Read Kacey & Friends at Camp Wildwood Page 10

  Chapter Ten: Revenge of the Counselors

  “Don’t worry,” Kacey assured her, “We’ll be okay. We can scare him off like last time.”

  They gathered some of Emma’s cooking utensils, and then Ava and Kacey looked cautiously out of their tent.

  There, next to the steps to their tent stood a big black bear on his hind legs.

  The girls were momentarily frightened, but began beating on their metal pots.

  “Go! Get away!!” they cried, but the bear didn’t move.

  “Go on! Get!” they shouted again, banging loudly.

  The bear crouched down on all four paws and began coming toward them.

  “Oh, no!” Ava cried, “What will we do now?”

  Suddenly Emma appeared and handed them a large spray can.

  “Here! Try this! It’s bug spray! Spray it in his face!”

  Ava took the can and directed the spray directly into the bear’s face. He turned away, waving his paws in the air, and started to cough.

  The girls looked at one another in confusion.

  “What are you trying to do, poison me?” a voice said, coming from the bear. Matt reached up and yanked off his bear head, coughing and waving a paw to clear the air.

  “Matt!” Emma cried, “You! It was you? The whole time?”

  He coughed some more, and then said, “Of course it was me!”

  Ava and Kacey began to laugh, but Emma was furious.

  “You scared me to death! I had to sleep in the lodge because I was afraid of bears!”

  Matt laughed, “Come on, It was just a joke. I thought you knew!”

  “How could I? That costume looks real!”

  “What about all those stories that you and Andre told us about campers getting mauled? Were they true?” asked Ava.

  Matt shrugged, “Well, maybe it could have happened.”

  “You mean you made it all up?” Emma cried.

  “Yeah, we did,” Matt admitted sheepishly. “Didn’t Tasha tell you I was the bear?”

  “She knew? She knew the whole time?” Emma cried, “Ohh, that little--“

  “Come on, Emma,” Kacey said, taking her arm, “Calm down. No harm was done. It was just a practical joke and we all fell for it. Very funny, Matt. You make a very convincing bear!”

  “Don’t I?” he grinned, and proceeded to show them his portable speaker. He played the growling sounds once more.

  Wendi and Deena were sneaking up behind Matt. While he was putting away his portable speaker, they tossed a black rubber snake on his head.

  “Whoa!” he cried, jumping back several feet in fright.

  The girls teased, “Scared, Matt? It’s just Bartley’s fake rubber snake! What are you scared of?”

  He made a face at them, and Deena said, “You deserve that for scaring us to death! But we’re not done with you yet. We’ll get just wait!” they teased.

  “Why, what’s going to happen?” he asked.

  “You’ll see!” they replied, and ran back to their tent.

  “Goodnight, Matt!” Ava called, and closed the flap.

  The girls got back into bed and Emma declared, “Tomorrow morning, I’m going to find out from those girls what they’re going to do to Matt because I want to be in on it!”

  “Me, too!” cried the others, and they all laughed in anticipation.

  The next day dawned warm and sunny. Campers were up early, trying to spend their last day doing something fun before their parents arrived. By eight o’clock, a dozen or more campers were swimming in the lake, while another group was going on their last canoe rides. Breakfast came soon after, and the kids were all connecting with each other, taking photos and exchanging autographs and gifts.

  Kacey, Ava, and Emma sat with Wendi and Deena while eating breakfast.

  “So what’s the big prank you’re going to pull on Matt? We want to help,” Emma said.

  Deena looked around and lowered her voice, “Right after breakfast we’re going to the men’s shower room. We’ve located where the hot and cold water valves are outside on the back of the building, and we intend to switch off the hot water while Matt is in the shower.”

  “Isn’t it too late?” Kacey asked, looking around, “He’s probably here at breakfast somewhere.”

  “No, we’ve got a lookout posted. He usually goes down about 8:30,” Deena said, looking at her watch, “Which is in about fifteen minutes. As soon as she sees him heading for the shower with his towel and kit, she’ll let us know.”

  Ava laughed, “A surprise cold shower! I wonder how he’ll like that one!”

  “Yeah, we’ll wait until he’s covered in soap, and then turn it off.”

  “How will you know when he’s covered in soap?” Emma asked.

  Deena and Wendi laughed, “We’ll peek in, of course!”

  The girls covered their mouths to stifle their laughter.

  “You wouldn’t!” Kacey exclaimed, “That’s indecent!”

  Deena shrugged, “Don’t worry. There are walls between the shower stalls, so we won’t see more than his bare head and shoulders from the door.”

  Five minutes later, another counselor named Latrice came into the lodge and found the girls.

  “Matt just left his tent with his towel and bag. Andre’s with him. They should be there in about two minutes.”

  “Great! We can get both guys because I bet that Andre was in on the bear thing, too! Let’s casually stroll over to the shower rooms. If one of us gets called away, the others will have to carry on,” Deena said.

  “You have our word!” Emma promised.

  Most of the campers were near the swimming and boating area with Justin and Jack. Some of the counselors were still in the main lodge. The girls made sure that neither Sandy nor Mr. Shillings was around when they headed for the back of the men’s shower room.

  Around the back, they were totally out of sight. Deena volunteered to peek in the door to make sure Matt was in there while Latrice and Ava guarded both ends of the back. Deena looked around cautiously to make sure no one was watching when she went to the door. It squeaked when she opened it, but the sound of the running shower blocked out the noise. She spotted Matt and Andre standing in the stalls. From the door she could only see their heads and shoulders over the stall walls. They turned on the water and began to soap up. Deena ran back to the others and gave them the signal.

  Wendi nodded and turned off the faucet labeled “HOT”.

  Then they all ran back to the door and peeked inside. By this time, the last of the hot water had circulated through the pipes, and now there was only freezing cold water in the showers.

  “Yikes!” Matt screamed, backing away from the shower and trying to wipe the soap from his eyes. Andre yelled and jumped back also.

  The girls all exploded into laughter, doubling over.

  “Who’s out there?” Matt demanded, grabbing his towel and wrapping it around his waist. He opened the door and saw the girls laughing hysterically. He was covered in soap from head to toe.

  “You! You girls better turn the hot water back on!” he yelled.

  “Sorry!” Deena cried, “We couldn’t bear to do that! You come out and do it yourself, even if you are bare!”

  The girls laughed again and ran away, yelling back, “Gotcha!”

  By lunch time, most of the parents had arrived to pick up their kids. There was lots of hugging and some tears shed as each counselor said goodbye to their campers. Kacey, Emma, and Ava all posed for photos with the kids and promised to keep in touch with some of them.

  A large luxury vehicle pulled up and a woman got out. She looked around at the crowded parking lot where cars were coming and going, and kids were packing their stuff in the trunks.

  “Can I help you?” Sandy asked the woman.

  “Yes, I’ve come for Bartley Long’s things.”

  “Oh, are you his mother?”

  “No, I’m Ms. Creadle, his nanny. His parents are on cruise, and I am taking care of Ba
rtley this summer.”

  “Oh, I see,” Sandy said cautiously, “Have you seen Bartley?”

  “Yes, I picked the boy up from the hospital, and he’s in the back seat. May I have his things?”

  “Of course. I’ll get them for you. How is Bartley doing?”

  The woman sighed, “He’s fine. It’s his own fault for running away and playing with matches.”

  “Yes, well, I’m sure he realizes that now,” Sandy replied.

  “I don’t know. That boy never does what he’s told. As soon as his parents return next month, I’m handing in my resignation. They don’t pay me enough to deal with that brat. I’ll take his things now, if you don’t mind.”

  Kacey overheard Bartley’s name mentioned and came over to meet the woman while Sandy left to get his things.

  “Hi, I’m Kacey, one of the counselors who was with Bartley when he got trapped in the cave.”

  “Oh, yes, Mr. Shillings told me what happened. I’m not surprised. One of these days that boy will really hurt himself with one of his crazy stunts.”

  “Yeah, he really needs watching,” Kacey admitted.

  “That and a lot more. He needs a good spanking, if you ask me, but I’m not allowed to give him what he deserves. His parents spoil him, but they’re not around much. They are both professionals, and they travel a great deal even when they’re not working. Bartley attends boarding school most of the year, and in the summers they hire a nanny to take care of him.”

  “Oh, I see,” Kacey said. She felt sorry for Bartley because he didn’t have a close relationship with his parents.

  “Is Bartley close to his grandparents, other family members, or his friends?” Kacey asked.

  “Not that I know of,” replied Ms. Creadle, “At least no one has contacted me from the family. He’s an only child. Bartley mostly plays by himself because he doesn’t play well with other children. He doesn’t like to share, as you’ve probably figured out by now.”

  Kacey just nodded her head.

  “I’d like to say goodbye to Bartley if I could,” Kacey asked.

  “Sure,” Ms. Creadle replied and opened the back door of the vehicle. Kacey peeked inside and saw Bartley sitting there, looking sad.

  “Bartley! It’s so good to see you! Are you feeling better?”

  Bartley’s face broke into a smile when he saw Kacey.

  “Yes, I’m better.”

  “Great! Well, I’m really glad to hear that. Did you have a good time at camp?”

  “Yeah!” he replied enthusiastically, “And I’m coming back next summer!”

  “You are?” Kacey replied incredulously. His answer was so unexpected.

  “Yup! So I’ll see you next year!” he cried.

  “If I come back next summer, I will see you then. I promise!”

  Before she could close the door, Bartley reached out and put his arms around her neck and gave her a hug. She imagined that he didn’t express feelings for others very easily, and appreciated his affection.

  “Thanks, Bartley,” she said when they parted, “Have a safe trip home. And remember to do everything joy, respect, and kindness to all.”

  “Okay,” Bartley smiled and waved goodbye as Kacey closed the door.

  Sandy returned with Bartley’s things and put them into the trunk. Ms. Creadle turned to Kacey, who said, “Well, it was nice meeting you, Ms. Creadle. Have a safe trip home.”

  “Thanks,” she replied and got into the car and drove away.

  Kacey stood, feeling sorry for Bartley and wishing she had shown him more patience.

  Sandy shook her head, “I don’t get it. You saved the boy’s life. Has anyone thanked you yet?”

  Kacey shrugged, “No. But I wasn’t expecting any thanks.”

  “You’re a good person, Kacey. You saved that boy’s life, and for one, I am very grateful.”

  “Thanks, Sandy.”

  “Do you think you’ll be back next summer? We can really use a person like you. We can offer you a lead counselor’s job and pay you.”

  Kacey explained, “Well, I can’t really say. I’m in college now, and I don’t know what my plans will be next summer. But I’ll keep your offer in mind. Thank you.”

  Sandy nodded and left her just as Emma and Ava arrived.

  “What did Sandy want?” Ava asked.

  “She offered me a job as a lead counselor next summer.”

  “Wow, that’s nice,” Ava said, “Will you be coming back here next year?”

  “I don’t know,” she replied.

  Emma spoke up, “Well, I’m coming back!”

  “You?” the other girls exclaimed incredulously. Ava said, “I thought you hated it here!”

  “That was only when I thought there were bears. Now that I know it was just a gag, I’m not scared anymore. Besides, with my two best friends to protect me, bears won’t hurt me.”

  Ava slid her arm around Emma’s waist, saying, “Well, if we do come back, we’ll all have to remember to bring our hair dryers to scare off the bears!”

  They all burst out laughing.


  Discover other Titles by C. Metzinger

  Playing to Win

  A Cup of Water

  Snow Angels

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