Read Kemamonit Undercover Page 1


  Kemamonit Undercover

  Copyright 2013 Paul Edwards

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Kemamonit Undercover

  Chapter One

  I had infiltrated the Rand Corporation.

  I was standing in front of the mirror in one of the women's bathrooms in their headquarters building.

  I looked at my reflection as I smoothed my hair and applied some lipstick, I saw a twentyish looking woman with dark skin and long black curly hair staring back at me. I was wearing a dark colored skirt and a matching jacket over top of a white blouse.

  I adjusted the clip on my security badge, it had a name and my picture on it, the name was Kemberly Smith, my new alias.

  It was my first day of work, I had constructed an identity for myself as a doctor of Egyptology, I had used sorcery in order to plant all the pertinent files and information in the proper databases around the world, my cover should be almost foolproof.

  It was midmorning and I had a meeting in one conference rooms in this building, it was a top secret briefing with three other people, the subject of the meeting was only to be revealed when we were all assembled.

  I knew it already.

  I put my lipstick back into my purse and then threw my purse over my shoulder, I left the bathroom and headed down the hall towards the conference room, I was fifteen minutes early.

  The Rand Headquarters building was of a very odd design, it was in reality two buildings, each constructed as an arc, they intersected at each end making it look like a huge eye.

  The oddness didn't end there, each office in the building was of the exact same size and the building itself was situated very close to an ocean beach, one that was very popular among tourists.

  I was soon standing in front of the conference room door where the meeting would take place, I straightened myself and confidently opened the door and walked in.

  There were two other people sitting at the rooms large conference table, a slightly chubby youngish man with thinning hair and glasses, and an older middle aged man, he was thinner and had greying hair.

  They both stood up as I walked in.

  "Hi, I'm Kem... Smith, I hope I'm in the right place," I said as I held out my hand.

  The younger man almost lunged at me as he grabbed my hand and shook it ahead of the older gentleman.

  "Um... hi... I'm Dr. Nord, pleased to meet you."

  He seemed to be reluctant to let my hand go, I could tell almost immediately that he was infatuated with me.

  "So I just call you doctor?" I said pulling my hand away.

  "Oh... no... I'm Frank."

  I shook the older gentlemen's hand.

  "I'm Jack Smert, I'm an experimental physicist, Frank over there is a computer scientist, what do you do?"

  "I'm an Egyptologist," I replied.

  "Our fearless leader should be here soon, she just sent me a text that she would only be a few more minutes," he said.

  "Who is she?" I asked.

  "Janet Lincoln... I'm sure you've heard of her."

  "Um... no... I spend a lot of time in the field digging... kinda out of date," I said.

  "Really you've not heard of her? PhD in criminology... graduated top of her class in Quantico... won a national championship in college basketball... caught the Black van gang."

  "The Black van gang... they were bank robbers right?" I said.

  "Violent psychopathic bank robbers, they always used a black van to escape, she had only been on the task force for three days before she found them, then shot them all dead in a firefight."

  "Oh... I heard about that, so she's the one," I said, my heart skipping a beat. I would have to be careful around her, I thought to myself.

  The door of the conference room flew open then, a tall dark skinned woman walked in carrying a laptop and a pile of files in her left arm, she was holding a cell phone against her ear with her other arm.

  Janet Lincoln was a woman in her late thirties, she had an attractive face bordering on pretty, her body was like a coiled spring, fit and lean, she wore conservative grey pants and a jacket.

  She hung up her cell phone and then plopped her files and laptop onto the table, then she stuck out her hand towards me.

  "Hi, I'm Janet."

  I shook her hand, she had large penetrating brown eyes, I felt like I was being probed as she stared into my eyes.

  "I'm Kem Smith," her grip was strong and I could feel calluses on her palm.

  "You're the Egyptologist, excellent, well let's get started, Frank could you lock the door."

  She flipped open her laptop and turned it on, there was a large flat screen monitor on one wall of the conference room, Janet grabbed a remote control that had been sitting on the table and then furiously started pressing buttons.

  It took only a minute before she had a PowerPoint presentation displayed on the large screen, I was impressed, I had never seen anyone get an electronic presentation to work so effortlessly, usually it required many frustrating minutes of cursing and mouse clicking.

  "People, this is why we are here," she pressed a button on the remote and a picture of a large statue appeared on the screen. It was of a young Nubian woman with extremely large breasts, she looked vaguely familiar.

  "Kem your analysis, " she looked at me.

  "Um... pre dynastic Egyptian... I think... created around three thousand BCE."

  "Close, it's about a thousand years older... very good, you know your stuff."

  I suddenly recognized the statues face, my heart started beating furiously.

  "This is Kemamonit... she is a sorcerer, this statue was discovered in the nineteen twenties in the Sahara desert, it was created by a worshipper of hers named Senbi... this woman was spotted in Seattle two years ago."

  Janet eyes suddenly narrowed as she looked at the statue, she studied it for a few seconds then she turned her head and stared intently at me, then at my breasts. I was wearing fake prescription glasses and I had confined my normally stubborn and rebellious hair into a conservative style using hair pins. I prayed she would not see though my disguise.

  Janet's face relaxed after seeing my normal sized breasts.

  "My god Senbi, will I never be free of your adolescent infatuation," I thought to myself.

  "She's still alive after six thousand years... is she immortal?" Frank asked, an incredulous expression on his face.

  "We don't know, she somehow corrupted the agent who was tracking her, which should have been impossible, he was a decorated special forces operative, he destroyed all the files on her, this statue is all we have left."

  "What do you mean sorcerer?" Jack asked.

  "Magic.. spells... whatever, we don't know, what we do know is that there are others."

  "Others?" I asked.

  "Yes, we have assembled this team, meaning all of us here, to pick lower hanging fruit, since she is obviously aware of us we have decided to go after someone else," Janet pressed a button on the remote and a p
icture of a man appeared on the screen.

  "Peter Plotski multi millionaire, he's in the rocket business," Janet said.

  "What makes you think he's a sorcerer?" I asked.

  "He fits a profile we've developed, a man with average ability suddenly becomes a superstar, he created a series of groundbreaking innovations in a very high tech field, then he didn't patent them."

  "That's not unusual... patents don't mean what they used to," Jack said.

  "You're right, however five years ago he was just a community college graduate running a failing second hand store."

  "This sorcery... is it genetic... is it like a psychic power," Jack asked.

  "We don't know, we are not even sure if he is a sorcerer, but he will be our first target," Janet flipped to the next slide in the presentation, a series of bullets.

  "He grew up on a farm in Minnesota, he was an average student, one brother, parents died when he was in his early twenties, he was an above average athlete, played some minor pro hockey, he was an enforcer type," Janet was summarizing the bullets.

  "What's an enforcer?" I asked.

  Janet turned and stared at me."

  "I was um... not into sports when I went to school," I said.

  "Hockey teams generally have three types of players, talented ones that score the goals and make all the artful plays, grinder types that give them the puck, and lastly, ones that are only there to scare the shit out of the other team, that's what he was."

  I looked at Janet and wondered if basketball teams had enforcers.

  "We believe that whatever this sorcery is it originated in Ancient Egypt, that's why you're here Kem."

  "Do we have any artifact's, evidence?" I asked.

  "Not anymore... we had a some jewellery, but it's disappeared."

  Janet closed her laptop and shut off the large screen, she put the remote control back on the table.

  "I have to go... Kem meet me in my office after lunch tomorrow, goodbye everyone... I don't have to remind you that all this is classified."

  With that she was gone.

  "Quite the whirlwind," I said.

  "So Kem... why don't we grab a cup of coffee and discuss this," Frank said, trying to act nonchalant.

  "Sure... are you coming Jack," I asked.

  Frank's expression changed to disappointment.

  "Ok," Jack said, standing up so quickly he banged his knee into the table, he had hid it better then Frank but I could tell he was infatuated with me as well.

  That was my curse, nerds were always crazy about me.