Read Keep Quiet Page 15

  Deaner didn’t reply, but set down the pad and picked up the Gardenia promotional folder. He slid out a brochure, which had a photo of Jake in shirtsleeves, smiling confidently. “Nice tie.”

  “Answer my question.”

  “Slick materials. Very upmarket.” Deaner waved the brochure. “No one would ever guess where you and Ryan were Friday night.”

  Jake froze. He forced himself to stay in control. Not to confirm or deny. Deaner could be bluffing, or he could be an undercover cop or a private investigator, even wearing a wire.

  “Now, sit down. You’ll need to.”

  Jake lowered himself into the chair. His chest tight, his mouth dry.

  “I figure you make almost a million bucks a year.” Deaner set the Gardenia folder aside. “Your house is probably worth about $550K, and I bet it’s paid off. You’re not a flashy guy. You live below your means. You’re cheap, which means you have a ton of dough in savings, pension plan, 401(k), college fund for Ryan. I’m guessing almost a million, and you trade your own account. You’re trying to grow it. How’m I doing?”

  “Get to the point.”

  “Fine. I know what happened Friday night.” Deaner pushed up his glasses with a finger that had a bitten-off nail. “Ryan was driving your car and he hit the jogger. You both got out of the car. You switched seats with him and drove away.”

  Jake felt his world explode around him. The glass tops, the crystal awards, the massive windows. Shards of glass flew everywhere. He didn’t know how he could put it back together again. It was all gone, falling away, shooting through space.

  “Yes, I know it all. I saw it. You threw yourself on the sword for your son, good for you. Dad.”

  Jake struggled for self-control. The worst-case scenario had just gotten worse.

  “What was it that Ryan had in his hand? You were about to call the cops, after all. I heard you yelling.”

  Jake reeled. He had no idea how Deaner had seen or heard them. The apartment complex, the corporate center. Somewhere, somehow.

  “You gave her CPR. Was she dead when you left her, or did you leave her to die?” Deaner shook his head. “You’re not a monster, right? You’re basically a decent guy, but you slipped up. Hey, it happens.”

  Jake didn’t reply. He couldn’t. Emotion churned in his gut. Inwardly he raged at Deaner, then at himself. It was his own actions that brought him to this point. But he had to shift into damage control or all was lost.

  “You’re wondering if I have proof, and I do. Take a look-see.” Deaner reached inside his parka, pulled out an iPhone, hit a few buttons, and showed the screen.

  Jake almost gasped. The photo was an enlargement of Ryan and him at the accident scene, in front of the headlights, their faces grainy but visible. The photo was dark, but Deaner must have enhanced it somehow.

  “But wait, there’s more, as they say.” Deaner took the phone back, then swiped the screen a few times. “Let me show you the video. The parting shot, as it were. Here.” Deaner held the phone up, and the video started.

  Jake watched himself kneeling in front of the body, then running to Ryan and saying something, and the both of them hustling to the car.

  Deaner half-smiled. “The audio isn’t great but I can fix that, and I will, if I have to. So can the cops. Wait for the last shot. It’s priceless.”

  Jake watched the last shot, which was a close-up of his own license plate, taken as the Audi receded down Pike Road. The video ended, the screen froze, and a white arrow ghosted over the darkness of night.

  “The End.” Deaner emitted a dry laugh.

  “Where did you get that?” Jake asked, finding his voice. He had a million questions.

  “None of your business.”

  “Do you live in those apartments near Pike Road? Or do you work at the corporate center?”

  “None of your business.”

  “Who are you? What do you do?” Jake’s face felt hot and damp. He told himself to get a grip but couldn’t.

  “I told you.”

  “You lied. Why were you there that night? What were you doing?”

  “Who said I was there?”

  Jake recoiled, confused. “You said. You said you saw what happened.”

  “I meant on the video.”

  “So if you didn’t take the video or the photos, who did? How did you get them? Who gave them to you?”

  “Also not your business.”

  “How did you find me? Did you follow me that night? Was it from the license plate?”

  “Now to my point, as you put it.” Deaner put the iPhone back into his pocket. “I’ll go to the police tomorrow unless you wire $250,000 to this account by eleven o’clock.”

  “So you’re blackmailing me.” Jake felt the blood drain from his face. He didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t believe this was happening.

  “Obviously.” Deaner slipped his hand into his other pocket and extracted a yellow Post-it packet, then tore one off the top and pressed it onto the glass tabletop. “This is the bank you wire it to.”

  “You want me to wire blackmail money to a bank account?”

  “It’s offshore, a numbered account. Not that hard to set up, interestingly. When I get the confirmation that the wire transfer went through, I’ll send you the video and pictures.”

  Jake’s mind raced. He didn’t know how to react. He couldn’t process it fast enough. “You won’t go to the police.”

  “Try me.”

  “I’ll bring you down with me.” Jake knew the best defense was a good offense.

  “No you won’t. You’ll have no credibility. You’ll only make it worse for your wife and son. Bigger news, bigger headlines. Scandal. Yikes.”

  Jake’s stomach turned over. Deaner knew about Pam, too. He had no leverage, not a card to play. “How do I know that if I pay you, this is where it ends? Or that whoever took the video won’t want to get paid, too?”

  “You don’t.”

  “Plus it’s a digital file. You have other copies. How do I know you’ll give me all of them?”

  “Again, you don’t. You don’t know anything.” Deaner shifted back his chair, getting ready to leave. “You only know what happens if I don’t get paid. A world of pain for your son.”

  “But I can’t get that much money that fast.”

  “We both know you can. You have the dough. Liquidate stocks in no time. Cash one of those client’s checks you must have lying around. You’re a financial planner, so plan some finances.” Deaner stood up and crossed to the door. “You have until eleven o’clock tomorrow.”

  “I can’t do that.” Jake felt his blood pressure rise, pounding at his temples. “I’d never do that. I never have. It doesn’t work that way, anyway.”

  “I don’t think you’re taking me seriously, Jake. Good-bye.” Deaner opened the door and said loudly, “Thanks so much for the meeting. I’ll be in touch.”

  Jake watched him walk down the hall and nod good-bye to Amy, who got up from her chair and came over.

  “Who was that guy?” she asked, blinking.

  “A possible new client. I met him at Ryan’s game.”

  “Did you sign him? Should I send him some papers and open up a file?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Don’t look so worried, Jake. You’ll reel him in, sooner or later. You always do.” Amy smiled under her headful of curls, and Jake could barely manage to smile back.


  “Funny, I never would’ve pegged that guy for having money, and my paydar is pretty good.”


  “Yeah. Like gaydar, only with dough. I can usually pick ’em, even when they dress down. But that guy fooled me.”

  “Gotta get back to work.” Jake went back into his office, where he closed the door and hurried to his desk. He got online, went to the website for his bank, and signed in to check his accounts. Interest Checking, Savings, and Money Market, read the blue virtual folders, and he thought back to what Pam had said last n
ight, about the financial disclosure required for her nomination.

  It’s like doing your taxes, every quarter for the next five years!

  Jake leaned over to get his messenger bag, tugged out the forms that Pam had given him, and flipped through them frantically. The questionnaire asked for the “sources and amounts of all income received during the calendar year preceding your nomination and for the current calendar year, including all salaries, fees, dividends, interest, gifts, rents, royalties, licensee’s fees…”

  Jake couldn’t see any way around the questionnaire. Even if he wanted to pay the blackmail, he couldn’t take $250K out of their accounts without its showing, and if the money didn’t appear in another account, canceled check, or trade receipt, the FBI would find out. They would get caught. It would scuttle Pam’s nomination, if not send them both to jail.

  Jake tried to think, his temples throbbing. Even before the FBI would find it, he knew Pam would. She was always going online and checking their household balances. She might not check the money market, but he couldn’t take the risk.

  Cash one of those client’s checks you must have lying around.

  Jake’s gaze traveled the office and came to rest on the crystal awards. He’d gotten a check for $321K from one of his longtime clients last week. It was still in the company safe, waiting to be deposited because it had come in too late on Friday. It was due to be deposited today. He racked his brain to think of a way he could use the check, borrow the $250K, and replace it later, somehow, after the FBI interviews were over and Pam’s judgeship was in the clear.

  Jake stopped his thinking in its tracks. Was he seriously thinking about stealing? He couldn’t, ever. He loved his clients, and he loved Gardenia. It was his baby, he’d raised it from infancy. He had personal integrity; he had morals and pride. He’d worked hard to gain the trust of his clients, and he had a spotless, unimpeachable record. He was a Good Guy, so when had he turned bad? Then he knew the answer, on Pike Road.

  Jake considered another option. He could try to stall Deaner until after the FBI interviews. Then he could take the money from his personal money market and replace it before Pam realized it had gone missing, or he could sell some stock, which she checked far less often. Suddenly his cell phone started ringing on his desk, vibrating next to his keyboard.

  Jake looked over, and the call was from Ryan. The screen showed a candid photo of his son, grinning on their driveway with a basketball tucked in the crook of his elbow. Jake reached for his phone and hit ANSWER. “Hey, pal, what’s up?” he asked, keeping his tone casual.

  “Dad!” Ryan sounded hysterical. “Dad! You need to come get me at school, now!”

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Jake pulled up around the back of the school, outside the cafeteria, which faced the student parking lot. He spotted Ryan hurrying toward him without a coat, hunching his shoulders against the cold. Jake leaned over in alarm and opened the passenger-side door. “Ryan, what’s the matter?”

  “Dad, drive.” Ryan jumped into the car, pulled up his long legs, and slammed the door closed. “Hurry. Just go.”

  “Where? Why? What happened?” Jake hit the gas, glancing over. Ryan looked distraught, but hadn’t wanted to tell him why on the phone.

  “Drive away. Where nobody can see us. Please.” Ryan gestured quickly, pitched forward on the seat, and Jake drove through the lot, past cars with Go Chasers painted in maroon on the windows.

  “What about school? Did you cut class?”

  “No, they don’t know I’m gone yet. It’s A Lunch.” Ryan raked his bangs in agitation. “Dad, for real, class is the least of my worries right now. Something really scary is going on. Really scary.”

  “Okay, calm down. Relax. Whatever it is, we can handle it.” Jake steered out of the student lot and on to the winding road that led to Lincoln Avenue, where he made the green light, then took the left fork and entered the Stone Hills neighborhood, so named because the homes were made of an indigenous tan-and-brown fieldstone.

  “Is anybody following us, can you tell?” Ryan peered at the mirror outside the car.

  “No, of course not,” Jake answered, but he checked the rearview mirror anyway. There was nobody behind him except a FedEx truck. “Why would somebody be following us? Ryan, what’s going on?”

  “Pull over.” Ryan stayed glued to the outside mirror.

  “Okay, relax.” Jake heard his phone ringing inside the breast pocket of his suit jacket, but he’d get it later.

  “I don’t know.” Ryan scanned the street, shifting in his seat. “Do you see anything random? Is anybody following us?”

  “No. Relax, I’ll park.” Jake pulled over at the corner and put the car in park, leaving the engine running for the heat.

  “Do you think it’s safe here?”

  “Of course it is.” Jake looked around, and the street was quiet and still. A young mother pushed a stroller, her ponytail caught on the hood of her parka.

  “I’m scared shitless. I went to my locker and checked my phone before lunch. Look.” Ryan slid his iPhone out of his pocket, opened the text function, and showed Jake the text in its bright pink bubble.

  i am crazy 4 u

  “What, Ryan? Some girl has a crush on you.” Jake exhaled, relieved.

  “Right, that’s what I thought. At first I thought it was from Janine Mae, but it isn’t.” Ryan started talking fast, running his words together. “She’s in my phone and if it were from her, it would come up with her name. I don’t know that number. It’s not in my Contacts. See?”

  Jake looked at the phone number from the text, which had a 999 area code. “So? Somebody has a crush on you. Somebody you don’t have in your phone already.”

  “Totally, that’s what I thought, too. I got stoked, thinking some girl liked me. I’m so stupid.” Ryan scrolled to the next text. “Look at this.”

  Jake read, ur an awesome player

  “Wait.” Ryan scrolled down to the next pink bubble, which had been delivered a minute later. “It gets worse, a lot worse.”

  Jake read the text, beginning to get a bad feeling. i watch u all the time “Okay, kinda creepy.”

  “That’s nothing, compared to the end. You look at the rest. I can’t. It makes me want to hurl.” Ryan thrust the phone at him. “My phone number’s not that easy to get. It’s not on Facebook, and anyway, I have all my privacy settings on. The school has it, so it could be someone who works in the office. It’s on the team portal, but only the team can get in. You’d have to hack it. I don’t think I have it anywhere else.”

  Jake scrolled down through the line of pink bubbles, reading: i wish i cld b w u

  ur soo sexy

  ur soo cute

  ur soo tall

  ur shredded

  i love ur hair

  u have gr8t eyes

  I love ur smile

  i think of u all the time

  i dream abt u

  i see u

  i watch u

  “How many are there?” Jake asked angrily. It had to be Deaner. Deaner must have gotten Ryan’s cell-phone number. Or the texts were from whoever made the video, if it wasn’t Deaner.

  “Like fifty or so, I stopped counting. They came one after the other, like seconds apart.” Ryan kept shaking his head, his fair skin mottled. “Keep reading. It gets worse. Way worse.”

  Jake seethed, reading.

  i kno everything about u

  i follow u everywhere

  u can’t get away from me

  Jake scrolled up and checked the time of the first text, delivered at 11:02. That would have been minutes after Deaner had left his office. Jake had thought that Deaner would go after him, but he’d gone after Ryan instead. Jake scrolled down again and read more texts, delivered only seconds apart.

  we shld b 2gether

  we belong 2gether

  “Oh no.” Jake reminded himself to stay in control. He had to keep calm for Ryan, who was almost hyperventilating.

  “Do you s
ee this? Do you see? Keep reading to the end!”

  Jake read on: we r meant to be

  i am ur destiny

  i see u at lunch

  i see u in algebra

  i see u in english

  i see u in western civ

  i see u in French

  i see u in chemistry

  “Dad, she knows my schedule! She knows everything! Or it might not even be a girl, who knows? They musta hacked the student portal, too. Whoever this is, a boy, girl, or whatever, they’re crazy!”

  “I know, I can tell.” Jake felt his temples pounding again. He wanted to get ahold of Deaner and beat the living hell out of him. He kept reading. i see ur games

  i see u at practice

  u cant get away frm me

  no one loves u like me

  u have 2 be w me

  u will be w me

  u cant get away

  u killed me

  u deserve 2 die

  dont u feel guilty?

  dont u feel bad?

  dont u feel sad?

  kill urself

  kill urself

  kill urself

  “Oh my God.” Jake gritted his teeth, enraged.

  “Keep going. You’re almost there.”

  Jake scrolled down.

  kill urself on pike rd

  die & join me

  you know who i am

  “Bastard!” Jake exploded. “I’m going to kill this guy!”

  “What guy? How do you know it’s a guy, and do you understand what this means?” Ryan grabbed his arm. “Whoever sent this knows what happened. They know it’s me. What are we going to do? They know. Look at the next one, it’s a picture.”

  “Okay, try and stay calm.” Jake looked at the screen, which showed a thumbnail photo of a young girl. He tapped it to enlarge it, though he could guess who it was. A school photo of a beautiful young girl popped onto the screen, and she had long, dark hair with large, dark brown eyes, and a wide, sweet smile. The caption read, I’m Kathleen Lindstrom.

  “That’s the last one.” Ryan twisted around in his seat, frantic. “Dad, whoever sent this, they know. This is not a lucky guess. This is not a troll. Somebody knows I did it. Somebody is stalking me. He could be watching us right now.”