Read Keeping It Hot Page 10

  “There’s no way she doesn’t end up with the neighbor,” Zoe whispered, bringing him out of the daze he had fallen into. “You can feel the chemistry between them whenever they’re together. Her boyfriend doesn’t stand a chance.”

  “So, um . . . you believe in that stuff. The whole instant attraction thing?” What a lame-ass question. Why don’t you go ahead and ask her if she feels that for you?

  She appeared to consider his question for a moment before nodding. “Sure, of course. I think we meet people who we’re attracted to. Most of the time we don’t act on it. It could be that they’re married or involved or simply that we’re not looking for anything right then. Instant chemistry doesn’t equal sex or a relationship, but it’s something you feel, like a little electrical charge.”

  Still fishing, although he had no idea why, he asked, “So does that happen to you often? You meet a lot of people at work and a chunk of them are probably men. Ever felt the zap run through your system in that way?”

  Zoe held his gaze for so long, he fought the urge to fidget in discomfort. Finally, she said, “Yeah, it’s been there a few times through the years. I’m not sure the other person noticed the same thing, though, so it might not count.”

  Dylan knew they were on dangerous ground now. He wanted to ask her if she was talking about him, but why would she be? He’d engineered their night together. She hadn’t confessed to any big attraction or crush on him. Now he found himself jealous of whoever she’d been drawn to. He wanted a name, address, and social security number so he could have the bastard investigated. He hoped to God the man was married with kids, a dog, and a mother-in-law who lived in full-time and kept an eye on him. “That’s er . . . Yeah, that happens,” he said lamely. “Was this one of your regulars?” Please say no.

  “You could say that,” she replied, while he ground his teeth together. At this rate he’d need dentures by the end of the night.

  “Do you want to go to a party tomorrow night at Josh’s?” he heard himself blurting out. He’d never asked her to one of his friends’ parties because they tended to get out of hand at times. There was always an abundance of alcohol and women, so it didn’t really make sense to bring a female buddy with you. Despite all of that, though, he wanted to spend more time with her. She’d met Josh and his other friends many times, so it wasn’t as if she wouldn’t know anyone.

  “Wow, really?” she asked, sounding amazed. “I thought those were strictly a boys’ thing.”

  Usually. “Nah, there’ll be other women there. I thought you might enjoy it. There’s going to be a really great local band playing that you’ll like. And the food is amazing. It’s casual, since we’ll spend most of the time outdoors. You’d need to bring a swimsuit too. If it gets too hot, you’ll want to cool off in the pool or the ocean.”

  “Sure,” she said, looking a tad wary but pleased. “That sounds great. What time?”

  “I’ll pick you up around seven,” he replied, feeling strangely excited at the prospect.

  “Wait.” She snapped her fingers. “I’m supposed to pick Mom’s dog up from the groomer’s at six and run her home. Can you give me the address and I’ll meet you there? I’ll take some clothes with me to change.”

  “Sure, babe, that works.” They’d both turned back to the movie when it hit him—he was continuing to call her endearments as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Plus, he’d already basically asked her out on the universally accepted date night of the week. And he couldn’t blame any of it on her because she’d been nothing but calm and cool. No pressure, apparently no damn expectations where he was concerned—nothing. He really needed to go home and regroup before he did something juvenile like asking her to go steady. She’d just lost her virginity after twenty-nine years; why was she so unaffected and why did he keep dwelling on it? He pretended to be engrossed in the drama of the on-screen couple but he couldn’t escape the irony that he was starring in his own chick flick tonight, and damned if he wasn’t the girl.


  The coffee shop was always busy on Saturday, and today had been no exception. She’d barely had time to say two words to Dana, and curiosity was killing the other woman. Finally, around five, things quieted down enough for them to take a break. Dana made them both mocha frappes and herded Zoe to a secluded table in the corner. “I can’t believe we’ve been here together for eight freaking hours and I’m just now getting to interrogate you about Dylan.”

  Zoe took a big sip of her frosty drink and sighed in appreciation. “Yeah, well, that was a good try with the note passing. Seriously, ‘Did you do the nasty with Dylan? Check yes or no.’ I almost dropped the latte I was working on when I read that.”

  “Hey, I was desperate. You were ignoring my texts. You know how nosey I am. This has been about to kill me. I swear to God if we’d had one more load of soccer moms with special orders, I’d have melted down right there behind the counter. ‘Could I have a double shot with absolutely no fat in it but made with whole milk and whipped cream?’” Dana said in a perfect imitation of one of their waif-thin customers. “Dream on, sister. If we could invent that, Starbucks would be history.”

  Giggling, Zoe said, “I heard that and barely kept it together. She was totally serious too. Makes me wonder if she orders that somewhere else and they actually tell her they can do it.”

  Waving a hand, Dana said, “That’s her problem. Now, did you get it on with Dylan last night or not? I thought you’d call me, but nada.”

  For the first time in her life, Zoe was in the kiss and tell position. Dana was always going into detail about her exploits in the bedroom, but since Zoe had never had sex, it hadn’t been an issue for her. But now . . . it seemed rather wrong to share something so intimate with her friend. But she also felt she owed her. After all, without her help, it most likely wouldn’t have happened at all. “We slept together,” she admitted while toying with the straw in her cup.

  “Mmmm, control your excitement over there; I can hardly stand it,” Dana teased. “Did it suck? Oh shit, please tell me big Dylan wasn’t actually little Dylan? What is it with all the small dicks in Florida? It’s like a pecker-demic or something. Did he at least know how to use it? You came, right?”

  “It wasn’t—no,” she began before looking around and lowering her voice. “It was really . . . large. I know I don’t have anything other than porn movies to compare it to, but it was right up there with the best ones I’ve seen.”

  Dana knocked her fist on the table. “Damn, I knew it! You can see the outline of that baby down his leg in some of those dress pants.” Watching her intently, she asked, “So, it was good, right? You enjoyed it?”

  “It was wonderful,” Zoe admitted. “It was so much more than I could have even imagined. And I really wasn’t nervous. We’ve been friends for so long that everything felt natural with him. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me so I left everything in his hands.”

  “I’ll bet you did, you tramp.” Dana smirked before laying a hand on top of hers. “Seriously, though, sweetie, I’m thrilled for you. That was way past due to happen between you two.” They sat in silence for another minute before Dana asked, “So, what happened afterward? Was it awkward? Did he run like his ass was on fire?”

  “There were a few uncomfortable moments,” Zoe admitted, nodding. “But then things kind of settled and we were more or less like we usually are together. I tried to be very casual about the whole thing so he wouldn’t feel pressured because it was only supposed to be a one-time thing. I was surprised when he stayed for so long, though. I thought he’d leave just to prove some kind of point, like it was no big deal to him. But we ate pizza and watched a movie. At some point I must have fallen asleep because I woke up in my bed this morning and don’t remember getting up and going there.”

  Looking curious, Dana asked, “Was there any cuddling during the film?”

  “Nope, we were each in our
own corners like always. He did call me ‘sweetheart’ and ‘babe’ some, though, which is different. I mean, he says stuff like that sometimes, but not often. And he invited me to go to a party with him tonight, which he never does. And it’s at some guy’s house, one of his single friends.”

  “No shit,” Dana mused. “That’s major player ground right there and he’s bringing you, which means he has no plans to hook up with anyone else right away. Plus, he’s also taking you around his boys. That’s big, Zoe. I’m kinda impressed with Dylan right now.”

  Leaning her elbows on the table, Zoe asked, “Do you really think it means something? I was surprised when he asked because he’s never even hinted that I was welcome at any of the parties he attends unless they’re sponsored by the hotel. I’ve met most of his friends, but he keeps us separate for the most part.”

  “That’s because you’re his good girl and he wants things a certain way with you. When he’s with the guys, he’s one of them and probably doesn’t want you to see some of the shit they all get into. I think Dylan likes that you view him in a certain way, which is why it’s kind of a major move for him to take you tonight. Unless he knows for sure that this is a PG-13 evening.”

  “He said there would be a band and food. I’m also supposed to bring a swimsuit. I need to run home and pack a bag since I have to pick up Dolly for Mom first.”

  Dana’s eyes got big as she started frantically shaking her head. “Please, God, tell me you’ve bought a new swimsuit. You absolutely cannot wear that granny one-piece.”

  “What’s wrong with it?” Zoe asked defensively. “Lots of people wear one-piece suits. They’re in style now.”

  “It has big chlorine streaks all over it,” Dana hissed. “Also—and I say this in the nicest way possible—it makes your butt look like a pancake. Friends don’t let friends go out in something like that. You have Dylan’s attention now, so let’s not screw this up.” Getting to her feet, she snapped, “Come on. Macy can watch things while we go to the hotel boutique. I know it’s a bit expensive but Dylan gives you the employee discount and this is an emergency. If we don’t buy one here, you’ll stop at Kmart or Walmart and I can’t have that. Now move!”

  Zoe knew that it was useless to argue with Dana when she was in dictator mode. And truthfully, she had been meaning to replace the swimsuit. She’d had it for at least five years and regular swimming in her condominium pool had really done a number on it. “Oh, all right,” she grumbled, “but I’m not getting some Kim Kardashian number.”

  “Honey, you don’t have that much boobs or ass, so not a problem. We’ll find you something to make the most of what you do have, though.” They both grabbed their purses from the office and were soon crossing the luxurious lobby of the Oceanix. One wing of the resort housed exclusive shops that Zoe had rarely ventured into. Luckily, there was an entire boutique filled with nothing but swim apparel for the entire family. Apparently people actually visited the beach without coming fully prepared.

  Dana shot inside the double doors like a hurricane and the salesclerk’s eyes widened as she began pulling hangers from the racks and piling them in Zoe’s arms. “They’re going to call security,” Zoe hissed as she attempted to give the clerk a reassuring smile. She knew a lot of the resort’s employees, but unfortunately this wasn’t one of them. “I own the coffee shop in the lobby,” she offered in way of explanation. “My friend was just helping me pick out a swimsuit for tonight.”

  “She’s going out with Dylan. You know, the owner,” Dana called out. Suddenly the woman seemed to be looking at Zoe in a whole different light. Gone was the slightly panicked look and in its place was one of nervous respect. Zoe thought it had little to do with the coffee shop and everything to do with Dylan.

  “Did you have to say that?” she muttered under her breath to Dana. “Now she’s going to tell everyone and it’ll get back to Dylan.”

  Dana rolled her eyes as she continued to pile on suits. “It’s the truth. I was just trying to set her at ease. I figured she was going to push that button behind the counter anytime, and that would be even more embarrassing to you. Plus, you know they’ll only let regular people carry back three pieces at a time, which would mean we’d be here for hours.”

  Zoe took a look at her watch and knew she needed to leave in thirty minutes or Dolly would be spending another night at the groomer’s, which wouldn’t make her mother happy. “All right, good point,” she conceded as they were waved toward a fitting room. Dana stepped inside the spacious room first and hung up all the swimsuits. “Good grief, look at all of these mirrors,” Zoe murmured uncomfortably. “They certainly want to make sure you can see every little dimple, don’t they?”

  “I doubt the women who shop here are worried about that kind of thing,” Dana quipped. “Now, let’s get moving.”

  Zoe pointed to the door, saying sternly, “You’re waiting out there. I already feel self-conscious in here so I need to pretend I have a little privacy.”

  Giving a long-suffering sigh, Dana conceded. “Geez, okay. But you’re going to show me all of them so I can help you make a decision.” When Zoe reluctantly agreed, the other woman stepped out and took a chair in the small seating area.

  Zoe quickly undressed, trying not to look at the mirrors before picking up the first hanger. Then the next . . . and the next. “All of these are two-piece,” she called out. “Where are the one-piece?”

  “Um . . . on the rack where they belong,” Dana called out. “You’ve got a rocking body, my friend. It’s time to stop hiding it behind granny gear. I promise you that Dylan will be attached to you at the hip all evening if you wear one of those.” Zoe eyed the stack warily before finally putting on the first one. Then an amazing thing happened. She actually liked what she saw reflected back at her. Sure, she felt the urge to cross her arms over her chest in some of the more daring ones, but most of them were incredibly flattering. She actually looked thinner than she did in her old suit.

  “That’s the one!” Dana jumped up and down in excitement. “You look so flipping hot, I’m tempted to ask you out.” Zoe studied her reflection and had to admit she looked good. There was so much skin showing, though. The black string bikini covered all the essentials and made everything in the surrounding area look better. She would have never dared wear anything like this before, but she was shocked to find that she was actually considering it now.

  “I can’t just walk around in this all night,” she whispered uncertainly. “I like it, but I feel . . . naked.”

  “That’s kind of the point.” Dana grinned. “But we can get you a matching cover-up. Something sheer so that the suit isn’t completely hidden, but you aren’t so exposed when you’re not in the water.”

  “This is going to cost me a fortune,” Zoe grumbled as she shooed Dana back out of the room.

  “There’s no way you’ve been breaking the bank on the stuff you were wearing,” Dana yelled through the door. “Think of this as a long overdue investment in your future.”

  Zoe rolled her eyes as she re-dressed. She expected a call most any day from her credit card company asking if her card had been stolen. Thank God for the generous discount the hotel gave their employees—and her. Otherwise there was no way she’d be able to bring herself to spend this much on a swimsuit, even if it did make her feel oh so sexy. She couldn’t wait to see Dylan’s reaction. If he didn’t notice it, she was going to be so disappointed. This sudden need to impress a man seemed about ten years too late to her. But she couldn’t argue with the results so far. And if a bikini would keep whatever she had with Dylan going, then she would gladly pull her Visa out and splurge yet again. She had no idea what to expect tonight, but if she had anything to say about it, she wouldn’t be going home alone.

  • • •

  Dylan had arrived at Josh’s house early to help set up the barbecue. It was close to seven when Zoe texted to let him know that she’d arrive
d. He’d suggested that she do that so they wouldn’t spend time trying to find each other. He also thought she might be a little nervous about being around so many people she didn’t know without him by her side.

  He’d spent the day running errands and catching up on some work before coming to his friend’s house. He’d had to talk himself out of dropping by the shop to see her. Damn, he’d wanted to so very badly. They needed time, though, to get back on their familiar friendship ground, and following her around like a puppy dog wasn’t going to allow that to happen. Why’d you invite her tonight, then? Yeah, he still didn’t have a good answer to that one. He’d felt an overwhelming urge to spend the evening with her and had already committed to this party. Seemed harmless enough at the time.

  Thoughts of his night with Zoe had been almost impossible to cut off. No matter how many pep talks he gave himself, he couldn’t stop them. Hell, he’d jacked off twice today already, which was highly unusual for him. Every guy made use of his hand on a fairly regular basis. Sometimes you just wanted the simplicity of rubbing one out. But it wasn’t usually that often, at least not for him. His last session was right before he left home. He figured if he took the edge off, he wasn’t likely to get a fucking boner as soon as she was near.