Read Kaleidoscope Page 11

  Deck pressed his advantage and deepened the kiss, drinking from her mouth, taking all he could get.

  Christ. Unbelievable.

  It became more unbelievable.

  Because two seconds in, she… went… wild.

  Fingers fisting in his shirt, pulling him to her even when he had nowhere to go, she rolled further up on her toes, tilted her head more, tangled her tongue with his and pressed everything she had deep, her whimper filling his mouth.

  Not unbelievable.


  Without releasing her mouth, Deck shifted back an inch to give her her arms and she instantly tugged them out but only to curl her fingers in his jacket and yank it down his arms.

  He let her go and shrugged it off. Mouths still connected, after his jacket dropped to the floor, he walked her backward.

  Her hands went back to his shirt at the sides, wrenching it up, pulling it out of his jeans then they dove in, skin against skin, her touch warm, light, slightly tentative, definitely searching, discovering.

  He steadied her with an arm around her waist, bowing his back to keep her mouth, and walked her down the three steps to his great room before he angled her to the couch.

  She pulled one hand out of his shirt and slid it up his chest, it curled around the side of his neck then slid up in his hair and she held his mouth to hers.

  He twisted them and fell back over the arm of the couch, taking her with him.

  She landed on his body and he rolled instantly, trapping her underneath him, all the while he kept at her mouth.

  She didn’t deny him, one hand roaming, losing the shyness, becoming confident, another little mew slid down his throat and her nails dragged down the skin over his spine.

  He tore his mouth from hers to mutter, “Fuck, baby.”

  Eyes closed, she lifted her head and pressed her lips against his, this time her tongue slid into his mouth.

  He growled and pressed her deeper into the couch. His hands moving to her sweater, he yanked up.

  Her arms flew up and she arched her back. He pulled it off and bent to her. Lips to her jaw, he touched his tongue to it, trailing down the salty skin, smelling her hair, tasting her neck, down to her chest, down, his path defined.

  “You know what I want, Emme,” he said against her skin, and she did. He knew it when her fingers curled into the cup of her bra and pulled down.

  Her breast was as gorgeous as the rest of her.

  He closed his mouth over her nipple and drew in hard.

  Her back arched, her soft hips grinding into his hard ones and she moaned a sexy-as-fuck moan he felt in his dick.

  He drew her nipple in harder.

  “Jacob,” she breathed, fingers sliding into his hair.

  “Other one,” he ordered, then circled the tight bud with his tongue and he felt her resulting shiver.

  Without delay, her other hand lifted to pull down the other cup of her bra and he switched sides.

  She bucked underneath him.

  Fuck, so goddamned hot, he needed to know what that was doing to her and he needed to know immediately.

  So he set about finding out.

  Rolling so she was on top, he knifed up, undid her bra and pulled it away, tossing it aside. He lay back, taking her with him. Rolling again, he got her under him, put his hands under her arms and jerked her all the way up the couch so her head was on the armrest, the sexy little gasp this caused he also felt in his dick.

  Then he slid down, yanked down the zippers on her boots, tugged them off, then socks, jeans, panties, all cast aside.

  “Spread,” he growled.

  On another sexy mew, Emme spread.

  Deck bent forward and fed.

  Christ. Hot. Drenched. Pure beauty. Absolute.

  Hands in his hair, one leg over the back of the couch, she shifted the other over his shoulder, digging her heel in his back as she rolled herself up, offering her pussy, seeking his mouth, demanding he take everything she had.

  He took it until her movements and noises got desperate.

  Then he rolled off the couch.

  Her head moved his way, those exotic fucking eyes of hers closed but she opened them to blink in surprise and he reached down and took hold of her arm. She cried out, the noise part turned-on gasp as she came up fast. He caught her bare, round ass in a hand, his other hand drove into her hair and tipped her mouth to his.

  He felt his gut tighten when, even with the taste of her in his mouth, she let him take it as she wound her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his hips.

  Kissing her, he walked her through the house to his bed.

  Putting a knee to it at the foot, he walked her up, rested her on the pillows then slid away. He stood at the end of the bed, hands going to the buttons of his shirt as she looked down the bed at him. Eyes lazy. A blush in her cheeks.

  She was gone.

  Fuck him.

  “Jacob,” she whispered, starting to close her legs.

  “Stay spread for me, baby.”

  Her teeth found her lip, her cheeks got pinker, she hesitated but let her legs settle open for him.


  Her hair all over his pillow, her sex glistening wet and gorgeous, the taste of it still on his tongue, her eyes half closed, her face flushed, his dick started to throb.

  He wasted no time taking off the rest of his clothes and joining her. Reaching beyond her to the nightstand, he opened the drawer and left it open after he grabbed a condom.

  Kneeling between her opened legs, he held her eyes as he rolled it on.

  “You’re beautiful, Emme,” he whispered.


  He fell forward and covered her, lips to her lips, he rolled his hips and positioned the tip of his cock inside.

  “I’m big, honey,” he murmured against her mouth.

  “I noticed,” she breathed, her arms rounding him.

  He slid an inch deeper.



  Fuck, he wanted to bury himself inside.

  “You can’t take me, tell me, or you can’t talk, bite my shoulder.”

  “More,” she panted, lifting her hips.

  Fuck yes.

  He slid an inch deeper.

  He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers.

  Slick. Close.

  Fucking heaven.

  “More, honey,” she begged.

  He gave her more, slid out and partially back in.


  “We go slow.”

  He gave her more, slid out and then partially back in.

  She squirmed under him, tipping up her hips.


  Fuck. Killing him.



  “God,” she whimpered as he gave her more, slid back out and then in.

  Her legs rounded him and her nails again scraped his back.


  He opened his eyes. “Slow.”


  He slid out and back in.

  “I—” she began.

  “Sl—” he started to repeat, but she tipped her chin, caught his lower lip between her teeth, locked her eyes with his, let his lip go and begged, “Please, honey, fuck me.”

  Her words, her actions broke his control and he couldn’t hold back any longer. He thrust in savagely and buried himself to the root.

  Her neck arched back, mouth open, moan silent, limbs convulsing, sex rippling, she took all of him and liked it.


  “More,” she breathed.

  That was all Deck needed.

  He pounded deep, watched and felt her reach for it, take hold and slide over the side, crying out, her neck arced, the elegant line of her jaw exposed, then her head shot forward and she buried her face in his neck.

  He rode her hard, harder, then he planted himself, and Emme’s fire dancing behind his eyes, Emme his entire universe, Deck exploded on a
long, deep groan.

  After it left him, he felt her pussy slick and tight around his cock, her body soft and yielding under his, her limbs wrapped around him tight and her face was still buried in his neck.

  He turned his head so he could find her ear with his lips and when he did, he whispered, “Like I was sayin’, Emme, you were not a mark.”

  Her body tensed under him, her limbs starting to release.

  He pressed his hips into hers, she stilled and he growled, “That went a lot faster than I reckon you were ready to go, but doesn’t matter. This is where we are now and this is the beginning. And don’t piss me off by stayin’ angry when you now know you got no call to be and tryin’ to push me away by tellin’ me that wasn’t as hot and fuckin’ great for you as it was for me because I won’t believe you.”

  She said nothing.

  So he went on.

  “And, babe, you’re pissed, you got a filthy mouth.”

  Again he felt a tensing of her body before she relaxed.

  “You curse all the time,” she whispered.

  “I’m allowed. I’m a guy.”

  This time, her body jerked, her head snapped back and her eyes found his.

  Hers were sated, surprised, confused and peeved.

  It was a hot look. It also was a cute one.

  He grinned at her.

  The peeved left, soft came in and she whispered, “You’re teasing.”


  Her eyes moved over his face, around his head, then back to his before she asked, “Did we just do what we just did?”

  His grin got bigger. “Oh yeah.”

  “I’m not sure I can face Buford again. He saw me naked.”

  Cute. Sweet.



  He was buried inside Emme.


  “That’s not good, babe, ’cause I’m not gonna lock him outta my room seein’ as it’s his room too so he’s gonna see a lot of that.”

  Her expression shifted in a way he didn’t like and she started, “Jacob—”

  He had a feeling they were getting into the confused part of her earlier look, which could mean Emme’s retreat. Something he was not about to let happen.

  Not after the beauty she just let loose and gave him.

  To stop it, he dropped his mouth to touch it to hers, lifted up and said, “I gotta get rid of this condom. Then I gotta put on my jeans and make a dozen calls to guys I got all over the county lookin’ for you. Then I gotta pull your Bronco in the drive ’cause we’re gettin’ weather tonight and I got a three-car garage so I don’t have to scrape the windshields of any vehicle. I’ll get you a tee. You get your ass to the kitchen because I haven’t eaten dinner seein’ as I’ve been all over the fuckin’ place lookin’ for you. So as penance, you’re gonna make me a sandwich. We’ll talk while I’m eatin’ it.”

  “You and a bunch of guys were looking for me?” she asked, her eyes bigger, her look stunned.

  “Babe, you don’t gotta be a genius to know something’s up when you call me at the drop of a hat to connect and suddenly you’re hangin’ up on me after you get a visit from the sheriff about a ring you told me about. But, reminder, I am a genius so I figured it out. I got worried. You were pissed. Probably hurt. And not home so that meant both of those and in a car. So I sent men searching.”

  “I don’t know whether to laugh because you’re funny. Apologize that I put you to that trouble. Or be hurt and angry because you didn’t tell me Dane was a serious bad guy and not only does he work for me, I was seeing him.”

  Fuck. It appeared he’d solved one problem giving her an orgasm, now he had a different one.

  He slanted his head, brushed his lips up her jaw and, in her ear, whispered, “We’ll talk over a sandwich.”

  She hesitated before she agreed, “Okay.”

  He slid out and liked the way her limbs tightened around him as he did. Then he slid his lips over her chest as he rolled them across the bed and finally pulled her out of it.

  He put her on her feet, grabbed her hand and led her to his chest of drawers. He opened one and yanked out a tee but he didn’t give it to her. He shook it out, bunched it up and pulled it over her head.

  Emme pushed her arms through and the tee dropped down to her thighs.

  He cupped her jaw with his hands and bent close.

  “You want me to go get your panties?” he asked.

  “I’ll get them,” she whispered.

  He nodded, lifted up, kissed her forehead, let her go and moved to the bathroom.

  He had his jeans on, pulled on a sweater and had his phone to his ear while he was making his way through the house to the garage when he saw Emme in his kitchen, her back to him. She was at the counter with bread, condiments and Ziplocs of deli supplies spread around her.

  All that was Emmanuelle Holmes in his kitchen in his tee making him a sandwich after he’d fucked her and they’d both come hard.

  That did not suck.

  He grinned at his phone as he told one of his boys to go home.

  Then he saw her jeans folded on the couch, made a correct guess and found her keys in a pocket. He went out and pulled in the Bronco. It hurt, even driving a few feet in a Bronco with a butterfly hanging from the rearview mirror, but he survived it.

  He did this on the phone and by the time he got back to the kitchen, she had a sandwich on a plate with chips, pickles and an open beer on his bar and he was on his last call.

  “Right. Thanks. Later,” he said into his phone, his eyes on her where she was all the way across the kitchen, facing him, back to the counter, arms wrapped around her stomach, eyes on him.

  He disconnected and put his cell to the bar.

  Then he said gently, “Come here, Emme.”

  “I made roast beef and Swiss, seeing as you had them I figured you liked them. But I didn’t know what condiments to use. If you were a beef and mayo man. A beef and mustard man. Or other,” she informed him.

  “Come here, Emme.”

  Uncertainty moved through her features and she whispered, “That never happened to me.”

  “We got chemistry. Personally, babe, I’m not surprised,” he replied.

  “Not that.” She was still whispering.

  He took a guess and went to her.

  He was intense during sex. Their late-night conversation the other night exposed she had concerns about pleasing him, and he deduced this was because she wasn’t exactly experienced. This was not a surprise. But it was something he told himself to have a mind to. When she went wild on him, he’d forgotten that.

  He stopped close to her, but not too close, curved his fingers around her hips and dipped his face to hers.

  “Right, honey. That got outta hand and I saw your indecision when I told you to expose yourself to me. Just know, I know what I like in bed. I get it even if that means I give orders to get it. But I hope you get with what just happened, even though I control everything there, I’ll always take care of you, and no matter what I ask or do, you’re safe.”

  “Not that,” she repeated. “The orgasm.”

  His chin jerked back.


  “I… um… no one’s ever…” Her eyes went anywhere but to his. Then, pure Emme, she couldn’t hold evasive for more than a few seconds, they came back to his. “I was concerned it was me,” she finished quietly.

  Deck stared.

  “No shit?” he asked.

  “Well…” she trailed off.

  “No man’s ever made you come?”

  She tipped her head to the side and shrugged.

  He couldn’t believe this.

  “Seriously, you light up like that and no man’s ever taken that home?” he pressed.

  “I don’t, well… normally light up like that.” She took in an unsteady breath and stated, “I don’t know what came over me.”

  Deck fucking loved this.

  He fought a grin as he suggested, “Maybe because it’s never
been me?”

  Her head jerked, her eyes flashed and she replied, “You think a lot of yourself.”

  “Babe, you got your tits out for me. You spread yourself over my couch for me. You opened yourself for me in my bed. And you begged me to fuck you and you came hard and fast for me. Yeah. After that, I do.”

  Her peeved expression came back.

  “I hardly need a blow-by-blow, Jacob. I was there,” she snapped.

  “Well, I don’t want you to forget any of it seein’ as I won’t and we’re gonna act out that scenario again. It was so hot, maybe repeatedly.”


  He rounded her with his arms and pulled her into his body, one hand sliding up her back into her hair.

  He quit fucking with her and gentled his voice when he said, “Emmanuelle, that was good. Explain to me why you seem conflicted.”

  “Because I was really angry with you and then I was all over you. Then you were all over me and I liked it and I’m not sure angry sex is healthy sex.”

  Yeah. Definitely inexperienced. Angry sex arguably could be the best sex you could get.

  Teasing but hoping she took his point and it eased her mind, he replied, “Then I’m fucked because, with you, angry sex is fuckin’ great sex and I hope it happens a lot.”

  “I’m being serious,” she whispered.

  “So am I,” he replied, and she blinked.

  “You are?”

  “Babe, you’re here, in my tee, I think you get I didn’t play you, so we worked it out.” He gave her a squeeze. “In a good way. So I’m not complaining. We argue, that’s the end of the argument, I won’t complain then either.”

  Again, her eyes roamed to anything but his and he gave her another squeeze.

  “Talk,” he ordered.

  Her eyes came back to his. “I don’t have a lot of experience.”

  “I know. You did, I wouldn’t have gotten that phone call late the night before last that was not about what Elsbeth said about me but about you worried you weren’t gonna please me. I got it then. I got somethin’ that pleased me fifteen minutes ago. Better yet, for the first time, you got somethin’ that pleased you.” He moved his face closer and finished, “Honey, it’s all good.”

  “You need to eat your sandwich,” she informed him, blatantly changing the subject.

  Deck denied the subject change. “Not before you tell me you’re good.”