Read Kane Page 28

  Kane brought his head to my shoulder and growled. He dug his fingers into my back and I felt myself go cross-eyed as an amazing but unexpected sensation crashed into my body.

  “Yes,” I breathed. “Right there. Harder.”

  Kane moved he fingers faster against my skin, and I gasped when hot heat spread throughout my body. I closed my eyes and hummed in delight at the relaxation that spread throughout my body in hot tingles. I was silent and dazed for a few moments until I opened my eyes, and then widened them to the point of pain when I realised what just happened.

  Did I just... Did I just?

  “Omigod,” I breathed and flung hand over my face. “Oh, my God. I’m so sorry.”

  Kane was silent for a moment then he said, “For what?”

  Like he didn’t know.

  “I’m mortified right now. I didn’t realise I would be able to... to...”

  “Come from a back rub?” Kane finished my sentence for me. “Your body is super sensitive, I’m not surprised. Besides I am the man, so you shouldn’t be surprised either.”

  Well, I bloody was. I had an orgasm and all he did was knead my back, for Christ’s sake. I was never going to live this down.

  “Babydoll, don’t be embarrassed. Not about this. Not with me.”

  I huffed, “How can I not? You just rubbed me back and I had an orgasm. A really good one, too.”

  Kane nipped my shoulder with his teeth. “This is a pretty proud moment for me. I feel like the king of the world for making you come from just rubbing your back. I took your back pain away and made you feel drunk on an orgasm. Pat on the back for me,” he teased.

  I groaned as he rolled me onto my back and froze when he nuzzled his face against the side of mine. “Besides,” he murmured, “it was sexy.”

  It was?

  “Really?” I whispered.

  “Oh, yeah,” he purred. “I felt the moment you let go, babydoll.”

  Oh damn, the ache from before was back, and it was pulsing hard between my thighs.

  “Stop talkin’ like this,” I pleaded, my voice low.

  Kane looked down at my legs and saw the moment I clenched my thighs together. A devilish smirk curved his lips as he looked back to me.

  “Why?” he asked, licking his lips. “I can make you feel so good, babydoll. I can rub, and thrust, your pain away. You know I can.”

  Oh, God.

  “I wanna fuck you during the daylight. I want to see you. Every single inch.”

  “Stop it.”

  “I’d bet you’d look adorable grasping the sheets of my bed.”

  He did not.


  “Oh, a preview.” He beamed.

  That bastard.

  I was going to beg him to touch me if he didn’t stop.

  “Kane,” I whispered. “Please.”

  “Say yes,” he murmured and brought his lips down to mine, brushing a kiss over them. “Say yes, and I’ll love your body until you can’t see straight. Let me fuck you good, babydoll.”

  Oh, damn.

  “Yes,” I breathed. “Yes, please.”

  Kane growled and took my mouth in his. The kiss was slow, seductive, and perfect. So perfect. I lifted my hands up so I could slide them around his neck, but Kane reached up and caught them both before I could touch him.

  “No touching,” he breathed against my mouth.


  “Kane, please,” I pleaded. “I need you.”

  He smiled, and the action transformed his entire face.

  “You have me, babydoll. All of me,” he said then disappeared from my sight.

  He moved down the bed, gripped onto the band of my leggings and my underwear, slid them down my legs, and pulled them off my body in one fluid motion. I yelped with surprise and tried to close my legs, but Kane was already between them and stopped my hide-my-vagina reflex from kicking in.

  I looked down, but could only see his hair.

  It made me laugh.

  “What’s funny?” Kane asked.

  “Me belly. It’s blockin’ me view of you,” I cackled.

  And Branna said I wasn’t that big yet. I called bullshit on that.

  “You don’t need to see me, babydoll. Just feel me.”

  And feel him, I did.

  I fisted the bed sheets around me when he spread me with his fingers, put his tongue on my clit, and sucked. My hips bucked, so he gripped my hips with his strong hands and held me down as he danced around my clit with his talented tongue.


  Breathe, just breathe and you will be- “Oh, fuck! Kane!” I cried out and cut my thoughts off when he rubbed his lips back and forth over my clit, and then moved his head from side to side. I bit down on my lower lip and gipped tighter onto bed sheets.

  I felt my eyes roll back when Kane bore down on my clit and sucked like his life depended on it. I felt my orgasm build, and just before it hit, everything went numb. Then I stopped breathing as the first pulse hit me.

  “Yes!” I cried out.

  With each pulse Kane sucked out of me, my back arched. As soon as the pleasure stopped and all that was left was the sensitive tingle between my thighs, I wiggled away from Kane’s mouth. He chuckled low in his throat when I pushed my way up the bed.

  “Are you trying to get away from me?”

  “Sensitive,” I panted as I flattened my back on the bed.

  Kane crawled up my body and hovered over me. I looked down and found his stomach touching mine, and it made me laugh.

  “This is so awkward.”

  Kane glanced at my belly then back to my face and smirked. “You could always be on top if this position bothers you.”

  I swallowed. “What if I look horrible from that angle though?”

  Kane deadpanned, “Nothing about you is horrible. I love your pregnant body. Do you understand that? I love it.”

  He did?


  “Yeah.” He grinned. “Oh.”

  “I’ll get on top then,” I murmured.

  Kane rolled onto his back, quickly rid himself of his trousers and boxers, and reached over to help me sit up. I kneeled next to him and bit the bullet by gripping the hem of my shirt and pulling it over my head.

  “Fuck me,” Kane breathed as his drank in the view of me.

  He sat up and reached his hands around to my back. He unclasped my bra and I sighed in relief as it fell from my body.

  Kane placed his hands on my back where the straps were and massaged the area in circles.

  I groaned in pleasure.

  “Does that feel better?” Kane murmured.

  I nodded my head and looked down at him. He was looking up at me with a mixture of lust admiration on his gorgeous face. I leaned my mouth down to his and kissed him.

  He moaned into my mouth, slid his hands down to my behind, and squeezed. I growled into his mouth and latched onto his lower lip, nibbling on it.

  Kane slapped my behind and it caused me to yelp.

  “Ride me, babydoll.” Kane grunted into my mouth.

  I blinked at him. “Deja vu.”

  Kane grinned. “I’ll change it up. How does… fuck me, babydoll sound?”

  I smiled as I leaned up and allowed Kane to grip his cock so I could sink down on it. My eyes fluttered closed as Kane rubbed himself against my clit before lining his cock up with my entrance. I squeezed his shoulders with my hands as I lowered myself down onto him.

  “Yes,” he hissed. “Fuck, Aideen. You’re so tight.”

  Enjoy the tightness while it lasts.

  I swallowed down a moan and leaned my head down to Kane’s as I began to move up and down. I gasped and bit down on my lower lip when jolts of pleasure shot up throw my body.

  “What is it?” Kane breathed.

  I licked my lips. “The sensation is heightened. I feel everythin’.”

  Kane watched me as I lifted up and lowered myself back down onto his cock.

  “Is that a good thing?” he asked.
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  I nodded my head. “Yes, it’s so good.”

  Kane grinned and lay back on his bed. He ran his hands over my pregnant belly, and then lifted them to my breasts. I hissed when he rubbed them a little too roughly.

  “Gently,” I chastised.

  Kane smirked but did as asked.

  He ran his fingertips in lightly circular patterns around my nipples, and it caused shivers to run up and down my spine.

  My breathing became laboured when I picked up my speed and slammed down on Kane’s cock like there was no tomorrow.

  “Fuck!” Kane roared and bucked his hips up into me.

  “Yes,” I panted. “Oh, please, yes!”

  “Come on, babydoll,” Kane growled and smacked my thighs. “Come all over me.”

  I cried out as I bore down and slammed down onto him until my body exploded into sensation. I felt Kane’s hand grab hold of my arms to stop me from falling off his body sideways.

  My insides pulsed, my skin tingled, and my head was swimming. I blinked my eyes open as Kane lay me down on the bed. I could see he was about to crawl between my legs, but I shook my head.

  “From behind,” I breathed and rolled onto my side.

  I used every ounce of strength in my body to push myself up on all fours, but I did it. Kane wasted no time spooning behind me, lifting my leg and hooking it over his legs before entering my body.


  “I’m so into you, babydoll,” Kane said then placed a kiss on my back.

  I glanced over my shoulder. “Yeah, well, I’m into you... a little.”

  Kane grinned at me. “I am most definitely in to you, too. A lot. Quite literally, actually.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You’re such a lad; you never miss an opportunity to make a sexually related pun.”

  “We’re having sex... I’m inside of you right now,” he growled. “Do you expect anything differently of me?”

  “No,” I instantly replied, “I don’t, and that’s really sad. You aren’t very high up on my expectations list.”

  Kane closed his eyes. “I’m hearing your words, I really am, but I’m balls deep inside you right now, so I just don’t give a fuck what the hell you’re saying.”

  I opened my mouth to tell him off, but he slid out of my body and thrust back in with such force that it made me choke on my own words.

  “Harder?” he asked.

  I was about pass out, and a harder pounding might make that happen, but what the hell?


  Kane dug his fingers into my hips and squeezed my flesh as his thrust deep inside me.

  “Yes!” I cried out.

  He slapped my arse. “Fuck, babydoll. You feel so good wrapped around my cock.”

  My eyes fluttered shut. “Kane, please.”

  “Say you’re mine.” He growled.

  “Kane,” I panted.

  “Say.” Thrust. “You’re.” Thrust. “Mine.” Thrust.

  “I’m yours,” I cried out.

  Kane let out a low rumbling growl as he got a huge spurt of energy and repeatedly slammed into my body causing my eyes to roll back.

  I stopped breathing as he banged an unexpected third orgasm out of me. I lost control of my arms and fell forward. I twisted so I landed on my side.

  Kane fell in front of me onto his back.

  “That was-”

  “Brilliant,” I finished on a laboured breath. “Pregnant sex is just fuckin’ brilliant.”

  Kane turned on his side, pressed his face against my cheek, and threw his arm over my chest. He kissed my cheek and it made me smile, lazily. He nuzzled against me and cocked his leg over mine. It caused me to giggle.

  “I can only do one round, big boy. Leave me be.”

  Kane laughed, “I’m not trying. I’m too tired to move.”

  I cracked up, “At least you’re honest.”

  Kane lightly chortled then sighed in content.

  I lifted my hands and ran my fingers back and forth over his arm. I leaned my head to the side then gasp when I felt her move in my stomach. She really moved. I’d felt her move about during work, and sometimes during the night, but never when Kane was next to me. He felt her a little in my sitting room with his brothers, but she was really wiggling about now, you could see it.

  I swallowed.

  “Kane,” I murmured as she gave me a swift kick causing me to gasp.

  Kane sat up. “What is it?” he asked, panicked.

  I looked at him with tears in my eyes and gestured him over to me.

  “Quickly,” I whispered. “She’s movin’.”

  Kane’s eyes widened and for a moment, he just sat staring at me, then he suddenly snapped out of it and moved closer.

  “What do I do?” he asked me as he stared at my abdomen.

  He looked lost.

  I reached out and took his hands in mine, and placed them flat on my stomach. I covered them with mine and waited. For a few seconds nothing happened, and then... and then magic happened.

  “Oh, my God,” I said and looked at Kane. “Can you feel that?”

  Kane gazed at my stomach and then up at me. “I can feel him. I can really feel him.”

  I burst into tears and nodded my head.

  Kane kept his hands on my stomach and had a huge smile on his face. He leaned down and kissed my stomach then he whispered, “I’m your daddy.”

  Oh, God.

  I couldn’t take it.

  The tears were fast and furious as they streamed down my face. I forced myself to calm down because I didn’t want the baby to stop moving so I took in a few breaths until I wasn’t a blubbering mess.

  “Finally; she moves a lot when you’re around,” I laughed as my tears of joy fell down my face.

  She moved around constantly when Kane was never around, and she moved only a little when he was around, but not big movements like the ones right at that moment.

  Kane smiled and looked down to my stomach. “I can really feel him.”

  “Her,” I corrected through my tears.

  Kane shook his head, smiling.

  “Our relationship is based on this argument.”

  “This isn’t a relationship.”

  “What is it then?”

  “A debate team.”

  Kane laughed at me, then bent his head and kissed my belly. “I love you already.”

  My heart!

  “I can’t wait to meet her,” I murmured.

  Kane looked at me and smiled. “Me too, babydoll. Me too.”

  I simpered, “You look like a new person right now. I love it.”

  He blinked his eyes then lowered them. “You mean because I’m smiling? I know—it changes my face. I’ve heard that before.”

  I frowned. “No. I meant you as a person, not your looks.”

  Kane swallowed. “Oh.”

  I tilted my head to the side. “I love your body the way it is; I just want to make that clear.”

  “You love my body?” he asked, moving back to my side now that our little one settled into a peaceful slumber.

  I nodded my head. “What’s not to love?”

  “My scars,” Kane instantly replied.

  “Your scars are beautiful. You are beautiful,” I said as I tenderly traced the many scars on his arm with my fingertips.

  He looked into my eyes. “Beautiful?” he repeated, his voice low.

  “Beautiful.” I nodded and placed my hands flat on his marred but stunning skin. “Your wounds are closed, and your pain is over. What’s left behind is a design; a picture that shows you were stronger than your hurt. That’s what I see when I look at them. I see how strong you were. How strong you are.”

  Kane fully turned to me and stared at me with a gaze that caused my breathing to quicken.

  “The scars... they physically healed a long time ago, but I’ve relived receiving them a million times in my head, and then... then you happened and made everything better. You’ve kept my demons at bay by just being you.” Kane reached
and placed his trembling hands on my thighs. “You healed me, babydoll.”


  “Kane,” I whispered breathlessly.

  He licked his lips. “Yes?”

  “Kiss me,” I panted, “now.”

  I didn’t need to ask him twice.

  He covered my mouth with his and pressed me back down against his mattress. I tried my best to kiss him back with the same intensity he gave to me, but I was exhausted.

  “You’re tired.” He smiled.

  I hated that my stamina was fucking up our moment.

  “I’m sorry,” I panted.

  Kane kissed my head. “Don’t be sorry, just rest.”

  “Let me feel you. All of you.”

  Kane swallowed. “O-Okay.”

  I sat up and traced my fingers over all of his scars. I paused a couple of times to kiss them too. I wanted to shower Kane’s body with love so he never doubted my thoughts towards it again. I was about to lie back down on the bed when I brushed my fingers over the hair that covered his neck and felt really thick lumps.

  I tilted my head to the side and I pushed Kane’s hair out of the way. When I did so, I froze.

  “Kane,” I whispered, “it says ‘Marco’.”

  He moved away from me. He stood up from the bed and pulled on a pair of tracksuit trousers. “I know what it says.”

  “That’s not a tattoo,” I continued. “It’s a scar.”

  Kane wouldn’t look at me as I stated the obvious.

  “Yes. It’s a scar, Aideen.”

  I shook my head. He said it like it wasn’t a big deal when it was.

  It really was.

  “Was it carved into you? Who done it? Why-”


  I jumped with fright when Kane bellowed my name. I shrunk back against the pillows behind me and tightly closed my lips together.

  “Leave it alone.”

  I couldn’t.

  “Marco made you do your jobs, right? They were the cause of the scars, weren’t they?”


  Oh, fuck.

  He was infuriated.

  “Okay,” I whispered and looked away from him.

  Kane was silent for a few moments before he said, “I’m going for a run. I’ll be back later.”

  I looked at his bedroom door when he exited through it and I thought, I won’t be here when you get back.

  “What’s wrong with you?”

  I was sitting in my new apartment with my girlfriends surrounding me, but I didn’t feel present in the room with them. My mind was elsewhere.