Read Kidnapped? Page 12

  Chapter 10

  As they walked in, I could see that Dad looked a bit upset. I couldn’t quite work out the expression on Claire’s face but it seemed like a mixture of worry and happiness…strange that.

  Hi Emma, ready for the off?’

  ‘Yes Dad.’ I said that while looking at Claire. She had a handkerchief in her hands and was gripping it tightly; it looked a bit wet and I saw her eyes were red too.

  ‘Hello, Emma, how are you feeling?’ she asked with a strained voice.

  ‘Okay, I guess.’


  It went quiet for a moment and then after clearing his throat, Dad said. ‘Look love we all need to talk a bit about things. The administrator has kindly let us use a room, so I think we ought to go there and then we’ll have some privacy. Do you need a hand?’

  ‘I’m okay,’ I said as I struggled to get up.

  I felt awkward to say the least with Claire being there. I grabbed the back of a chair and hauled myself up. Dad picked up my crutches and handed them to me and Claire opened the door.

  The room was just across the hallway. It was a sort of lounge with seats dotted about and a TV in the corner. With some relief, I plopped myself down in one of the armchairs. Dad and Claire sat on a sofa.

  I could see that Claire was bursting to say something.

  ‘Look, Emma. I’m so sorry that I did all those things to you. I doubt that you trust me and I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t. All I can say is that everything that I did, I did for you and your father. I’m not saying I would do things the same way if ever, God forbid, it happened again. Misleading you was stupid and not keeping you informed of what was going on was unforgivable. But at the time, I was trying to do things to keep you safe.’

  I could see the tears in her eyes and it was strange that Dad was holding her hand and sitting close to her. What was going on here?

  ‘Look love, I said we need to talk about things and we do. You have been through a lot and you deserve to know about what has happened and what is going to happen.’

  I was looking at Claire still; she had stopped crying now and was looking at my Dad with a worried frown on her face. I hadn’t said anything and had decided to keep quiet until I knew more, then Claire just spoke up.

  ‘Look Frank; do you want me to go out?’

  ‘No Claire, if Emma doesn’t mind I think you ought to stay. It concerns all of us.’

  I just nodded, not really understanding.

  ‘Okay Emma you have been through a lot and now it’s time for me to give you a full picture…no more secrets. The only reason why I haven’t spoken about things was on Doctor’s advice. They said that you needed to get a bit better before we talked about what is happening. Right, you remember what I said about Dave Evans?’

  I nodded; how could I forget; he was the one who started all this.

  ‘Well, he was arrested last week and is in custody. He is being charged with fraud and conspiracy to murder. That’s just for starters; there are a number of other charges pending.’

  ‘Good, I hope he goes to prison for ever!’

  ‘So do I, but we still have a problem. As you know, contracts were put out on both of us. They were done separately. Harry, my security head and the police have been able to track down and arrest the person who was contracted to kill me, but as yet, we cannot find the person who was out to kill you. We hope and pray that he is not stupid and has been looking at the news. It’s been all over the papers and the TV about this case and we think it probable that there will be no threat to you. But and this is a big but; until Dave Evans confirms who he put the contract out to, there is a remote possibility that you may be targeted.’

  ‘Does that mean someone might still want to kill me?’ I asked, dreading to hear the answer.

  ‘Yes; as I said, it’s a remote possibility, but still possible. The police are putting pressure on Evans for information…it may help him when he is being sentenced, but at the moment we need to put you somewhere safe.’


  ‘Well, we have been able to keep a lot of things out of the press; there has been what is called a gagging order about most of your part in all of this because of your age. So where you are now has been kept a secret. We also know that Claire’s cottage is pretty safe. No mention of your accident has been in the press and anyway, you were Melissa there…not Emma.’

  ‘Does that mean…’

  ‘I know it’s hard for you love, but would you mind going back to the cottage and staying there until the coast is clear?’

  ‘Do I go as Emma, or Melissa?’


  I thought for a moment. ‘What about Flic and her Mum, won’t they be suspicious?’

  ‘No; they know everything. We had to trust them and they are supportive and think that you are very brave girl for going through all this and pretending to be a Melissa.’

  ‘Okay, I’ll do it.’ I said after a few moments and with reluctance.

  ‘Well done Emma; you are a really brave girl! Now just in case, one of my security team, Amanda will be there as well as Claire. Also the police will be keeping a discreet eye on things. I won’t be around much as I need to sort out the mess that Evans left, but I will get down to the cottage as much as possible. That leads me to something else you need to know about?’


  Dad looked at Claire, swallowed and then looked at me with a slight smile on his lips.

  ‘I chose Claire to look after you for a very good reason. You know that I loved your mother very much, don’t you?’

  I nodded; they were very happy and in love.

  ‘When your mum was ill, she knew that she wasn’t going to live for long. She worried about me and how I was going to cope and also about you. She made me promise that if I found someone else, I should not be worried or guilty about it. Claire and I have been getting closer for a while now. I haven’t said anything as we wanted to be sure of our feelings before we spoke to you.’

  I remembered vividly how ill Mum had been. She had never been strong and when she got breast cancer they caught it too late and she died just three months after being diagnosed. I tried not to think too much of the time she was ill, only the times when she was happy and loving.

  I looked at Dad and could see that he was finding it hard to explain things.

  As Dad looked a bit upset, Claire took over.

  ‘We haven’t made a very good start have we? I suppose dragging you away wasn’t an ideal way to start a relationship! What we both want you to know is that no way do I want to take the place of your mother. She is so special to both you and your father. I also had a marriage that ended in tragedy and I lost my daughter too. I don’t want Frank or you to take the place of my ex-husband and daughter. This would be a new beginning for all of us. We had hoped to gradually come together and get used to things but everything has changed because of that man Evans. One thing I do want you to know is that if you don’t want Frank and I to get married, I will walk away, because the last thing I want is to break you two up. I’m going for a walk now and Frank will let me know what you think in a while.’

  She had tears in her eyes…well I suppose we all did. She got up and walked over to the door. It flashed through my mind in a second, all that she had done. Taking me from the school gates, taking me to her cottage in Cornwall; hiding me away and sheltering me from real harm…yes she had made mistakes…Dad had too…they should have trusted me, but maybe we all make mistakes. I loved my Mum more than life itself and nothing was going to change that. I could see that Dad and Claire loved each other and that was good enough for me…


  She turned back, a puzzled look on her face.

  ‘Yes, Emma?’

  ‘I don’t have to call you Mum, do I?’

  She smiled.

  ‘Not if you don’t want to; Claire would do nicely.’

  ‘Okay Claire. When is the wedding?’

  We all had a
hug then and it was nice to feel their warmness, smell Dad’s aftershave and Claire’s perfume. It would be nice to be in a whole family again. I think Mum was looking down at me, approving and that gave me a nice warm feeling inside.

  Sometime later, we were at a hotel, Dad and Claire had a room and I had the one next door. It had a door in between and it was kept open. The hotel had been chosen as it was reasonably close to Claire’s cottage. The reason why we were there was so that Dad’s security team could upgrade the alarm on the cottage and do a few other things to make it safer. We were to stay the night and then go down to the cottage the following day.

  Dad had gone out to meet with Henry and a couple of the security team to finalise the arrangements needed for when I went to stay at the cottage, so it was just me and Claire.

  ‘Now, Emma,’ said Claire, ‘Are you okay with being Melissa for a bit?’

  ‘No, I don’t mind.’


  ‘Yes, sure.’

  ‘Okay, do you need a hand getting changed or can you manage?’

  ‘I’ll be okay.’

  ‘That’s good. I’ll be next door. I’ve left some clothes on your bed. I tried to choose stuff you can easily wear with your leg. Does it hurt much?’

  ‘No, it’s just weak, well it aches a bit I spose. I was glad to get the plaster off though, as it itched like mad before and I could only scratch it with a knitting needle and that didn’t reach everywhere!’

  Claire laughed.

  ‘Well you can scratch it all you like now! Give me a shout if you need me.’

  She kissed my cheek, which was nice and then left me to get dressed.

  I pulled off my t-shirt and shorts and was just about to dress when I heard a shout from Claire in the next room.

  ‘You had better have a shower before you get dressed. Use a shower cap as you want to keep your hair dry.’

  ‘Okay.’ I shouted as I limped into the shower, carrying the clothes over my arm.

  It was nice feeling the warm water go down my body. There was some nice smelling shower gel…I think it was strawberries and I loved the way it made my skin feel soft as I cleaned myself with it. I was careful where I had a scar on my leg from the operation and made sure I didn’t rub it there because it still hurt to touch.

  Once I had rinsed off, I dried myself using a big white fluffy bath towel. Once I was nice and dry, I put on a nice cream long sleeved hooded top that was really cool looking. Finally I pulled on a short denim skirt that went about four inches above my knees. I had some white sandals to put on but had a problem.

  ‘CLAIRE!’ I shouted.

  Claire came rushing in with a worried look on her face. When she saw me holding the sandals she breathed a sigh of relief.

  ‘Gosh, Emma, I mean Melissa, don’t give me a heart attack shouting like that; I thought you were being murdered…oh God; what a poor choice of words; sorry honey!’

  I laughed at the look on her face.

  ‘That’s okay…sorry I shouted. I can’t get my shoes on as my leg still hurts a bit; can you help me?’

  ‘No problem,’ she put the sandals on my feet and then did the straps up.

  ‘There you go; you look lovely. Have you been taking the pain killers, by the way?’

  ‘I forgot.’

  ‘Well, what with everything that’s been going on, I’m not surprised. Stay here, I’ll get them. Oh and what about your iron tablets? The doctor says that you are still anaemic.’


  She laughed as she went into the bathroom for the pills. A few seconds later she came out holding a glass of water and the pills.

  ‘’If you were a real blonde, I might have to start calling you a dizzy one. Now take these and don’t forget to take them in future.’

  I swallowed the pills and then holding on to a bed post, stood up.

  Claire looked at me with concern.

  ‘I wonder if we should have let you stay at the convalescence home a bit longer for more physiotherapy.’

  ‘Oh Claire, but it was soooooo, boring!’

  ‘Hmmm; I’ll speak to the doctors, maybe we can arrange someone to call at the cottage.’

  ‘But it hurts when they do that physio stuff.’

  ‘I know, but you don’t want to end up with a limp, do you?’

  ‘I know.’ I sulked.

  ‘Okay, your father should be back soon, and then we’ll order up some dinner.’

  ‘Can’t we go to the restaurant downstairs?’

  ‘It would be best to stay here; less chance of being seen.’

  ‘But I’m dressed like this.’ I waived vaguely at myself.

  ‘I know hon, and very nice you look too; but we can’t afford to take chances.’

  ‘Spose.’ I said sadly.

  ‘Look, I’ve got some stuff for you; wait here, I won’t be a sec.’

  She went to her room and then came back carrying a carrier bag.

  ‘Here you are.’ she said handing the bag to me.

  I looked in and saw a box. Pulling it out, I saw that it was a mobile phone!

  ‘I hope you like it; the man in the shop said that it was a great phone and music player too. You will need to be very careful who you ring on it as we don’t want your identity to be broadcast…I have put your Dad’s mobile number in the address book, together with mine, Henry’s and also Flic’s…I don’t know Georgie’s number.’

  ‘Wow; it’s the latest iPhone; thanks Claire!’

  ‘That’s okay Melissa. Your old phone had a battery problem and your iPod was an old model that ran on gas, so we thought that we would kill two birds with one stone….oh God I’ve done it again!’

  I took one look at her and started giggling. In seconds, we were rolling about on the bed, unable to control ourselves.

  Once we had calmed down a bit, we noticed a very puzzled Dad standing just inside the door.

  ‘What is going on?’ he said smiling.

  ‘Just girl talk.’ I said and that started us off again.

  He shook his head.

  ‘I don’t think that will ever understand women. Let’s order Dinner, I could eat a horse!’

  ‘Yuk!’ said Claire and me together and that started us off giggling again!