Read Keelic and the Space Pirates Page 28


  Going back to school wasn’t too bad. He felt more confident than he had in weeks. Mr. Hallod worked him hard, but it was fun, and he left the Study Hall grinning and waving good-bye.

  On his way through the halls to Astronomy, he found a pair of the older boys blocking his way down the hall. Something in their stances revived the old fear. He found that he was right next to the boys’ restroom. A third boy stepped across the hall from where he had been leaning against a bank of tablet lockers. The start-class chime was about to ring. It was clear they intended to herd him into the restroom. Keelic whirled, intending to dash back the way he’d come, and ran full blast into Thom. Thom’s tablet went flying and he swung viciously at Keelic, who ducked. Thom’s belly was right at Keelic’s eye level, and he swung with all his might. Thom staggered back, eyes wide with shock.

  Keelic’s fear vaporized, and in a blaze of rage leapt after his adversary. Thom was experienced, however, and struck Keelic full in the face. After the first instant of pain, Keelic felt only orange warmth, and without warning returned the strike. Thom’s head bounced back off Keelic’s fist. Keelic swung back a leg, and kicked Thom as hard as he could in the groin. Thom fell back onto the floor, and Keelic followed, going to his knees beside the boy, raining blow after blow on the now curled-up Thom.

  Something lifted Keelic bodily into the air, and he almost struck it, stopping just in time to keep himself from punching the Chief Instructor. Now he also heard Ms. Onkalwitz shouting. She chopped off her cries, and after a few blinks of her furious eyes, ordered the students back to class with harsh jabs of her voice.

  The Chief Instructor set Keelic down and gave him over to an instructor to be taken to the office.

  Thom lay on the floor whimpering and crying, one hand between his legs and the other over his bleeding face.

  In the office, the medic came and examined Keelic with the same prods and instrument readings he’d used before. While close to Keelic’s ear, the man whispered, "Good job."

  The alien was leaping around the front hall at home, Keelic knew, and he grinned until it hurt his nose, brilliant warm colors whirling faintly before his eyes.

  Keelic was still smiling later when the Chief Instructor strode into the office with Ms. Onkalwitz. The Chief sat behind his desk and glowered at Keelic. Ms. Onkalwitz fixed her glare on him also, and his smile vanished. He remembered the last time he’d sat in this seat with a bloody nose, and his friend had asked him if he wanted to run away. Now he would say yes.

  "You realize, boy, that this is a very grave and serious matter," said the Chief Instructor.

  Keelic didn’t answer, but nodded a little.

  "We do not tolerate fighting here."

  Now that was a whole a freighter of Dreep, thought Keelic.

  Ms. Onkalwitz tsked and said, "Look at that. Insolent. Mrs. Hornaby was just telling me the other day how insolent he is. And violent-minded, too. You should see the horrible things he draws."

  Keelic wished they would just call his parents so he could get out.

  Both instructors jabbered on. Keelic drew strength from the alien and suffered through. He nodded or answered as he was bid, even getting to tell his side, and finally they called his parents.

  They arrived, and the situation was discussed further by the adults.

  It was proposed by Ms. Onkalwitz that Keelic go apologize to Thom in the infirmary, but Keelic’s mother flared like a pulsar.

  "Apologize? That boy has attacked Keelic three times! My son will not apologize for defending himself."

  Ms. Onkalwitz interjected, "He didn’t have to put Mr. Webs’s boy in the infirmary."

  "Oh, I’m sure Thom would have been so careful," replied Keelic’s mom sarcastically, making him proud. His father stood by, nodding at what his wife said.

  The Chief Instructor asked, "What corrective action do you propose?"

  "Suspension, at least!" cried Ms. Onkalwitz.

  Keelic’s mother ignored the woman and said, "None. Keelic was not in the wrong."

  The Chief Instructor smiled a superior, ingratiating smile and said, "But fighting is not tolerated at Ermol Learning Center. Some action must be taken. For the sake of order."

  Keelic’s mother shook her head in disbelief. "You will not punish my son for this." With a protective hand on Keelic’s shoulder, she took him out of the school.

  At home Keelic was struck by a warm body and bowled to the ground as he got out of the shuttle. The alien held tight to Keelic for a moment then bounded away to return at blinding speed, filling everyone’s mind with scintillating joy and victory.

  Mother baked chocolate-swirl cookies as Keelic told of the battle, being sure to include the medic’s comment. Then a long lecture from his mother about the evils of problem solving with violence had to be endured before he got the cookies, but at least she didn’t blame him.

  In the morning Keelic was appalled when his parents woke him to get ready for school. He had somehow thought that he wouldn’t be forced back after this, but his father seemed to think that school would be better now. Keelic knew that was totally wrong. Thom was very popular and had many friends who would be even worse enemies now.