Read Keela Page 11

  “Fuckin' hell, Aideen,” I growled.

  “I know,” she snapped. “I know it was stupid, you don't need to convince me of what I already know.”

  I rubbed my pounding head. “Take more tests to see which one of you it is.”

  Bronagh nodded her head and quickly jumped up and opened my medicine cabinet. She pushed aside a few things and then gasped. “There are none left.”

  Bloody hell.

  “We'll have to go get more,” I said and placed my hands on my hips.

  “If I move I'm gonna puke everywhere,” Bronagh informed me.

  “Me too,” Branna mumbled.

  I glanced to Aideen who looked like she was about to fall over and I groaned.

  “Look after them,” I said to Alannah. “I'll go get the stupid tests.”

  Alannah nodded her head to me as I walked out of my bathroom and descended the stairs.

  This was all I needed.

  I had enough on my mind without worrying about the girls.

  I was so consumed with my thoughts as I stepped off the bottom step of my staircase that I forgot about my surroundings and walked head first into a chest. I stumbled backward, but arms gripped onto my shoulders and held me steady.

  “Whoa, careful, sweetheart.”

  I stood motionless as I opened my eyes and stared at my unexpected houseguest.

  “What are you doin' here?” I asked, my voice a growl.

  “Now, now. That's no way to talk to your uncle.”

  “Cut the bullshit, Uncle Brandon,” I said and stepped back away from him. “What are you doin' here? How the hell did you get in here?”

  My uncle dropped his arms to his sides and frowned at me. “I'm here for your housewarmin' party.”

  The stupid, fucking housewarming party.

  How the hell did he even know about it?

  I was going to kill Alec for arranging it.

  “Now is a bad time, I've stuff to do and—”

  “Keela,” my uncle cut me off. “Calm down and take a breath.”

  I did as he said and took a nice deep breath.

  “Good.” My uncle nodded.

  My pounding head worsened by the second, and the sight of my uncle didn't help matters.

  “Why are you here? I thought we agreed to havin' lunch once a month. Once.”

  He was lucky I agreed to seeing him once a month, I found it hard to be around him now. Especially with my nightmares, I was worried about what I would see.

  My uncle snorted. “I wanted to see you, so sue me.”

  I grunted, “I can't be dealin' with this right now.”

  “Is everythin' okay?” my uncle asked.

  I sighed. “Yes, everythin' is fine, but the party is not happenin' anymore so you will have to—”

  “What do you mean the party isn't happenin' anymore? We drove over here for nothin'?”

  I recognised that voice, and I glared at my uncle. “You didn't.”

  Uncle Brandon groaned, “You and your cousin haven't spoken in over a year.”

  “She bailed on me weddin'!” Micah's shrill tone shouted, filling my ears.

  Jesus... why are you doing this to me?

  I wanted to cry. “I had to leave, Micah... and we haven't spoken because you won't give me the time of day.”

  Micah scoffed and stepped out from behind her father. “Why did you leave?”

  I looked to my uncle and he gave me a gentle shake of his head indicating he didn't tell her why.

  I looked backed to Micah and said, “Because Storm was hit by a van and almost died. I needed to be here to sign his vet form or they couldn't perform the operation he needed to survive.”

  My uncle raised his eyebrows with surprise.

  I couldn't blame him—I was shocked I told the semi-lie so easily.

  Storm did almost die, but that happened because of different circumstances days after I arrived back in Ireland from Micah's wedding in the Bahamas. The reason I came home was because of Alec... and my uncle... and two other vile creatures that I refused to think about.

  “It was me weddin' though, Keela.” Micah frowned.

  I refrained from rolling my eyes. “And Storm is me dog, I wasn't lettin' him die. I was there for the most part of the trip though, isn't that somethin'? I still went.”

  Micah thought on that before sighing, “Yeah, I guess.”


  She agreed with me.

  I opened my mouth to speak just as the hall door open and in walked Alec and his brothers.

  He groaned when he spotted my uncle. “I'm going to kill Gavin,” he said.

  Gavin Collins?

  “Why?” I asked.

  “He told them about the party when Aideen rang and told him. We tried to get them to leave before you and the girls came down the stairs. That’s why Dominic called Alec down from your room, we wanted his help.” Kane replied, glaring at my uncle.

  He really didn't like him.

  Wait, how the hell did Gavin tell my uncle about the party—“Keela, come here?” Alec said to me, breaking my train of thought.

  I walked over to Alec just as music started up again from the sitting room. Everyone went inside and left us out in the hallway. Seconds passed and then I heard laughter.

  So much for the damn party being over!

  “I'll go and get rid of them.”

  “Leave them,” I sighed and turned to Alec. “They're fine. Will you just go up to our bathroom and tell the girls to come down?”

  Alec nodded his head and jogged up the stairs.

  I went down to my kitchen to get some water and was surprised when I found Gavin leaning against my back door having a cigarette.

  “Hey,” I said to him.

  He flicked his smoke away. “Hey, nice house.”

  I snorted. “Thanks.”

  Gavin closed the back door and turned to me.

  He looked so... different.

  Black jeans, boots, buttoned up blue shirt, and a snapback hat on his head.

  He looked... hot.

  “When did you get here?” I asked. “And how did you get in?”

  Gavin grinned. “Front door was open, I came with...”

  “You came with who?” I asked.

  Gavin avoided looking me in the eye. “Your uncle.”

  My uncle?

  “Why would you come with—Wait, why are you around me uncle in the first place?”

  Gavin scratched the back of his elbow. “Well... he is me boss.”

  Excuse me?

  “That's not funny,” I said.

  Gavin shrugged his shoulders. “I'm not laughin'.”

  My stomach churned. “You can't be serious... You can't get involved with me uncle's... business.”

  Gavin snorted.

  “Gavin, I'm serious!” I snapped. “Do not get involved with me uncle.”

  Gavin gnawed on his lower lip. “Too late, Kay.”

  What the hell?

  “What do you mean 'Too late'?” I asked.

  Gavin groaned, “I can't really talk about this—”

  “Brandon!” I bellowed, cutting Gavin off and stormed out of my kitchen.

  My uncle walked out of the sitting room with raised hands. “Whatever it is, I can fix it.”

  I jammed my thumb over my shoulder. “You... enlisted me best friend's little brother? Really?”

  Brandon sighed. “The kid won't be doing anythin' dangerous, just a couple of runs here and there till he finds his feet among me circle.”

  His 'circle' was his group of baby gangsters, how lads and girls started out in his world.


  “I don't want him to find his feet. How dare you do this!” I yelled.

  My uncle pinched the bridge of his nose. “He came to me, not the other way around. If you want to be annoyed, be annoyed at the kid.”

  I swung around and narrowed my eyes at Gavin who was leaning against the kitchen doorway. “I'm twenty-two, Keela. That's the same age as Dominic, D
amien, and Bronagh. I'm not a kid.”

  I felt sick—he had no idea what getting involved with my uncle meant.

  “I'm tellin' your brothers,” I warned.

  Gavin snorted, “So?”

  He wasn't afraid?

  His older brothers were big, and scary as hell when mad.

  “Fine... I'll tell Aideen,” I snarled.

  Gavin stood upright. “Don't you dare.”

  Ha! I had him now.

  “I am! I'm tellin' her!” I turned around and walked by my chuckling uncle.

  I was about to call for Aideen when she walked down the stairs with Bronagh, Branna, and Alannah behind her.

  Perfect timing.

  “I need to talk to you!” I said to Aideen.

  Bronagh leaned forward. “When are you goin' to the shops?” she whispered.

  “Soon. I promise.”

  Bronagh nodded her head as I grabbed Aideen's arm and lead her down the hallway.

  “What's wrong?” she asked.

  Gavin came up behind her. “Nothin', Keela is just stickin' her nose in places she shouldn't.”

  The neck of the little bastard!

  “I'm tryin' to stop you from makin' a mistake you little shite!”

  Aideen turned and stared between her brother and me. “Talk. Now.”


  Mama bear Aideen was rearing her head.

  Her mother died giving birth to Gavin, and as the only daughter in the midst of four brothers and a father, she moulded into a mother figure in the household even though she was the second youngest. She took care of Gavin the most out of everyone in her family. He was the baby of the family and Aideen adored him.

  “Go ahead, Gav,” I said. “Tell her about your new... job.”

  Gavin growled at me, “You're such a fuckin' bitch.”

  “Hey!” Aideen snapped and whacked him across the head. “Don't you speak to her like that.”

  She turned to me then and said, “Tell me what's happenin'.”

  “Gavin has entered me uncle's circle. He works for him now.”

  Aideen stared at me for a long moment then turned to Gavin and began to slap the shite out of him.

  “Damn it, Aideen!” Gavin shouted and tried to dodge away from her hands. “Stop!”

  Aideen was shouting obscenities.

  “You stupid little eejit! How could you? Do you understand what you have gotten yourself into?” she asked, her voice high.

  Gavin grabbed her hands and stared down at her. “Yes, I do. I can handle this.”

  “Brandon is a gangster!” Aideen cried, but kept her voice low.

  Gavin sighed. “I'm aware of that, but he is also an honourable man.”

  I snorted. “And how the hell would you know that?”

  Gavin cut his eyes to me. “Because I hang around with Jason and have gotten to know him.”

  A gasp came from behind Gavin so he looked over his shoulder and groaned. “Bronagh... let me explain.”

  “You pal around with Jason? As in Jason Bane!” Bronagh asked, her eyes wide.

  Gavin hung his head. “Yeah, he's a mate now.”

  Bronagh lost her head.

  “How can you be friends with Jason Bane? He was horrible to me in school, you know that!” she shouted.

  “He fucked me over, you know that as well!” I growled reminding Gavin that Jason Bane was not favoured by us girls.

  He was a wank stain.

  “I'm beginnin' to feel like I'm not welcome here.”

  No. Fucking. Way.

  We all turned our attention to the doorway of my sitting room and gaped.

  “Nice to see everyone, too,” the bastard himself smirked.

  I didn't understand how or why he was here.

  “You... get out. Right now!” I snapped.

  Jason held his hands up in front of his chest. “Fine. I don't need to be told twice. I'll get me coat.”

  He turned and walked into my sitting room as Brandon and Micah exited the room. Ryder, Nico, and Kane walked out of the kitchen and joined the rest of us in the hallway.

  “I'm guessin' the party is over.” My uncle grinned.

  I rolled my eyes. “Just leave. I'll talk to you later.”

  My uncle chuckled, then walked over and kissed my forehead, before he nodded to everyone else and walked out of my house. Micah didn't look at me as she followed. Gavin walked out behind them and Aideen ran out after him shouting and demanding he listen to her.

  I groaned, “Go, make sure she doesn't kill him.”

  Bronagh, Branna and Alannah were already out the door, and the brothers were right behind them. I shook my head and went into my sitting room where I found Jason sitting on my sofa.

  I saw red.

  “Get. Out,” I snarled.

  He stood and sighed. “We can't talk then?”


  “About bloody what?” I asked.

  Jason shrugged. “You look good.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Don't you dare.”

  “I can't say you look good?” Jason grinned.

  “I don't know what game you're playin', but knock it off and leave.”

  I was surprised when Jason closed the space between us and slid his hands around my waist. My reflexes weren't quick enough—scratch that they were worth shite because I froze as Jason kissed me.

  He. Kissed. Me.

  This bastard destroyed me three years ago, he was married to my cousin and now... now he fucking kissed me?

  I saw no logic in that.


  I yanked my head back from Jason and screamed.

  I don't know if I screamed words, or just made noise.

  I tried to push away from him, but he was pulled from me with a force that caused me to stumble. I regained my footing and looked to Jason... who was being pulled away from me by a furious looking Alec.


  “Alec!” I screamed and jumped backwards when he speared Jason to the ground.

  I reached for Alec's shoulder in the hope I could pull him off Jason, but there was too much movement and I was not risking getting hurt to save Jason from a few punches that he bloody well deserved. I stood back and continued to shout at the pair to stop. I screamed for Bronagh when I spotted her at the sitting room doorway.

  “Get Dominic!” I yelled.

  She frantically nodded her head then turned and ran out of the house.

  I looked back to Alec and Jason, and noticed Jason was now somehow on top of Alec and throwing punches at his face. I wasn't sure if one of them broke through Alec's guard or not, but I wasn't risking it. I jumped on Jason's back and wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “Stop it!” I shouted into his ear.

  Jason violently pushed his body back and I fell off him and onto the floor with a thud.

  “Keela!” Alec screamed then turned his attention back to Jason. “You motherfucker!”

  I groaned on the floor as I held onto my throbbing shoulder. I took in a few breaths and sat upright. I stumbled as I got to my feet, and rolled my shoulder to make sure it wasn't seriously injured. It hurt, but it moved so I knew the worst that would come from my fall would be a bruise.

  I looked back down to Jason and Alec. Alec was back on top, and I felt like they were just about to break apart. I was preparing myself to jump in-between them, but when Gavin appeared at the doorway of my sitting room and narrowed his eyes at Alec and Jason, I gasped. Gavin shot into the room and kicked Alec in the side at full force. Alec hunched forward a little, but he jabbed his right hand out and caught Gavin in the stomach causing him to double over in pain.

  “That's what you get!” I bellowed and rushed at him.

  I shoved him in the chest and knocked him onto his back on the floor. He groaned and held onto his stomach and dry heaved.

  “Don't you dare get sick on the new floor you prick!” I screamed.

  “Keela?” Nico's roar sounded from outside my house.

  I shoved Gavin back down
when he tried to get up.

  “Sittin' room!” I shouted.

  I turned back to Jason and Alec when a glass shattering sound rang throughout the room.

  I gasped.

  My glass vase was shattered into hundreds of pieces on the floor, and the flowers Mr. Pervert got me were tangled in the glass shards.

  “You bastard!” I shouted at Jason who was pushing himself up off the floor. Alec was also trying to get up, but the water on the floor from the broken vase caused him to slip. Jason got to his feet and angled his body at Alec. He reached for the clock that was sitting on top of my fireplace and raised it above his head.

  He was going to hit Alec in the head with it.

  I screamed in horror.

  I felt a rush of wind brush by my body then all of a sudden Nico was there, standing between Jason and Alec. Nico knocked the clock out of Jason's hands and punched him directly across the jaw knocking Jason on his arse. The relief I felt when Jason was disarmed hit me full force, and I burst into tears. I quickly moved to Alec and helped him to his feet. He was wet from the vase water, but also groaning in pain and it worried me.

  “Are you okay?” he asked as fat tears rolled down my cheeks.


  He was the one bleeding!

  “I'm fine!” I cried. “Are you?”

  Alec growled, “Let me kill him and I'll be fine.”

  “What the fuck happened?” Nico shouted as he shoved Jason to the floor.

  “That fucker kissed Keela!” Alec snapped.

  Nico growled and turned and kicked Jason in the stomach.

  “That's for kissin' my bro's girl, and this,” he kicked him again, “is because I hate your sorry ass.”

  I looked to Gavin when he groaned and I saw red. “How could you!” I screamed. “How could you side with Jason over us? You attacked Alec, Gavin. You attacked me fiancé! I am done with you do you understand me? Done!”

  Gavin stumbled to his feet. “Kay… he is the son-in-law of me boss, and he's me mate. I had to help him.”

  That wasn't good enough.

  “Your boss is my uncle, I rank higher than Jason ever will!” I snapped.

  I wanted to shove Gavin out of my house so I marched over and grabbed him by the ear and pulled at him. “Get out. Now!”

  Gavin wriggled to get free but couldn’t without having his ear ripped off. He opened his mouth to speak, but a loud growl cut him off. We all looked to the sitting room doorway where Storm was stood. His stance was one of preparing for an attack, and he had his teeth bared indicating what he was about to do.