Read Kidnapped? Page 1


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  Chapter 1

  I left school with my friend Georgina. It was quite a sunny day, being late spring and I was pleased that it was half term. There was lots of noise as other kids rushed by us, so that they could catch their lifts home.

  My school was a private boarding school. Most of the girls including me and Georgina were boarders; the rest went home every evening. I was always jealous of the girls that could go home at night; every night. A few girls stayed at school during holidays because their parents were abroad. Those were the ones I felt most sorry for. Mind you, that had happened to me before.

  I wondered how much time I would have this time with Dad. He was always busy and sometimes he wasn't able to stay with me when I was on my holidays. Several times I have had to return to school early and join those other unlucky kids with no-where to go.

  Don't get me wrong, I loved my dad and he loved me, but what with him working and me being at school, we sometimes didn’t see each other for weeks and on one occasion months, those times totally sucked.

  It would be lovely to see my dad again, but he spent a lot of time travelling and it was only during school holidays that we got to see each other.

  I suppose that it would be a good idea to tell you a bit about myself. I am Emma Jefferson, my dad is Frank Jefferson, yes that Frank Jefferson, CEO of Jefferson Industries, though to me he’s just plain Dad.

  We were in the school drive as the place started emptying and we waited for our respective cars to arrive. Georgie’s mum turned up first; she’s always keen to get her darling Georgina back for the hols.

  Georgie’s mum did her usual totally embarrassing thing of hugging the poor kid and raining kisses on her, despite the understandable protests. I never knew that a face could get quite so red!

  Eventually, Georgie’s mum let her go and I said, ‘bye,’ to them.

  With a squeal of tyres, they were off in their car. I think that 4X4’s are cool, ‘cos you sit up quite high above the traffic. I kind of hoped that Dad might buy one some time.

  I looked at my watch, Henry, the chauffeur was a bit late, but he often is, especially if he has been running my dad around. If he is more than 15 minutes late, I have to call a taxi from my mobile.

  Miss Derbyshire came over. She was the art teacher and was quite nice, for a teacher.

  ‘Well Emma, any plans for half term?’

  ‘Not really, it depends on Dad and if he has time for us to go anywhere. He did promise to take me on the London Eye, last time we spoke and that would be great.’

  ‘It is good, I went up last year. You can see for miles. Is he picking you up?

  ‘No, I think that it’s the chauffeur this time.’

  ‘Well let’s hope that he isn’t too long,’ she said as she walked off.

  I sat on a wall, kicking my heels while I waited. It was quiet now; all the kids had been picked up and only a few teachers were milling about. Glancing at my watch I saw that in another five minutes, I would have to phone for a taxi.

  Hearing a car coming, I looked up and relaxed again — it was a BMW, our car was a Jag, a bit old fashioned, but that’s Dad for you! The car pulled up in front of me and the nearside window shushed down.

  ‘Hello Emma.’

  I went over to the car; a lady that I kind of recognised was looking at me expectantly.

  ‘Mrs Howard? You’ve changed your hair.’ I said as I bend down and looked through the window.

  Last time I saw her, it was long and she was a brunet. Now, it was shorter, styled differently and more importantly, blonde.

  ‘Yes, do you like?’

  ‘Mmm.’ I said, ‘it’s different.’

  ‘I fancied a change.Anyway, Emma, your chauffeur’s car is out of action and your dad isn’t available to pick you up, so he asked if I could do the honours and take you home, as your house is on my route, so hop in.’

  Mrs Howard was one of Dad’s assistants; I had met her a quite a few times at company outings. We hadn’t spoken all that, much, but she seemed quite nice.

  I grabbed my case and bag, put them in the boot and then got into the car.

  As we moved off, Miss Derbyshire looked up from speaking to the caretaker. She waved and I waved back.

  I sat in the front with Mrs. Howard and did up my safety belt.

  ‘Good girl; let’s go.’

  The car quietly slid away from the curb and soon we were on our way.

  ‘So Emma how is school?’

  ‘Fine thank you, Mrs Howard.’

  ‘That sounds so formal, Call me Claire.’


  ‘So you like school?’

  ‘It’s okay, I ‘spose, apart from the uniform, I hate skirts!’

  ‘Still a bit of a tomboy?’

  ‘I like to call myself individual.’

  ‘I bet you do,’ she laughed, ‘You’ll grow out of it, most girls do. How old are you now?’

  ’12, almost 13.’

  ‘Nearly a teenager, eh?’

  ‘Yes.’ I laughed politely, although I didn’t think that what she said was that funny.

  ‘Hungry?’ she asked.

  ‘A bit,’

  ‘If you open the glove compartment, you will see a bag of sweets; we can eat properly later.’


  I did as requested and saw some wine gums — I love wine gums!

  ‘Do you want one Mrs...I mean Claire?’

  ‘No thanks, I’ve already had my fill for today, help yourself; I bet you’re hungry, all kids are at your age!’

  ‘Thanks,’ I said enthusiastically, taking a sweet, an orange one, and popping it in my mouth and grabbing hold of a strawberry one, to eat after the first.

  I couldn’t resist chewing it — I never can and in seconds it was gone, closely followed by the strawberry flavoured one.

  Claire had a music CD in the player; ABBA I think, not sure really as they were ancient, give me Coldplay any day!

  I yawned, feeling a bit tired.

  Claire noticed.

  ‘Shut your eyes for a bit, you probably had a hard day today.’

  ‘Yes, I didn’t sleep well last night, as I was looking forward to seeing Dad again and we had games this morning.’

  Suddenly I yawned again, feeling a bit out of it. The journey was going to take an hour and a half...

  ‘I think I will have a nap after all,’ I said sleepily, and then I shut my eyes for a bit.