Read Kenilworth Page 22


  Vaulting ambition, that o'erleaps itself, And falls on t'other side. --MACBETH.

  The splendour of the approaching revels at Kenilworth was now theconversation through all England; and everything was collected at home,or from abroad, which could add to the gaiety or glory of the preparedreception of Elizabeth at the house of her most distinguished favourite,Meantime Leicester appeared daily to advance in the Queen's favour. Hewas perpetually by her side in council--willingly listened to in themoments of courtly recreation--favoured with approaches even to familiarintimacy--looked up to by all who had aught to hope at court--courted byforeign ministers with the most flattering testimonies of respectfrom their sovereigns,--the ALTER EGO, as it seemed, of the statelyElizabeth, who was now very generally supposed to be studying the timeand opportunity for associating him, by marriage, into her sovereignpower.

  Amid such a tide of prosperity, this minion of fortune and of theQueen's favour was probably the most unhappy man in the realm whichseemed at his devotion. He had the Fairy King's superiority over hisfriends and dependants, and saw much which they could not. The characterof his mistress was intimately known to him. It was his minute andstudied acquaintance with her humours, as well as her noble faculties,which, joined to his powerful mental qualities, and his eminent externalaccomplishments, had raised him so high in her favour; and it was thatvery knowledge of her disposition which led him to apprehend at everyturn some sudden and overwhelming disgrace. Leicester was like a pilotpossessed of a chart which points out to him all the peculiarities ofhis navigation, but which exhibits so many shoals, breakers, and reefsof rocks, that his anxious eye reaps little more from observing themthan to be convinced that his final escape can be little else thanmiraculous.

  In fact, Queen Elizabeth had a character strangely compounded of thestrongest masculine sense, with those foibles which are chiefly supposedproper to the female sex. Her subjects had the full benefit of hervirtues, which far predominated over her weaknesses; but her courtiers,and those about her person, had often to sustain sudden and embarrassingturns of caprice, and the sallies of a temper which was both jealous anddespotic. She was the nursing-mother of her people, but she was alsothe true daughter of Henry VIII.; and though early sufferings and anexcellent education had repressed and modified, they had not altogetherdestroyed, the hereditary temper of that "hard-ruled king." "Her mind,"says her witty godson, Sir John Harrington, who had experienced both thesmiles and the frowns which he describes, "was ofttime like the gentleair that cometh from the western point in a summer's morn--'twas sweetand refreshing to all around her. Her speech did win all affections. Andagain, she could put forth such alterations, when obedience was lacking,as left no doubting WHOSE daughter she was. When she smiled, it was apure sunshine, that every one did choose to bask in, if they could; butanon came a storm from a sudden gathering of clouds, and the thunderfell in a wondrous manner on all alike." [Nugae Antiquae, vol.i.,pp.355, 356-362.]

  This variability of disposition, as Leicester well knew, was chieflyformidable to those who had a share in the Queen's affections, andwho depended rather on her personal regard than on the indispensableservices which they could render to her councils and her crown. Thefavour of Burleigh or of Walsingham, of a description far less strikingthan that by which he was himself upheld, was founded, as Leicester waswell aware, on Elizabeth's solid judgment, not on her partiality, andwas, therefore, free from all those principles of change and decaynecessarily incident to that which chiefly arose from personalaccomplishments and female predilection. These great and sage statesmenwere judged of by the Queen only with reference to the measures theysuggested, and the reasons by which they supported their opinions incouncil; whereas the success of Leicester's course depended on all thoselight and changeable gales of caprice and humour which thwart or favourthe progress of a lover in the favour of his mistress, and she, too, amistress who was ever and anon becoming fearful lest she should forgetthe dignity, or compromise the authority, of the Queen, while sheindulged the affections of the woman. Of the difficulties whichsurrounded his power, "too great to keep or to resign," Leicesterwas fully sensible; and as he looked anxiously round for the meansof maintaining himself in his precarious situation, and sometimescontemplated those of descending from it in safety, he saw but littlehope of either. At such moments his thoughts turned to dwell upon hissecret marriage and its consequences; and it was in bitterness againsthimself, if not against his unfortunate Countess, that he ascribedto that hasty measure, adopted in the ardour of what he now calledinconsiderate passion, at once the impossibility of placing his power ona solid basis, and the immediate prospect of its precipitate downfall.

  "Men say," thus ran his thoughts, in these anxious and repentantmoments, "that I might marry Elizabeth, and become King of England. Allthings suggest this. The match is carolled in ballads, while the rabblethrow their caps up. It has been touched upon in the schools--whisperedin the presence-chamber--recommended from the pulpit--prayed for in theCalvinistic churches abroad--touched on by statists in the very councilat home. These bold insinuations have been rebutted by no rebuke, noresentment, no chiding, scarce even by the usual female protestationthat she would live and die a virgin princess. Her words have beenmore courteous than ever, though she knows such rumours are abroad--heractions more gracious, her looks more kind--nought seems wanting tomake me King of England, and place me beyond the storms of court-favour,excepting the putting forth of mine own hand to take that crown imperialwhich is the glory of the universe! And when I might stretch that handout most boldly, it is fettered down by a secret and inextricable bond!And here I have letters from Amy," he would say, catching them up witha movement of peevishness, "persecuting me to acknowledge her openly--todo justice to her and to myself--and I wot not what. Methinks I havedone less than justice to myself already. And she speaks as if Elizabethwere to receive the knowledge of this matter with the glee of a motherhearing of the happy marriage of a hopeful son! She, the daughter ofHenry, who spared neither man in his anger nor woman in his desire--sheto find herself tricked, drawn on with toys of passion to the verge ofacknowledging her love to a subject, and he discovered to be a marriedman!--Elizabeth to learn that she had been dallied with in such fashion,as a gay courtier might trifle with a country wench--we should then see,to our ruin, FURENS QUID FAEMINA!"

  He would then pause, and call for Varney, whose advice was now morefrequently resorted to than ever, because the Earl remembered theremonstrances which he had made against his secret contract. And theirconsultation usually terminated in anxious deliberation how, or in whatmanner, the Countess was to be produced at Kenilworth. These communingshad for some time ended always in a resolution to delay the Progressfrom day to day. But at length a peremptory decision became necessary.

  "Elizabeth will not be satisfied without her presence," said the Earl."Whether any suspicion hath entered her mind, as my own apprehensionssuggest, or whether the petition of Tressilian is kept in her memoryby Sussex or some other secret enemy, I know not; but amongst all thefavourable expressions which she uses to me, she often recurs to thestory of Amy Robsart. I think that Amy is the slave in the chariot, whois placed there by my evil fortune to dash and to confound my triumph,even when at the highest. Show me thy device, Varney, for solving theinextricable difficulty. I have thrown every such impediment in theway of these accursed revels as I could propound even with a shade ofdecency, but to-day's interview has put all to a hazard. She said tome kindly, but peremptorily, 'We will give you no further time forpreparations, my lord, lest you should altogether ruin yourself. OnSaturday, the 9th of July, we will be with you at Kenilworth. We prayyou to forget none of our appointed guests and suitors, and in especialthis light-o'-love, Amy Robsart. We would wish to see the woman whocould postpone yonder poetical gentleman, Master Tressilian, to yourman, Richard Varney.'--Now, Varney, ply thine invention, whose forgehath availed us so often for sure as my name is Dudley, the dangermenaced by my horosc
ope is now darkening around me."

  "Can my lady be by no means persuaded to bear for a brief space theobscure character which circumstances impose on her?" Said Varney aftersome hesitation.

  "How, sirrah? my Countess term herself thy wife!--that may neither standwith my honour nor with hers."

  "Alas! my lord," answered Varney, "and yet such is the quality in whichElizabeth now holds her; and to contradict this opinion is to discoverall."

  "Think of something else, Varney," said the Earl, in great agitation;"this invention is nought. If I could give way to it, she would not; forI tell thee, Varney, if thou knowest it not, that not Elizabeth on thethrone has more pride than the daughter of this obscure gentleman ofDevon. She is flexible in many things, but where she holds her honourbrought in question she hath a spirit and temper as apprehensive aslightning, and as swift in execution."

  "We have experienced that, my lord, else had we not been thuscircumstanced," said Varney. "But what else to suggest I know not.Methinks she whose good fortune in becoming your lordship's bride, andwho gives rise to the danger, should do somewhat towards parrying it."

  "It is impossible," said the Earl, waving his hand; "I know neitherauthority nor entreaties would make her endure thy name for an hour.

  "It is somewhat hard, though," said Varney, in a dry tone; and, withoutpausing on that topic, he added, "Suppose some one were found torepresent her? Such feats have been performed in the courts of assharp-eyed monarchs as Queen Elizabeth."

  "Utter madness, Varney," answered the Earl; "the counterfeit would beconfronted with Tressilian, and discovery become inevitable."

  "Tressilian might be removed from court," said the unhesitating Varney.

  "And by what means?"

  "There are many," said Varney, "by which a statesman in your situation,my lord, may remove from the scene one who pries into your affairs, andplaces himself in perilous opposition to you."

  "Speak not to me of such policy, Varney," said the Earl hastily, "which,besides, would avail nothing in the present case. Many others therebe at court to whom Amy may be known; and besides, on the absenceof Tressilian, her father or some of her friends would be instantlysummoned hither. Urge thine invention once more."

  "My lord, I know not what to say," answered Varney; "but were I myselfin such perplexity, I would ride post down to Cumnor Place, and compelmy wife to give her consent to such measures as her safety and minerequired."

  "Varney," said Leicester, "I cannot urge her to aught so repugnantto her noble nature as a share in this stratagem; it would be a baserequital to the love she bears me."

  "Well, my lord," said Varney, "your lordship is a wise and an honourableman, and skilled in those high points of romantic scruple which arecurrent in Arcadia perhaps, as your nephew, Philip Sidney, writes. Iam your humble servitor--a man of this world, and only happy that myknowledge of it, and its ways, is such as your lordship has not scornedto avail yourself of. Now I would fain know whether the obligation lieson my lady or on you in this fortunate union, and which has most reasonto show complaisance to the other, and to consider that other's wishes,conveniences, and safety?"

  "I tell thee, Varney," said the Earl, "that all it was in my power tobestow upon her was not merely deserved, but a thousand times overpaid,by her own virtue and beauty; for never did greatness descend upon acreature so formed by nature to grace and adorn it."

  "It is well, my lord, you are so satisfied," answered Varney, with hisusual sardonic smile, which even respect to his patron could not atall times subdue; "you will have time enough to enjoy undisturbed thesociety of one so gracious and beautiful--that is, so soon as suchconfinement in the Tower be over as may correspond to the crime ofdeceiving the affections of Elizabeth Tudor. A cheaper penalty, Ipresume, you do not expect."

  "Malicious fiend!" answered Leicester, "do you mock me in mymisfortune?--Manage it as thou wilt."

  "If you are serious, my lord," said Varney, "you must set forthinstantly and post for Cumnor Place."

  "Do thou go thyself, Varney; the devil has given thee that sort ofeloquence which is most powerful in the worst cause. I should standself-convicted of villainy, were I to urge such a deceit. Begone, I tellthee; must I entreat thee to mine own dishonour?"

  "No, my lord," said Varney; "but if you are serious in entrusting mewith the task of urging this most necessary measure, you must give mea letter to my lady, as my credentials, and trust to me for backingthe advice it contains with all the force in my power. And such is myopinion of my lady's love for your lordship, and of her willingness todo that which is at once to contribute to your pleasure and your safety,that I am sure she will condescend to bear for a few brief days the nameof so humble a man as myself, especially since it is not inferior inantiquity to that of her own paternal house."

  Leicester seized on writing materials, and twice or thrice commenceda letter to the Countess, which he afterwards tore into fragments. Atlength he finished a few distracted lines, in which he conjured her, forreasons nearly concerning his life and honour, to consent to bear thename of Varney for a few days, during the revels at Kenilworth. Headded that Varney would communicate all the reasons which rendered thisdeception indispensable; and having signed and sealed these credentials,he flung them over the table to Varney with a motion that he shoulddepart, which his adviser was not slow to comprehend and to obey.

  Leicester remained like one stupefied, till he heard the trampling ofthe horses, as Varney, who took no time even to change his dress, threwhimself into the saddle, and, followed by a single servant, set off forBerkshire. At the sound the Earl started from his seat, and ran to thewindow, with the momentary purpose of recalling the unworthy commissionwith which he had entrusted one of whom he used to say he knew novirtuous property save affection to his patron. But Varney was alreadybeyond call; and the bright, starry firmament, which the age consideredas the Book of Fate, lying spread before Leicester when he opened thecasement, diverted him from his better and more manly purpose.

  "There they roll, on their silent but potential course," said the Earl,looking around him, "without a voice which speaks to our ear, but notwithout influences which affect, at every change, the indwellers of thisvile, earthly planet. This, if astrologers fable not, is the very crisisof my fate! The hour approaches of which I was taught to beware--thehour, too, which I was encouraged to hope for. A King was the word--buthow?--the crown matrimonial. All hopes of that are gone--let them go.The rich Netherlands have demanded me for their leader, and, wouldElizabeth consent, would yield to me THEIR crown. And have I not sucha claim even in this kingdom? That of York, descending from George ofClarence to the House of Huntingdon, which, this lady failing, may havea fair chance--Huntingdon is of my house.--But I will plunge no deeperin these high mysteries. Let me hold my course in silence for a while,and in obscurity, like a subterranean river; the time shall come that Iwill burst forth in my strength, and bear all opposition before me."

  While Leicester was thus stupefying the remonstrances of his ownconscience, by appealing to political necessity for his apology, orlosing himself amidst the wild dreams of ambition, his agent lefttown and tower behind him on his hasty journey to Berkshire. HE alsonourished high hope. He had brought Lord Leicester to the point whichhe had desired, of committing to him the most intimate recesses ofhis breast, and of using him as the channel of his most confidentialintercourse with his lady. Henceforward it would, he foresaw, bedifficult for his patron either to dispense with his services, or refusehis requests, however unreasonable. And if this disdainful dame, ashe termed the Countess, should comply with the request of her husband,Varney, her pretended husband, must needs become so situated withrespect to her, that there was no knowing where his audacity might bebounded perhaps not till circumstances enabled him to obtain a triumph,which he thought of with a mixture of fiendish feelings, in whichrevenge for her previous scorn was foremost and predominant. Againhe contemplated the possibility of her being totally intractable, andrefusing obstinately to play t
he part assigned to her in the drama atKenilworth.

  "Alasco must then do his part," he said. "Sickness must serve herMajesty as an excuse for not receiving the homage of Mrs. Varney--ay,and a sore and wasting sickness it may prove, should Elizabeth continueto cast so favourable an eye on my Lord of Leicester. I will not foregothe chance of being favourite of a monarch for want of determinedmeasures, should these be necessary. Forward, good horse,forward--ambition and haughty hope of power, pleasure, and revengestrike their stings as deep through my bosom as I plunge the rowels inthy flanks. On, good horse, on--the devil urges us both forward!"