Read Kate Bonnet: The Romance of a Pirate's Daughter Page 30



  Captain Ichabod was in high feather. He whistled, he sang, and he kepthis men cleaning things. All that he could do for the comfort of hispassengers he did, even going so far as to drop as many of his "bedads"as possible. Whenever he had an opportunity, and these came frequently,he talked to Mr. Delaplaine, addressing a word or two to Kate if hethought she looked gracious. For the first day or two Dame Charter keptbelow. She was afraid of the men, and did not even want to look at themif she could help it.

  "But the good woman's all wrong," said Captain Ichabod to Mr.Delaplaine; "my men would not hurt her. They're not the most tremendouskind of pirates, anyway, for I could not afford that sort. I have oftenthought that I could make more profitable voyages if I had a savager lotof men. I'll tell you, sir, we once tried to board a big Spanishgalleon, and the beastly foreigners beat us off, bedad, and we had ahard time of it gettin' away. There are three or four good fellows inthe crew, tough old rascals who came with the sloop when I bought her,but most of my men are but poor knaves, and not to be afraid of."

  This comfort Mr. Delaplaine kept to himself, and on the second day out,the food which was served to them being most wretchedly cooked, DameCharter ventured into the galley to see if she could do anything in theway of improvement.

  "I think you may eat this," she said, when she returned to Kate, "but Idon't think that anything on board is fit for you. When I went to thekitchen, I came near dropping dead right in the doorway; that cook,Mistress Kate, is the most terrible creature of all the pirates thatever were born. His eyes are blistering green and his beard is alltwisted into points, with the ends stuck fast with blood, which hasnever been washed off. He roars like a lion, with shining teeth, but hespeaks very fair, Mistress Kate; you would be amazed to hear how fair hespeaks. He told me, and every word he said set my teeth on edge with itsgrating, that he wanted to know how I liked the meals cooked; that hewould do it right if there were things on board to do it with. Whichthere are not, Mistress Kate. And when he was beatin' up that batter forme and I asked him if he was not tired workin' so hard, he pulled uphis sleeve and showed me his arm, which was like a horse's leg, allcovered with hair, and asked me if I thought it was likely he could tearhimself with a spoon. I'm sure he would give us better food if he could,for he leaned over and whispered to me, like a gust of wind coming inthrough the door, that the captain was in a very hard case, havinglately lost everything he had at the gaming-table, and therefore had notthe money to store the ship as he would have done."

  "Oh, don't talk about that, Dame Charter," said Kate; "if we can getenough to eat, no matter what it is, we must be satisfied and think onlyof our great joy in sailing to my father and to your Dickory."

  That afternoon Captain Ichabod found Kate by herself on deck, and hemade bold to sit down by her; and before he knew what he was about, hewas telling her his whole story. She listened carefully to what he said.He touched but lightly upon his wickednesses, although they were plainenough to any listener of sense, and bemoaned his fearful passion forgaming, which was sure to bring him to misery one day or another.

  "When I have staked my vessel and have lost it," said he, "then therewill be an end of me."

  "But why don't you sell your vessel before you lose it," said Kate, "andbecome a farmer?"

  His eyes brightened. "I never thought of that," said he. "Bedad--excuseme, Miss--some day when I've got a little together and can pay my menI'll sell this sloop and buy a farm, bedad--I beg your pardon,Miss--I'll buy a farm."

  Kate smiled, but it was easy to see that Captain Ichabod was in earnest.

  The next day Captain Ichabod came to Mr. Delaplaine and took him to oneside. "I want to speak to you," he said, "about a bit of business."

  "You may have noticed, sir, that we are somewhat short of provisions,and the way of it is this. The night before we sailed, hoping to make abold stroke at the card-table and thereby fit out my vessel in a mannersuitable to the entertainment of a gentleman and ladies, I lost everypenny I had. I did hope that our provisions would last us a few dayslonger, but I am disappointed, sir. That cook of mine, who is asoft-hearted fellow, his neck always ready for the heel of a woman, hasthrown overboard even the few stores we had left for you, the good DameCharter having told him they were not fit to eat. And more, sir, even mymen are grumbling. So I thought I would speak to you and explain that itwould be necessary for us to overhaul a merchantman and replenish ourfood supply. It can be done very quietly, sir, and I don't think thateven the ladies need be disturbed."

  Mr. Delaplaine stared in amazement. "Do you mean to say," he exclaimed,"that you want me to consent to your committing piracy for our benefit?"

  "Yes, sir," answered the captain, "that's what I suppose you would callit; but that's my business."

  "Now, sir, I wish you to know that I am a Christian and a gentleman,"said Mr. Delaplaine.

  "That's all very true, bedad," said Captain Ichabod, "but you're alsoanother thing; you're a human being, and you must eat."

  "This is terrible," exclaimed the merchant, "that at my time of life Ishould consent to a felony at sea, and to profit by it. I cannot bear tothink of the wickedness and the disgrace of it."

  "Most respected sir," said Ichabod, "if the fellows behave themselvesproperly and don't offer to fight us, then there'll be no wickedness,bedad. I can make a good enough show of men to frighten any ordinarymerchant crew so that not a blow need be struck. And that is what Iexpect to do, sir. I would not have any disturbance before ladies, youmay be sure of that, bedad. We bear down upon a vessel; we order her tosurrender; we take what we want, and we let her go. Truly, there's nowickedness in that! And as for the disgrace, we can all better bear thatthan starve."

  Mr. Delaplaine looked at the pirate without a word. He could notcomprehend how a man with such a frank and honest face could thus avowhis dishonest principles. But as he gazed and wondered the thought of ascheme flashed across the mind of the merchant, a thoroughlybusiness-like scheme. This bold young pirate captain might seize uponsuch supplies as they were in need of, but he, Felix Delaplaine, ofSpanish Town, Jamaica, would pay for them. Thus might their necessitiesbe relieved and their consciences kept clean. But he said nothing ofthis to Ichabod; the pirate might deem such a proceeding unprofessionaland interpose some objection. Payment would be the merchant's part ofthe business, and he would attend to it himself. A look of resignationnow came over Mr. Delaplaine's face.

  "Captain," said he, "I must yield to your reason; it is absolutelynecessary that we shall not starve."

  Ichabod's face shone and he held out his hand. "Bedad, sir," he cried,"I honour you as a bold gentleman and a kind one. I will instantly laymy course somewhat to the eastward, and I promise you, sir, it will notbe long before we run across some of these merchant fellows. I beg you,sir, speak to your ladies and tell them that there will be no unpleasantcommotion; we may draw our swords and make a fierce show, but, bedad, Idon't believe there'll be any fighting. We shall want so little--for Iwould not attempt to take a regular prize with ladies on board--thatthe fellows will surely deliver what we demand, the quicker to make anend of it."

  "If you are perfectly sure," said Mr. Delaplaine, "that you can restrainyour men from violence, I would like to be a member of your boardingparty; it would be a rare experience for me."

  Now Captain Ichabod fairly shouted with delight.

  "Bravo! Bravo!" he exclaimed; "I didn't dream, sir, that you were a manof such a noble spirit. You shall go with us, sir. Your presence willaid greatly in making our hoped-for capture a most orderly affair; noone can look upon you, bedad, without knowing that you are a high-mindedand honourable man, and would not take a box or case from any one if youdid not need it. Now, sir, we shall put about, and by good fortune wemay soon sight a merchantman. Even if it be but a coastwise trader, itmay serve our purpose."

  Mr. Delaplaine, with something of a smile upon his sedate face, hurriedto Kate, who was upon the quarter-deck

  "My dear, we are about to introduce a little variety into our dulllives. As soon as we can overhaul a merchantman we shall commit apiracy. But don't turn pale; I have arranged it all."

  "You!" exclaimed the wide-eyed Kate.

  "Yes," said her uncle, and he told his tale.

  "And remember this, my dear," he added; "if we cannot pay, we do noteat. I shall be as relentless as the bloody Blackbeard; if they take notmy money, I shall swear to Ichabod that we touch not their goods."

  "And are you sure," she said, "that there will be no bloodshed?"

  "I vouch for that," said he, "for I shall lead the boarding party."

  She took him by both hands. "Why," she said, "it need be no more thanlaying in goods from a store-house; and I cannot but be glad, dearuncle, for I am so very, very hungry."

  Now Dame Charter came running and puffing. "Do you know," she cried,"that there is to be a piracy? The word has just been passed and thecook told me. There is to be no bloodshed, and the other ship will notbe burned and the people will not be made to walk a plank. The captainhas given those orders, and he is very firm, swearing, I am told, muchmore than is his wont. It is dreadful, it is awful just to think about,but the provisions are gone, and it is absolutely necessary to dosomething, and it will really be very exciting. The cook tells me hewill put me in a good place where I cannot be hurt and where I shall seeeverything. And, Mistress Kate and Master Delaplaine, I dare say he cantake care of you too."

  Kate looked at her uncle as if to ask if she might tell the good womanwhat sort of a piracy this was to be, but he shook his head. It wouldnot do to interfere any more than was necessary with the regularprogress of events. The captain came up, excited. "Even now, bedad," hecried, "there are two sails in sight--one far north, and the other tothe eastward, beating up this way. This one we shall make for. We havethe wind with us, which is a good thing, for the Restless is a badsailer and has lost many a prize through that fault. And now, Miss," hesaid, addressing Kate, "I shall have to ask your leave to take down thatEnglish flag and run up our Jolly Roger. It will be necessary, for ifthe fellows fear not our long guns, they may change their course and getaway from us."

  "That will be right," said Kate; "if we're going to be pirates, we mightas well be pirates out and out."

  Captain Ichabod glowed with delight. "What a girl this was, and what anuncle!"

  It was not long, for the Restless had a fair wind, before the sail tothe eastward came fully into sight. She was, in good truth, amerchantman, and not a large one. Dame Charter, very much excited,wondered what she would have on board.

  "The cook tells me," said she to Kate, "that sometimes ships from theother side of the ocean carry the most astonishing and beautifulthings."

  "But we shall not see these things," said Kate, "even if that shipcarries them. We shall take but food, and shall not unnecessarilydespoil them of that. We may be pirates, but we shall not be wicked."

  "It is hard to see the difference," said Dame Charter, with a sigh, "butwe must eat. The cook tells me that they have made peaceful prizesbefore now. This they do when they want some particular thing, such asfood or money, and care not for the trouble of stripping the ship,putting all on board to death, and then setting her on fire. The cooknever does any boarding himself, so he says, but he stands on the deckhere, armed with his great axe, which likes him better than a cutlass,and no matter what happens, he defends his kitchen."

  "From his looks," said Kate, "I should imagine him to be the fiercestfighter among them all."

  "But that is not so," said Dame Charter; "he tells me that he is of avery peaceable mind and would never engage in any broils or fights if hecould help it. Look! look!" she cried, "they're running out their longbrass guns; and do you see that other ship, how her sails are flutteringin the wind? And there, that little spot at the top of her mast; that'sher flag, and it is coming down! Down, down it comes, and I must run tothe cook and ask him what will happen next."