Read Kane Page 17

I simply leaned over to the passenger door of Kane’s SUV, or now the family SUV, opened it and proceeded to get into the car. Keela, Alec, and Kane, however, thought sliding into the passenger seat was more like climbing Mount Everest for me. The three of them reached for me and held onto some part of my body and tried to ease my already easy transition into the car.

  “Oh, my God,” I grumbled. “I’m not a doll, I won’t break.”

  Alec snapped his fingers at me. “Don’t jinx yourself.”

  I snorted, “Stop it. You’re all being way overboard with me. I’m pregnant, not disabled. I can do things meself and not cause any bodily harm, you know?”

  “We know, Ado, but you can’t blame us for wantin’ to keep you extra safe.”

  I grinned. “If your over-protectiveness causes me to lose the plot and go crazy, I’ll blame all of your for drivin’ me to the point of being coo-coo.”

  Alec raised his eyebrow at me and said, “You’ll be fine.”

  I chortled, “Please, for all you know I could suffer from a mental illness. That means I could kill you, plead insanity, and get away with it. I’d think about that if I was you.”


  “Keela, why are you friends with her?” Alec murmured to his fiancée without taking his eyes away from me.

  My best friend turned, looked him dead in the eye and said, “I honestly have no idea.”

  I gleefully laughed, “I do. It’s because I’m the glue that holds this fucked up group together.”

  “Or you’re just the incubator to my nephew and that’s the only reason I, and everyone else, puts up with you,” Alec countered.

  “Kiss me arse, Slater!” I snapped.

  Kane sighed, closed my door and gestured Keela and Alec away from the car. He shook his head and walked around to the driver’s side of the car and got in. I glared at Alec through the window and then stuck my middle finger up at him. Keela burst into laughter while Alec shook his head at me while grinning.

  I glanced at Kane as he leaned over to me and grabbed a hold of my seatbelt. He pulled on it, positioned it over my body then buckled the belt. He lowered the bottom half of the belt under my belly and fixed the upper strap across my shoulder. He looked up on the Internet the proper way for a pregnant woman to wear a seatbelt and he was pretty hands on in making sure it was always adjusted correctly every time I was in his car.

  I waved to Keela until she and Alec left my sight. I relaxed into my seat and rested my head back against the headrest. I closed my eyes and hummed as the vibrations of the engine slithered up my seat and reverberated against my back.

  I opened my eyes and glanced at Kane after a few minutes of music filling the car.

  “Are you excited?”

  He nodded his head as he drove. “I’m nervous, too.”

  I raised my eyebrow. “Why nervous?”

  He shrugged and for a moment I thought the shrug was his reply until he grunted and said, “I’m worried I might cry.”

  I burst into unexpected laughter.

  “It’s not funny,” he hissed. “I can’t cry—it will be the ultimate bitch thing to do.”

  I continued to laugh.

  “You aren’t helping, you know?” he snarled.

  I crossed my legs when my bladder objected to my laughter.

  “Sorry,” I wheezed a little and forced myself to calm down.

  “Are you really?” Kane questioned.

  I bit my lip and nodded my head.


  I laughed again then waved my hands. “Stop. I’m goin’ to wee meself.”

  “It’d serve you right for laughing at me.”

  I calmed myself down—it took two minutes—until I was only chuckling here and there.

  “I’m only teasin’. You’ll be fine,” I said and fanned myself with my hands.

  Kane grunted, “We’ll see.”

  “If you do cry, we can blame it on your diabetes somehow,” I said, grinning.

  “I hate you,” Kane murmured.

  I smiled to myself. I was enjoying this conversation far more than I should have. It was like every other conversation we’d had over the past few weeks; it resulted in me feeling giddy with happiness. All. The. Time.

  I glanced at Kane then looked down to his thighs.

  “I haven’t asked you this in a while, but how are you feelin’? You have had a steady routine over the past few weeks with your injections. Are you startin’ to feel like yourself again?”

  Kane didn’t look at me as he spoke, “Yes and no. I feel stronger and overall really good because I don’t feel sick anymore. But I don’t feel one hundred percent myself because I have to rely on you for my injections. It makes me feel a little... inadequate.”

  “Inadequate? That’s silly, you could haven chosen not to let anyone give you your insulin, but you made the choice to let me do it. You have the control, not me. You allow me to give you an injection, that’s all on you. I’m just the helper.”

  Kane mulled this over in his mind, but I could see that my response made him feel a little better so I didn’t push for further conversation, I let it lie.

  “I’m glad we’re getting along better.”

  I snorted, “We fought over baby names yesterday and I threw a cup at you.”

  “That’s true,” Kane nodded, “but we spoke five hours later which is way quicker than usual.”

  When he put it like that, we sounded so weird.

  “You’re right, that’s major progress,” I said, sarcasm dripping from every word.

  Kane shook his head. “That’s just me and you, Aideen.”

  “Yeah,” I chuckled. “Me and you.”

  “We still aren’t naming the baby Jenna if it’s a girl.”

  I growled, “But it’s cute!”

  “Not happening. I hate that name.”

  “Why?” I complained.

  Kane shrugged. “I just do, okay?”

  I groaned, “Fine, whatever.”

  Kane laughed at me when I folded my arms over my chest and it pissed me off. “Don’t poke the bear, Kane. I said fine. Accept that and don’t bathe in your smugness or I’ll knock it out of you.”

  “Damn,” he murmured, “hormones are in full swing today.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Nothing, I just said you look so beautiful today.”


  “I’m wearin’ leggin’s, an over sized shirt, and a cardigan.”

  “Yep. Beautiful.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You’re so full of it.”

  “I’ve meant to ask—you don’t wear jeans anymore, it’s just been leggings the past two weeks. Why is that?”

  I frowned. “I’m twenty weeks and a day pregnant, Kane. You can see my belly has gotten bigger, but so have my thighs and arse. Me old jeans don’t fit anymore.”

  It hurt saying that. It really did.

  “So why not buy the next size up?”

  I felt sick. “Because the next size up for me is a twelve! I’ve never been a twelve. Always a ten.”

  Kane glanced at me before returning his eyes to the road. “I forget the difference between Irish and US sizes. What is a twelve in the States?”

  I pouted, “A sixteen.”

  “Really, you’re a sixteen now?” Kane asked, his eyes wide with surprise.

  “No, I’m a twelve, it’s just a sixteen in the States.”

  “Yeah, but you just said it was the same—”

  “I’m a twelve, Kane. A twelve.”


  I huffed, “By the time I have your bloody kid I’ll probably be a size thirty!”

  Kane gnawed on his lower lip. “My baby has an appetite, what can I say?”

  “I could say a lot of things, but I’m not goin’ to,” I snarled.

  “If you’re so worried about gaining weight, why don’t you work out with me?”

  “Because I don’t like workin’ out. It gives me hives.”

  Kane laughed, “Bulls
hit excuses give me hives.”

  “Well, excuse me,” I retorted.

  Kane sighed, “Come on, baby mama. Let me work you out.”

  I looked at Kane with narrowed eyes.

  He snickered, “You know I mean a legit work out. But... sex with me would be one hell of a workout for you.”

  Yeah, right.

  “So would sex with any man.”

  Kane’s joking attitude fled. “You won’t be having sex with any man that isn’t me while you’re pregnant.”

  “And why not?” I asked, curiously.

  I wouldn’t have sex with any man while pregnant with Kane’s baby, but being told I couldn’t ticked me off.

  “Because you’re pregnant with my baby,” Kane said, his tone firm. “Put it this way—if you did fuck someone I’d be really hurt and I’d kill the bastard who you did it with. Is that a good enough reason?”

  The threats didn’t surprise me, but the mention of him being hurt did.

  “You’d be hurt if I was with another man while pregnant?”

  Kane nodded once. “Yes, I would. Right now your body has a part of me inside it and it’s changing and growing each day. I just want you to belong to me, no one else. I’m being very serious right now, Aideen. I don’t know what I’d do if someone touched you.”

  I swallowed down a lump that suddenly formed in my throat. “Kane... that’s... that’s actually really sweet.”

  He shrugged. “Thanks, I guess.”

  “I don’t want you to be hurt, or to kill anyone, so you have me word. I’ll suppress me sexual urges.”

  Kane smirked. “I wouldn’t go that far. Have all the sexual urges you want, just make me your go-to guy when you want to act those urges out.”

  The moment was over.

  “You’re such a pig.”

  “I know.”

  I bobbed my knee up and down. “Are we nearly there yet? I have to go to the toilet.”

  “You always have to pee. You go fifty times a day.”

  I punched his shoulder. “It’s one of the joys of being pregnant, Daddy.”

  “Call me daddy one more time. Better yet, call me big daddy.”

  I laughed and so did Kane.

  That is something we did a lot lately when we were together. We teased each other, sometimes fought with one another, but we mostly laughed together. It was a nice change to not want to beat him to death all the time.

  Twenty minutes passed by and we parked and entered the Coombe hospital. We checked in and sat in the waiting area to wait for my name to be called. We were amidst a bunch of pregnant ladies and their husbands, friends, or boyfriends.

  Kane threw his arm around the back of my chair when we sat down and for some stupid reason I liked it. I don’t know why, I just did. Kane didn’t though. I could tell he was crazy uncomfortable with being around this many people even if the majority of them were pregnant.

  “What is the procedure here like?” he asked as he scoped the room out. “Do you have to do anything special or just go into the room and lay down?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “I was only here once and it was in the emergency room. I don’t know what a proper appointment is like.”

  Kane nodded his head then looked at the right when a woman dressed in white scrubs called my name. “Aideen Collins, room three for blood works.”

  I groaned, “I’ve to get a needle, do you want to wait here?”

  I only asked because I knew he had some sort of fear of them.

  “How many needles will they use on you?” he asked me, his eyes wild.

  I frowned. “Just the one, honey. Just the one.”

  He swallowed. “I’ll go with you, just in case you need me.”


  I smiled. “Let’s go then.”

  We stood up and walked towards the nurse who pointed at the floor. “Follow the red strip until you come to room three.” With that said she was on to calling out another woman’s name for her blood, too.

  I took hold of Kane’s hand when he reached out for me and felt butterflies in my stomach because of it. “Stay close to me, it’s very busy in here. I don’t want to have to start some shit if someone knocks into you.”


  “You aren’t startin’ trouble in a maternity hospital.”

  “I know I’m not because you’re going to stay behind me.”


  “Fine,” I sighed. “Lead the way, germinator.”

  Kane growled and it made me smile.

  He really hated that nickname.

  We followed the red line on the floor until we came to room number three. Kane knocked on the door and opened it without waiting. “Aideen Collins,” he said.

  “Yes, send her in.”

  Kane turned to the side and gestured me in. I walked past him and stopped short in front of a middle-aged nurse who was sitting on a chair next to a hospital bed.

  “Hop on up, honey.”

  It was too high for me to hop, but I could scoot my way up perfectly fine. I handed Kane my pink file that was given to me when we checked in and walked towards the bed. I shimmied my way onto the bed and frowned at my thighs. They became the size of Australia when I sat down, and I hated it.

  “How are you today?” the nurse asked me, a smile on her face.

  “I’m fine, thanks. You?”

  I watched as she put a strap on my arm. “I’m great, honey. Can you make a fist with your hand and relax it for me?”

  I did as she asked.

  “Perfect. Can you repeat that action a few times?”

  I nodded and repeated the action over and over. The nurse had tapped on the inside of my forearm before she cleaned it with an alcoholic wipe. I watched as she picked up a needle and stuck in into my arm.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  It hurt—it hurt a bloody lot.

  “Are you okay?” Kane asked me.

  I hadn’t realised I closed my eyes. “Yep,” I replied and tried not to sound like I wanted to cry even though I did.

  I gave him injections every day. I had to be brave for him. I hissed though when the nurse wiggled the needle around in my arm.

  “Sorry, honey. Your veins were hidin’, but I got one.”


  I opened my eyes when I felt a hand touch my back. Kane was next to me and he looked very worried. “Can you use a smaller needle, ma’am? I don’t want you to hurt her, she’s important.”

  I melted.

  My heart literally melted into a puddle.

  “I’m fine,” I murmured to him and looked away because my cheeks flushed with colour.

  The nurse looked between us and smiled. “It’s in the vein now. A few more steps and we’re done. Okay, sir?”

  Kane reluctantly nodded his head, but he didn’t move away from me. He kept his hand on my back and leaned down to kiss the crown of my head when I pressed it against his chest.

  I was absolutely beaming on the inside, and I thought myself such a fool for being so giddy.

  I tried not to dwell on my growing feelings for Kane—yeah, I admit it, I was stupidly starting to fall in like with the dickhead—and focused on the nurse instead.

  I watched as she withdrew a few vials of blood from me, and then removed the needle and put a cotton ball where the needle had been and some sticky tape over it to hold it in place on my arm.

  “Okay, honey, you can go back out to the waiting area. Leave your file with me and by the time you’re called in for your scan, the nurse attending you will have your file. It will be updated with all the results from the tests that will be performed today with your blood.”

  I nodded my head. “Thank you.”

  Kane stepped close to me and held my hands as I got off the bed. I was a little surprised that my legs suddenly felt a little weak. It caused me to slump a little.


  “I’ve got you,” Kane said and lifted me back up onto the bed.

  “Poor dear. Has she eaten today??
?? the nurse asked Kane.

  I was leaning against his chest so I couldn’t tell if he shook his head or not.

  “No, she throws up in the mornings. Her morning sickness hasn’t gone away yet.”

  The nurse sighed, “I’ll go get her some Lucozade for her blood sugar. After she drinks it go bring her to the deli in the café area and get some food into her.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  A few seconds of silence went by then I felt Kane kiss the crown of my head again. “You okay?”

  I nodded against his chest.

  He sighed, “I was losing my mind watching her take so much blood from you. I had to stop myself from interfering and telling her to stop.”

  I shyly smiled. “Aww, you care about me.”

  “I care about you more than anyone.”

  I blinked my eyes and looked up at him. “I’m tellin’ your brothers you said that.”

  Kane chuckled and placed his hand on my back and rubbed up and down. I could get used to this side of him, I thought as I closed my eyes until my dizzy spell went away. I opened them when the nurse walked back into the room holding a white plastic cup.

  “This is Lucozade, drink it,” she said and handed me the cup filled with orange liquid. “It will make you feel better until you get some food into you.”

  I thanked the nurse as I took the cup from her hands and brought it to my lips. I took a little sip of the drink then finished it in three gulps.

  I hummed, “That was nice.”

  Kane chuckled, “Food time.”

  Yes. Food.

  Kane took my hand and lead me out of the blood room and if I wasn’t so lightheaded, I would have blushed like a little schoolgirl. I shook my head at myself and followed Kane as we headed to the café within the hospital. I sat down at an empty table while Kane went about and got some sandwiches and crisps.

  “Excuse me, ma’am, do you have the correct time?”

  I looked up to who spoke, and for a second, I got a fright. The man was a burn victim—half of his face was just one big scar. I tried my very best not to stare at it.

  I glanced at my phone for the time and when I got it, I looked back to the man and said, “Just after nine, sir.”

  “Thank you.” He winked.

  I smiled. “You’re welcome.”

  He glanced at my stomach. “Good luck.”


  I looked down to my stomach and laughed.