher smiling.

  Christopher took a seat by Joyce, who winked at Justina and Maggie. “Oh no, the finance police are here.”

  Christopher took out a pen and a note pad and said, “I just want to make sure you girls stayed within the budget I laid out for the banquet. You three are just like my wife with money involved; there’s no end in sight.” The three women all threw pillows at him. “That’ll cost you,” he shouted at them with laughter.

  Justina’s intercom phone rang, “Hello,” Justina said as she pushed the intercom button.

  Bonnie Dolman, the front office clerk, spoke through the speakerphone. “Justina, you have a call on line one.”

  “Thanks, Bonnie,” Justina said as she pushed the flashing red light on her phone and put it on speaker.

  “Hello, Justina.”

  Justina thought her heart would stop. She lost her voice for a moment as she recognized Matthew’s voice.

  “Hello, are you there?”

  “How are you this morning, Mr. Kingston?” Justina stumbled through her words as she reached over and took the conversation off the speaker.

  “I’m fine and it’s Matthew. How are you, Justina?”

  “I’m fine, Matthew,” she swallowed hard, taking a calming breath. “What can I do for you?

  “Yes. Ah. I called to confirm I’ll be attending your dinner Saturday evening.”

  “I’m pleased to hear it, Matthew.” Justina attempted to appear calm though she was anything but calm.

  “I’m looking forward to it and to seeing you again, Justina.”

  There was silence in the room as Justina focused on her caller. Her pulse continued to race when she heard the desire in Matthew’s voice. She fought her tension as she answered him.

  “Yes, that’ll be lovely for me as well, Matthew.”

  The moment of silence lingered, but finally he broke the awkwardness in a low tone. “Have a good day, Justina. Goodbye.”

  “I hope you have a pleasant day too, Matthew. Goodbye,” her face was on fire. She could not understand why he was affecting her in such a way. She ended the call and turned back toward her curious friends to begin their meeting.


  Matthew was glad he had mustered the courage to call her. She seemed excited by his call and that excited him. He had a talent for getting women to swoon over him, and it was a talent he so enjoyed using to his advantage. The buzz of the intercom disrupted his moment of satisfaction, “Hello Jane, how are you today?”

  “I’m fine, Mr. Kingston; thank you for asking. Roger Lawton is waiting.”

  “Tell him to come on in.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Jim and Roger entered Matthew’s office together. Roger handed some files to each of the men as they took their seats and began reading the details aloud.

  “Robert Cabara is sixty years old, married to Rosa Marie Jennings for thirty years and they have two sons, Marcus, and Nicholas, or Nick as everyone calls him, and one daughter, Isabella. Robert came to the United States when he was three years old with his family. His father worked for an off shore oil company, his mother was a housekeeper in New Orleans. Robert was sent to live with his uncle Mel when he was thirteen. He ran errands for him from his antique store, which really was a cover. He became the child Mel never had and when he got old enough, he managed all the bookstores Mel owned.”

  “Robert became sole beneficiary of all Mel’s assets and got all of Mel’s money and property after Mel died a suspicious death. It was then that young Robert moved his parents here to live out the remainder of their lives.”

  “Robert Cabara has an early history with crime. Interesting,” Jim commented.

  Roger and Matthew nodded in agreement. Roger continued, “I have just recently come into possession of bank transactions connecting Wendell Capuano and Mel as well as pictures of Joseph Capuano, Wendell’s son, with Robert.”

  Roger stood up and poured himself a cup of coffee. “And that’s how Robert Cabaralinski or Cabara for short came to live in Dallas.”

  “Are there any more links between these two families you know of?” Jim asked.

  “Through the years Mel and Wendell had several meetings in Dallas and Chicago where several other crime bosses such as Catalina, Ran pone, and Catono were present. There were agents who infiltrated themselves into some of these mafia families. They witnessed drugs and diamonds being transported through binders of books and behind some of the paintings being ‘bought’ or ‘traded’ at these secret meetings.”

  “Why didn’t Mel ever go to jail after the agents found this information?” Matthew inquired.

  “Agents disappeared or were bought out. The one brave soldier who stepped forward to testify was sold out by the judge or his attorney,” Roger answered through sips of coffee.

  Jim leaned back in his chair, “What happened to him?”

  “He cleaned out his bank account sent his wife and children out of town. He left shortly after with his parents and in laws,” Roger answered.

  “They had some help from the FBI with relocating, didn’t they?” Matthew asked.

  Roger shook his head, “No. He didn’t tell anyone his plans. He and his family were to be taken somewhere after he testified, but he didn’t trust anyone in the bureau, so he made his own plans. No one has seen or heard from him again.”

  Matthew stretched out his hand and let out a puff of air, “These guys don’t play nice.”

  Jim took a sip of his drink and commented, “No they don’t and that’s why we need to use caution.”

  Roger nodded and looked at Matthew with concern, “Yes, Matthew, don’t ask too many pointed questions regarding the Cabaras and their associates I mentioned. Most of these people were Elizabeth’s clients. Now, they’re either dead or old, but their sons and grandsons are now Justina’s clients.”

  “Do you think Justina knows about all of these things or could she even be involved?” Jim blurted out the question, as the other men shot him a disturbed look.

  Roger shook his head without hesitating, “Absolutely not Jim, I am, however, afraid she may find out the ugly truth one day.”

  “The possibility has to be explored,” Jim commented.

  “Have you tried warning Justina about Nick and his family?” Matthew asked.

  “I personally haven’t, but Joyce has advised her. Justina tells Joyce that Nick is in control of his own life.”

  “She’s fooling herself,” Matthew said sarcastically.

  “I’m afraid she’s in danger,” Roger worried.

  “We’ll protect her as much as we can,” Jim responded.

  Roger paused for another drink of coffee before continuing, “Robert’s daughter, Isabella, operates a cozy little coffee shop and eatery downtown where these men and their friends often meet. Marcus runs a nightclub called ‘Marc’s,’ but he also works for his daddy as a collector and all that goes with that. Nick is the president and CEO of Daddy’s lucrative Investment Company and owns a software company too, but I believe it to be just a front. I’m not quite sure what Nick’s real place is in the family.”

  Matthew posed a question, “Does Nick own any stock in Justina’s company?”

  Roger replied,” Justina owns eighty percent and Christopher Carter owns twenty percent. Elizabeth would not allow Robert and Nick to buy into the company. She made Justina promise her to never sell the company to anyone or allow anyone to invest in the company. I know firsthand the Cabaras were not too happy with Elizabeth. Some people even quietly suggest there could be
a cover up regarding her murder.”

  “Why was Christopher Carter allowed to buy a portion of the business?” Jim questioned.

  “He’s been their financial advisor and book keeper for several years. I suppose they trusted him and wanted to keep him,” Roger answered.

  Jim thought for a moment and shook his head, “There’s something not right with this picture. I’ve got a strange feeling that there’s more to Elizabeth and Christopher’s story than what meets the eye.”

  Roger shrugged, “I think it all boils to a few simple facts. One: Elizabeth and Christopher’s mother are best friends. Two: Elizabeth never had kids of her own. She spent most every holiday with Christopher’s family. I think he became her surrogate nephew; so naturally, she wanted to make sure he had a good start in life. I know Christopher and his family. They are good people, Jim, and Christopher is a good man. I think you’re chasing things that have no value to us.”

  Jim caught a hint of agitation in Roger’s voice and decided to let the subject of Christopher go. “I wonder what Elizabeth knew about her clients and if it was something that got her murdered.”

  “They caught the man who killed her,” Matthew commented.

  “They caught a used up crack head,” Roger grunted.

  “You don’t believe Reynolds Johnson was Elizabeth’s attacker,” Jim surmised.

  “There wasn’t anything taken from Justina and Elizabeth’s apartment. Justina was in Memphis that weekend. When Reynolds was first brought in, he claimed he did not kill her. Two days later he had a visit from Robert Cabaras attorney and he suddenly changed his story.”

  “Was Justina dating Nick at this time?” Jim questioned.

  “No. They began dating after Elizabeth died.”

  “The bum that coughed up the confession was he connected to the Cabara family?” Matthew asked.

  “Yes,” Roger raised an eyebrow. “I’ve often thought something funny was going on there, but couldn’t prove it, and didn’t have any facts to base my theories on.”

  “What was the connection?” Matthew quizzed.

  “Reynolds was a bartender at Marcus’s club for a while and then he became one of Robert’s errand boys.”

  “There had to be evidence left at the scene,” Jim guessed.

  Roger exhaled as he answered, “The only evidence found connecting Reynolds to the scene was a small patch of blood on the bedroom floor and a few fingerprints. During the investigation, there was no mention of semen being present on or near the body, but the coroner who conducted the autopsy said there were definite signs of sexual activity prior to death, yet his report was lost or separated from Elizabeth’s files.”